Sunday, January 21, 2024

Deze schitterende tekst werd geschreven door mijn dierbare vriendin AnnaMieke, met wie ik samen - door middel van onze wekelijkse heerlijke gespreken met Belichaamde Taal (BT) - onze de Taal Verlichting (TV) in kaart heb gebracht. Hier is de link naar haar blog:  Mijn stilte. (

Vernietigende Stilte

In het besef dat het uitbouwen van het moment, in de overstemming die het heeft, kan verklaren dat wat ik lees,  zo overeenkomt in wat ik kan ervaren.Wat geen enkele dijk heeft doorbroken in het bewijs waarin ik heb gesproken, waarin ik dacht om te blijven vertellen, vanuit mijn flow en ik ook bezig ben met wat er nu gebeurd, in de wereld om mij heen.Het houd mij soms bezig en hoor ook iedere dag, hoeveel mensen zijn gedood.Hoeveel oorlogen ook,in het schenden van alle rechten en ik niet meer geloof dat wat ik bezig, ook voor de ander iets zou kunnen betekenen.Omdat ik zie hoe de marteling naar elkander een gewoonte wordt en tegen mij durven te zeggen, dat ik een gekkie ben,omdat ik naar mijzelf blijf luisteren en schrijven.Omdat ik weet vanuit al mijn ervaren, mij deze ontvouwen heeft gebracht en in het openen van mijzelf ik steeds minder begrijp dat de oorlogen die er zijn, ook de voeding krijgt om door te vechten, al was het alleen maar om hun eigen gelijk.Dommer kan het niet zijn,zo beestachtig onmenselijk, wat ik moet zien,wat de zending is geworden om in de angst te blijven en niet geneigd zijn om naar zichzelf te kunnen luisteren.Het is uit de hand gelopen,bijna een moraal is geworden, zoals de wereld nu gaat.Zoals in vele landen de vernietiging belangrijker wordt gemaakt,dan aan jezelf te gaan vertellen wat je er werkelijk van vindt.Vernietigende stilte, zoals ik het noem,zoals mijn ervaren laat weten dat in de kielzoog van mijn zijn, ik dit ook de ander kan laten weten.Maar vooral naar mijzelf.
Het is de kielzog die laat blijken dat in de navolging van mijn schrijven, ik duidelijk verder zal gaan, vanuit mijn stilte die de vernietiging kan ondergaan, zonder te handelen, in wat het vraagt om bij mijzelf te kunnen blijven.Waarin de werelden zijn aan het vechten,aan vergetend bestaan,dat er in een schrijven een andere waarheid blijft ontstaan.Soms is er stilte,soms een heel geruis en kan mij uiten naar verluid, dat vanuit mijn stilte kan ontstaan,dat zelfs de vernietiging die het kan zijn, door mijn dag laat glijden en in mijn eigen ruimte blijf zoals ik in iedere zin laat blijken.💫




In Hamlet, a play, by W. Shakespeare, Marcellus, a guard, talks to his philosophical comrade, Horatio, and says: “something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” This quote it is part of a longer conversation, about the disgusting, corrupt political ruling class. Together with “to be or not to be”, these are, probably, two of the most famous statements, made by Shakespeare’s most famous character, Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, whose King father had been murdered. 

This “something”, also reminds me of Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District Representative, Ilhan Omar, who was not too long ago banned from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, because – among various other hateful remarks – she had, in a speech for the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), stated that this organization "was founded short after 9/11,  because some people did something and that all of us [Muslims in the US] were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.” Actually, 9/11 happened in 2001 and CAIR was founded in 1994. Surely, many American Muslims joined the organization after 9/11, which has given it much more political power, and which is the goal of political Islam. 

No Muslim should - in my opinion- be allowed, to have any political power, in any Western democratic country, as long as no Westerners are allowed to hold any power, in any Muslim country. The Islamization is already of Europe is already in full progress and I truly wish this not to happen in the United States. Moreover, I believe the so-called freedom of religion, is an outdated and profoundly problematic concept, which swiftly needs to be adjusted to the reality of today. If something is not done about this - of course, with Embodied Language (EL) - Western civilization is going to fall apart, as it is already doing.  It is obvious, from the aforementioned, that Omar, CAIR – and the horrible Biden administration – are playing the victim card, by blaming, intimidating and disrespecting anyone, who is saying something critical about Islam for being Islamophobic and by calling anyone, who criticizes the current undemocratic government, a right-wing fascist.    


Let’s switch gears here and turn to the difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and EL. We have to begin to talk about this difference, as something – about our language – is going on, which people simply don’t know how to talk about, that is why they have, so far, only written about it. If they could have talked about it, like me, with EL instead of DL, they would, as you can read in this writing, have written something very different.


Regardless of what they claim or pretend, people with DL, do not know how to talk about their own experience. We all unconsciously engage, day in day out, in DL. However, this has absolutely nothing to do with our culture, race, politics, etc., but with the unaddressed fact, that we are conditioned, to listen to others, but not to ourselves, while we speak. Yes, I know, people don’t believe me, but I have taught this stuff for more than 45 years and it is something.


How can you be talking about your own experience, and you are still always struggling, arguing, fighting, unhappy, troubled, confused, conflicted, frustrated, traumatized, defensive, manipulative, carried away, dishonest, needy, coercive, violent and superstitious? Yes, you are all of these things, because you don’t deal with your language consciously. Something is very wrong with you and all your behavior, because you are busier with others, than with yourself, because, supposedly, others are more important than you.


The point I am making, is that you don’t know how to have EL, in which you can be truly yourself and stay with yourself. I know how to have EL, because I write or say something to myself every day. I am not trying to have EL, as trying to have EL doesn’t work. If you have EL, you are not trying to have it. So, you are only trying to have what you believe to be EL, as long as you don’t know the difference between DL and EL. As long as you are trying, something isn’t clear to you about your DL. Of course, your DL, your conditioning history, has to be acknowledged and stopped. EL can only occur, if DL has been stopped. EL is effortless and easy, but DL makes you obsess about something difficult and energy-draining.


Another issue I want to address in this writing, is that you keep reading about what you don’t talk about, and this goes into academia, social and other media, politics or religion. Since you don’t and can’t have EL, only DL, you prefer the written word over the spoken word, because the spoken word is too aversive and upsetting for you. In fact, you are such a weakling and such loser, that you keep refusing to simply talk. Naturally, your DL, in spoken form, can never produce anything meaningful, scientifically, regarding your behavior. Certainly, all your problems are behavioral problems and something about your language will have to change, to address the matter.


Language is biased – and scientifically useless – in which the speaker dominates and forces a listener. The great importance we have given to our written language, is at the expense of our spoken language, which is neglected, ignored and derailed. I write this because I can and I know, other people, who don’t know EL, can’t. In principle, everyone is capable of recognizing the difference between DL and EL and continue with EL, however, something always gets in the way. This something will only get out of the way, if you speak with yourself and listen to your sound.


I write about the difference between DL and EL, but not because – like you – I cannot speak about it, but because I can speak about it. I know that difference and I have ongoing EL, without any problem. This writing is the result of my daily spoken involvement in EL, but all other writings from people, who don’t have EL – as I have stated, everyone – derive from their unconscious involvement in DL. You can downplay what I say, but that only makes it more urgent for you, to admit that something is terribly wrong.


Your problems will only dissolve, if you deal with the DL, which is causing, maintaining and exacerbating them. Simply stated, your DL is ineffective language, because it is based on the old misconception, that you have private speech, inner self-talk, thoughts, associations, memories, concepts, ideas or a mind. There is no language to be found anywhere inside of your body, but your usual way of talking continues this fantasy, that you have a psyche or something.


Here is something I want the reader, who is used to DL to consider. As someone, who has EL, I can’t talk with anyone, who has DL – I can’t talk with you – because they disrespect, ignore, humiliate, disturb, judge, confuse, distract, stress and hurt me, without ever realizing or acknowledging, this a consequence of their involvement in DL. Moreover, with DL, you always make it seem, as if there is something wrong with anyone, like me – who has and knows EL – for saying: hey speaker, it is not what you say, but how you say it. Even the slightest feedback about your insensitive, coercive, mechanical behavior is turned into something, which will make my EL impossible.


I have gone through this million times, but there is no other way for me – or anyone with EL – than to stay away from those with DL, as much as possible, because EL is always stopped, by those who don’t know, and who don’t want to know, they engage in DL. In essence, it is just like pollution, people leave their garbage behind and others, who don’t do that, see that and are witnessing this carelessness. Yes, I am not going to sugar-coat my disdain and disgust for your DL. Although I no longer confront anyone with it, as I have done for many years, I don’t waste any more time or energy on anyone’s DL bullshit.


As far as I am concerned, your DL is a done deal. I only care about my EL, which creates something I want and can continue with. In today’s writing, I express how completely absurd and unintelligent it is, that we are willing to wage wars, destroy the environment, create endless conflicts, arguments and tragedies, while we remain unwilling and incapable of identifying the difference between DL and EL. Indeed, you are delusional with your DL, which makes you believe, your language plays no role in how you perceive yourself, others and your so-called reality. Once you will have EL, you realize something of immense importance: everything is your own making. You create and live in your own reality, due to how you deal with your language. The reality we have created, and we continue to create with our usual way of talking – DL – is something entirely different from the reality we would create, if we would really listen to ourselves and use our EL, our own language, effectively, to our own benefit. With EL we create our Language Enlightenment (LE), but with our DL, we create and live in our own hell.


You should do something about the problem, which is your DL. Stop it. With DL, you keep imagining, you have something in mind, but with EL, you are fully aware, there cannot be any words or sentences in your brain. Your stomach doesn’t say something to you about digesting your food. You don’t breathe because you tell yourself to breathe. With DL, you have definitely done something wrong, but when you get it right, when you set the record straight, with your EL, you have done yourself a great favor. There is something about listening to your own voice, while you speak, which is of great value.                  

Saturday, January 20, 2024




There is an enormous difference between helping and enabling. When you enable someone, you give him or her the authority or means to do something. If you give money to your drug-addicted teenager, you are enabling your child’s bad behavior. It would be helpful, if you could empower your loved one to recover from this habit and do something healthy and productive. Many people – unknowingly, due to how they deal with their language – have a problem determining the difference between enabling and supporting someone. It is well known, that people who are recovering from mental health problems or substance abuse, are benefitted from building and maintaining positive social relationships. However, as long as these so-called support systems are still based on Disembodied Language (DL), they are not effective. Despite all our good intentions, because of our unconscious, negative DL, we, inadvertently, enable unhelpful, self-defeating behaviors in others.


The difference between enabling and being helpful is in how we use our language. We need to stop our DL, which should be called the language of enabling, so that we can finally have Embodied Language (EL) and truly provide – but also receive – the support that is needed, to get out of any behavior, which is destroying our lives. It is language that determines how we deal with behavior, so once our language changes, all our other behavior will change with it.


When we facilitate someone’s potentially harmful behavior, we are enabling. Everyday, we condone each other’s DL and justify our own, we are enabling and, simultaneously, we prevent ourselves as well as each other from engaging in supportive, positive, productive behavior. DL, our usual automatic way of dealing with our language, prevents us from acting and from doing what is absolutely necessary. All the chaos and conflict, we see in the world, is due to DL.


Everyone who engages in DL is each other’s enabler. To stop our own DL – rather than each other’s – it is of utmost importance, we become familiar with the main characteristics of our enabling behavior. As enablers, we protect those, we believe to love, from the consequences of their own behavior. Simply put, DL is abusive behavior and those who go along with it, endlessly invite more abuse. However, the abuse works both ways. DL communicators abuse other DL communicators, but they abuse themselves as well.


The only way to stop DL abuse, is by talking alone with yourself and by letting yourself know, how you feel about it. Another symptom of enabling and DL is that we are constantly walking on eggshells. We don’t speak our truth, but we are defensive, and we keep secrets. Supposedly, we do this, to keep the peace. We all know that we aren’t really talking, and the negative consequences are piling up during our uncomfortable silence. Sooner or later, we are going to have an inevitable escalation, because our lack of boundaries is always part of our enabling. Although we are all very demanding with our DL, we have no clear expectations of ourselves or each other. Even if we tried to, we never follow through, as it involves a confrontation with our DL. We keep making excuses, for why we still continue with our DL, even though we really don’t want to, but we don’t know how to stop it. We simply deny, we engage in DL, every day.


We are enabling each other’s DL and, therefore, we are codependent. Furthermore, enablers are always blamed by the enabled, because they are obviously part of the problem. Since it is our conditioning, DL is actually very much like an addiction and when – as I am doing in this writing – we are pointing out the irrefutable fact, that we are enabling each other, it can feel, as if I am blaming people for having DL. I only write about enabling, however, because my wife Bonnie happened to mention to me, this morning, that the Biden administration is enabling so much divisive problem behavior. It was because she used that word, that I suddenly felt like writing about it.  


Once we have switched from DL to EL and we have EL together, we will be enabling ongoing EL in each other and – yes, I am not kidding – we will become addicted to EL, as it allows us to be totally ourselves. Our EL brings us in touch with our own intelligence and it is amazing what happens, when all our other behavior becomes controlled by our EL instead of by our DL. With our EL, we get rid of all behavior, which came about and was maintained by our DL. EL is the gift that keeps on giving, as it reveals to us, what life is like, when our behavior is effective, which means, we don’t need to change it, we can continue with it, because it works. We are so fulfilled by having EL and we call our great satisfaction in having correct and, therefore, successful behavior, our Language Enlightenment (LE). Our addiction to EL pays off, as it prepares us for the important task of enabling our own and each other’s LE. We care as much about each other’s EL and LE, as we care about our own.                                    

Friday, January 19, 2024




Once we have experienced and, thus, have come to know, the difference between our Disembodied Language (DL) – which is our usual way of talking – and Embodied Language (EL), we view selfishness, which is considered a bad thing in DL, as a good thing, from our newly acquired involvement in EL. Unless we consider talking with ourselves, to be more important, than talking with others – so that we can finally say and understand, for ourselves, what DL and EL mean to us, individually – we will never have our own clarity, about DL and EL, and, inadvertently, remain trapped by what DL or EL is, according to how others define and perceive it.


We never truly care for anything or anyone, as we merely always want something, since our needs are never met with our DL. Our superficial relationships are based on what we can get from each other. As long as we ourselves remain needy, unfulfilled, and, therefore, always demanding, we can’t really love anyone, as our selfishness is of greater importance. The other person – whether it is our child, brother, sister, mother, father, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife or neighbor – doesn’t even exist for us, since they are only a means to fulfill our needs.


Unless we adopt EL, as our new way of dealing with  language, we cannot really have a loving, devoted, caring, affectionate relationship. Since we have not addressed, let alone, understood, the big difference between our DL and EL, we all, unknowingly, mainly engage DL. Selfishness is an unconscious behavior that inevitably results from our conditioning history. We were taught to have DL, not EL, because no one, before me, has ever addressed the great difference between DL and EL in the way I do. We all know, the opposite of selfishness is altruism, and that altruism is better than our selfishness, but our DL prevents us from being altruistic. It is interesting to see, how this plays out politically, in Western societies today.


Currently, there is – I insist, because we have never really dealt with the difference between our DL and our EL – in many Western, individualized societies, a socialistic demonization going on of hard-fought individualism. Those who prefer a collectivistic political perspective, view individualism as outright evil and demand social justice, instead of sinful selfishness. However, it was precisely life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that created wealth, but never the always coercive, violent collectivists.


Characterizing selfishness as wicked, is the ultimate form of gaslighting, as it condemns a selfish person in his or her ability, to be an individual and take care of him or herself. Moreover, gaslighting – which is, of course, an aspect of DL – is an insidious practice of psychological manipulation, in which someone is tricked in questioning their own sanity, powers of reason or memory. This guilt-tripping is the basis for group behavior and forces its members to sacrifice their individualism on the altar of collectivism. Also, whatever power collectivists acquire, they always steal from those who actually produce something.


When we engage in EL, we begin to view selfishness or self-centeredness in an entirely different manner, as our language fits with our individual behavior and makes us successful, happy and satisfied. We are full of energy with EL, but with DL, we feel negative and drained. Furthermore, in EL we don’t focus on some non-existent, imaginary self, as we know, there is no such entity, but we bring attention to how we use our language, by listening to ourselves as we speak.


The notion that man, presumably, is always trying to seek pleasure and trying to avoid pain, is based on our restless DL, in which we never feel fulfilled. We acquire a new conceptualization of ourselves, when we engage in EL, because our relentless desire for gratification subsides and our anxious avoidance of pain with amusement and distraction, is replaced by our wisdom of who we are. Our ongoing EL reveals our true nature, our Language Enlightenment (LE).


People with DL, consider the fact, that I rather enjoy my own EL – by talking with myself, than to be with others, who cannot engage in EL – as selfishness, but to me, it is based on the simple realization, that I wouldn’t be able to continue with my EL, if I would keep busy with DL, whether it is my own or the DL of others. Anyone who recognizes the difference between DL and EL, wants to naturally continue with EL. Once that transformative distinction has been made, a process of exploration is set into motion, in which DL subsides and our EL increases. What was – in DL – always wrongly interpreted and judged as selfishness, was, in reality, our helpless, hopeless and meaningless attempts at EL. The fact is, although we have unconsciously tried to have EL, we have failed again and again and given up on it.


In spite of the condemnation and rejection, I so often experienced, I succeeded in continuing my EL. When I, due to my ongoing EL, started to become increasingly happier, I often felt bad, as I knew very well, other people aren’t having a clue about their EL. For many years, I tried my best to teach others, but, in retrospect, my teachings failed, because I felt somehow it would be selfishness, to keep it to myself. Surely, it was my conditioning history with DL, which was still playing up on me. I am so happy, to be no longer in psychology, the dreadful field, I studied and worked in for so many years. I no longer feel guilty about having my EL, as it is a fact of my life, I feel very proud of. My opinion about your forceful DL, is that you, as an immature speaker, always demand, like needy child, the listener’s attention. In other words, I turn the table on your dumb selfishness.                      


Thursday, January 18, 2024




I am absentminded, because I engage in Embodied Language (EL), which made it absolutely clear to me that I don’t have a mind. It is only those, who have  Disembodied Language (DL), who believe to have a mind, who can be, at times, inattentive, forgetful,  preoccupied, distracted, daydreaming or vague. To me, being fully attentive, clear, focused, present or conscious, is not some goal to be achieved, but it is how I live my life. Actually, I couldn’t be any better than I am today. I’m convinced, it will continue to get even better. My past is predictive of my future and everything got better and better. I don’t see any reason, why this wouldn’t be any longer the case.


Most people, who are considered absentminded with DL, are gloomy. In my EL-opinion, they are actually showing, how disinterested, aimless,  unmotivated, uncommitted and disconnected they really are. Supposedly, there is something wrong with them, but to me, it is a sign of intelligence that they don’t want pay attention, to what anyone with DL demands, they should be paying attention to.


You could say, that absentmindedness is a bad thing in DL, but it is a good thing in EL. In fact, unless you don’t give a shit about your own or anyone else’s DL anymore, you will not be able to have any ongoing EL. Since we don’t know about the great difference between DL and EL, we totally fail to acknowledge how often people are scatter-brained, due to mostly their own, but, of course, also due to DL of others.  


If someone is considered absentminded, he or she doesn’t pay attention, to what most people usually pay attention to. Anyone who can have ongoing EL, obviously, prefers EL over DL, as he or she knows, that people with DL, are obsessed with nothing but bullshit, superficiality and superstition. Whether we admit it or not, we mainly engage in DL, because we simply do not know how to have EL. It is always a DL speaker, who stresses the listener’s attention and admonishes him or her for being absentminded.


In DL, there always appears to be a problem with so-called listening. We are continuously told, that, supposedly, listening is really difficult, and we are made to believe, the world would be a better place, and everything would be so much easier, if only we would put more serious effort into becoming better listeners. Those who are good listeners, to speakers who engage in DL, are obedient slaves. As a former psychology instructor and tutor, I can tell you, with 100% certainty, anyone with attentional problems always hates DL and responds more genuinely to my EL, than anyone, who doesn’t have these problems.


Surprisingly, after we have experienced, recognized and spoken about the immense difference between our DL and our EL, it is very clear to us, we all agree about the fact, that nobody actually likes to listen to DL, yet we all love to hear someone’s EL. Therefore, the problem was never listening, but it was always the aversive sound of the DL speaker, who couldn’t elicit a listening-response in the listener. Hilariously, in EL, there is no problem with listening, because we are absentminded, as we are really sure, we don’t have a mind, thoughts or language inside of our heads. In EL, inner dialogue or private speech doesn’t exist.  


With DL, we talk about someone, who is considered to be absentminded, as someone who is abstracted. Abstractus is Latin and means drawn off or removed from something specific. However, mind or thought isn’t anything specific, as it is merely a non-existing concept, that was created by our DL. With our DL, we say, someone is abstracted, because he or she is absent in mind or distracted from present reality by intellectual actual activity. However, the reality isn’t some fantasy, which is created by our DL and our overrated intellectuality – which also stems from our DL – has always been against our feelings, that is, with DL, we are distracted from the reality of who we really are. With DL, we imagine to be rational, by pretending to have moved away from our feelings.


When we consider the devastating fact, that DL is accepted and adhered to by everyone, everywhere, as the rule, while our individual EL is, at best, only an occasional, short-lived, unfathomable exception, it is not surprising, that so many people go through their lives sleepwalking, unconscious, removed and dissociated from the presence of their own feelings, which, because they were not attended to, properly expressed, and, therefore, neglected, are negative.


Our common way of talking, DL, doesn’t and can’t address our feelings and we are therefore, generally absentminded. In the United States, where I live, we tolerate the piles of disgusting filth and garbage of the ever-growing, destitute, hopelessly addicted homeless population, because our DL is completely out of touch with reality. We can only begin to solve our problems, if we address them properly, which means we must stop our DL, then engage in EL, and then, acknowledge, that being absentminded is our reality. There is no mind or thought in EL, therefore, we can be fully present, we can talk without being removed from reality, by how we use our language.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024




We can only engage in Embodied Language (EL), as long as we have the integrity, to fully recognize, that we have been conditioned and corrupted by our Disembodied Language (DL). Although many people pretend to have EL, they are unknowingly having DL, as they never even bothered to acknowledge the great difference. The creation of Gold Gate bridge in San Francisco, involved a lot hard work, from a lot of skillful people and unless that bridge was designed and constructed properly, with the right materials, it would have collapsed. The bridges, we believe to have built with psychology have collapsed, because  it is a fact, that DL rules the whole world and EL is nowhere to be found, anywhere. My writing on this blog, is the only place, where you can read about it.


Our society doesn’t encourage integrity, because it came about due to adversarial, divisive DL. Basically, we have all kept doing all sorts of weird, criminal, addictive, obsessive, coercive, fanatic, disrespectful, violent shit. We condone our actions, by making it seem, as if DL is normal and shouldn’t be stopped, but the problems we created, with our usual way of talking, are gigantic and are inevitably escalating. EL requires individuals, people who are able to speak and write from their wholeness, not some phony, actors, whose only aim is to delude themselves as well as others. Only the authentic individual, with his or her EL, stands alone against the whole society.


My dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke, is the only person who has the integrity, to explore her own EL. Here is the link   Please, go and read her blog and compare what she wrote to what I have written and realize for yourself, it is possible to have our own unique EL. We must each have our own version of our EL, to reveal our own, equally exceptional, Language Enlightenment (LE). I view as the success of an individual, the integrity, to continue with EL and to fully embrace his or her LE. 


In DL, we keep talking about beautiful words such as  integrity, but, the ugly reality is, we are always told, to trust and, therefore, never question, the integrity of some authority, who as a speaker, is allowed to dominate or completely ignore the listener, as he or she, supposedly, is more important or powerful. All our talk about equality or integrity is meaningless, since we create and maintain, with our forceful DL, the social hierarchy, that sets us apart. Only if our actions are in tune or congruent with our language, do we have integrity, so first, we must stop our DL.


Obviously, throwing around words, like integrity, is not the same as having integrity. With our false DL, we create a smokescreen of words, which makes us lose track of what these words actually refer to. The reality, which – no matter how much we have said, written, heard or read, is always beyond words – is a fact, but with our dumb, insensitive, automatic DL, we don’t realize this, because we bluntly, stubbornly and ignorantly keep taking our words to be the fact.


Of course, integrity is the ability, to talk about the facts without getting carried away by words and so, EL is the language of the integrity or the wholeness of us, as individuals. It is said – with DL – a practical way to show integrity, is to work hard, even when nobody is looking. However, you continue to try to prove yourself, regardless of whether you are alone or with others, so someone, who has integrity, is not doing anything else, then just being him or herself.


There are various animals, who routinely damage the structural integrity of earthen dams. In Holland, which, for a big part, is below sea-level, there is a war going on against Muskrats. These prolific pests are destroying the country’s dikes with their incessant digging. Surely, also the integrity of a person can be damaged, due to trauma and abuse and we need to protect ourselves or recover from such impacts. Without knowing it, we all carry with DL, the whole miserable, conflicted, chaotic history of mankind on our shoulders. Once we switch from DL to EL, we realize what a great burden our DL was.


Parents should teach their children about integrity, by, on the one hand, allowing them independence and by expecting and rewarding honesty, but on the other hand, by illustrating their integrity with their own actions. If the latter doesn’t occur, the former isn’t going to work. Candor or the ability to be open, honest and straightforward, goes hand in hand with being reliable, stable and honorable. We have yet to begin to talk about this, with EL instead of with DL.


Absolute integrity requires the unflinching courage to admit again and again – each time that we catch ourselves, reacting from our old automatic pattern – the huge tragedy of our own and all of mankind’s   history of conditioning with DL. It is, initially, hard to believe, we are all on the same Titanic and changing the deckchairs, altering the so-called narrative, isn’t going to cut it. With EL, we will stop fooling around with our words, because we will be talking with and listening to ourselves. Our EL makes sense, because we treat our language as action, so there is no such a thing, as the difference between saying and doing.


Lastly, it is not going to be some imaginary higher power or political movement, which will liberate us from our long and dreadful history of conditioning with DL, but our own ongoing EL – the expression of our LE – which communicates and establishes our integrity, purity and sanctity. These words have real meaning, as they refer to experiences, which will be reliably acquired, when we finally manage to stop our DL and continue with our EL. Our impeccable integrity is characterized by our gentle-heartedness and charitable manners to ourselves, rather than projecting what we want for ourselves on others, as we have always unconsciously done with our DL.


Tuesday, January 16, 2024


Without Language,


I write about the real possibility, that only with our Embodied Language (EL), we can say, whatever we want to say, and, after that, be totally without any language. This is an entirely different matter from what we have been hearing from people, who may have spoken endlessly about enlightenment, but who have never properly addressed the immense difference between our Disembodied Language (DL) – our usual group-behavior, our common phony way of talking, which sets the stage for how we deal with our language – and the language of individualism, or EL, in which we happily say, what we are capable of saying. From what should be considered the mortal enemies of language, we have all heard of the crazy notion of watching our so-called mind or observing our own thoughts, better known as meditation.


As I have often stated in my previous writings, there is absolutely no language anywhere inside of us and any reference about, supposedly, quietly observing our mind, thoughts or private speech, etc., is only adding more complications, to our already existing profoundly troublesome inner-language-fantasy. Actually, it involves our self-defeating, self-imposed notion of the limitation, yes, the outright taboo, of talking about who we really are, which requires us to first stop the automatic continuation of our DL.  


After we, together, to our heart’s content, have finally engaged in, and, therefore, have agreed with and have enjoyed, our own EL, being without any language, is an extraordinary experience, which will change us forever. We have stumbled upon a truth, which was completely unknown to us, as long as we engaged in DL and weren’t – due to our idiotic way of dealing with language – able to reason clearly.


Our EL is a logical, coherent and pragmatic way of dealing with language, which hasn’t got anything to do with what we – with DL – call thinking. Surely, in EL, we are speaking, writing, listening or reading, as there is no other way, to be busy with our language, than with these four behaviors. Stated differently, EL is like algebra, a specific type of math, that deals with solving problems using numbers and variables, which are symbols, that represent unknown or changing quantities.

Algebra is based on applying generalized rules and formulas to manipulate equations and expressions. Algebraic fractions can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided in the same way we do in simple arithmetic. Fractions are algebraic language with expressions on the top and on/or bottom. Also, fractions are ways of expressing parts of a whole. An example of a fraction is half a pizza or a quarter of a pizza, so a fraction is named according to the number of equal parts the whole or the collection of the parts is divided into. Note, the whole is one, so two halves (1/2+1/2=1) is one and four quarter pieces (1/4+1/4+1/4+1/4=1) added together, make one pizza. So, here are a couple of fractions 1/1=1, 10/10=1, a/a=1 or 50x/50x=1.


The oneness of these aforementioned fractions was determined by the fact that the numerator, the number on top, is the same as the denominator, the number at the bottom. Now, I introduce the fraction of the oneness of our EL, which, above the line, has your experience, which we will call x, and below the line, your EL. This is what it looks like: x/EL=1. Thus, when your experience, x, is described correctly by your EL, you are conscious and so, you understand. You will experience your Language Enlightenment (LE), once your EL articulates your own experience. Thus, x/EL=1=LE


In order to be without language, one, first, has to be conscious about and, therefore, effective with, one’s one’s own language, that is, one’s language must be the proper expression of one’s own experience. This is what we do in EL. Furthermore, it is so exquisite, to have nothing to say and still to talk and hear, feel and experience, what that oneness sounds like. One only talks, but it isn’t about anything in particular, and one only produces words and sentences, to be able to hear the nothingness, that is beyond words.


What it is like, to be without language, can be said and really needs to be said, because if it isn’t said, one will not be at peace, something has remained incomplete and this too, can be heard in the restless sound of one’s own voice. You just continue to speak about everything you are capable of and even when you are done, you still add some more, about having nothing to say or simply try to say something just for the sake of saying it. You dare to say it, you may say it, you can try again to say it, until it pleases you and you always feel very grateful, to be able to say it. You explore, if there is more for you to say and you make sure, you haven’t forgotten anything.


You will know, when you have said what you had wanted to say and were always capable of saying. With DL, however, you didn’t have the chance to say it. With EL, you take time to say it, you gave yourself that opportunity. You realize, with EL, you are able to say much more, than you believed, with DL, you could say. Your so-called thoughts about what you could say, weren’t true and were imaginations of fear for being judged about what you wanted to say. There is no fear, when you say to yourself what you want to say. This is why, both your experience, described by your EL and EL itself, dissolves in your LE. Indeed, in LE you are not only without words, but also without any experience. This tranquility is unlike anything you have ever experienced.


I say LE is not an experience, because there are no words to describe this. Of course, you can always try, if you would be inclined to do so. Perhaps, there is still more to experience or more to say, but even if that may be true, eventually, you come to the point, which I am describing: in your LE, everything merges into this mysterious sense of oneness. You can call it whatever you like, love, truth, consciousness, these words don’t matter. People with DL always say that words matter, but with EL you find out, they don’t. You can say, it feels good, relaxed, happy, peaceful, blissful, but these words are irrelevant because with EL, you actually really leave your language behind.


Your being without language, was made possible because you have used your language correctly. It may help to compare it, to be being asleep, in the sense that in sleep too, we ideally leave behind our experience as well as our language. However, we all know, that we still dream about stuff, because we are used to having DL during the day. Thus, in our dream, we do actually the same as we do during the day, because our presumed thinking is nothing but a daydream. It occurs, because we don’t have the right language for our experience and, consequently, we have in DL unattended experience, due to inaccurate language.


People believe, they can be conscious about their own experience, but what does that entail? Being conscious about our experience, is having ongoing EL about ourselves. Without EL, with DL, we only act out our conditioning history, but not our experience right now and so, there is always something lacking, something troubling, something unclear, as there is no match between our own language and our own experience. You will never be without language – and still – and resolved about your experiences, as long as they remained unexpressed or were expressed inadequately with DL.


If you verify with your EL, if this is true, if you really try to do that, you will again and again find, your DL takes over and as long as that continues to be the case, your language will reflect your struggle and conflict and your experience will still be negative, as you feel something is missing, something is wrong, something is bothering you. Your DL has to stop and then you can express everything effortlessly with your EL. Even if you manage to do it, just for a little bit, to give a try, you already instantly experience the positive effects. These effects will accumulate and reveal your LE, which transcends your language.