Sunday, September 3, 2023




The difference between my writing and the writing of others is that my text, this text, comes from my ability to have Embodied Language (EL), while others can only write from Disembodied Language (DL), because they don't know the difference yet  between DL and EL. In DL everyone wants to be right, but in EL you are always right.


In DL we only pretend to talk with each other, but both the talking and the listening are acted. DL is, without anyone seeming to notice, the way we are used to dealing with each other and with ourselves. Naturally, this comes with all sorts of problems. What a huge difference it is to have EL. It is so interesting, pleasant and natural, because everyone is always right.


Because of our unconscious DL, we get endlessly stuck in the conflict over who is, supposedly, right. It comes back to competition, which is always, exclusively and alone, about who is in charge, who has the power or who is the strongest, richest, most cunning and most inhuman. And, we also remain trapped, in the self-image, in the verbal delusion that others have created of us and that we, in turn, with DL, have created of ourselves.


I'm not stuck with my words. The great difference between your language and my language, is that my voice produces the words which, to me, always show my freedom, even if everyone wants to deny or undo that freedom. It is curious, so many people are so eager to take away the freedom of others. But the helplessness of those who allow themselves to be led by others – which, in DL, is everyone - has nothing to do with freedom. Yes, when it comes to our DL, believe it or not, we are all in the same boat.


Whether you are an oppressor of others or a victim of the oppression of others, both of you are always just preserving DL. Simply put, DL is the language in which the speaker dominates and suppresses the listener, even though the listener is him or herself the speaker. So, in DL - whether we want to admit it or not - we are all, so to speak, in a constant conflict with ourselves. Having power, armies, prestige, fame, money, houses, yachts, planes, listeners, followers, admirers and speech-writers, which goes hand in hand with the oppression of others, never causes us to fearlessly, live our life from freedom.


Due to our automatic participation in DL, which was dictated by our conditioning, we remain paranoid all our lives, because there are always pirates on the horizon, ready to take from us, what we, with much  pain and effort, managed to get a hold of. Everyone clings, to their wet blanket, to DL. We desperately hang onto the meager, artificial, rubbish we own or believe to possess. Also, people fanatically believe in anything and everything, because they have never recognized the great difference between DL and EL.


In fact, all of life is a conversation. 
Since we haven't had EL yet, 
we can’t see it that way, but 
all depends on whether we
 can talk about it and, of 
course, how we talk about it. 
In other words, everything 
revolves around how we 
deal with our language. 
With DL, we cannot 
understand ourselves 
and gain a healthy 
perspective, that is 
why we are always 
compulsively trying 
to prove ourselves right, 
to others. There is, however, 
nothing to prove to 
ourselves, so talking to 
ourselves – which is 
the foundation of EL – 
is the only beginning 
of genuine communication.

Just as it was getting light, I was jogging in Upper Bidwell Park this morning, on a winding, rocky path. It's finally nice and cool again today. I listened to my gasps and, suddenly, it felt, as if my breath was talking to myself. I didn't say anything, but still I told myself, I was going up steeply, then running down and then over some flatter terrain again. Also, sometimes, I had to recover from all the effort and slow down again, but at other times, it seemed as if I was being carried by the wind.


I listened to the alternating sound of my footsteps. Because of the ever-changing terrain, my steps told an ancient history. Jumping over the rocks, I heard the wonderful story of this beautiful path, in which everything seemed to be contained. Even though I know that path, because I've jogged there before, it's different every time. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's unexpected and sometimes it's just as I remembered it. I always jog to the big basalt rocks, where I go for a swim. That last part, before I get there, goes down and down. It's such a nice thing, to jog downhill and to hold yourself back, that you don't go too fast.


Things were also different today, because there were some mosquitoes, who apparently could easily keep up with my not so fast pace. I felt their bites, thrashed around and quickened my speed, but they kept following me. I was only liberated after I dived into the wonderful water. I swam around and let the water wash over me, at the small waterfalls. My body slid along the rocks, as I swam to my favorite spot. My language is so pure in nature. It's such a relief to be there. I also did some Qi-Gong exercises and made slow, large circles with my hands and arms and this sacred place told me, it is really me, who is experiencing all this beauty and peace.


I am now home and sitting in the garden. We did some shopping and will eat pizza, in a short while.  It's Saturday and I have nothing else to do. The wind blows softly and a cooing pigeon lets me know, I'm going to take it easy today. I hear the wind chimes in the neighbor's yard, but know, I have nothing to do with what others believe or how they live. When I was young, I was very curious about that. I wanted to experience, how people live in other countries and cultures. I found out that, despite differences, we all really want the same thing. Everyone wants EL, because it means security, stability and fairness. EL makes such a difference. It is incomprehensible, we still haven't started to deal properly with our own language, as only that can save us from the inevitable downfall we are heading for with our DL.                       

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