Saturday, December 17, 2022




We can get drunk on words, in the same way, as we can get drunk on alcohol. This happens each time we don’t hear the sound of our own voice while we speak and engage in Disembodied Language (DL). We get carried away by what we say, by the words we speak, but how we speak presumably doesn’t matter. Drunk drivers would tell police-officers, they only had a few, but the breath-test shows how much alcohol they had in them, at the time of the accident. Drunk drivers have crashes and drunk speakers crash into everyone, everywhere, all the time. Not what any evil or immoral person says, but the fact that our common way of talking is outright dangerous, is not talked about, because it is normal.


In the court of public opinion, talking about how we talk isn’t an issue anyone is willing to pay attention to, yet, whether we know it or not, accept it or not, or are aware of it or not, this is and will remain the issue, regardless of what we are talking about. We can’t move away from our DL, unless we talk about it – not with each other, but with ourselves. We don’t need to talk about DL with each other, after we have dealt with it ourselves, but as long as we insist on talking about DL with others, we simply never get to talk about our own DL with ourselves, thus DL will continue to reign supreme everywhere.


Since it is inevitable, the notion, that what we say has an effect on what is going to happen, is a topic,  which is finally sometimes discussed these days. However, there is no appreciation at all for the fact that each of us creates his or her own reality with how we talk – with ourselves. Obviously, most of us don’t even realize, that we never really talk with ourselves, as all our energy is drained by the illusion that we can think about ourselves and each other.


Instead of using language correctly, by recognizing,  exploring and enjoying our Language Enlightenment (LE) with Embodied Language (EL), we habitually, faithfully, fanatically, stubbornly,  unconsciously, aggressively, and desperately engage in DL, with the false hope, there will one day be better outcomes for ourselves. Moreover, we only concern ourselves with how others talk, but not with our own way of talking. When it comes to our own way of talking, it is always, supposedly, what we say, which matters most, but when we talk about how others talk, we, unknowingly, try to address how they talk, but fail to do so and, therefore, we endlessly accuse each other of precisely what we keep doing ourselves.  


While we ourselves keep having DL, we only want to talk about the DL of others. As mentioned, this common tendency is treacherous, as it creates and maintains all of our problems. Yes, in the same way, that the earth is round and not flat, our own way of talking – not how others talk – always goes hand in hand with everything we experience in our lives. This unavoidable mind-blowing realization is always waiting for us, when we sober up from our words.


We may not yet fully recognize or acknowledge this, but we are destined to come out of our primitive, superstitious, ultimately, involuntary DL, to discover our self-nature, our LE, with our realistic, voluntary, response-able, and blissful EL. We only postpone it, by believing that how others talk, is more important than how we talk – with ourselves. Surely, it is not how others talk, why all the things in our lives are as they are, but how we talk with ourselves, and, yes, how we keep failing to talk with ourselves, since we only consider talking with each other as necessary. 


Only once we talk with ourselves, there is going to occur a real change in how we talk with each other. The shift from DL to EL, must first take place, by talking out loud, alone with ourselves. Only after we have done that, are we able to have EL with others. Those, who haven’t yet had EL by themselves, can hear, feel and experience the EL of someone, who has had EL with him or herself, but they will never be able to learn to have EL in this way. Once we talk with ourselves and experience the shift from DL to EL, a revolution begins to unfold, in which we will abandon all the behaviors, that were acquired due to our involvement in DL. Although, initially, this can  only happen each time we engage again in EL, we  will spend the rest of our lives being in awe about the creative power of our EL, as we live a life, which is firmly grounded in our own LE. It is impossible to understand the many magnificent implications of EL at once, but we will feel blessed, again and again...               

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