Wednesday, October 25, 2023



What the hell is wrong with you – this is a question you must ask yourself - that you don’t even consider connecting with me on skype, to talk with me about Embodied Language (EL)? Yes, this is your chance to speak with an enlightened person (my skype name is limbicease) and experience what it is like, to be enlightened yourself. Sadly, you don’t care, as you are simply too busy with your dreadful problems. What can an enlightened person do? I am here and we can we talk, that’s it. I will continue to have my Embodied Language (EL) without you and you will continue to go on with Disembodied Language (DL). The two never meet. If you talk with me, your DL either stops or the conversation will never happen.


This writing and my You Tube videos, are invitations, to put your misery behind you and to celebrate your enlightenment. However, I am not talking about the  stupid nonsense, which idiots – who presumably are enlightened – brag about and I challenge every one of them, to talk with me, as I will make clear, they haven’t stopped their DL and are just as mechanical about their language, as anyone, who follows them. I don’t seek followers, but enjoy having EL with you.


If you talk with me, you are not going to  become part of some phony spiritual community – that you literally and figuratively must pay for – but you are going to be one with yourself. You already pay the price for not having any EL in your shallow life and I don’t want your money, nor your attention. As you are, your attention is no good, but this will change, once we have EL together. I am sure, it is going to happen, that’s why I guarantee, you agree with me.


Yes, you will have to come to me, to get what you are looking for. I know, I have what you are looking for, but I suggest, you stop looking. Your EL is not about visual stimuli. These written words are to be taken with a grain of salt, because they derive from my spoken EL, which can only be recognized, if you  listen to it. Surely, EL is about auditory stimuli. This writing isn’t attention-demanding advertisement, but real language, one the first and, likely, the only written version of spoken EL, you will ever read.


Of course, you don’t believe me and I already know, this writing is not going to convince you, to talk with me. To the contrary, it proves, you right, to continue with DL. After all, you are so happy, so peaceful, so satisfied and so full of energy. How can someone, who has never spoken with you, know something about you, which you don’t know yourself? You are immediately offended and turned off, but after you continue reading, you will realize, it was false alarm. Don’t worry, if these insignificant words rub you the wrong way. In fact, this is necessary, to get my point.


I am enlightened and this is already clear, by reading my writing. Stated differently, by reading my writing or by listening to my You Tube videos, you find, to your own surprise, that you are enlightened too. It is a big difference, between how you felt before. You  never felt this way, as there was never any focus on listening to your language. Although you only read this, you can’t help imagine, what it sounds like and your suspicion is true: it completely bypasses your so-called mind. I write this about my EL, therefore, you read about my Language Enlightenment (LE).


Let me explain, why limbicease is my skype name. It is no coincidence, that this sentence rhymes, as the resonance of my EL, always creates relaxing poetry. The limbic system, is that part of your brain, which is involved in your emotions, your motivation, your ability to learn and your memory. Instead of having an agitated, fearful, stressful limbic system with DL, I present the possibility of dealing with language, in an effortless, positive and enjoyable manner. There is no need to fight, flee or freeze, when we have EL and you will be amazed, what you are able to say, when your limbic system, is finally equanimous, due to the sound of your own voice, while you speak.


With EL you will remember, that you were actually always a happy person. Your EL expresses your LE, because, who you really are, is not your fear, your anger, your anxiety or your confusion. Who you are is your wellbeing, which is either created with and maintained by your language or forgotten, ignored and made impossible, by your language. This is why your DL stops, if you engage in EL. However, your conditioning history is such, that even if you would  talk with me, to have some EL, your DL will still rear its ugly head. Stated differently, if you talk with me, you will for sure experience your EL and LE, but it is equally sure, you will very soon bounce back again to your usual DL-hell. This is where talking with me, more regularly, becomes helpful, but also necessary,  because talking with me, means you are having EL and having EL, means you are talking with yourself. I know what to do, to keep the EL conversation going.   

Tuesday, October 24, 2023




Regardless of what your situation you are in, how did you get into this situation, in the first place? It is because of your Disembodied Language (DL), that everything is the way it is. Everything would be very different, if you knew, this was actually the case, but since you don’t know about the difference between DL and Embodied Language (EL), your situation gets worse, day by day. You may experience the same problems, the same misery, the same beliefs or the same meaninglessness, but everything gets more complicated, intense and destructive, because you don’t have any solution to your dilemmas. The only thing, which would really make a difference in your situation, is if you could stop your DL and have EL.


The reason, I write today about the situation, is because I read some news, that Biden held a press conference, in which he said to his audience, toward the end of his scripted speech: “I have to go to the situation-room. There is an issue, I need to deal with.” It is hilarious, there is even such a thing, as the situation-room, in which we, presumably, deal with issues. This ridiculous figure of speech, which obviously is a product of DL, seems to suggest, we can contain our issues, in some room, but nothing is further away from the truth. Our problems, literally, are all over the map and the only thing, we can do, is address them with our EL, instead of our usual DL.


Although everyone – with DL – keeps talking about our problems, there is, of course, only our personal problem, which is our mechanical use of DL. Each of us reaps the negative consequences of our own DL. This is the inevitable situation, everyone with DL is in: you remain busy with the DL of others, only to the extent, that you haven’t dealt with your own DL. Yes, this has nothing to do with politics. If you can’t acknowledge that, your situation will spiral out of control, no matter what you do. As a matter of fact, everything you do – with DL – makes things worse.


The precarious situation you are in, is that you still believe in all sorts of verbal constructs, which have absolutely no relationship to the reality of your life. If you consider it scientifically, you find, that your ability to speak, listen, read or write, have nothing to do with your religion, your country or whatever you claim to be, your identity. Yes, we talk a certain way, because of what we believe, but, obviously, we don’t talk, because of our belief. Likewise, although we only listen to what we want to hear, our country doesn’t cause us to listen, as minimally, as badly, as we do. Furthermore, what we read, doesn’t cause us to speak any differently. This is the greatest hoax, there has ever been: that our written language can change our spoken language. Surely, since we only know how to engage in DL, what we have written, is a product of our almost constant involvement in DL. However, our own written language – which comes about, when we engage in EL and write and read, what we have written about listening to ourselves while we speak – permanently changes how we deal with our language, as we prefer our EL over our DL.


We have all heard or read the saying: those who do not learn history, are doomed to repeat it. However, this statement typically describes the situation of someone, who is used to having DL. It is not history which repeats, but it is your language. With EL, such a statement would never be made. Besides, we are not condemned by our ignorance about our past, but by our inability to listen to ourselves, while we speak. It is our unnatural speech, in which we don’t listen to ourselves – because only listening to others is considered to be important – which sets the stage for how we use our language and regulate all of our other behavior. In effect, our lives are a total mess.


One of the main reasons, you haven’t discovered, for yourself, the immense difference between your DL and your EL, is because you are afraid, about the shocking realization, that your situation, with DL, is totally out of control. Somehow, you keep pushing  and dragging yourself through your dismal life, but you have no home in your own language. Surely, it is absurd and astonishing, everyone with DL claims to know what they are talking about, while they have  no clue about the magnificent workings of EL. Those who admit the great difference between DL and EL, certainly don’t have a rosy picture of the world, as only they can see the terrible situation everyone is in with their DL. With DL, you dissociate and cover things up, as you don’t know how to deal with it.


When we cannot get out of a threatening situation, we are traumatized, but yet, we get used to it, and, therefore, everyone is used to DL. We have never been able, for any significant amount of time, to deliberately, skillfully, consciously, stop our own DL and, consequently, we have never experienced the situation, in which EL could effortlessly continue.


When you finally are able to stop your DL, tears will flow, as there is a lot of catching up to do, but you will feel certain, that you have really entered a new situation. You take in this new situation, step back and become aware of the many implications of your ongoing EL. You are enlightened, the moment you stop your DL and have EL. Thus, your ongoing EL is your Language Enlightenment (LE). No attempt at lightening your situation will fall on deaf ears, as you  always listen to yourself. The fact, that no one with DL listens to you, stimulates you to start listening to yourself. With EL, you bravely accept the situation of who your really are and who you have always been.            

Monday, October 23, 2023




De aarde was altijd al rond, ook al geloofden we eeuwen-lang dat ie plat was. Ook onze Belichaamde Taal (BT) was altijd al waar, ook al weten we er nog steeds geen ene moer vanaf. De voorspelling, dat we allemaal over BT zullen gaan praten –  omdat we eindelijk in staat zijn geraakt, om onze Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) een halt toe te roepen – zal gaan uitkomen, maar dat heeft helemaal niets te maken, met het arriveren van een zogenaamde verlosser of het nawauwelen van een religieus leider of boek.


Mijn voorspelling is al aan het uitkomen, ofschoon niemand in de gaten heeft, dat alle onze conflicten en problemen eigenlijk aangeven, dat het voorgoed gedaan is met onze OT. Wij hebben tot dusver met OT kunnen verder gaan, maar alles duidt erop, dat dit niet langer het geval is. Alles escaleert met OT en iedereen wordt steeds gekker. Onze onintelligente omgang met taal creert het geweld, de chaos en de verwarring, die overal waarneembaar is. Uiteraard ontkomen wij niet aan de gevolgen van onze eigen OT en al onze tegenstrijdigheden liggen eigenlijk al op tafel. We kunnen er alleen met BT over praten.


Het is zo, dat ik geen voorspelling doe, maar dat ik een voorspelling ben. Ik ben het levende bewijs, dat BT niet alleen mogelijk, maar hoognodig is, want het is werkelijk de oplossing voor al onze problemen. Ik aarzel niet, om vast te stellen, dat ik dus letterlijk de wijsheid in pacht heb. Mijn BT is beslist niet uit de lucht komen vallen en iedereen, die zich erin zou verdiepen, kan niet anders, dan erkennen, dat geen van de mensen, die het hoogste woord voeren, iets afweten van het enorme verschil tussen OT en BT.


Iemand’s intelligentie, tevredenheid, ontspanning of energie, wordt altijd bepaald door voorspelling. Wat wij willen, kan alleen gebeuren, als wij het gedrag produceren, dat tot gevolg heeft, dat onze wens in vervulling gaat. Uiteraard is ons zogenaamde doel iets wat alleen door onze taal gestalte kan krijgen en bereikt kan worden. Als wij, ondanks bloed, zweet en tranen, er toch niet in slagen, om ons doel te bereiken, dan toont dit eenvoudigweg aan, dat wij onszelf, ongemerkt, hadden opgezadeld met een doel, dat niet ons doel was. Ons eigen levens-doel wordt altijd bereikt, niet later, maar meteen. Onze voorspelling, is dus de juiste omschrijving van wie we zijn, als wij geen enkel doel hoeven te bereiken.


Ik doe geen enkele ongelovelijke voorspelling en als jij met mij praat, dan zul je erachter komen, dat OT je heeft beladen met allerlei bakers-praatjes. Het is zinvol, om even stil te staan, bij het feit, dat bakers of kraamverzorgsters, vroeger, bij het gebrek aan wetenschappelijke kennis, vanuit onwetendheid, allerlei onjuiste beweringen deden, betreffende conceptie, zwangerschap, bevalling of babytijd, de eerste levens-fase. De plotselinge overgang van onze OT naar BT – die dus nog nooit bewust heeft plaatsgevonden –  is eveneens een soort geboorte,  eigenlijk een weder-geboorte, waarover ons allerlei psychologische, philosofische, bijgelovige, spirituele en moralistiche flauwe kul is aangepraat en meestal is opgedrongen. Als wij met onszelf praten en naar onszelf gaan luisteren, dan valt die last van ons af.


In wat ik vroeger Luisterend Spreken noemde en nu omschrijf als BT, worden wij elke keer herboren. Dit is een voorspelling, die uitkomt, als jij gaat doen wat je moet doen, omdat te kunnen ervaren. Er gaat altijd iets aan jou gedrag vooraf en er is ook altijd een gevolg, van wat je doet of wat je niet doet. Het daarover hardop met jezelf spreken en het daarnaar luisteren, bepaalt dat jij kunt handelen vanuit eigen intelligentie en authoriteit. Ik behoef van niemand bevestiging over mijn BT, omdat ik het al waardeer. Bovendien is de voortgang van BT mijn waarheid en dus mijn Taal Verlichting (TV). Mijn BT kan alleen gewaardeerd worden, door hen die het ook hebben.


Voorspelling leidt tot intelligenter gedrag. Wanneer de voorspelling uitkomt, vindt er een bekrachtiging plaats van ons succesvolle gedrag en als dit niet het geval is, dan valt ons probleem-gedrag, vaak zonder dat wij er erg in hebben, weg. We houden er vanzelf mee op en daardoor komt er de energie vrij, om ons op een andere manier te gedragen. De afwezigheid van het voor ons juiste gedrag, is dus ook altijd een gebrek aan energie en verbale aandacht, voor wat er echt aan de hand is. Het hardop zeggen en het luisteren naar waar onze aandacht naar toe gaat, is een weldadig, ontspannen,vernieuwend proces, waarin wij vollopen en overstromen met energie.


Jou voorspelling wordt in jou BT altijd bewaarheid en dat is dus jou TV. Met BT praten wij met elkaar als verlichte wezens. Ons gesprek met onszelf en met elkaar is een vorm van archeologie, want wij ontdekken wat met OT eenvoudigweg niet mogelijk was. Het valt niet te meer ontkennen, dat onze BT rationeler, pragmatischer en subtieler is, dan onze OT en dat daardoor OT volledig heeft afgedaan. Na het ontdekken van het grote verschil tussen OT en BT, vindt er een onvermijdelijke vermindering van OT en toename van BT plaats. Indien dit echter niet gebeurd, dan is dat omdat wij het verschil tussen OT en BT nog niet echt hebben gehoord en ervaren. We zeggen misschien dan wel, dat we BT willen hebben, maar zijn nog steeds geneigd te ontkennen, dat we weer, vanuit onze conditionering, in OT vervallen.


In BT, maakt het ene moment het andere moment mogelijk. Onze taal ontvouwt zich op organische wijze, ieder moment op de juiste wijze voorspellend wat er in het volgende moment gaat gebeuren. In OT gebeurt echter het tegenovergestelde, omdat onze taal geforceerd, geacteerd en herhalend is, wat  natuurlijk hoorbaar is in de onaangename klank van onze altijd aandacht-vragende, energieverslindende, vermoeiende stem. Het Griekse woord prognosis, betekent eveneens voorspelling of voor-kennis over het vermoedlijke verloop van een ziekte. Het is van toepassing op OT, op onze ongezonde, onbewuste, onnatuurlijke wijze van omgang met taal. Er bestaat dus absoluut niet zoiets als een geestes-ziekte, maar er is wel degelijk onze gebruikelijke, geaccepteerde en zelfs vereistte, ongevoelige omgang met taal, die onvermijdelijk tot gevolg heeft, dat wij het contact met onszelf volledig kwijt zijn en daardoor allerlei bijgelovige, dwangmatige gedragingen ontwikkelen, in de ijdele hoop, dat wij op die bias-manier kunnen afdwingen – of in ieder geval in de illusie kunnen blijven geloven – dat wij gelijk hebben en zogezegd de juiste inschatting hadden gemaakt, van hoe het zou gaan. Het woord profeet is eveneens afkomstig uit het Grieks, van prophetes, a spokesman, one who foretells, who speaks for god – who for so long, due to OT, took the place of real knowledge – ; pro betekent voor en phanai, spreken of zeggen. Er zijn natuurlijk geen goden, alleen maar mensen, die iets zeggen.

Sunday, October 22, 2023




Although borders are, of course, man-made, there is no country without them. It is astonishing, to see how, in the name of the globalization of the world economy, governments have allowed millions of people – who never integrate into the culture – who take advantage of and destroy, everything that was good, about what were once countries. It is equally interesting, to notice, due to social media, the boundaries of our personal lives have become blurred, yet, simultaneously, we are increasingly entrenched in our preferred echo-chambers and our ability to communicate has swiftly withered away.   


With the existence of countries and maintenance of borders, the chaos and conflict – which has always been there, because mankind never acknowledged, let alone, dealt with, the great difference between our Disembodied Language (DL) and our Embodied Language (EL) – was still somewhat orderly, but old institutions lose support, with the rapidly changing demographics of societies. Again, at the individual level, this certainly means, less security, for anyone, who was privileged to live in a relatively stable, free, Western, democratic country. Furthermore, the DL,  with which we have created and maintained our communities, escalates into violence, as things are,  obviously, falling apart and getting worse by the day.


Since we have, until now, refused to look into how we are actually using our language or, rather, how we are being used by language, which never really was ours to begin with – because with mechanical, unconscious DL, we always stick to and unknowingly are imprisoned by, a particular narrative – any kind of pre-existing boundary is threatened. Our respect  for and faith in science, which created the comfort we enjoy, declined, as forceful political dogma has even put an end to the so-called debate, in which the DL of one person or party competed with the DL of another. Cancel-culture is destroying borders and the deliberately created chaos is carefully exploited by those, who seek to dominate others.


Since I know enough about the difference between my own DL and my own EL, to realize my Language Enlightenment (LE) – which allows me to continue with my EL – my boundaries are rock-solid. I never knew, I would enjoy being as private, as I am today. I don’t need anyone’s DL and people seem to notice, I am not interested in their phony talk. My EL guides me, to stay away from anything, that will affect me negatively. My ongoing EL instructs me to practice active avoidance as my most dominant behavior. I only approach what is beneficial to me and seldom need to escape from anything threatening, because I am so good at recognizing and avoiding DL. Anyone as sane as I am, will have strong borders, that is, he or she will be able to be and remain alone, with his or her own individuality and wholeness. It isn’t openness to others, which characterizes me, but my ability to stay with myself, with my own language.


History teaches us, once our borders are secured, nations can turn to social order. Likewise, our own personal behavioral history shows us, if we talk with ourselves and listen to ourselves, the consequences of our actions. My borders are not selected by me, by some internal self, by my mind, my thoughts or by my choice, but they are effortlessly and naturally determined by my EL, which informs me about the immediate and long-term positive consequences of my protective avoidance behavior. I am also acutely aware whenever I approach danger and I no longer feel any need or obligation, to get close to anyone with DL. I am truly free, but my integrity is defined by my borders. I got to where I am today, because I have literally and verbally crossed many borders.


Since I respect my own borders, I have no problem with the walls people put up, who engage in DL. As a matter of fact, I am totally comfortable with and certain about knowing, that they will stay in their self-imposed prison. Living within my borders, is afforded to me by my EL. Yet, I have no longer any urge to convince anyone about EL. Since I am victorious with my EL, my empire keeps becoming larger and larger and, subsequently, I have had to expand my borders. Due to my own history with DL, I had made myself live within borders, which were never mine, as they weren’t the result of my EL, but they were coerced, by the DL of those, who I have lived with, met and, eventually, left behind. I used to be, verbally, very small, but my EL made me live up to my name, Maximus, which means the biggest. Of course, I only write or say these things to elaborate on and extend my borders. It is amazing, how the new keeps revealing itself in my EL. If you would be interested in talking about EL, I would talk with you.

Saturday, October 21, 2023




When you throw a rock in the pond, there will be a ripple effect and when you use a particular word, you trigger for yourself, but also, for others, a whole set of reactions. We, unknowingly, constantly, react to our own language or to the language of others. Our reactivity prevents us from responding or from using our language for us, instead of against us. We have weaponized our language, as we believe, we can win the argument. Surely, the language we use, isn’t really our language, as we are possessed by it, rather than in charge of it and use it as we want to.


When we look into the clear water of the pond and watch the red carps swimming around, we become aware of the sound of the words, we use, while we speak and, suddenly, without any practice, without any effort, we engage in Embodied Language (EL), as our usual Disembodied Language (DL) has come to an end. This shift in our attention, had nothing to do with the words we said, as we didn’t say anything, that is, we didn’t speak, to have others listen to us, but we spoke, to be able to listen to ourselves.


The pond is not a metaphor for our language, since anything that comes to, supposedly, represent our language, creates more confusion. People compare  language to water, music, consciousness, poetry, comfort, health, illness, escape, worry or struggle, but such indirect use of language is the basis for DL.  In EL, we don’t compare our language to anything and, consequently, our words begin to make sense. We call it having peace of mind, but we finally are able to use our language correctly and joyfully.


We say, a picture speaks a thousand words, but we don’t realize, we engage, as usual, in DL. We even claim, we think in pictures, but this is only the way in which we speak, as neuroscientists have never found any words or pictures inside our brain. Our DL takes us into all kinds of falsehoods, which only become clear, if our DL has been stopped. Perhaps, it helps to meditate near a pond, but most likely it will not make any difference, unless we start talking out loud with ourselves and listening to the sound of our voice, so we can hear, we no longer sound so agitated, fragmented, confused and disappointed.


Only if there’s not a whiff of wind, the surface of the pond will be smooth as glass and perfectly reflect the single fluffy cloud, which is floating through the inky sky and temporarily obfuscating the full moon. By describing what is in our attention, we become attentive and whatever was attracting and holding our attention, is now giving us attention. In DL, we, as speakers or as writers, always demand the listener’s or the reader’s attention, but in EL, the speaker is him or herself the listener and the writer is him or herself the reader. During EL, there is no other listener, than the speaker him or herself and no other reader, than the writer him or herself. Our inability to conceptualize this, shows that we use our language unintelligently and unrealistically.


To speak and to imagine, there exists is a listener, other than we ourselves, is to fantasize about yet another pipe-dream, which is a nightmare, since we are never really listened to by the other. Likewise, to write, in the hope or in the belief, that others will read, understand or appreciate it, prevents us from acknowledging, that we can have our own language and, therefore, our own understanding of ourselves. Like the previously described fixation on words, this outward orientation, also changes the sound of our voice and makes us sound demanding and draining.


In DL, we force others to listen to us, but they never really listen, as they don’t want to listen, because we don’t speak in a manner, which elicits listening. As I have stated, we either react or respond, but our ability to do one or the other, isn’t, as we would all like to believe, voluntary. To the contrary, any kind of threat, even a perceived threat, elicits – whether we admit it or not, talk about it or not, are aware about it or not – an involuntary, autonomic or mobilization reaction. Similarly, what Stephen Porges has called, neuroception, that is, our awareness of whether we are safe instead of threatened, is also involuntary, it just happens, as we are all innately wired to survive. When we feel safe, we know, we feel safe and we know, because our DL has stopped and we have EL. Only during EL, do we use our language voluntarily.


I happen to know two famous Americans authors, who are somewhat obsessed with ponds. In his book Walden Two, B.F. Skinner steps into the shoes of the transcendentalist H.D. Thoreau, who wrote Walden; or Life in the Woods. Thoreau was a writer and Skinner had also wanted to become a writer before he became a behavioral scientist. Thoreau’s text, was a reflection upon his simple living in natural surroundings and Skinner’s book was an illustration of what a society could be like, if it was based on his behavioral principles. Both men are examples of the great American ideal of personal freedom, independence and self-reliance. Thoreau lived for two years in a self-made hut, near the Walden Pond. Skinner also always did his own thing and he single-handedly created behavioral analysis. Like so many other so-called great thinkers, these men and Porges too, attempted to stop DL and have EL, but they didn’t succeed, as they considered, what was  written, as more important, than what was spoken.


When I started out writing this text, with pond as my theme, I didn’t know, I was going to write and remember what I just did. In this last paragraph, I want to speak about a pond, I once sat at, in the night, when I still lived in the Netherlands. It was so beautiful and so peaceful. One night, however, a gigantic branch, broke off and came crashing down  right next to me. It could have killed me, but I just continued to sit there and I was feeling so grateful. I am now also reminded of a poem I wrote back then.




Sounds of cars are far away

The park is dark and still

I like to be here on my own until

Underneath my favorite tree

Feeling its depth and height

Peaceful unknown energy

Fills me up with light   

Friday, October 20, 2023




Yes, I like bluegrass music, because it is closer to Embodied Language (EL), than opera, rap, reggae, rock and roll or left-wing politics. Excuse me, but can we still have a real conversation? I mean, can we have some EL? Please, do what you need to do, to stop your Disembodied Language (DL), because I am not going to do it. Others may try, to get you to stop your DL, but I have given up on it. I rather continue with my own EL, but without you. That is what I do. I can do what I do, as I have realized my Language Enlightenment (LE). EL is, for you, not a big deal, but to me, it is, in fact, the defining issue of my life. EL is about my freedom, which is the freedom of speech.  


EL and LE are a big deal. It is the real deal. However, you can’t handle the real deal. You are into phony political deals and I can hear, in the sound of your voice, that you are not happy with it, although you keep trying to convince everyone, your DL is the best thing ever. Your DL is total bullshit. You may be a right-wing conservative, but you can’t step out of your own script, as I can. I know my own DL. It is just as stupid as yours. Knowing my own DL, gives me a clear picture of what your hopeless delusion is about. I know, I can also lay a heavy trip on you, but I don’t do that, because it is not doing me any good.


Bluegrass is a genre of American roots music, that developed in the 1940s in the Appalachian region of the United States. The only reason I talk about it, in this writing, is because something about Joe Biden’s hair, is really bothering me. It is this sticky, filthy, tiny mullet, at the back of his head, that is, according to me, why he, as a president, is doing as bad as he is. We have all heard about the long-haired Samson, who is sometimes mentioned, in the context of his relationship with the woman, who presumably led to his eventual downfall, as in, Samson and Deliah.


“She is so damned tough and loyal”, Biden bragged  about his wife (Jill), when he was still president elect, which means, he never believed in himself. His hairstyle reflects this. Biden clearly desperately tries to hang on to his last couple of hairs, but this doesn’t make any difference. As a matter of fact, his truncated hair, at the back of his head, predicts and explains the calamities, he is bringing upon the United States and the world, much better than any tea-leaves or tarot cards. This may sound ridiculous,  but the world has no other choice, than to hang on to every last piece of Biden’s hair. Going bold just ain’t his thing. Yes, we should be grateful, we can rely on his hair, to always be the way it is. It is about branding, consistency, dignity and aging wisely.   


What has this got to do with blue grass? Well, keep reading and you will find out. Every time you look at the back of Biden’s head, you know, who is going to win the next election. Forget about these so-called stolen elections, because it is the beautiful hair of the presidential candidate, which determines, who is going to be the next president. So what, Trump  set a new standard? His fluffy red hair pissed off so many people, they still can’t stop talking about it. There is nothing wrong with Trump, as a person, but his hair greatly infuriated people and Biden’s hair is pay-back. It is amazing, how a person’s appearance is affecting the outcome of the elections. Going back to Blue Grass, we all hunger for some authenticity.


Biden’s hair is a political statement: I may be an old man, but eighty is the new thirty. Being demented means, if I can’t have my way, I am always allowed to run my wheel-chair over your damn toes. My ghastly wife taught me to do this. In fact, she had to tell me over and over again, to convince me. She has my success at heart, that is why I always do as she tells me. She is such a great role-model, you know, a long-time educator, a proud military mom, as well as a prankster grandmother. Can you imagine, what it sounds like, when this ambitious, superficial, ruthless bitch says that: "The role I have felt always most at home in is Dr. Biden?" Yep, that’s typically her. Do I need to say more or did I say already too much?  


Of course, bluegrass was bluish-green grass, first introduced into Northern America, from Northern Europe. It might as well have come from Holland. The Dutch settlers came to the United States and created New Amsterdam, which later became New York. The Dutch didn’t care about religious beliefs, as they cared more about communication and trade. Because of Spinoza – a rogue Jewish-Dutch philosopher – people, in what was to become the United States, could believe whatever they wanted, as long as it didn’t interfere with selling snake-oil.  


I would like you to know, that apart from specific instrumentation, a distinguishing characteristic of bluegrass is vocal harmony featuring two, three, or four parts, often with a dissonant or modal sound in the highest voice, a style which is described as a high and lonesome sound. Your EL also always sounds lonesome, but, only when you first hear it. Although you can’t touch or smell it, it still helps to just look at Biden’s hair and imagine what it feels like to stroke it. It is greasy, but you will overcome your disgust with this flaky, mean, old man, if you firmly believe in the benefits it brings, that you are on the right team and on the right side of history.  


Bluegrass is absolutely essential to the sound of American music. I like it, that it is described as music that penetrates your soul, makes you want to howl and makes you want to hop on one leg. Biden does this sometimes, when he is giddy and folksy. It refers to the fact, he is still alive, in spite of his DL. The people who play it and those, who come around to listen to it and dance, are alive with something, that those who are not into Bluegrass seem to have lost. I like to sing my own text to old Bluegrass melodies to let you know, that we can still have EL. It helps me, to fit in, to have an excuse, to wear a cowboy hat and be the kind of American, I want to be. Just type my name, Maximus Peperkamp, on You Tube and you can hear my wonderful songs, which, in my opinion, are almost always better than the original.           

Thursday, October 19, 2023




Trees, rivers, mountains, skies, oceans, animals and planets exist without language. Only human beings have language, with which we describe everything. Without Embodied Language (EL), nature doesn’t even seem to exist or have any importance, but with our common language, which is Disembodied Language (DL), we deny that nature exists and that we ourselves are nature, in spite of our stupid way of dealing with language. EL is our nature, we just don’t know it yet and that is why it is making us so incredibly happy. Our Language Enlightenment (LE) brings out our self-nature. However, our LE requires another way of dealing with language than we are used to.


Although you mechanically engage in DL, every day, because everyone, unknowingly, says to you: DL is in your nature and isn’t something that is ever going to change, you can change it, quickly and effortlessly. If you take some time, to speak – alone – out loud with yourself and listen, to the sound of your voice, you will first hear your DL, but if you tell yourself, the opposite of what you’ve been told – that it is not in your nature, to speak with a voice, which you yourself, now that you listen to it, don’t like – you will find, to your own big surprise, you can easily stop your DL and have EL. Your nature wants to express itself.  


People say dumb things about nature, because they don’t have the language, to say anything intelligent about it. For instance, if someone does something nice, we would say: part of it was simply his nature and that part is sweet and selfless. There is no such thing as being a part of nature, because it is whole. Only a language, which expresses our wholeness can express our nature, but as long as we talk about this or that part, we are divided and fragmented.


We all, unconsciously, have the notion – which is our own neurotic, stressful, restless,  distracted and frustrated experience – that nature is constantly being threatened and violated. People worry a great deal about climate change, but they have no clue at all, about the toxic atmosphere they keep creating, for themselves and for others, with their language. DL, is our common way of talking, which sets the stage for how we mechanically deal with language. As the world goes to hell in hand-basket and we are all awaiting impending doom, we still stubbornly claim, that nature will find a way to deal with it. Few people even dare to admit, that nature doesn’t have any purpose. How are we supposed work with, instead of against, nature, if we don’t even acknowledge, that our language determines all our other behaviors?


It is certainly in my nature, to share with you, what I have come to know. My EL has revealed my LE and I am convinced, you could also be as happy as I am, but your unnatural DL has to stop. Forget about all the other so-called threats and consider the threat, which you, unknowingly, keep imposing on yourself and others, by how you normally sound, whenever you speak. Although it is natural, to react to any kind of threat with a fight-flight-freeze response, you can understand, that such a mobilization-response is the foundation for your DL. Therefore, unless you create an aversive-free environment, there cannot be and there will not be any EL. To be able to have EL, you must go against your nature and stop being busy with your constant arousal about all the negativity, which is created, spread and kept alive by your DL.


Your EL illustrates, you can overcome your nature, which is to be fearful in the face of threats. You become courageous, if you don’t cave in, as you usually do with  DL, and react to everything that is negatively affecting you. In fact, you grow up intellectually and become mature. Certainly, because you understand your own nature, you are able to finally acknowledge, what you need, to be and to stay happy, that is, what you need, to feel safe and protected. Forget about all this DL-bullshit about getting out of your comfort-zone and become pragmatic about your need, to be and to remain, in your comfort-zone, so that you can have ongoing EL.


If a plant cannot live according to its nature, it dies, and the same is true for you. DL cannot provide you the nourishment, you need, to be and to stay healthy. While you keep losing yourself and going overboard, seeking – what, in DL, is derogatorily called – instant gratification, with unhealthy stuff, you feel awkward about your real need for wellbeing and relaxation. You may still be somewhat alive, but you live like a zombie, with your primitive DL. You try, but can’t deny, your own need for immediate stability and peace. In EL, human nature is expressed by your own language, rather than by some fanatic belief.  


In DL, someone is said to have a sunny nature, but it is not in someone else nature, to smile, presumably. This nonsense has been going on forever and it was your DL, which has perpetuated such crap. Every person can smile and every person can cry, but only if our EL informs us, that this is human our nature. Our usual way of dealing with language – which is not, as we believe, what we think – is caused by our DL, which is inhuman, as it goes against human nature.


Nature and your so-called mind are incompatible. You either have one or the other. With DL ,you have the latter, but with EL, you experience and express your nature. Moreover, since you are used to having DL, you are used doing all kinds of unnatural things, which create nothing but problems for you. Your ridiculous belief in your mind, as well as your self-defeating obsession with what you call thinking, is the effect of your almost permanent involvement in DL. It disappears like snow melting in the sun, when you engage in EL. Mind is really an illusion created by your own language.  


Lastly, there is – of course, only with DL and it really makes no difference at all, whether it is educated or uneducated DL – still this meaningless debate going on about the different influences of nature and nurture. We read in some textbook, in spite of the statement that the nature of organisms is the most important factor in variation, the tendency among evolutionists has been to take much more account of the influence of external conditions. This issue about external and internal conditions refers to how we use our language, that is, how we, in DL, separate ourselves from our environment. It means, quite literally, that the speaker separates him or herself from the listener, who is not the speaker.   

You can hear my songs about DL, EL and LE on my You Tube channel. I have also recently recorded some of my spoken elaborations about it and intend to do this more often. Just type in my name Maximus Peperkamp and it will show up. Let us talk, so we can stop our DL and enjoy our LE with our EL. Have a wonderful Thursday. My skype name is limbicease