Monday, September 4, 2023



People of this town should know, how fortunate they are, I am in their midst. Chico, California, could and should be known for the fact that Maximus Peperkamp, who attained Language Enlightenment (LE), lives there. There is nothing grandiose about stating this fact, which is written with my Embodied Language (EL). The world is in verbal darkness, as   everyone is conditioned to engage in Disembodied Language (DL). Even if people try to have EL, they end up having more DL, because they don’t know the difference between DL and EL. Chico could be known around the world, because it was here, that a new phase of mankind began. It already started, but you haven’t paid any attention to it yet. I don’t want this town to be declared a holy city, but I do want it to be known, that I am here and I have the solution to problems, we haven’t even been able to talk about, since we remained trapped by our DL.


I am a graduate of Butte College (BC) and California State University Chico (CSUC). These institutions play a big role in this small town. While pursuing my undergraduate degree, I have worked at Enloe Behavioral Health and at the Psychiatric Health Facility. I have accomplished a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology and a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology and for many years I have taught classes in Psychology at Butte College. Obviously, I don’t have a very high opinion about education or psychiatry. Both fields don’t deliver, precisely due to the issue, which I address. The situation is critical.  


Although I was a successful instructor and organized various effective seminars for the faculty and made many attempts to reach people, I have always been treated with disdain and disrespect, when it comes to my views about DL, EL and LE. There has never been any recognition of the great importance of what I have discovered and informed my students about for all these years. Also, I withdrew from my Ph.D. study at Palo Alto University (PAU), to become a Psychologist, as it became painfully clear to me, that nobody in academia is really interested in EL.


A while ago, I contacted, by email, the Chico News and Review (CN&R), the local paper, to let them know about EL, but I didn’t receive any response. Only after I send another email, admonishing them for not even having the curtesy to answer my email, I received a message, stating they weren’t going to write anything about the importance of how we deal our language. As I write this, I am reminded, I even did a radio show at KZFR, which, if I correctly remember, was called the Science of Interaction. I am also reminded that, the head of the Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) Program at CSUC, who interviewed me about why I wanted to become a therapist – at the time, I still believed, I was going to continue my education at CSUC – shocked, insulted  and hurt me, by repeatedly saying, that my interest in science was fascistic. Surely, I didn’t accept his authority and because of this incident, I decided to continue my education elsewhere. I never received an apology from CSUC, who still sends me invites to participate in their alumni activities. However, CSUC could still organize a symposium, in honor of my LE.


This small town in North California, could become known for the launch of a new perspective, on how we deal with each other and ourselves. Anyone who reads my blog – who will begin to speak with him or herself and listen to him or herself and act on what he or she is saying to him or herself – will know that what I say and write is irrefutable. As I have stated in the past, I deserve a Ph.D. for writing this blog, but, most importantly, this tiny town, which, like so  many big towns, is torn apart by politics, badly needs to acknowledge: more DL is not the solution.


I know what I am talking about and when I ask to be honored for my LE, I am making my LE available to everyone. Everyone benefits from knowing about EL, as it always expresses our LE. Yes, I want EL to be the talk of the town. It seems as if DL is the only game in town, but I let you know, this isn’t so. Since I know about EL and about LE, there is a new sheriff in town. I am not going anywhere, to the contrary, I am determined to run DL out of town. I will not be painting the town red, but I will definitely wake up this little sleepy town with my EL. Whether you are in town or out of town, you can always look me up,  talk with me and find out about what you didn’t know. With EL, you go all the way down town and you will know, there is more to your language, than how you use it.           




Everyone knows, there are certain things that you should not talk about, because it irrevocably leads to adverse consequences that you do not want. So we can – to avoid bad consequences – decide not to talk about things that could get us into trouble. It is one thing, however, to stop talking to others about those difficult issues, but it is quite another, to start talking to ourselves about what we do not want to or cannot talk about with others.


Talking out loud to ourselves, about what we cannot talk about with others, is the first step towards our Embodied Language (EL). When we first do that, we are amazed, aggrieved and hurt, that we can easily say anything to ourselves and we know very well, it should be possible to say it to others in exactly the same way, but we don't, because we don't want to break the usual pattern of expectations. We know from painful experiences, that talking to others as if talking to ourselves is not allowed. So, there is really nothing else we can do, than to tell ourselves about what we could not or did not want to share with others. When we realize, however, that our EL can hardly ever be shared with others, we will talk to ourselves in a different way than when we still cherish the hope, that others, who only know Disembodied Language (DL), would listen to us, in the same way as we have listened to ourselves. This understanding of how things really are allows us to let go of the other.


The understandable, obvious fact,
 that we are unable to talk 
to others in the same way
 that we can talk to ourselves, 
is accompanied by a sense
 of frustration, dissatisfaction
 and struggle we have about
 this. No matter what we 
do to get rid of that 
negative, nasty feeling, 
it doesn't ever go away. 
As long as we keep 
wanting that bad feeling 
to go away, it will never
 go away. When we talk
 about our negative 
experience, the word 
consciousness often comes
 up, as if these negative 
experiences could be avoided,
 if only we were finally 
aware of ourselves. They 
say: just look at it and 
suppose, the absence of 
that fantasized consciousness
 would cause us to have 
those bad experiences.


While it is never properly addressed in our so-called unconscious DL, it is really the case that everyone - so to speak unconsciously - struggles with exactly the same problem, which is therefore solvable for everyone, by simply having EL, instead of DL. However, moving on effortlessly with our own EL, never ever came about through prayer, meditation or magical, higher, all-encompassing, divine, everlasting, exceptional consciousness, but through verbal work, that is, determined, patient, attentive, goal-oriented and free speaking aloud to ourselves, about anything and everything, which we apparently were not allowed, which we supposedly couldn’t, didn’t dare to say or didn’t want to talk about with others or with ourselves.


Only when we, while talking aloud to ourselves, bring up for ourselves, what never came or could come to fruition, in the so-called conversation with others, only then can we begin to really experience what we have always experienced, but could not express in our own words and pace earlier. There is no escaping the fact that all of us, because of our hitherto undiscussed conditioning with DL, have been burdened with negative, but, most strikingly, also with positive experiences, about which we seemed to be unable to speak with others. So, if we continue to have EL, by talking to ourselves, there will be an interpretation and understanding of connections, we make with our language, between the causes and the consequences of all our behavior.


It is often said, we miss what is happening in the here and now, as we are too preoccupied with the past or the future. With EL, we can explain this very differently, because we can talk with EL about our DL and accept that, in spite of good intentions, any attempt to talk about DL with DL was doomed to fail. Thus, in EL we make known to ourselves and to each other the lawfulness of our behavior. The causes of our behavior always lie in our past and the consequences of our behaviors – which occur in the here and now – always lie in our future.


If we wonder, why others wouldn't listen to EL, our answer is short and sweet: they do, but they are in denial about it. They too hear EL, because that is what our ears are for, but they don’t talk about it.  So, with our ears, we always hear ourselves as well as each other. In the genesis of our language, when we begin to speak as nonverbal children, hearing ourselves, is still the same as hearing each other. However, as we develop our verbal behavior, speaking the same language becomes more and more important, but the innocent listening to the other, in the same way that we listen to ourselves, receives less and less attention, until it is, so to speak, completely out of our consciousness and seems to have disappeared. When, at long last, we let ourselves know – by talking with ourselves and by speaking in a listening manner – that we can only have EL with those, who, like us, can talk aloud with themselves, then we stop being busy with others, who only know DL and expect them to have EL with us. This releases the ecstatic energy in us, which makes us speak or write jubilantly, as I do here, about our Language Enlightenment (LE).

Sunday, September 3, 2023




Iedereen weet wel degelijk, dat er bepaalde dingen zijn, waarover je beter niet kunt praten, omdat het altijd onherroepelijk tot nadelige consequencies leidt, die je niet wilt hebben. We kunnen dus – om slechte gevolgen te voorkomen – besluiten om niet te spreken over zaken, die ons in de problemen zouden kunnen doen belanden. Het is echter een ding, om niet meer met anderen over die moeilijke kwesties te praten, maar het is iets totaal anders, om niet meer met onszelf te praten, over waar wij niet met anderen over willen of durven te praten.


Hardop met onszelf praten, over waar wij het niet met anderen kunnen hebben, is de eerste aanzet tot Belichaamde Taal (BT). Wanneer wij dat voor het eerst doen, dan zijn verbaasd, verongelijkt en gekwetst, dat wij alles tegen onszelf kunnen zeggen en heel goed weten, dat dit ook op precies dezelfde manier naar anderen gezegd zou moeten kunnen worden, maar we doen dit echter niet, omdat we het gebruikelijke verwachtings-patroon niet willen doorbreken. Wij weten vanuit pijnlijke ervaringen, dat het praten met anderen, alsof we met onszelf praten, niet is toegestaan. Er zit dus eigenlijk niets anders op, dan dat wij aan onszelf gaan vertellen, wat wij niet met anderen konden of wilden delen. Wanneer wij echter beseffen, dat onze BT nagenoeg nooit met anderen gedeeld kan worden, dan praten wij met onszelf op een andere manier, dan wanneer wij nog de hoop koesterden, dat anderen, die alleen Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) kennen, naar ons zouden gaan luisteren op dezelfde manier, zoals wij naar onszelf zijn gaan luisteren. Dit begrijpen van hoe het echt zit, maakt dat wij die ander los kunnen laten.    


Het begrijpbare, voor de hand-liggende feit, dat wij  niet in staat zijn, om met anderen te praten, op de manier zoals wij met onszelf kunnen praten, gaat  samen met een gevoel van frustratie, onvrede en strijd, dat wij hierover hebben. Wat wij ook doen, om dat negatieve, nare gevoel kwijt te raken, het gaat niet nooit echt weg. Zolang we blijven willen, dat dat nare gevoel weg gaat, gaat dat gevoel nooit weg. Als we over onze negatieve ervaring spreken, komt vaak het woord bewustzijn ter sprake, omdat we het doen voorkomen, alsof negatieve ervaringen kunnen worden voorkomen, indien wij maar eens eindelijk bewust zouden zijn van onszelf. Men zegt: kijk er maar naar en veronderstelt, dat afwezigheid van dat gefantaseerde bewustzijn er de oorzaak van zou zijn, dat wij slechte ervaringen zouden hebben.


Ook al komt het, in ons onbewuste OT, nooit op de juiste wijze ter sprake, toch is het zo, dat iedereen – ook al is het onbewust – worstelt met dezelfde problematiek, die voor iedereen oplosbaar zou zijn,  indien wij BT, in plaats van OT, zouden hebben. Het hebben van BT en het moeiteloos voortgaan met onze eigen BT, kwam nooit of te nimmer tot stand door een gebed, meditatie of een of ander magisch, hoger, alomvattend, godelijk en eeuwig-durend, uitzonderlijk bewustzijn, maar door vastberaden, uitvoerig, geduldig, heel aandachtig, doel-gericht en opgelucht hardop met onszelf te spreken, over van alles en nog wat, waar wij het niet met anderen over mochten, konden, durfden of wilden hebben.


Alleen wanneer wij, hardop met onszelf pratend, voor onszelf, ter sprake brengen, wat nooit aan bot kwam of kon komen, in het zogenaamde gesprek met anderen, alleen dan pas kunnen en beginnen wij echt te ervaren, wat wij altijd hebben ervaren, maar niet eerder onder woorden konden brengen. Er is geen ontkomen aan, dat wij allemaal, vanwege onze tot dusver nog onbesproken conditionering met OT, levenslang opgezadeld zijn geweest, met negatieve, maar ook juist met positieve ervaringen, waarover wij nog niet met anderen leken te kunnen spreken. Als wij dus voortdurend BT gaan hebben, dan vindt er, door het praten met onszelf, een invulling en begrijpen plaats van allerlei verbanden, die wij met onze eigen taal kunnen leggen tussen de oorzaken en de gevolgen van al onze gedragingen.


Er wordt vaak beweerd, dat we missen wat er in het hier en nu, in het zogenaamde moment, gebeurd, omdat we teveel bezig zijn met het verleden of met de toekomst. Vanuit BT kunnen wij hierover een andere uitleg geven, omdat wij het met BT over OT kunnen hebben en accepteren dat, ongeacht al onze goeie bedoelingen, iedere poging om met OT over OT te spreken, altijd tot mislukking gedoemd was. In BT maken wij aan onszelf en aan elkaar de wetmatigheid van ons gedrag kenbaar. De oorzaken van ons eigen gedrag, liggen altijd in ons verleden en de gevolgen van al onze gedragingen – in het hier en nu – liggen altijd in onze toekomst.


Indien wij ons afvragen, waarom anderen geen oren  zouden hebben voor BT, dan is ons antwoord kort en krachtig: ze hebben er wel oor voor, want daar zijn onze oren voor. Met onze oren kunnen wij dus zowel onszelf als elkaar horen. In het onstaan van onze taal, als wij als kind voor het eerst beginnen te spreken, is het horen van onszelf nog het zelfde als het horen van elkaar. Zodra wij echter ons verbale gedrag verder ontwikkelen, dan wordt het spreken van dezelfde taal van steeds groter belang, maar het onschuldige luisteren naar de ander op dezelfde wijze waarop wij luisteren naar onszelf, krijgt steeds minder onze aandacht, totdat het zogezegd geheel uit ons bewustzijn lijkt te zijn verdwenen. Wanneer wij uiteindelijk aan onszelf laten weten – doordat wij met onszelf praten en luisterend spreken – dat we alleen maar BT kunnen hebben met hen die, net als wij, met ook zichzelf kunnen praten, dan houden wij op, om van anderen, die alleen maar OT kennen, te verwachten, dat zij BT met ons gaan hebben. Er komt hierdoor een enorme extatische energie in ons vrij, die ons jubelend doet spreken en schrijven, zoals ik hier doe, over onzeTaal Verlichting (TV).  




The difference between my writing and the writing of others is that my text, this text, comes from my ability to have Embodied Language (EL), while others can only write from Disembodied Language (DL), because they don't know the difference yet  between DL and EL. In DL everyone wants to be right, but in EL you are always right.


In DL we only pretend to talk with each other, but both the talking and the listening are acted. DL is, without anyone seeming to notice, the way we are used to dealing with each other and with ourselves. Naturally, this comes with all sorts of problems. What a huge difference it is to have EL. It is so interesting, pleasant and natural, because everyone is always right.


Because of our unconscious DL, we get endlessly stuck in the conflict over who is, supposedly, right. It comes back to competition, which is always, exclusively and alone, about who is in charge, who has the power or who is the strongest, richest, most cunning and most inhuman. And, we also remain trapped, in the self-image, in the verbal delusion that others have created of us and that we, in turn, with DL, have created of ourselves.


I'm not stuck with my words. The great difference between your language and my language, is that my voice produces the words which, to me, always show my freedom, even if everyone wants to deny or undo that freedom. It is curious, so many people are so eager to take away the freedom of others. But the helplessness of those who allow themselves to be led by others – which, in DL, is everyone - has nothing to do with freedom. Yes, when it comes to our DL, believe it or not, we are all in the same boat.


Whether you are an oppressor of others or a victim of the oppression of others, both of you are always just preserving DL. Simply put, DL is the language in which the speaker dominates and suppresses the listener, even though the listener is him or herself the speaker. So, in DL - whether we want to admit it or not - we are all, so to speak, in a constant conflict with ourselves. Having power, armies, prestige, fame, money, houses, yachts, planes, listeners, followers, admirers and speech-writers, which goes hand in hand with the oppression of others, never causes us to fearlessly, live our life from freedom.


Due to our automatic participation in DL, which was dictated by our conditioning, we remain paranoid all our lives, because there are always pirates on the horizon, ready to take from us, what we, with much  pain and effort, managed to get a hold of. Everyone clings, to their wet blanket, to DL. We desperately hang onto the meager, artificial, rubbish we own or believe to possess. Also, people fanatically believe in anything and everything, because they have never recognized the great difference between DL and EL.


In fact, all of life is a conversation. 
Since we haven't had EL yet, 
we can’t see it that way, but 
all depends on whether we
 can talk about it and, of 
course, how we talk about it. 
In other words, everything 
revolves around how we 
deal with our language. 
With DL, we cannot 
understand ourselves 
and gain a healthy 
perspective, that is 
why we are always 
compulsively trying 
to prove ourselves right, 
to others. There is, however, 
nothing to prove to 
ourselves, so talking to 
ourselves – which is 
the foundation of EL – 
is the only beginning 
of genuine communication.

Just as it was getting light, I was jogging in Upper Bidwell Park this morning, on a winding, rocky path. It's finally nice and cool again today. I listened to my gasps and, suddenly, it felt, as if my breath was talking to myself. I didn't say anything, but still I told myself, I was going up steeply, then running down and then over some flatter terrain again. Also, sometimes, I had to recover from all the effort and slow down again, but at other times, it seemed as if I was being carried by the wind.


I listened to the alternating sound of my footsteps. Because of the ever-changing terrain, my steps told an ancient history. Jumping over the rocks, I heard the wonderful story of this beautiful path, in which everything seemed to be contained. Even though I know that path, because I've jogged there before, it's different every time. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's unexpected and sometimes it's just as I remembered it. I always jog to the big basalt rocks, where I go for a swim. That last part, before I get there, goes down and down. It's such a nice thing, to jog downhill and to hold yourself back, that you don't go too fast.


Things were also different today, because there were some mosquitoes, who apparently could easily keep up with my not so fast pace. I felt their bites, thrashed around and quickened my speed, but they kept following me. I was only liberated after I dived into the wonderful water. I swam around and let the water wash over me, at the small waterfalls. My body slid along the rocks, as I swam to my favorite spot. My language is so pure in nature. It's such a relief to be there. I also did some Qi-Gong exercises and made slow, large circles with my hands and arms and this sacred place told me, it is really me, who is experiencing all this beauty and peace.


I am now home and sitting in the garden. We did some shopping and will eat pizza, in a short while.  It's Saturday and I have nothing else to do. The wind blows softly and a cooing pigeon lets me know, I'm going to take it easy today. I hear the wind chimes in the neighbor's yard, but know, I have nothing to do with what others believe or how they live. When I was young, I was very curious about that. I wanted to experience, how people live in other countries and cultures. I found out that, despite differences, we all really want the same thing. Everyone wants EL, because it means security, stability and fairness. EL makes such a difference. It is incomprehensible, we still haven't started to deal properly with our own language, as only that can save us from the inevitable downfall we are heading for with our DL.                       

Saturday, September 2, 2023




Het verschil tussen mijn schrijven en het schrijven van anderen, is dat mijn text, deze text, voortkomt uit mijn vermogen om Belichaamde Taal (BT) te hebben, terwijl anderen enkel vanuit Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) kunnen schrijven, omdat zij het verschil nog niet kennen tussen OT en BT. In OT wil iedereen gelijk hebben, maar in BT heb je altijd gelijk. Dit komt, omdat we gedurende BT met onszelf praten.


In OT doen we net alsof wij met elkaar praten, maar zowel het praten als het luisteren is geacteerd. OT is, zonder dat iemand daar erg in lijkt te hebben, de wijze waarop wij gewend zijn om met elkaar en met onszelf om te gaan. Uiteraard gaat dat gepaard met allerlei problemen. Wat een enorm verschil is het, om BT te hebben. Het is zo interessant, aangenaam en natuurlijk, omdat iedereen altijd gelijk heeft.


Vanwege onze onbewuste OT, blijven we eindeloos vastlopen in het conflict, over wie er, zogenaamd, gelijk heeft. Het komt er, in die competitie, altijd, uitsluitend en alleen, weer op aan, wie het voor het zeggen heeft, wie er de macht heeft of wie er het sterkste, rijkste, sluwste en onmenselijkste is. En, we blijven eveneens gevangen zitten, in het zelf-beeld, in het waan-idee, dat anderen van ons en dat wij, vervolgens, met OT, van onszelf hebben gecreerd.


Ik zit niet vast aan mijn woorden. Het grote verschil tussen jou taal en mijn taal is, dat mijn stem-klank de woorden voortbrengt, die, aan mij, altijd mijn vrijheid tonen, ook al wil iedereen die vrijheid ontkennen of ongedaan maken. Merkwaardig, dat zoveel mensen er zo op gebrand zijn, om de vrijheid van anderen af te nemen. Maar, de hulpeloosheid van hen, die zich door anderen laten leiden – en dat is, in OT, dus iedereen – heeft met vrijheid niets te maken. Ja, wat betreft onze OT zitten we, of we het nou geloven of niet, allemaal in hetzelfde schuitje.  


Of je nou een onderdrukker van anderen bent of een slachtoffer van de onderdrukking van anderen, jullie zijn beiden altijd alleen maar bezig, om OT in stand te houden. Simpel gezegd is OT de taal waarin de spreker de luisteraar onderdrukt, zelfs al is die luisteraar zelf de spreker. Wij zijn dus in OT – of we het nou willen toegeven of niet – zogezegd allemaal  voortdurend in conflict met onszelf. Het hebben van  macht, legers, aanzien, roem, geld, huizen, jachten, vliegtuigen, luisteraars, volgelingen, bewonderaars en text-schrijvers, wat hand in hand gaat met de onderdrukking van anderen, heeft nooit tot gevolg, dat we, zonder angst, vanuit onze vrijheid leven.  


Vanwege onze automatische deelname aan OT, die werd bepaald door onze conditionering, blijven we ons hele leven lang paranoide, omdat er altijd wel  weer kapers op de kust liggen, die ons datgene af proberen te nemen, wat wij met veel pijn en moeite hebben kunnen bemachtigen. Iedereen houdt, met OT, krampachtig vast aan het schamele rotzooitje, wat men bezit of geloofd te bezitten. Men gelooft  fanatiek in van alles en nog wat, omdat men nog nooit het verschil heeft onderkend tussen OT en BT.


Eigenlijk is het hele leven een conversatie. Omdat we nog geen BT hebben gehad, zien we het niet zo, maar, alles hangt af van of we erover kunnen praten en natuurlijk, hoe we erover praten. Met andere woorden, alles draait om hoe wij met taal omgaan. Met OT kunnen wij onszelf niet relativeren, daarom zijn wij altijd weer ons gelijk aan het bewijzen, aan anderen. Aan onszelf valt er niets te bewijzen en dus is het praten met onszelf – wat de basis is voor BT – het enige begin van oprechte communicatie.


Ik was vanmorgen, toen het net licht begon te worden, in Upper Bidwell aan het joggen, op het slingerende, rotsachtige pad. Het is eindelijk weer eens heerlijk koel vandaag. Ik luisterde naar mijn gehijg. Het was ineens alsof mijn adem met mezelf sprak. Ik zei echter helemaal niets, maar toch vertelde ik, aan mezelf, dat ik, dan weer, stijl omhoog ging en dan weer omlaag rendde en dan weer even over wat vlakker terrein. Ook moest soms weer even bijkomen van alle inspanning en weer wat langzamer gaan en op andere momenten, leek het erop alsof ik door de wind werd gedragen.


Ik beluisterde ook het afwisselende geluid van mijn voetstappen. Vanwege het telkens veranderende terrein, vertelde mijn stappen een eeuwen oude geschiedenis. Tijdens het springen over de rotsen, hoorde ik het wonderlijke verhaal van dit prachtige pad, waarin alles leek te zijn vervat. Ook al ken ik dat pad, omdat ik er vaker heb gejogd, toch is het elke keer weer anders. Soms is het moeilijk, soms is het makkelijk, soms is het onverwacht en soms is het zoals ik het me herinnerde. Ik jog altijd naar de grote basalt rotsen, waar ik dan ga zwemmen. Dat laatste stuk, voordat ik daar aankom, gaat alsmaar omlaag. Het is zoiets fijns, om omlaag te joggen en om jezelf tegen te houden, dat je niet te snel gaat.


Het was ook anders vandaag, omdat er wat muggen waren, die schijnbaar mijn niet zo snelle tempo bij konden houden. Ik voelde de beten, sloeg wat om me heen en versnelde mijn pas, maar ze bleven me volgen. Ik was pas bevrijd, toen ik in het heerlijke water dook. Ik zwom wat rond en liet het water over me heen spoelen, bij de kleine watervalletjes. Mijn  lichaam gleed langs de rotsen, terwijl ik zwom naar mijn favoriete plek. Mijn taal is zo puur in de natuur. Het is zo’n verademing, om daar te zijn. Ik deed ook nog wat Qi-Gong oefeningen en maakte langzame, grote circles, met mijn handen en armen en deze heilige plek zei me, dat ik het ben, die dit beleef.


Inmiddels ben ik thuis en zit ik in de tuin. We deden wat boodschappen en eten zodadelijk pizza. Het is Zaterdag en ik heb verder niets om handen. De wind blaast zachtjes en koerende duif laat me weten, dat ik het rustig aan zal gaan doen vandaag. Ik hoor de wind-chimes in de tuin van de buren, maar weet dat ik niets te maken heb met wat anderen geloven of hoe zij leven. Toen ik jong was, was ik daanaar nog heel benieuwd. Ik wilde graag weten, hoe mensen in andere landen en culturen, leven. Zo kwam ik er achter, dat we, ondanks alle verschillen, eigenlijk allemaal hetzelfde willen. Iedereen wil BT, want dat betekent veiligheid, stabiliteit en rechtvaardigheid. BT maakt zo’n groot verschil. Het is onbegrijpelijk, dat wij ons nog steeds niet met onze taal zijn gaan bezighouden, want alleen dat kon ons redden van de ondergang, die wij met onze OT tegemoet gaan.                          




You can’t laugh, you aren’t going to laugh, it isn’t possible for you to laugh, with your Disembodied Language (DL). If you want to laugh – of course, you want to laugh – you’ve got to stop your DL. How do you do that? You’ve got to admit, you have it. Yes, you have a language, that doesn’t, that can’t make you laugh. Why do you want to laugh? It’s because you know, there is another language, which makes you laugh. Do you have that language? Obviously, you don’t. Not somebody else, but you must have that laughter language. I have Embodied Language (EL) and, ha-ha, I’m having such fun writing this.


You too, need to have EL, to be able to laugh. Why do you want me, to have that funny language for you? Ha-ha, with your dull DL, you can’t even laugh with me, about my EL. It’s sad, for you, but for me, it’s hilarious. You always want me or someone else to be funny, because you don’t have that enjoyable language yourself. You can’t enjoy yourself. Neither can those, who claim to have that elusive language of humor. They merely pretend to be funny and you play along with them, because it is enough for you, to be distracted, by anyone, from your own boring,  miserable, pitiful, troubling, confusing language.


I don’t laugh at any comedian, because they aren’t funny. I don’t have any burdensome DL, from which I need to be distracted. However, it isn’t fun, to be entertained or distracted, as you will be back to square one, after the so-called fun is done. Ha-ha, it wasn’t funny anyway, as you haven’t changed at all. Real fun changes you, yes, but, if it didn’t change you, what was it? The language, that has always overwhelmed you – which caught you off guard, which you, sheepishly and unconsciously, allowed to be forced on you, push you around, to turn things upside-down and inside-out – didn’t affect how you use your own language. To the contrary, it made you even deeper entrenched in your shallow, dumb DL.  


In one way or another, the comedian – but also, of course, the politician, the priest, the philosopher, the actor or the writer – is basically always saying: ha-ha, my language is more important than yours, is better than yours, is more meaningful than yours, is more truthful than yours. Ha-ha, I am funny, but you are not. What is accepted and revered, with DL, as humor, is arrogant and abusive. The language that is truly funny, is never better than yours, as it is yours. And, unless you have that language, you can’t laugh.


Ha-ha, you didn’t laugh, you couldn’t laugh, because you didn’t have the language – and the guts to have that language – to do it, but you believed others had that very special language, that elixir of happiness, that could make you laugh. Now that you read my words, you should know, you do have that language yourself. Moreover, you must have that language, as you don’t want to waste any more time, listening to someone, who is, supposedly, funny, because you now want to hear your own damn-funny words.


Start by saying something to yourself and if it isn’t funny, be upfront and honest about it. Why should you laugh, if it isn’t funny? Ha-ha, you can’t. You should reject it immediately. Why do you keep busy with something which isn’t funny? You get rid of it by saying, you don’t like it, you don’t want it, you don’t enjoy it, you don’t need it and you will not give up, until you have heard something, which pleases you and tickles your so-called funny-bone.  


You will hear it, you will feel it and anyone will can hear it. Ha-ha, you are funny. You’re really having fun with your own language and you’re not even saying anything funny. This has never happened, as nobody ever told you about this, but the funny thing is, you never told yourself about it either. Your EL is so funny to you, because it expresses your Language Enlightenment (LE). You could never express your LE with DL, because in DL, you keep listening to and condoning your own humorless words. Ha-ha, it had to be stopped, by you. You had to call yourself on it, by saying: wait a minute, this isn’t funny at all, this is not how I want to use my language. They say, the child got thrown out with the bathwater, but it’s humor, which – in DL – gets thrown out every time you open your mouth. You’ve lost your sense of humor because of how you talk. Ha-ha, you want it back and you need it. Without humor your language is dead and, although you use your language every day, you know it is getting in the way of what you really wanted to say. If you don’t abandon it, DL is going to continue and making you more depressed.


There is nothing to laugh about with your usual, heavy, deadening, effortful, horrible-sounding DL. Ha-ha, you’re really killing it. You may not actually commit suicide, but all your self-defeating behaviors are, in essence, suicidal. Why not just be practical and get rid of your negative language? Of course, you can do that, but you haven’t, that’s why you can’t laugh. Of course, you can laugh, after you have thrown away your DL. Considering this possibility, is already making you feel lighter, than stubbornly pretending, it isn’t necessary and that you don’t even have any say in it. Ha-ha, you don’t need to be become less, but more judgmental about yourself, because you are not funny and you know it.                     

Thursday, August 31, 2023




I've always wanted to talk about Embodied Language (EL), even when I wasn't aware of the difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and EL. I believe this is the same for everyone. The impulse to have EL comes from our Language Enlightenment (LE), which – likewise – is already the case, even though we could not yet have EL. The sporadic, fleeting, amazing moments when, despite our conditioning with DL, we could have EL for a little while, without actually really knowing it, are confusing, frustrating, and frightening, because we have no idea how we could fit it in our lives. In other words, the enormous importance of our natural handling of language has never fully dawned on us.


Even if no one reads this or comes to talk with me, with his or her EL, about his or her LE, this is always possible. If I've managed to break through my own conditioning with DL, anyone can do it. I am living proof anyone can have EL. I've never really cared that everyone always seems to be stuck with their DL, because I've always known this isn't true at all.


As soon as the right circumstances arise - which are created by someone like me, who knows the great difference between DL and EL - suddenly everyone has EL, effortlessly and naturally, even though one has always had DL.  All conflicts, chaos and misery evoked, repeated and maintained by DL disappear like snow in the sun when it is possible to have EL.


Verbalizing, making expressive, 
saying, writing, admitting 
and knowing our true nature,
 is something that always 
happens immediately and 
thus never gradually. Even
 though we were totally 
oblivious for a long time 
– having been talked into,
 literally, with compulsive 
DL, that it was of no 
consequence – the possibility
 of discussing our LE with 
EL has always challenged 
and haunted us.


Since we – without realizing this and without ever investigating or clarifying this ourselves – day after day, we put up with imposed language, we have continued to suppress our nature. Consequently, accepting and acting on what is true for us, is an insurmountable problem. Although we make many frantic efforts to do so, we never succeed in having EL, until we have stopped our own DL. So everyone always gives up talking with EL, because we've been overtaken by our conditioning history with DL.


I'm reminded of an old saying: Though the lie is swift, the truth catches up with it. Of course, the lie has always been something that had to do with our  use of language. It has nothing to do, of course, with whether the lie is narrowly feminine or masculine, for the lie, like the two mutually exclusive ways in which we deal with our language, is universal.


The truth only emerges with EL and that so-called finding out of the lie, is the realization that DL is something completely different from EL. It is true that the realization of this difference immediately characterizes the switch from DL to EL. It is and remains an undeniable fact for the time being that people, everywhere around the world, continue to engage in DL unconsciously and are ignorant of the difference between DL and EL. Discovering the lies which are perpetuated by DL, is the most important subject of all mankind, because this and this alone determines whether we will live in peace and truth.


Another remarkable saying is: honesty the lasts the longest. Lying is short term, so to speak, to get something done quickly, but trust and sustainability are – so it is believed – more long term. Uprightness, is always postponed to later and the truth, open communication - or EL - is being put on the back burner, because, supposedly, it takes more time to build such sincere, authentic relationship. However, trustworthiness has nothing to do with time, of course, because people have been struggling with DL for centuries. So, with DL, the truth never comes to light and we endlessly avoid the great challenge to find out for ourselves how things really work.