Sunday, January 21, 2024




In Hamlet, a play, by W. Shakespeare, Marcellus, a guard, talks to his philosophical comrade, Horatio, and says: “something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” This quote it is part of a longer conversation, about the disgusting, corrupt political ruling class. Together with “to be or not to be”, these are, probably, two of the most famous statements, made by Shakespeare’s most famous character, Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, whose King father had been murdered. 

This “something”, also reminds me of Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District Representative, Ilhan Omar, who was not too long ago banned from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, because – among various other hateful remarks – she had, in a speech for the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), stated that this organization "was founded short after 9/11,  because some people did something and that all of us [Muslims in the US] were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.” Actually, 9/11 happened in 2001 and CAIR was founded in 1994. Surely, many American Muslims joined the organization after 9/11, which has given it much more political power, and which is the goal of political Islam. 

No Muslim should - in my opinion- be allowed, to have any political power, in any Western democratic country, as long as no Westerners are allowed to hold any power, in any Muslim country. The Islamization is already of Europe is already in full progress and I truly wish this not to happen in the United States. Moreover, I believe the so-called freedom of religion, is an outdated and profoundly problematic concept, which swiftly needs to be adjusted to the reality of today. If something is not done about this - of course, with Embodied Language (EL) - Western civilization is going to fall apart, as it is already doing.  It is obvious, from the aforementioned, that Omar, CAIR – and the horrible Biden administration – are playing the victim card, by blaming, intimidating and disrespecting anyone, who is saying something critical about Islam for being Islamophobic and by calling anyone, who criticizes the current undemocratic government, a right-wing fascist.    


Let’s switch gears here and turn to the difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and EL. We have to begin to talk about this difference, as something – about our language – is going on, which people simply don’t know how to talk about, that is why they have, so far, only written about it. If they could have talked about it, like me, with EL instead of DL, they would, as you can read in this writing, have written something very different.


Regardless of what they claim or pretend, people with DL, do not know how to talk about their own experience. We all unconsciously engage, day in day out, in DL. However, this has absolutely nothing to do with our culture, race, politics, etc., but with the unaddressed fact, that we are conditioned, to listen to others, but not to ourselves, while we speak. Yes, I know, people don’t believe me, but I have taught this stuff for more than 45 years and it is something.


How can you be talking about your own experience, and you are still always struggling, arguing, fighting, unhappy, troubled, confused, conflicted, frustrated, traumatized, defensive, manipulative, carried away, dishonest, needy, coercive, violent and superstitious? Yes, you are all of these things, because you don’t deal with your language consciously. Something is very wrong with you and all your behavior, because you are busier with others, than with yourself, because, supposedly, others are more important than you.


The point I am making, is that you don’t know how to have EL, in which you can be truly yourself and stay with yourself. I know how to have EL, because I write or say something to myself every day. I am not trying to have EL, as trying to have EL doesn’t work. If you have EL, you are not trying to have it. So, you are only trying to have what you believe to be EL, as long as you don’t know the difference between DL and EL. As long as you are trying, something isn’t clear to you about your DL. Of course, your DL, your conditioning history, has to be acknowledged and stopped. EL can only occur, if DL has been stopped. EL is effortless and easy, but DL makes you obsess about something difficult and energy-draining.


Another issue I want to address in this writing, is that you keep reading about what you don’t talk about, and this goes into academia, social and other media, politics or religion. Since you don’t and can’t have EL, only DL, you prefer the written word over the spoken word, because the spoken word is too aversive and upsetting for you. In fact, you are such a weakling and such loser, that you keep refusing to simply talk. Naturally, your DL, in spoken form, can never produce anything meaningful, scientifically, regarding your behavior. Certainly, all your problems are behavioral problems and something about your language will have to change, to address the matter.


Language is biased – and scientifically useless – in which the speaker dominates and forces a listener. The great importance we have given to our written language, is at the expense of our spoken language, which is neglected, ignored and derailed. I write this because I can and I know, other people, who don’t know EL, can’t. In principle, everyone is capable of recognizing the difference between DL and EL and continue with EL, however, something always gets in the way. This something will only get out of the way, if you speak with yourself and listen to your sound.


I write about the difference between DL and EL, but not because – like you – I cannot speak about it, but because I can speak about it. I know that difference and I have ongoing EL, without any problem. This writing is the result of my daily spoken involvement in EL, but all other writings from people, who don’t have EL – as I have stated, everyone – derive from their unconscious involvement in DL. You can downplay what I say, but that only makes it more urgent for you, to admit that something is terribly wrong.


Your problems will only dissolve, if you deal with the DL, which is causing, maintaining and exacerbating them. Simply stated, your DL is ineffective language, because it is based on the old misconception, that you have private speech, inner self-talk, thoughts, associations, memories, concepts, ideas or a mind. There is no language to be found anywhere inside of your body, but your usual way of talking continues this fantasy, that you have a psyche or something.


Here is something I want the reader, who is used to DL to consider. As someone, who has EL, I can’t talk with anyone, who has DL – I can’t talk with you – because they disrespect, ignore, humiliate, disturb, judge, confuse, distract, stress and hurt me, without ever realizing or acknowledging, this a consequence of their involvement in DL. Moreover, with DL, you always make it seem, as if there is something wrong with anyone, like me – who has and knows EL – for saying: hey speaker, it is not what you say, but how you say it. Even the slightest feedback about your insensitive, coercive, mechanical behavior is turned into something, which will make my EL impossible.


I have gone through this million times, but there is no other way for me – or anyone with EL – than to stay away from those with DL, as much as possible, because EL is always stopped, by those who don’t know, and who don’t want to know, they engage in DL. In essence, it is just like pollution, people leave their garbage behind and others, who don’t do that, see that and are witnessing this carelessness. Yes, I am not going to sugar-coat my disdain and disgust for your DL. Although I no longer confront anyone with it, as I have done for many years, I don’t waste any more time or energy on anyone’s DL bullshit.


As far as I am concerned, your DL is a done deal. I only care about my EL, which creates something I want and can continue with. In today’s writing, I express how completely absurd and unintelligent it is, that we are willing to wage wars, destroy the environment, create endless conflicts, arguments and tragedies, while we remain unwilling and incapable of identifying the difference between DL and EL. Indeed, you are delusional with your DL, which makes you believe, your language plays no role in how you perceive yourself, others and your so-called reality. Once you will have EL, you realize something of immense importance: everything is your own making. You create and live in your own reality, due to how you deal with your language. The reality we have created, and we continue to create with our usual way of talking – DL – is something entirely different from the reality we would create, if we would really listen to ourselves and use our EL, our own language, effectively, to our own benefit. With EL we create our Language Enlightenment (LE), but with our DL, we create and live in our own hell.


You should do something about the problem, which is your DL. Stop it. With DL, you keep imagining, you have something in mind, but with EL, you are fully aware, there cannot be any words or sentences in your brain. Your stomach doesn’t say something to you about digesting your food. You don’t breathe because you tell yourself to breathe. With DL, you have definitely done something wrong, but when you get it right, when you set the record straight, with your EL, you have done yourself a great favor. There is something about listening to your own voice, while you speak, which is of great value.                  

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