Tuesday, January 16, 2024


Without Language,


I write about the real possibility, that only with our Embodied Language (EL), we can say, whatever we want to say, and, after that, be totally without any language. This is an entirely different matter from what we have been hearing from people, who may have spoken endlessly about enlightenment, but who have never properly addressed the immense difference between our Disembodied Language (DL) – our usual group-behavior, our common phony way of talking, which sets the stage for how we deal with our language – and the language of individualism, or EL, in which we happily say, what we are capable of saying. From what should be considered the mortal enemies of language, we have all heard of the crazy notion of watching our so-called mind or observing our own thoughts, better known as meditation.


As I have often stated in my previous writings, there is absolutely no language anywhere inside of us and any reference about, supposedly, quietly observing our mind, thoughts or private speech, etc., is only adding more complications, to our already existing profoundly troublesome inner-language-fantasy. Actually, it involves our self-defeating, self-imposed notion of the limitation, yes, the outright taboo, of talking about who we really are, which requires us to first stop the automatic continuation of our DL.  


After we, together, to our heart’s content, have finally engaged in, and, therefore, have agreed with and have enjoyed, our own EL, being without any language, is an extraordinary experience, which will change us forever. We have stumbled upon a truth, which was completely unknown to us, as long as we engaged in DL and weren’t – due to our idiotic way of dealing with language – able to reason clearly.


Our EL is a logical, coherent and pragmatic way of dealing with language, which hasn’t got anything to do with what we – with DL – call thinking. Surely, in EL, we are speaking, writing, listening or reading, as there is no other way, to be busy with our language, than with these four behaviors. Stated differently, EL is like algebra, a specific type of math, that deals with solving problems using numbers and variables, which are symbols, that represent unknown or changing quantities.

Algebra is based on applying generalized rules and formulas to manipulate equations and expressions. Algebraic fractions can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided in the same way we do in simple arithmetic. Fractions are algebraic language with expressions on the top and on/or bottom. Also, fractions are ways of expressing parts of a whole. An example of a fraction is half a pizza or a quarter of a pizza, so a fraction is named according to the number of equal parts the whole or the collection of the parts is divided into. Note, the whole is one, so two halves (1/2+1/2=1) is one and four quarter pieces (1/4+1/4+1/4+1/4=1) added together, make one pizza. So, here are a couple of fractions 1/1=1, 10/10=1, a/a=1 or 50x/50x=1.


The oneness of these aforementioned fractions was determined by the fact that the numerator, the number on top, is the same as the denominator, the number at the bottom. Now, I introduce the fraction of the oneness of our EL, which, above the line, has your experience, which we will call x, and below the line, your EL. This is what it looks like: x/EL=1. Thus, when your experience, x, is described correctly by your EL, you are conscious and so, you understand. You will experience your Language Enlightenment (LE), once your EL articulates your own experience. Thus, x/EL=1=LE


In order to be without language, one, first, has to be conscious about and, therefore, effective with, one’s one’s own language, that is, one’s language must be the proper expression of one’s own experience. This is what we do in EL. Furthermore, it is so exquisite, to have nothing to say and still to talk and hear, feel and experience, what that oneness sounds like. One only talks, but it isn’t about anything in particular, and one only produces words and sentences, to be able to hear the nothingness, that is beyond words.


What it is like, to be without language, can be said and really needs to be said, because if it isn’t said, one will not be at peace, something has remained incomplete and this too, can be heard in the restless sound of one’s own voice. You just continue to speak about everything you are capable of and even when you are done, you still add some more, about having nothing to say or simply try to say something just for the sake of saying it. You dare to say it, you may say it, you can try again to say it, until it pleases you and you always feel very grateful, to be able to say it. You explore, if there is more for you to say and you make sure, you haven’t forgotten anything.


You will know, when you have said what you had wanted to say and were always capable of saying. With DL, however, you didn’t have the chance to say it. With EL, you take time to say it, you gave yourself that opportunity. You realize, with EL, you are able to say much more, than you believed, with DL, you could say. Your so-called thoughts about what you could say, weren’t true and were imaginations of fear for being judged about what you wanted to say. There is no fear, when you say to yourself what you want to say. This is why, both your experience, described by your EL and EL itself, dissolves in your LE. Indeed, in LE you are not only without words, but also without any experience. This tranquility is unlike anything you have ever experienced.


I say LE is not an experience, because there are no words to describe this. Of course, you can always try, if you would be inclined to do so. Perhaps, there is still more to experience or more to say, but even if that may be true, eventually, you come to the point, which I am describing: in your LE, everything merges into this mysterious sense of oneness. You can call it whatever you like, love, truth, consciousness, these words don’t matter. People with DL always say that words matter, but with EL you find out, they don’t. You can say, it feels good, relaxed, happy, peaceful, blissful, but these words are irrelevant because with EL, you actually really leave your language behind.


Your being without language, was made possible because you have used your language correctly. It may help to compare it, to be being asleep, in the sense that in sleep too, we ideally leave behind our experience as well as our language. However, we all know, that we still dream about stuff, because we are used to having DL during the day. Thus, in our dream, we do actually the same as we do during the day, because our presumed thinking is nothing but a daydream. It occurs, because we don’t have the right language for our experience and, consequently, we have in DL unattended experience, due to inaccurate language.


People believe, they can be conscious about their own experience, but what does that entail? Being conscious about our experience, is having ongoing EL about ourselves. Without EL, with DL, we only act out our conditioning history, but not our experience right now and so, there is always something lacking, something troubling, something unclear, as there is no match between our own language and our own experience. You will never be without language – and still – and resolved about your experiences, as long as they remained unexpressed or were expressed inadequately with DL.


If you verify with your EL, if this is true, if you really try to do that, you will again and again find, your DL takes over and as long as that continues to be the case, your language will reflect your struggle and conflict and your experience will still be negative, as you feel something is missing, something is wrong, something is bothering you. Your DL has to stop and then you can express everything effortlessly with your EL. Even if you manage to do it, just for a little bit, to give a try, you already instantly experience the positive effects. These effects will accumulate and reveal your LE, which transcends your language.      

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