Saturday, December 17, 2022




When you explore your Language Enlightenment (LE) with your Embodied Language (EL), you will find that there is so much to see, to do, to enjoy and to be surprised, thankful and motivated about. Your life is like a grand parade of wonderful experiences and you get to be the person, who you like to be. Strangely, you do not become that person, as you have always been that person, but as long as you were side-tracked by your Disembodied Language (DL), you could not be yourself, as your language to be able to behave in that way, wasn’t there yet.


When people say, they have become the person they wanted to be, they are always lying. Nobody has ever become, who they wanted to be. You are  on this, presumably, spiritual quest, to be who you want to be, to be who you can be, to be who you were meant to be or to be who you were born to be, because of your almost permanent involvement in DL. As you begin to discard all your self-defeating behaviors, which, due to DL, you have acquired, the contrast between DL and EL keeps getting more clear, because, every time you shift from DL to EL and from EL to DL again, you are increasingly more aware that going back and forth between these two is very disturbing. You can no longer miss, deny, or forget about this contrast, when you talk out loud with yourself about what is really going on with you.


The dramatic contrast between your own DL and EL, shows that you keep holding on to something, you keep something behind. There are many things you haven’t said. You didn’t complete your sentences. You didn’t listen to your own reasoning. Therefore, you couldn’t follow through and act on your own intelligence, because you never devoted yourself to letting yourself know how you want to live your life.


If you do not tell yourself about how your LE works, you remain oblivious about your ability to create your own reality and, consequently, you will live in the illusion of reality, which is created for you by others. In other words, in EL everything is yours, but in DL you have nothing. This means, however, that in EL, you are only having what is yours, but in DL, you are burdening yourself (and others) with what isn’t yours. When you engage in EL, you want less and less, because what is yours can and will only reveal itself after you have abandoned all the junk, garbage, trash, and useless crap, you considered to be your biggest treasure in DL. Your LE can only be embodied by your language (EL), when you are no longer hindered by the burden, you forced yourself to drag with you, due to your dreadful, sickening DL.  


When I see the enormous amount of garbage that is produced by the homeless population in my town, I ponder about the significance of the contrast, they, inadvertently, create with their unwanted presence. It is sad, but mostly disgusting, to anyone, who can wear clean clothes and live in a home, to witness these people, who are living in and pushing around in shopping carts and shopping bags, the filth they accumulate everywhere they go. Homeless camps are appalling, stinking landfills, which destroy the natural environment. The meaning, someone like me – who knows about his LE due to his EL – gives to this unavoidable, undeniable, increasing problem is that the despised, shunned and discriminated homeless people, hold up a mirror to society, as a whole, but we keep refusing to look into. Surely, the homelessness problem is but a small part of a much bigger problem: the dirty way in which we talk.


Anyone who has the courage to acknowledge the extend to which he or she engages in DL or EL, will have to admit, there is an important, but, as of yet, missing link between DL, our usual way of talking and why so many people become addicted, suicidal, criminal or, as we say, mentally ill. However, it is only clear in EL this link even exists and that our common way of talking has negative consequences, we simply don’t want to talk or know about. In addition to wars fought with weapons, there are wars of words going on – everywhere – and, while there is certainly rampant destruction of natural habitat, there is also environmental degradation, due to how we sound while we speak. Moreover, on top of wide-spread hunger and thirst, in many parts of the world, there is a hunger and thirst for truth and genuine interaction, which can only be fulfilled, if we engage in EL. Surely, what we call civilization is based on our particular way of talking.


Not only poor, discriminated or deprived people are suffering, but everyone is suffering, because DL is still going on everywhere. In the name of parenting, politics, psychology, education and religion, people are sacrificed on the altar of language. I worked for many years in academia and in mental health, but I  found, that even the most highly educated and most affluent among us, unconsciously, have DL and therefore, are utterly incapable of leading the way.  


We all know, we are heading for a great calamity, but nobody has the clarity of language, to change course and to really make a difference. We hear a lot of talk about making a difference, but all our solutions, our so-called strategies, haven’t worked. There is good reason, they didn’t and couldn’t work, as they were always aimed at others, but not at ourselves. Moreover, the only way to make a real difference, is to stop ourselves from having DL, so that we can finally have EL and recognize our LE. If you want, we can talk, on weekends, free of charge, about this on skype. My name is limbicease                         

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