Saturday, June 17, 2023




Ik omschrijf mijn Belichaamde Taal (BT) vooral graag als een vorm van saaie humor. Iedereen probeert het te laten lijken alsof waar zij het altijd over hebben het belangrijkste is, maar waar ik het over heb, is echt het allerbelangrijkste. Echt waar, want niemand praat erover, behalve ik. Ik vind het niet moeizaam, maar aangenaam en ook nog leuk. 


Als je dit grappig vindt, is dat waarschijnlijk om de verkeerde reden. Je vindt het belachelijk, dat wat ik het allerbelangrijkste vind, door niemand wordt besproken, dus hoe kan het dan belangrijk zijn? Het is grappig, om de juiste reden, indien je herkent, dat ik plezier heb, terwijl jij dat niet hebt. Ik weet het, je geeft dat niet zo graag toe, maar het is echt waar en jou onvermogen om dit te erkennen, maakt dat je niet in staat bent om om de juiste redenen te lachen.


Doorgaans wordt door de zogenaamde stand-up comedianten aangenomen dat het publiek in principe in staat zou zijn, om te lachen en eigenlijk best wel wil lachen en dat ze dus gewoon maar iets moeten zeggen of doen, om hen te helpen, zodat ze gaan lachen. Ik geloof niet in de pure onzin van het aan het lachen maken van anderen. Naar mijn mening kan en wil het publiek – jij dus – helemaal niet lachen en daarom eis je altijd, alleen maar om om de verkeerde redenen te kunnen lachen. Je zult en wilt de gratificatie van de illusie van nep plezier. De sluwe ezels, die hun valse humor tot vervelends toe blijven balken, doen dit alleen, om jou akelige, plat-vloerse bereidheid uit te buiten, om nog weer een keer om de verkeerde redenen te lachen. Wat hebben we toch gelachen. Nou, nou, dat was lachen.  


Ik geloof niet in de illusie van plezier hebben, want ik ben in staat om echt plezier te hebben en om dus te lachen, om de juiste redenen. Waar ook in humor nooit over wordt gesproken, is het nieuwe, omdat we simpelweg niet weten hoe we het moeten doen. Praten over het nieuwe, zonder iets nieuws te zeggen, heeft geen zin, dus spreken we er liever niet over. Praten over het nieuwe heeft alleen maar zin, als we eindelijk eens het feit onder ogen gaan zien, dat we, keer op keer, onbewust, dezelfde, oude, saaie bullshit blijven herhalen en nooit echt lachen.  


Wat ik zeg, kan natuurlijk door jou als vervelend worden beschouwd, maar het is belangrijk, omdat het belangrijk voor mij is. Het feit dat anderen/jij dat niet belangrijk vinden, is omdat het hen/jou niet kan schelen, wat eigenlijk voor hen/jou belangrijk is.  Zij/jij/jullie geloven echter, dat zij/jij/jullie wel weten wat voor hen/jou/jullie belangrijk is, maar hun/jullie/jou taal creëert alleen maar de illusie, dat dat waar is. Hun/jouw Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) staat hen/jou niet toe, om zichzelf/jezelf te horen en dus, als het gaat om wat voor hen/jou belangrijk is, dan herhalen zij/jij, onbewust, zonder het te weten, alleen maar wat anderen hen/jou hebben verteld.


Als je voor het eerst BT hebt, ben je stomverbaasd, om te ontdekken, dat je voornamelijk alleen dingen doet, die je niet echt wilt doen. De enige manier om te beginnen met doen wat je wilt doen, is stoppen met doen wat je niet wilt doen. Tenzij je stopt met doen wat je niet wilt doen, zul je nooit kunnen aan de weet komen wat je echt wil. Dit stoppen van wat we niet willen, gebeurt dus zonder kennis over wat we willen. Wat we werkelijk willen kan eigenlijk als een totale verrassing voor ons komen, wanneer we eindelijk in staat zijn om doorlopende BT te hebben.


Toen ik, voor het eerst, mijn BT ontdektte, had ik me nooit kunnen voorstellen, dat ik zoveel mensen achter me zou gaan laten, om plezier te kunnen hebben en om door te kunnen gaan met mijn BT. Integendeel, ik wilde eigenlijk niets liever, dan voortdurend BT met anderen hebben, maar het bleek al gauw, dat dit nauwelijks mogelijk was. Hoewel het soms moeilijk voor me was, om dit toe te geven, het was toch nodig. Ik heb ook heel vaak getwijfeld of het wel juist was, om al mijn familie en mijn zogenaamde vrienden achter te laten, maar het was noodzakelijk. Ik moest het doen en ik ben nu blij en opgelucht, dat ik er niet meer over twijfel.


Ik vertaalde vandaag mijn Engelse schrijven in het Nederlands, als een saluut voor vaderdag. Toen ik hem, nadat ik al jarenlang getrouwd was, liet weten in antwoord op zijn plotselinge vraag, dat wij geen kinderen wilden, werd hij woedend en zei hij, dat alles wat mij betreft tevergeefs was geweest. Als zijn oudste zoon, was ik een volledige teleurstelling. En dat, terwijl ik niets liever zou hebben gewild, dan dat hij trots op mij zou zijn geweest, omdat ik met mijn Taal Verlichting (TV) mijn BT had ontdekt.   


De overtuiging, dat praten met anderen belangrijker is dan praten met onszelf, is een universele, zekere, zelf-vernietigende, zelf-vervullende profetie. BT heeft me, na veel vallen en opstaan, ​​geleerd, dat praten met mezelf daadwerkelijk belangrijker is dan praten met anderen. Hopelijk begrijp je – na het lezen van wat ik over mijn hemel-tergende gevoel voor humor heb geschreven – het is natuurlijk zo, ik heb meer plezier, om met mezelf te praten, dan om me met jou energie-verslindende OT in te laten.


Zelfs al zou ik, op de een of andere manier, besluiten om ineens een ​​briljante, grappige monoloog te produceren – ik heb daartoe geen enkele neiging, verlangen of motivatie – dan zou ik me nog steeds de wrede negativiteit op de hals gaan halen, van de droevige conditionering, van de stomme, domme, veroordelende, ongeïnteresseerde, defensieve en afleidende houding, van de niets-zeggende menigte, die ik – gedurende de vele jaren, die ik in mental health heb gewerkt en psychologie doceerde aan  Butte College – altijd heb gevoeld. Ook al ben ik zelf geen vader, ik heb, als geen ander, in al de mental health clienten en studenten, de afwezigheid van vaders waargenomen. Ik kon niets doen aan hun gemis. Stel je eens voor, dat ik zou hebben gezegd wat mij aan het lachen maakte? Het zou iedereen hebben beledigd, studenten en docenten, want wat ik zeg, druist in tegen wat iedereen gelooft.


Ik voel me nog steeds zo opgelucht, om niemand meer iets te leren, ook niet BT. Als je BT wil, dan lach je met mij mee of je moet zonder mij doorgaan met je slopende OT. Het is nooit bij je opgekomen, dat je  niet in staat bent om te lachen, vanwege de manier waarop je met je taal omgaat. Ik zie het niet als mijn probleem. Het is grappig, dat je zoveel ophef maakt over allerlei zaken en toch verschijnt het woord plezier niet eens onderaan je boodschappenlijstje.


Plezier hebben is voor mij het allerbelangrijkste. Daar moet je hopelijk om lachen, want ik geef echt volledig toe, dat ik niet zo'n grappig persoon ben. Je zou kunnen zeggen: ik ben grappig op mijn eigen manier en jij bent dat natuurlijk ook. Jij zou ook, net als ik, plezier kunnen hebben met jou eigen taal, als je wat speelser en ontspannener zou worden in wat je zegt en omdat je naar jezelf hebt geluisterd en hebt gevoeld, dat de manier waarop je zegt wat je zegt, op je lach-spier werkt. Het, in BT, voor de hand liggende feit, dat je niet kunt lachen om je eigen zware, krampachtige, moeizame woorden, is geweldig materiaal, het heeft alleen wat werk nodig.




I especially like to describe my Embodied Language (EL) as a form of tedious humor. Everybody is trying to make it seem, as if what they are talking about is the most important thing, but what I am talking about, is really the most important thing. It really is, because nobody is talking about it, except me.


If you find this funny, it is probably for the wrong reason. You find it ridiculous, that what I find most important, isn’t talked about by anyone, so, how can it be important? It is funny, for the right reason, if you recognize, that I’m having fun, while you are not. I know, you don’t like to admit that, but it is true and your inability to acknowledge this, makes you incapable of laughing for the right reason.


Usually, it is assumed by stand-up comedians, that the audience, in principle, is capable of laughing and wants to laugh and they just have to say or do something, to help them, by making them laugh. I don’t believe in this nonsense at all. In my opinion, the audience – you – can’t laugh and that’s why you always demand to laugh for the wrong reasons. You want the illusion of fun and dumb asses, who give it to you, enable your false humor, by exploiting your nasty willingness, to laugh for the wrong reason.


I don’t believe in the illusion of having fun, but in having real fun, in laughing for the right reasons. What isn’t talked about is the new, as we simply don’t know how to do it. Talking about the new, without saying anything new, doesn’t make any sense, so we never even address it. Talking about the new only makes sense, if we can address the fact, that we just keep, unconsciously, repeating the same, old, boring bullshit, over and over again.


What I say may be considered as tedious, but it is important, as it matters very much to me and the fact that others/you don’t find that important, is because they/you don’t care about what matters to them/you. They/you believe, they/you really care about what matters to them/you, but their/your language only creates the illusion as if they/you do. Their/your DL doesn’t allow them/you to hear themselves/yourself and so, when it comes to what matters to them/you, they/you, unknowingly, merely repeat what others have told them/you, but not what they/you have told themselves/yourself.


When you for the first time engage in EL, you are stunned to find out, you, predominantly, only do things you don’t really want to do. The only way to start doing what you want to do, is to stop doing what you don’t want to do. Unless you stop doing what you don’t want to do, you are never going to be able to figure out what you want. Thus, this stopping of what we don’t want, happens without having any real knowledge about what we want. It may actually come as a total surprise to us, what we really want, once we are able to have ongoing EL.


I never could have imagined, I would leave behind so many people, in order to be able to have fun and to continue with my EL. Although it was difficult for me, it was necessary. I doubted so many times, if it was the right thing to do – to leave all my family and my so-called friends – but it was and it is. I had to do it and I’m happy and relieved, I no longer doubt it.


The common belief, that talking with others is more important than talking with ourselves, is a universal self-defeating prophesy. My EL taught me, however, through many trials and errors, that talking with myself is more important than talking with others. As you may be able to understand, after reading what I have written about my sense of humor, it is, of course, true, I’m having more fun, talking with myself, than dealing with your energy-draining DL.  


Even if I would somehow decide, to give a brilliantly funny monologue – I have no inclination, desire or  motivation to do this – I would still experience the cruel negativity of the mute, dumb, judgmental, disinterested, distractable attitude of the crowd, I have felt during the many years that I was teaching psychology at Butte College. Imagine, I would have said anything, which made me laugh? It would have offended everyone, students and faculty, because what I say goes against what everyone believes.


I still feel so relieved, not to teach anyone anything anymore, also not EL. If you want EL, you either laugh with me or you will have to continue with your debilitating DL without me. It has never even occurred to you, you are incapable of laughing, because of how you deal with your language. I don’t see it as my problem. I find it funny, you make such a big deal about so many things, yet fun doesn’t even appear at the bottom of your shopping list.


To me, having fun is the most important thing. You should laugh about that, because I fully admit, I am not a very funny person. You could say, I’m funny in my own way and so could you. You too, could have fun with your language, if you became more playful and relaxed about what you say, because you’ve listened to yourself and felt, that how you say what you say, hits your funny bone. The, in EL, obvious fact, that you can’t laugh about your own heavy words, is great material, it just needs some work.       






Many people have talked, written, listened to or read about the, presumed, importance of being or finding your true self, speaking with your authentic voice or becoming who you, supposedly, really are, but this return to our original, reliable selves didn’t and couldn’t result in our Embodied Language (EL). Such so-called spiritual quests – which, of course, nowadays, must also involve writing another boring book, to, supposedly, tell your sob-story, giving a well-worded, dramatic speech about all the traumas you went through and have overcome, and posting your writings, videos or podcasts on social media – have nothing whatsoever to do with discovering  your own language, which uniquely fits with you.  


Although others, who also have EL, can hear it and can enjoy it with you, they don’t need to have your EL, as your EL is just for you and that is why, you can never go wrong with it. You go wrong with your mechanical Disembodied Language (DL), which is how you were conditioned to deal with language. While you may be highly educated and affluent, your obsession with words, which you call your mind, doesn’t allow you to say what you want to say often enough – and repeatedly enough – to make you hear, experience and understand the difference between your own DL and EL. In EL, there’s no problem in saying or writing what you have already said or written, as you know, absolutely sure, you have never said or written, what you are saying or writing at any given moment. Indeed, in EL, you are always new and your newness is determined by the fact, that your language is as alive as you and free from fear, frustration, stress or anxiety, as you enjoy expressing, what only you are capable of expressing.


In EL, you produce an attuned sound, a voice, which not only fits with, but also nourishes and energizes your body. Consequently, your nervous system and your brain is very happy with the aural vibrations of your own language and this is tangible, by how you feel about yourself. In EL, you just feel great, for no apparent reason. However, you do speak out loud, alone, with yourself and you realize, your language is really only about you. Initially, this may strike you as strange and almost unbelievable, with EL, you don’t need to be heard by others anymore, since you are now listening to yourself. By discovering and exploring your EL, you acknowledge, there truly is a language, which is produced by you, because it is strictly meant for you. Up until that very moment of recognizing your EL, you had never believed, that you would find or could find your own language, but suddenly you know, with 100% certainty, it exists.


Once you begin to have some EL instead of DL, you know you can always speak and hear it. Each time you speak and hear it, you are again reminded, a new phase of your life has begun. The change which occurs when you replace your DL with EL is needed. When you get to it, you feel so happy and satisfied that you have really changed. Positive, enduring behavioral change is impossible with DL. Since you were mostly conditioned by DL, you are – whether you know it or not, are aware of it or not or accept it or not – stuck with a burdensome repertoire of negative behaviors, which somehow will have to be stopped, if you want to continue with your own EL.


The conflict, you seem to be having, with yourself, which gives rise to – what should be described as an auditory illusion – what you refer to as your mind, is  about the extent to which you have experienced EL and DL while growing up. While it is certainly true that some of us have experienced more or less EL or DL, none of us have experienced steady, stable, conscious, skillful, confident, intelligent EL. In other words, nobody really knows what it is actually like, to continue with EL, as we have only been able to have accidental, brief, haphazard moments of it.  


Since the distinction between DL and EL, was never clear – before my elaborations on it – nobody has ever been in the position, to be able to deliberately, increasingly, more skillfully, continue with their EL. I know this sounds awfully pretentious, but I have lived with and investigated this concept for more than 40 years. Either I am lying or I am right, but I assure you, I am right. You agree when you explore what I am talking about. Before your discovery of your ability to decrease your DL and increase your EL, you were simply acting, unconsciously, out of your conditioning history with DL. Those who have had the good fortune, to experience more EL than others, while growing up, experience more conflict in their lives, than those who experienced minimal amounts of it. This is the great paradox of life, that those who have experienced more love, tenderness, care, support, sensitivity, beauty and intelligence, are inevitably more aware of the gigantic lack of these positive behaviors in themselves and others.


Without actively seizing on the possibility of having ongoing EL and, thus, reaping the many fruits of our Language Enlightenment (LE), we are totally unable to address and solve the enormous problems, which were all caused by our DL. Regardless of how well we were raised, our DL keeps wreaking more havoc and ultimately destroys our lives, while our EL, if it was ever remotely addressed at all, has no chance to blossom. EL is our new way of dealing with our language --in which we do what we do, because we have repeatedly, trustingly, joyfully, told ourselves, to do it and in which we don’t do and, eventually, completely stop doing the self-defeating behaviors, as we told ourselves, to stop doing it -- which only has positive outcomes. Our very own language, EL, is only known to us and it can and should only be shared with others, once we assured ourselves, we can continue with it, in spite of the fact that others aren’t interested it all. Our LE, expressed by our EL, makes us brave enough, to let everyone with DL know, that their EL is needed. I may not be able to have EL with you, but I felt, I needed to write this.          

Friday, June 16, 2023




Although everyone is already enlightened, due to our Disembodied Language (DL), it is inaudible. We can’t hear our Language Enlightenment (LE), as we don’t produce the right sound. This is not about an organic hearing defect, but a psychological defense mechanism, which prevents us from producing our natural voice. It sounds as bizarre as it is, but we can’t hear, we are enlightened with DL, our usual way of talking, in which we don’t want to listen to the fake-tone of our own voice, while we speak. We need to have Embodied Language (EL), a new way of talking, to hear, who we are and have always been.  


Make no mistake, you always pretend to sound like this or like that and you are so good at sounding casual, interested, happy, in control, at ease, cooperative and certain – and everyone else is also so used to it – that this is accepted as normal. It is not the same, to be truly friendly, genuine, relaxed, confident, interested, intelligent or to merely sound like it. The former sounds great and the latter sounds terrible, but we don’t hear it, because we are used to it. The problem of listening, is not about listening to others, but about listening to ourselves.


When you speak, you are simultaneously a speaker as well as a listener. Of course, there is no an inner entity, a speaker, who regulates how or when you speak or someone, supposedly, deep inside of you, who, presumably, is listening, to hear the so-called truth of the matter. In DL, you, unconsciously, and, therefore, carelessly, speak about the speaker or the listener, as you turn a verb or a process (speaking or listening) into a thing (the speaker or the listener).


In DL, we believe, pretend or try, in vain, to agree, someone is always more important than the other. Consequently, the vast majority of people would interpret the word listening, as listening to the someone else, that is, listening means paying attention to the speaker, who is not the listener. Listening is almost never understood or seldom referred to as listening to ourselves. As stated, there is no speaker, inside anyone, who does the speaking and there is no listener, inside anyone, who does the listening. We all, unknowingly, and, constantly, refer to these imaginary entities, because we have been conditioned to accept hierarchical speech, DL.


Not surprisingly, in DL, which is our usual way of talking, only a few people do all the speaking, of course, by pretending to represent others. However, the fact is, the admired, extra-ordinary, famous, powerful, superior, educated speakers, always dominate, manipulate, exploit and coerce, the subservient, masochistic, inferior, humble listeners. Regardless of all the bla-bla about equity, diversity, democracy and freedom, millions of people live in the illusion of DL and seem to have no other choice than to either oppress others or to be oppressed.


In DL, speakers compete with each other, to get the audience’s attention. Only those, who are the most vicious and conniving come out on top. Since I know the difference between DL and EL, I know that the attention which is received in DL is not the attention I want. It is harmful to me, as it distracts me from myself. Only in EL can I be myself and remain myself.  I listen to myself, while I speak and I have no doubt about it, that the so-called speaker and so-called listener are one. Thus, when I speak out loud, alone with myself, it is not my speaking, but my listening to myself, which is the most important and because I listen, I can understand and act on everything I say.


Another way of describing the aforementioned, is that in EL, the so-called listener gets the attention from the audience, who is the so-called speaker. If you talk with yourself about listening to yourself, you will find, your tone of voice changes, because you weren’t listening to yourself, as you have never deliberately talked with yourself, about listening to yourself. Also famous method-actors, politicians, scientists, psychologists, therapists or our so-called spiritual leaders engage only in DL, as they don’t listen to themselves. It is not the blind leading the blind, but the psychologically-deaf-to-themselves, who lead the psychologically-deaf-to-themselves.


After you have stopped your DL, you will hear your LE with your EL. Like me, you will act on what you say to yourself and achieve continuously positive results. These results, however, are not what you had in mind, as there is no mind. By listening to yourself while you speak, the notion of being a speaker or a listener dissolves. Likewise, the notion of having a mind and thoughts becomes irrelevant to you, as you master your own language. Your LE is something so simple and beautiful, but easy to miss. You don’t hear it, you can’t hear it, as long as your speaking-sound isn’t adjusted to who you are, when you are totally at ease. Take some time, to speak with yourself, to calm yourself down, so that you can hear and understand your LE, with your EL.

Thursday, June 15, 2023




Taking charge of your language is something entirely different from determining the so-called narrative. The latter is what we say about each other, but the former is about what we say to ourselves. What we say to ourselves, is completely opposed to what we say to each other, because we keep engaging in DL. In EL, this wouldn’t be the case, but to have EL, we must first know what DL is, so that we can stop it.


In DL, we aren’t in touch with ourselves, as we don’t  realize, our language is negative. We worry, stress, fight, distract, frustrate and disappoint each other as well as ourselves. In EL, by contrast, we know what DL is, that is why we aren’t getting involved in it. If we get sucked into DL, it is always involuntary, never voluntary. Although we believe, we can chose to have DL or EL, this isn’t true. We engage in DL by default, as we don’t know any better and when we have EL, our circumstances are such, we can have it.


Nobody is above the law of human behavior, which dictates, that when we perceive something to be a threat, our involuntary autonomic nervous system or the so-called fight/flight/freeze response kicks in. In neurobiology this is known as the mobilization response, which is down-regulated if we no longer perceive the threat to exist. However, as long as we still experience this alarm phase, neurotransmitters will course through our veins, which, aid this whole body-response, since this is a matter of our survival.


We are – whether we know it or willing to find out about it or not, whether we aware of it or willing or capable to admit it and talk about it or not – always in the grip of our own physiological stress-response, which is only as good as our previous ability to move away or neutralize the perceived threat. Given the undeniable fact that we engage in DL, in every society, it is quite apparent, we aren’t very good in dealing – verbally – with the threat we experience.


Our inability and unwillingness to talk about what makes us feel threatened causes negative emotions, that is, we become fearful, stressed, angry, chaotic, intimidated, hopeless, distrustful and pretentious in our language. This is why DL is audible everywhere. Unconsciously, we don’t want to listen to each other and we also don’t want to listen to ourselves, as we  don’t like to hear the horrible upsetting sound of DL.


When we notice the important difference between DL and EL, it is crystal clear to us, we want EL, not DL. However, this is not how we were conditioned. Although we can’t help, that we, again and again,  against our better judgment, engage in DL, we are not what we were conditioned to be and that is why, once we have experienced the great difference between DL and EL, our EL beckons us to go against our conditioning history, no matter how impossible this may seem. Another way of saying this is, that our EL increases our self-worth to such a point, we realize, our involvement in DL isn’t worth the hassle. While going against our conditioning isn’t easy, it is absolutely worth it, as all results of EL are beneficial.


We have many negative behaviors, as long as our DL continues and our lives are filled with contradictions and conflicts. Although you are reading this and you may even agree with it, without talking with me or  my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke – who also knows about it – it is impossible to know about DL and EL, as you have no solid reason, for why you should go against your own conditioning. We keep having DL, because, except ourselves, nothing can stop us. In  the conversation with me or AnnaMieke, you will be cured from expecting someone else to do it for you.


When you get into your own EL, you are catching up with yourself, as your entire history of conditioning, that is, your identity, is on the table. This is one of the most peculiar aspects about EL: you become aware of your DL. The bottom has fallen out of your DL. Once you have had some EL, DL doesn’t have its usual grip on you anymore. Although you still have the inclination to have more DL, it doesn’t harm you as much anymore and it no longer causes as many struggles and problems, because something – about your way of dealing with language – has changed.


Everything which has ever bothered you goes back to your mechanical involvement in DL. You don’t do anything to change it, but you know, more and more certain, each time you return to it, EL is your path and DL always distracted and dissuaded you from going your way. The grateful feeling of having found your own way is so beautiful. Your struggle is over, even though you know, in certain ways, your history of conditioning is still pulling on you. Everything is accepted, you are okay, yes, you are saved from the jaws of DL, which devour everyone, as your EL assures you, you are safe and what you have gone through, has brought you where you are today.


Your coming of age, dear reader, includes you read and understand this. You recognize, I have written this for you. Of course, I wrote it for myself first and that is why this text affects you. You are not your conditioning history, but you are who you can and will be with EL. Yes, you are capable of EL, in spite of your trouble-some history with DL. Your knowledge of the difference between DL and EL, takes the place of what you have called faith or spirituality. Instead of believing or trying to hang onto self-imposed, superstitious nonsense, you have the opportunity to reason and to use your own intelligence. Moreover, everything you have been able to put into words, with your EL, proves to be true. EL is not some stupid belief, but an entirely different and correct perspective about language, which, consequently, has very different results. Since you are always in charge of your own EL, you can’t miss, EL is the expression of your Language Enlightenment (EL).      

Wednesday, June 14, 2023




I know about the possibility of how to be at peace with myself. My Embodied Language (EL) gives me rest and relaxation, very much needed, as everyone engages in stressful Disembodied Language (DL). I don’t want DL, but I can’t help being affected by it. I feel fortunate, I have the possibility to return to EL, because most people don’t have that opportunity.


There is no other possibility to enjoy happiness and wellbeing, than with one’s own language. People have in vain attempted to achieve their comfort and health through prayer, meditation, exercise, study, knowledge, travel, sport, music or being in nature, but none of these activities could produce what only their language could produce. However, our DL prevents us from realizing this and only our EL can make us aware of the possibility of total freedom.


It is astonishing, but due to our usual way of dealing with language, which is DL, we speak every day with a voice, which – if we would listen to it – we don’t even like or want to have. As long as this continues to be the case, something is fundamentally wrong with our energy. Our relationship with our language is based on negative experiences, because we don’t know how to speak with the sound of our positivity.


The possibility of EL depends on whether we listen to what kind of voice we produce, while we speak. It may sound unbelievable –  I’m not asking anyone to believe in me – but in our common way of speaking, which is DL, speakers don’t listen to themselves, as they expect other listeners to listen to them. The word listening is treated, as if it only means listening to someone else, it is never interpreted as listening to ourselves, as that would change everything.  


Listening to ourselves, implies our freedom, as we are our own authority. Therefore, in EL, listening to others, doesn’t exclude listening to ourselves, as it does in DL. Thus, in EL, there is an entirely different way of listening, as listening to others, is the same as listening to ourselves. In DL, by contrast, listening to ourselves, means something completely different from listening to others. Moreover, in EL, listening to others, is the same as listening to ourselves, since it also means, that talking with others, is the same as talking with ourselves. In other words, during EL, all the speakers are supported by the great possibility, that our other-listening enhances our self-listening.


The possibility of our Language Enlightenment (LE)  depends on our ability, to differentiate between our own as well as each other’s DL and EL. However, this skill can only be acquired, if we spend time alone, talking out loud and listening to ourselves. It is only then, that we can recognize our own conditioning:  our tendency, to change the sound of our natural effortless voice, to an unnatural, effortful voice,  while we speak. Each time we do that, we switch from DL to EL and, suddenly, we feel full of bliss. As soon as we engage in EL, we will experience our LE.


Another way of describing the possibility of our EL, is that our self-regulation and self-instruction – that is, our ability to comport ourselves – is, of course,  dependent on the regulation and the instruction we have received and continue to receive from others.  In DL, the issue having to take responsibility, has an inherently negative meaning, since the coercive and stern instructions, we receive from others actually disturbs rather than supports our self-regulation. EL makes us confident and capable, while DL gas-lights us. If we look at the problems in society, it is clear, our way of dealing with our language isn’t working.


We all have the possibility, to engage in EL instead of DL, but this revolutionary potential is only going to manifest itself, if we fully accept, that listening to and talking with ourselves, is more important than being talked at by others and, consequently, always listening to the authority, which isn’t us. In EL, we are our own authority, as we listen to ourselves while we speak. Furthermore, since we are verbally the master over our own EL, we are experiencing our LE and have no urge whatsoever to pretend to be the authority for someone else. Therefore, with the attainment of the possibility of ongoing EL, all our struggle with or for authority comes to an end.             

Tuesday, June 13, 2023




Let me be very clear: my Embodied Language (EL) and my Language Enlightenment (LE) is much more important than Joe Biden, Donald Trump, national security or the LGBTQ community. I would love to speak with you about your EL and your LE, but you are more interested in other things. Everything you do or don’t do, is determined by your Disembodied Language (DL). This means: you are not really alive, because your language makes you repeat the same nonsense, over and over again. Of course, things are getting worse, as your DL is against anything new.


I know you don’t believe me, but for me every day is new, every moment is new. My LE wants me to use my language carefully. I don’t participate in your DL and can continue with my EL, which reveals what is important to me. The newness of my EL, is because I am alive, aware and in touch with my intelligence. I always have something new to say or to write, since my language is about me. I talk out loud with myself and listen to the sound of my voice, because that is more enjoyable to me, than talking with you.


I am not confused about what is going on in my life, as I stay clear from the trouble, which, inevitably, is created by your automatic, unconscious, dumb way of using language. I don’t accuse anyone, but I dare to speak my truth, nobody wants to hear. To hear my truth, you would have to speak with and listen to yourself. You too are able to say something new, but you don’t say it and that is why you can’t hear it. Whatever you say, you have already said and to say something new requires you to stop repeating yourself. If you don’t stop your DL, EL is impossible.  


Historically, people, everywhere, have made a big deal about saying the truth, but hearing the truth was never anyone’s concern. When anyone speaks,  as they say – truth to power – they don’t listen to themselves. All they care about is that others listen to them. However, when we speak our own truth, we are clear, because we can hear what we say, as we listen to ourselves, but when we don’t do that, we merely express our usual, reactive, demanding, coercive, insensitive words, which hide who we are.


DL hides the truth from you, while you don’t even know, you engage in it every day. What you consider to be your truth or the truth, is the product of your history of conditioning with DL, but the truth, which sets you free, your new truth, can only be expressed with the sound of your wellbeing. Your language is riddled with conflict, despair, struggle, fear, distrust, frustration and chaos. Moreover, you accept this as your reality. You don’t create, with your language, a different reality. Only when you stop your DL, so you can engage in EL, you create a new reality, but this is not some philosophy, either you do it or you don’t.   


After you have stopped your own DL – because you have repeatedly, patiently and faithfully listened to and given your total attention to, all the negativity, which was asking your attention – you will have EL and you can’t miss, that your reality is transformed. By changing from DL to EL, it is clear, you have taken the necessary steps to do something about your life, you had never done before. As you, initially, go back and forth between DL and EL, you realize, again and again, that you get, unconsciously, pulled back into DL, but now you catch yourself and keep taking the steps, to get back on track with your EL. It is clear to you, that your EL only continues, if say it and hear it. 


When you talk out loud, alone, with yourself, it is so easy to have EL, but when you are with others, who don’t know anything about EL, it is easy to engage in DL again. You would like others to have EL with you, but if you try to explain it to them, you will find, that you lose it and engage in DL again. It becomes very clear, that unless all your attention goes to your own behavior – instead of the behavior of others – your EL doesn’t and can’t continue. If you don’t devote your whole life to having EL, it is not going happen. It is clear, that all your energy is needed, to be able to continue with EL. Your EL collects all your energy. As you manage to stop your DL, your energy will accumulate. This is not some spiritual matter, but a matter of really verbally expressing your LE, your natural state of being free, clear and conscious.


Interestingly, your ongoing EL – which you can only share with those, who also explored and stopped their DL, so they could have ongoing EL – makes clear to you, you always, unknowingly, wanted to express your LE, but your DL, simply wouldn’t let you. Stated differently, your usual way of dealing with language, has prevented you from expressing your natural state of wellbeing and this has created nothing but problems. It is clear, these problems are left behind, if you keep engaging in EL. Psychology hasn’t taught us anything about EL and LE, neither has linguistics, behaviorism, science or literature.