Friday, October 20, 2023




Yes, I like bluegrass music, because it is closer to Embodied Language (EL), than opera, rap, reggae, rock and roll or left-wing politics. Excuse me, but can we still have a real conversation? I mean, can we have some EL? Please, do what you need to do, to stop your Disembodied Language (DL), because I am not going to do it. Others may try, to get you to stop your DL, but I have given up on it. I rather continue with my own EL, but without you. That is what I do. I can do what I do, as I have realized my Language Enlightenment (LE). EL is, for you, not a big deal, but to me, it is, in fact, the defining issue of my life. EL is about my freedom, which is the freedom of speech.  


EL and LE are a big deal. It is the real deal. However, you can’t handle the real deal. You are into phony political deals and I can hear, in the sound of your voice, that you are not happy with it, although you keep trying to convince everyone, your DL is the best thing ever. Your DL is total bullshit. You may be a right-wing conservative, but you can’t step out of your own script, as I can. I know my own DL. It is just as stupid as yours. Knowing my own DL, gives me a clear picture of what your hopeless delusion is about. I know, I can also lay a heavy trip on you, but I don’t do that, because it is not doing me any good.


Bluegrass is a genre of American roots music, that developed in the 1940s in the Appalachian region of the United States. The only reason I talk about it, in this writing, is because something about Joe Biden’s hair, is really bothering me. It is this sticky, filthy, tiny mullet, at the back of his head, that is, according to me, why he, as a president, is doing as bad as he is. We have all heard about the long-haired Samson, who is sometimes mentioned, in the context of his relationship with the woman, who presumably led to his eventual downfall, as in, Samson and Deliah.


“She is so damned tough and loyal”, Biden bragged  about his wife (Jill), when he was still president elect, which means, he never believed in himself. His hairstyle reflects this. Biden clearly desperately tries to hang on to his last couple of hairs, but this doesn’t make any difference. As a matter of fact, his truncated hair, at the back of his head, predicts and explains the calamities, he is bringing upon the United States and the world, much better than any tea-leaves or tarot cards. This may sound ridiculous,  but the world has no other choice, than to hang on to every last piece of Biden’s hair. Going bold just ain’t his thing. Yes, we should be grateful, we can rely on his hair, to always be the way it is. It is about branding, consistency, dignity and aging wisely.   


What has this got to do with blue grass? Well, keep reading and you will find out. Every time you look at the back of Biden’s head, you know, who is going to win the next election. Forget about these so-called stolen elections, because it is the beautiful hair of the presidential candidate, which determines, who is going to be the next president. So what, Trump  set a new standard? His fluffy red hair pissed off so many people, they still can’t stop talking about it. There is nothing wrong with Trump, as a person, but his hair greatly infuriated people and Biden’s hair is pay-back. It is amazing, how a person’s appearance is affecting the outcome of the elections. Going back to Blue Grass, we all hunger for some authenticity.


Biden’s hair is a political statement: I may be an old man, but eighty is the new thirty. Being demented means, if I can’t have my way, I am always allowed to run my wheel-chair over your damn toes. My ghastly wife taught me to do this. In fact, she had to tell me over and over again, to convince me. She has my success at heart, that is why I always do as she tells me. She is such a great role-model, you know, a long-time educator, a proud military mom, as well as a prankster grandmother. Can you imagine, what it sounds like, when this ambitious, superficial, ruthless bitch says that: "The role I have felt always most at home in is Dr. Biden?" Yep, that’s typically her. Do I need to say more or did I say already too much?  


Of course, bluegrass was bluish-green grass, first introduced into Northern America, from Northern Europe. It might as well have come from Holland. The Dutch settlers came to the United States and created New Amsterdam, which later became New York. The Dutch didn’t care about religious beliefs, as they cared more about communication and trade. Because of Spinoza – a rogue Jewish-Dutch philosopher – people, in what was to become the United States, could believe whatever they wanted, as long as it didn’t interfere with selling snake-oil.  


I would like you to know, that apart from specific instrumentation, a distinguishing characteristic of bluegrass is vocal harmony featuring two, three, or four parts, often with a dissonant or modal sound in the highest voice, a style which is described as a high and lonesome sound. Your EL also always sounds lonesome, but, only when you first hear it. Although you can’t touch or smell it, it still helps to just look at Biden’s hair and imagine what it feels like to stroke it. It is greasy, but you will overcome your disgust with this flaky, mean, old man, if you firmly believe in the benefits it brings, that you are on the right team and on the right side of history.  


Bluegrass is absolutely essential to the sound of American music. I like it, that it is described as music that penetrates your soul, makes you want to howl and makes you want to hop on one leg. Biden does this sometimes, when he is giddy and folksy. It refers to the fact, he is still alive, in spite of his DL. The people who play it and those, who come around to listen to it and dance, are alive with something, that those who are not into Bluegrass seem to have lost. I like to sing my own text to old Bluegrass melodies to let you know, that we can still have EL. It helps me, to fit in, to have an excuse, to wear a cowboy hat and be the kind of American, I want to be. Just type my name, Maximus Peperkamp, on You Tube and you can hear my wonderful songs, which, in my opinion, are almost always better than the original.           

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