Sunday, January 7, 2024




Our usual way of talking – in which our language doesn’t match with our experience – which I call Disembodied Language (DL), is really the language of stupidity. If you would notice this yourself, you would immediately recognize your ability, to have Embodied Language (EL) and leave behind your DL, your old, stupid and unrealistic way of dealing with your language. Stupidity is not freedom and as long as you have DL, you continue to act like a zombie.  


You could also say that DL is the language of others, but EL is your language, that is, the language of the individual. Individual freedom requires a different way of dealing with language and since you haven’t made the change from DL to EL, your life is one big, tragic, stupid contradiction. You cannot be free and enjoy your individuality, as long as your language is only allowing you to express your stupidity. You’ve got to stop your DL, so that you can finally instruct yourself with EL, to move away from your stupidity.


When you at long last have EL and ask yourself, why you did not have any EL before, you immediately realize the stupidity of this question and you laugh, as you know, you are having it now, but you didn’t know what you know now. Of course, you know it, when you have EL and the whole notion, that you must work on yourself, to have it, is pure stupidity.  When you have EL, you don’t need to ask yourself any questions, as you know what you are talking about. Your stupidity only lasts as long as you are still involved in DL, but when DL stops, it is gone.


We imitate each other, to fit in and to, supposedly, feel safe, but acting as others do, is sheer stupidity. If you would have EL, you would know this instantly and acknowledge and accept yourself, but with DL, you tell yourself, to try harder, to be accepted or to get recognized by others. Basically, with your DL, you remain hopelessly stuck in your own stupidity. It isn’t anyone else’s fault, you keep on pretending that your stupidity has any meaning or is something valuable, that needs to be defended or asserted.


With DL, you shoot yourself in the foot and you fall victim to your own stupidity. I didn’t make it so, but you did. Only if you stop having your DL, things are going to change for the better. The saying, much ado about nothing, refers the common stupidity, when people create a lot excitement and fuss about something that is actually of little or no importance. Your DL always implies, there is much more activity, thrill, eagerness or expectation, then your situation deserves. Your stupidity always makes a big deal out of nothing. Comedy is a study of human stupidity.


Only with EL, will you be able to laugh about your own stupidity. Catching yourself while you have DL, is like catching yourself in a moment of stupidity and switching to EL, allows to be grateful to yourself for being able to laugh about and to learn from your own stupidity. It is about time, that you realize what has been bothering you all along. Your stubbornness is ninety percent of your stupidity and perhaps even more. With EL, you don’t beat yourself up about your own stupidity, because you can laugh about it.


Your EL reveals to you, that not listening to yourself while you speak, is the most blatant act of stupidity. You keep having DL, because it is easier to recognize the madness and stupidity in others. With DL, you always want to punish stupidity, as if it was a crime, but your EL shows, this has only made things worse.  The difference between malice and stupidity, is that the former is said to be intentional, and the latter is unintentional. However, it is always after we finally are done arguing, whether it was one or the other, that we realize the stupidity of it all. With EL, we all agree, that malice, of course, is a form of stupidity.


Since I am speaking about the difference between DL and EL, on my own authority and not from some officially, socially sanctioned, professional capacity, it is easy to continue with your stupidity of defying me. To me, it makes absolutely no difference at all anymore – it did in the past, but this is no longer the case – whether you agree with me or not. I know for a fact, that if you continue with your dumb DL, you will experience the negative consequences of your own stupidity, but if you engage in EL, you will reap the wonderful fruits of your own intelligence.




Ideally, we only approach something, if it is beneficial to us and we avoid everything, that is harmful. However, if the situation is such, that we  have come closer to something dangerous, we try to escape or mobilize, as our autonomic nervous system goes into fight-flight-freeze overdrive. When we approach ourselves, by speaking with ourselves, by listening to ourselves and by taking the time, to let our language catch up with our experience, we approach a most exceptional feeling of safety and wellbeing, because we talk with our peacefulness.


It makes a big difference, if we talk with Embodied Language (EL) or with Disembodied Language (DL) about the proportion of our biologically-driven, autonomically-mediated behaviors. If we talk about it with our EL, it is clear, that it is healthy for us, to voluntarily avoid negative stuff as much as possible, to escape dangerous stuff as little as possible and to spend as little time as possible, identifying, focusing on and approaching helpful, useful, valuable stuff. In other words, with EL, we are instantly aware of our  Language Enlightenment (EL), we effectively avoid danger, we don’t need to escape, as we feel safe.


Since we, unconsciously, engage in DL, every day, we talk about our so-called happiness – the good things, we presumably want to approach – in a very different way than in EL. Our usual way of talking, DL, maintains our belief in what, supposedly, makes us feel happy, but when we talk about it with EL, we realize, that with our DL, we have involuntarily, obsessively, fanatically been approaching all sorts of dangers, from which we have had to escape or couldn’t even escape. In other words, with DL, we inevitably, approach and remain busy with all sorts of meaningless stuff, which has nothing to do with us, drains our energy and endlessly frustrates us.  


The proportion 85:5:10 would be an example of the percentage of avoidance/escape/approach behavior, when we engage in EL, but with DL, it may look more like this 50:20:30. These provisional numbers show us, that as long as we engage in DL, instead of EL, we are less capable of avoiding, and, therefore, we are bound to approach more danger, from which we more often have to escape. And, it all remains to be seen, whether we manage to escape and survive. We must approach food and water to survive, but to continue with our EL, we choose to be alone.


Although we certainly can and will have EL with others, who, like us, have kept it going – by being alone, by talking out loud with themselves, by listening to themselves, by writing about their EL, by reading about their own LE – we spend most of our time by ourselves, because we avoid the DL, which is going on everywhere, twenty-four-seven. During our time with ourselves, we approach silence, by talking and writing about it. In DL, we have always feared and avoided our own quietness and solitude, but with EL, we move towards it willingly, knowingly and with a sense of wonder and gratefulness. We have never before believed that we could approach and achieve such extasy with our own language.


When you approach me or anyone else who is able to have EL, you approach yourself. It would be great if you approached and talked with my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke and also with me, then, you could hear and see two versions of EL and LE. Even if you have never approached yourself with your own EL, my EL or the EL of someone else, introduces you to yourself. Of course, the EL of me or someone else can only be received by you, if you allow it and trust it. By reading this, you approach it and can feel the truth of it. However, there is more to this approach, than accepting the invitation. If you experiment by talking alone with yourself, you find, everything you have read is true. You could approach AnnaMieke or me and talk with us, so that we can share our EL and our LE. It will be a great day, when you do that. Here is the link to her blog: Natuurlijk Ontvouwen. (

Saturday, January 6, 2024




Any reasonable human being would agree, the freedom of – imaginary – religion, contradicts our – real – freedom of speech. Stated differently, our superstitious, forceful Disembodied Language (DL) has always been mutually exclusive with effortless, natural Embodied Language (EL). The only reason, we haven’t addressed, let alone, changed, this major flaw in the United States Constitution, is that we have never even considered, the big difference between our own DL and our EL, in the first place.


The fact, that we still haven’t acknowledged the difference between DL and  EL, isn’t something which will, miraculously, just go away, because we refuse to talk about it. Quite to the contrary, it is going to come back to haunt us, as it is already wreaking enormous havoc, although we haven’t even began to recognize this, since we don’t know how to engage in ongoing EL. Only when we accept the gigantic difference between our DL and our EL, can our EL continue and make us realize, that only EL matches with our freedom of speech, while our DL, which perpetuates our phony relationships with a non-existing higher power, is the biggest stand in the way, to having real relationships among people.


There is no conflict between the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion, as everyone is entitled to their own illusions, but there is definitely a huge conflict between the fabricated freedom of religion and the real and absolutely necessary freedom of speech, because this so-called talking with – that is, praying to – entities, we cannot see or hear, always distracts us from talking, realistically, with ourselves and with other people. It is because of our DL, that the First Amendment, in one breath or with one stroke of a pen, guarantees the freedom of speech as well as the freedom of religion. Consequently, there is – as of yet – no law in the United States, which is punishing blasphemy or defamation of religion. However, with the influx of newcomers, pressure in many Western countries is increasing, to adopt new legal codes, to protect religion, which would bypass our First Amendment.


As I have stated, the First Amendment is based on our common, but, unconscious, participation in DL, which means, that you can say something offensive, but it is still protected speech under the law. It is due to this combination of the freedom of speech and freedom of religion, in the First Amendment, that a similar truce was created, in 1641, by the French mathematician and philosopher Renee Descartes, whose dualistic theory of the mind, was to pave the way for modern science to separate itself from the church. A comparable separation is the separation between church and state, but another, even more crucial departure, which – due to DL, our common group-behavior, which sets the stage for how we deal with our language – is never talked about, is that a free individual, adheres to a totally different behavioral repertoire, than someone, who conforms to socially expected so-called groupthink. This is where freedom-rubber hits the verbal-road.    


Words matter, depending on how they are spoken or written. If language is weaponized – as it always is, in DL – then the end – which, of course, is always winning and staying in power – presumably justifies the means. This means, that DL isn’t real language, but predetermined, acted, deceitful, manipulative, distracting, disrespectful, melodramatic, insidious, sentimental, phony, forceful, bla-bla, which is full of smokescreens, gas-lighting and posturing. The relatively new concept of freedom of speech, which is a product of individualistic, Western societies, is based on skepticism and irreverence, but in the rest of the world, faith and rituals are seen as the most important. Only if we, as secular Americans and as Western nations, adopt EL as the language of the individual, are we protected from the hordes, who turn freedom of religion, into forceful demands to curb freedom of speech, which brave men and women have fought and have given their lives for.  


It is a good and necessary thing, a major step for mankind, when governments would declare, the freedom of speech as the enemy of the freedom of religion, because, the truth is, that the former shows us, there is no need for religion. The freedom of speech isn’t to be judged by fools, who are in denial of science, life and reality. Calling the freedom of speech discrimination or blasphemy, is condemning and preventing freedom of speech. Moreover, we should be able to call a spade a spade. Our horrible DL is only going to stop, if we can say what it is. We have endlessly dominated, exploited, oppressed, manipulated, hurt, insulted, humiliated, punished, rejected, abandoned and lied to each other and ourselves, with our usual way of talking. With our DL, we have justified brutality and ignorance with our position of power within the social hierarchy.  


I insist, the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion cannot coexist. How can human beings be free, if they cannot express their own knowledge about their own behavior? Our DL, which promotes all sorts of nonsensical ideas, religion being only one of them, prevents us from talking accurately about our own experiences and unless our DL stops, we can’t have any EL. Moreover, we need more than only a few moments of EL, we must have ongoing EL, to be able to express who we really are. This transfer of our individual knowledge about who we really are, which I call our Language Enlightenment (LE), is essential to our relationship and our overall sense of happiness. Restrictions on the freedom of speech have always prevented us from having EL and expressing our LE and religion has always played an undermining role in this, as it basically made us believe, that explanations from others, were more important than our own findings. The real issue of the freedom of speech – which due to our DL, has remained unaddressed – is not, as we are all inclined to believe, the free exchange of ideas among people, but the freedom to express to each other and to ourselves what we, as individuals, really experience.     




There’s nothing wrong with our fear, that is why we are still here. No mesmerizing preaching about fearlessness ever resulted in Embodied Language (EL) – which instantaneously reveals our Language Enlightenment (LE) – but it has only entrenched us, deeper and deeper, into superstitious, superficial, unintelligent, coercive Disembodied Language (DL), which completely distorts our perception. As I was reading about people, who, in the work-place, were  feeling uncomfortable speaking about their recent experiences, out of fear of retaliation or damaged career prospects, I was reminded of the positive side of fear. If we want to reduce religious or racial tensions, it is a good thing, to stop talking about it, as it has always perpetuated and escalated our DL. During EL, there are no such political divisions.


When we stop for a red light, we agree, that it is in our common interest to do so, because we fear, to get into a terrible accident, if we didn’t. We go with green, because we like to live safely with our rules. Whenever we impose our own rules on others, however, there is a war going on. To the extent that we do this, we engage in DL. Surely, there are those, who make it seem, as if they above the law and who make their own rules and those, who are expected to follow these rules. This is how DL has continued, unabated, in different cultures, around the world.  


There is a reason, why there is absolutely no fear, when we engage in EL. Whenever we have EL, we have stopped our DL, because we no longer believe in any of our so-called differences. With DL, we try to always dominate each other, with what we find important, but during EL, we simply don’t do that. It is astonishing, that we still haven’t acknowledged, admitted and agreed, that it is possible, necessary and inevitable, to communicate without any fear.


As I have said and written many times, because other things, presumably, are more important than the difference between DL and EL, we basically all refuse to stop our DL, so that we can have EL. We always demand from others, that they stop what we consider to be their DL, so that we can continue with what we believe to be our EL, but the bottom-line is, we never stopped our DL, as we fear doing this. Our fear, to stop our own DL, is because we have been involved in it for so long and we believe, we are better than the rest. Of course, this isn’t true and we fear, to be exposed for the lies we have said and supported with our DL. The immense difference between DL and EL, has far-reaching consequences.


I wrote a poem, when I immigrated to the United States in 1999, which said something about fear.


Now that I’m here

I know that for year after year

I’ve been avoiding my fear


Now that I see

What is deep inside of me

I let it come out and be free


Now that I know

My struggle was just a big show

I can finally let it all go


Now that I feel

It is not a very big deal

I calmly step out of the wheel  


I no longer believe that language exists inside of me, but when I arrived in the United States, I knew that everything was going to change, as I had – in spite of my fear – put myself in this new situation, which was going to bring about that change. The fact, that there is no inner speech, no thought, no sentence, no word, anywhere inside of me, has cured me from my enormous fear, which was created by my belief in a mind, which never even existed. Anyone, who is courageous enough to explore the great difference between DL and EL, will find, like I did, his or her LE.


With DL, we wander in fear from place to place. The many homeless, disheveled, addicted, lost human beings, show us something about ourselves, which we refuse to look at or listen to. Our societies, our cultures, our religions, our languages create this, and this is also true for all wars, exploitation, poverty, chaos and despair, that is caused by us. Our fear for our own language is unfounded. Obviously, we fear the newness of EL, but when we understand and act on our own EL, we will be delighted to experience its unfolding, as it truly reveals our LE. Moreover, we don’t need to let anyone know, who doesn’t respect it or understand it. We can have EL and enjoy our LE all by ourselves. If I could do it, so can anyone else.   


I already wrote something about fear on July 2, 2023, so I re-posted it below. 

Today, I spoke with someone at the gym. We had a nice conversation a while ago, in which I had mentioned, she could read about what we had talked about in my blog. I asked her, if she had read my writings and she said yes. How was it? She said, she was reading it very slowly and carefully. That’s good, I said and asked, but how did you like it? She said, she actually felt kind of afraid, while reading it.


I told her, it is very common for people, to fear the possibility of talking with themselves and listening to themselves, as it means, we begin to express, listen to and act upon, our language. Moreover, once we discover and explore Embodied Language (EL), we take charge of our lives, as we realize, that Disembodied Language (DL) or, you could say, the language of others, always worked against us.


Each human being experiences the inescapable fear of going their own way, as it implies: going against their conditioning. DL is omnipresent, because fear is at the core of every conversation, in which one person tries to convince someone else of their beliefs. In EL, there is absolutely no need to convert anyone, as we can experience it, regardless of the disapproval of everyone, because, unbelievable as it sounds, everyone really engages in DL, every day.


It is scary, but also exciting, to admit, during EL, you are doing something, which almost no one else is doing. As you take your first steps, you know, for sure, everyone is incapable of having EL, as long as they don’t bring attention to language, by listening to themselves while they speak. Surely, in principle, everyone who can speak and hear, can hear themselves speak, but our DL perpetuates our fear of being here and acknowledging what we feel.  


While it is true, that we all experience moments of wellbeing, peace, safety or truth, we fear continuing with the language, which is necessary for more than merely an occasional, accidental episode. Due to our fear of really going our own way, we have no idea, that it is because of how we deal with our language, that we keep doing many things against our own will. EL shows, we are better off without our rampant repertoire of neurotic behaviors.


On Fourth of July, it is Independence Day, which is the anniversary of the publication of the Declaration of Independence of the United States from Great Britain in 1776. This historic document was drafted by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams. However, it is going to be our own ability, to overcome our fear and to speak and write – like I do, on this blog – about our EL, which is going to determine, whether we are ever going to be independent and free. Of course, the only real freedom, is freedom from our long, tragic history of conditioning with DL. Freedom is only available for those, who will go against their own fear of it.  


When I immigrated to the United States in 1999, I did so, willingly, voluntarily and consciously. It is pure coincidence, that I was born and raised in the Netherlands, but it was my choice, to become a US citizen. I feel fortunate and grateful, I was able to make this decision. I have aligned myself with the Three Inalienable Rights of every American: Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness. Although I am well-aware, such a phrase is only paid lip-service to by most people, but for me, the right to Life, means to take full ownership of my own life and to be truly an individual. My Life depends on my behavior, not on the requirements of bureaucracy or the actions of legislators or jurists. My understanding of Liberty is not some self-centered, superficial, superstitious, angry notion of doing whatever the hell I want to, but my ability, intelligence and freedom to express my Language Enlightenment (LE) with my EL. Also, my Pursuit of Happiness, is my knowledge and skill to live a meaningful life. To be able to live a life of satisfaction, I have always faced, and I will continue to face, my own fears. My life is worth living, as I am proud of all the consequences of my behavior. This is what I bring to the United States as a new citizen.




One hundred years from now, it will be common knowledge, it was a crucially important change, in the history of mankind, when human beings, at long last, began to have Embodied Language (EL), instead of Disembodied Language (DL). I am reminded of a great, but dreadful book – One Hundred Years of Solitude – by the Colombian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez. This novel, which is considered to be one of the greatest achievements in world literature, is universally praised and translated in many different languages, because its magical realism – the literary style, which blends a brutal realistic view of the world, with magical elements and, thus blurs the line, between fantasy and reality –  apparently is something, that millions of people can relate to.


To make a long story short, the book – which has 422 pages – covers seven generations of the Buendia family, who live in Macondo. The dominant theme of this work is the inevitable, inescapable history of this town, where the characters are a continuously visited by ghosts. Surely, it is a tale of our DL, because everyone is dissociated from their own experience and history, presumably, victims of the harsh circumstances and walking around with illusions, which reinforce and perpetuate dysfunctional social conditions. DL, our common way of talking, is about the fatalism and the entrapment, which Marquez so meticulously describes. However, a culture cannot understand itself, only an individual human being can understand him or herself, if he or she has EL.


If something is going to take a long time, we say, it is going to take at least a hundred years, meaning, it is going to take forever. Most likely, it is going to take a hundred years, before people are capable of having EL and are coming out of their isolative, destructive egocentricity. Solitude, which is needed to cultivate EL, has nothing whatsoever to do with selfishness. To the contrary, being alone and being a light unto oneself, is the quintessential social skill, which, due to our DL, is lacking. With DL, we fantasize about all sorts of nonsense, as we seek to escape ourselves. There are no helpless victims in DL, but only, lazy,  blaming, complaining, pretentious, mean, defensive, aggressive, superstitious, ignorant, stubborn fools.


It will certainly take hundred years and, most likely, even two or three hundred years, before the world has woken up from its intoxication, after centuries of drinking the socialist’ cool aid of so-called love. The book was written more than fifty years ago and look where Latin America and the rest of the world is now? This depressing book – which is said to create in the reader, a sense of all that is profound, meaningful and meaningless in life – is just another failed attempt at addressing DL and our need for EL.


Just like Marquez, who, upon receiving the Nobel prize, said that we lack the conventional means to render our lives believable, we all engage, day in, day out, in DL, which makes us endlessly fantasize about equality, love, power, peace, justice, truth, equity, inclusion, redemption, sex, wealth, beauty, simplicity, peace and harmony. However, tomorrow never comes, not even in a hundred years, and we keep hoping, praying, fighting, writing for something which never happens. Only when our battle fatigue sets in, do we give up on our effortful, energy-draining DL and will we emerge from our verbal isolation and experience effortless, natural EL, which reveals to us our Language Enlightenment (LE), our aloneness, which is the antidote to our boring loneliness.


With ongoing EL, we are a hundred percent certain, that we are experiencing our LE. Moreover, once we are able to stop our DL and happily engage in EL, we feel as if we have been living a hundred thousand years in hell. A hundred times I have written about this transition from DL to EL and yet, nobody seems to be willing to admit, they would have to talk with me, to make it happen. The fact is, you haven’t done it and it isn’t happening. If EL would be happening, you would have contacted me and talked with me. I plan to live a hundred years and still have thirty-five years left. Yes, your DL is a monstrous serpentine giant, with at least a hundred heads and you have to be heroic, like Zeus and deploy all the thunderbolts you’ve got, to put this deadly monster to rest and to restore order in the cosmos and to rule all the gods.   

Friday, January 5, 2024




Mijn Taal Verlichting (TV) werd mogelijk door mezelf keer op keer toestemming te geven om mijn Belichaamde Taal (BT) volledig te uiten en aldus te verkennen. Je hebt nog nooit eerder van mijn TV of mijn BT  gehoord of gelezen. Zelfs ik kan je eigenlijk niet echt vertellen wat het is, omdat het altijd nieuw is. Tenzij je BT met mij hebt – en je tijdens je BT, je eigen TV realiseert – kun je er niet over praten.


Je hebt mijn toestemming of die van iemand anders niet nodig, om jou BT uit te drukken of om jou TV te erkennen. Deze toestemming kan alleen door jou zelf worden gegeven en nooit door iemand anders. Toestemming – in het Engels permission – komt van het Latijn, per-mittere, loslaten, loslaten, loslaten, opgeven, overhandigen; laten, toestaan, verlenen; per-mit, van per, voorwaarts, echter, vandaar; mittere, loslaten, sturen; ook gerelateerd aan missie; vrijheid verlenen of vertrekken. We laten onze Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) achter en wij zijn er niet langer meer bij betrokken, omdat we onszelf toestemming hebben gegeven om BT te hebben.


Waarschijnlijk bent je wel eens in situaties geweest, waarin iemand zei: ik heb daar jou toestemming niet voor nodig. Hoewel het tegen iemand anders wordt gezegd, zeggen we het eigenlijk tegen onszelf, maar zoals de zin illustreert, verwijzen we toch nog naar iemand anders en dit weerhoudt ons er dus van toestemming aan onszelf te geven. Als we ruzie hebben over wat we zouden moeten doen of hoe we zouden moeten zijn, kunnen we besluiten om onze eigen weg te gaan of om de dingen op onze eigen manier te doen, maar we reageren hierbij duidelijk meestal op anderen. We zetten ons ongemerkt af tegen hen die ons hebben dwongen, maar daarom geven we dus onszelf nooit echt de toestemming.


Hoewel we met OT lijken te doen, 
wat we maar willen, is dit niet 
waar, omdat we onszelf alleen 
toestemming kunnen geven, 
om te doen wat we willen of 
om te zijn hoe we willen zijn, 
met onze BT. Bovendien 
blijven we in OT bezig met
 het oordelen en controleren 
van anderen, dus jij bent 
het dan die vermoedelijk 
aan anderen de toestemming 
of de goedkeuring of afkeuring
 geeft. In BT, daarentegen, 
ben ik het niet, die jou 
toestemming geeft om je
 TV uit te drukken, maar
 jij bent het helemaal zelf. 


Vroeger – en vaak zelfs ook vandaag nog – vroeg ​​de bruidegom de vader van de bruid toestemming, om met zijn dochter te mogen trouwen. Bruidegom of bryd-guma, in oud-Engels, bestaat uit bryd, de bruid en guma, de man, de vrijer of de dienaar. Het Engelse woord suiter, voor bruid, is afgeleid van Latijn: secutor, volger, achtervolger; sequi, volgen, erna komen; secundus, tweede, volgende. In BT is het huwelijk tussen ons gedrag en onze taal – dat wil zeggen, onze taal volgt en wordt aangepast aan ons gedrag – alleen onze BT kan om de hand van onze TV vragen. Met andere woorden, toestemming houdt in dat alleen onze BT zich kan aanpassen aan ons gedrag, want als we zouden proberen ons gedrag aan te passen aan de taal, zou dit niet onze eigen taal zijn, maar de OT van iemand anders.


Als je last blijft houden van schuldgevoelens, geef je jezelf nooit toestemming, om te ontwikkelen en om te bloeien in eigen bewustzijn. Freud noemde deze, essentiele gewoontes, verdedigingsmechanismen, die we ontwikkelen, om ons te beschermen, tegen onze schuldgevoelens, die we meteen ervaren, als we twijfelen, om onszelf toestemming te geven,  om ons over te geven aan onze werkelijke, maar tevens ook vreselijke, angst-aanjagende verlangens. Dit is typisch een neurotische redenering, die gebaseerd op onze OT. Wat wij willen, is natuurlijk niet iets vreselijks, maar iets goeds en onszelf toestemming geven, om onze BT te uiten, vervult ons met kennis, die een gevoel van volledigheid en heelheid geeft.


In OT moet je altijd, zogenaamd, 
je plaats weten, anders dan
 zullen er negatieve gevolgen
 komen. Dit betekent, dat je 
alleen mag spreken, als een 
andere spreker – die 
belangrijker of machtiger 
is dan jij en hoger staat 
aangeschreven in de sociale
 hiĆ«rarchie – jou toestemming 
geeft om te spreken. In OT
 bepalen anderen voortdurend 
voor ons, wat we moeten 
zeggen, wanneer we moeten
 spreken en hoe we zouden
 moeten spreken. In de 
veertig jaar dat ik over 
BT heb gepraat en 
geschreven, heeft niemand,
 die over mijn werk had 
gelezen of gehoord, mij
 ooit toestemming gegeven
 en helemaal niemand 
heeft mij ooit vanzelf 
uitgenodigd, om erover 
te komen spreken. Ik 
heb altijd mezelf overal 
uitgenodigd en ik weet 
waarom. Zij konden mij
 geen toestemming geven,
 omdat ze die niet aan 
zichzelf hadden geven. Ik geef 
niemand toestemming 
om BT te hebben, maar ik 
zeg, dat we onszelf 
toestemming kunnen geven.





My Language Enlightenment (LE) became possible by giving myself, again and again, permission to fully explore my Embodied Language (EL). Neither my LE nor my EL is like anything you know about. Even I  cannot really tell you what it is, because it is always new and unless you have EL with me – and realize your own LE – there is no way to talk about it.


You don’t need my or anyone else’s permission, to express your EL and to acknowledge your LE. Such permission can only be given by you and never by someone else. The word permission comes from Latin, per-mittere, let pass, let go, let loose, give up, hand over; let, allow, grant; per-mit, from per, forward, though, hence; mittere, let go, send; also related to mission; grant liberty or leave. We leave behind our Disembodied Language (DL) and are no longer involved with it, as we have granted ourselves permission to have EL. 


Probably, you have been in situations, where you or someone said, I don’t need your permission anyway. Although it is said to someone else, we actually say it to ourselves, but, as the phrase itself illustrates, we refer to someone else and this prevents us from giving permission to ourselves. When we have some squabble about what to do or how to be, we may decide to go our own way or do things our own way, but we are clearly reacting to others and, therefore, we are never really giving ourselves the permission.


Although, with DL, we appear to be doing whatever the hell we want, this isn’t true, as we can only give ourselves permission, to do what we want or to be how we want to be, with our ongoing EL. Moreover, with DL, we remain busy with controlling others, so it is you, who, presumably, gives others permission. In EL, by contrast, it isn’t me, who is giving you the permission to express your LE, by it is you, yourself.


In the old days – and often even today – the groom asks the father of the bride permission to marry his daughter. Interestingly, bridegroom or bryd-guma, is old English, consisting of bryd, the bride and guma, the man, the suiter or servant. Suiter derives from Latin, secutor, follower, pursuer; sequi, to follow, come after; secundus, second, following. In EL, the marriage is between our behavior and our language – that is, our language follows or is adjusted to our behavior – only our EL can ask for the hand of our LE. In other words, permission implies that only our EL can adjust to our behavior, because if we would try to adjust our behavior to language, this wouldn’t be our own language, but the DL of someone else.


When you remain impaired by guilt, you never give yourself permission to move on. Freud called these habits, defense mechanisms, which we, according to him, develop, to protect us from the guilt, we would experience, if we gave ourselves permission to know how awful our desires really are. This is our neurotic reasoning based on our DL. What we want isn’t something terrible, but something good and giving ourselves permission to express our EL fulfills us.  


In DL, you must know your so-called place or there will be negative consequences. This means, you may only speak, when some other speaker – who is more important than you and higher in the social hierarchy – gives you permission to speak. Indeed, in DL, others constantly determine for us, what to say, when to speak and how to speak. In the forty years, that I have been talking and writing about EL, nobody, who had read or heard about my work, has ever given me permission, nobody has invited me, to come and speak about it. I have always invited myself everywhere. I know why. They couldn’t give me permission, as they don’t give it to themselves.  I don’t give anyone permission, to have EL, but I emphasize, we can give ourselves permission.