Tuesday, May 28, 2024



Why would anyone with their unintelligent, insensitive Disembodied Language (DL) want to talk with me? They don’t and it is perfectly fine with me. Forceful, unnatural, phony DL never interacts with my sensitive, intelligent, natural, original Embodied Language (EL). EL and DL are mutually exclusive, which means; if one stops, the other begins. My answer to the idiotic question, why our DL and our EL never meet, is, of course, very different from someone with DL.


People usually want to study psychology – I did – to know themselves better. However, the fact is, that psychology, like everything in academia, is taught with DL, and, consequently, the more they study, the further away, they move from themselves, because they are busy with others. The reason why psychology hasn’t and couldn’t have delivered, is that it doesn’t and couldn’t  address the DL/EL distinction, and, therefore, it only pays lip-service to self-knowledge. Why do I say, it couldn’t deliver and it couldn’t address the great importance of self-knowledge? I say that because, nobody in the field of psychology has acquired the self-knowledge, that can only be obtained by acknowledging and exploring the difference between their DL and EL. What people don’t know, they can’t teach to others.


Whatever it is, that people are taught, in the name of becoming a better communicator, it is nonsense, because it never involves the DL/EL distinction. Why is the whole issue of becoming a better communicator foolish? Well, we either engage in DL and engage in fake conversation or we engage in EL and we have real conversation. The ridiculous, obvious, undeniable fact, that even psychologists haven’t acknowledged this difference, tell us, psychology is based on bias.


Why does learning about research methods in psychology makes no sense? Well, in one of my previous posts, I wrote about the basic tenet of science: replicability. However, the so-called research, that has been done, in the name of psychology, cannot be replicated. Therefore, it is unscientific. Not surprisingly, there are, within the discipline, the same two – political – camps, we see in society, who – how could it be otherwise? – interpret these so-called data, in an entirely different manner. Presumably, they are working on this crisis, but they don’t even want to call it crisis, as this would – as it should – seriously undermine their credibility. Fact is, however, this communication-problem cannot  and will not be solved by their DL, which is the problem. Stated differently, it makes no sense at all, to have any faith in psychology, which, in the name of our stupid DL, is doing great harm, by only prescribing medications for undesirable behavior, which they are unable to change. Why is this even allowed? It is because we all engage unconsciously in DL. Only I can say this with EL.


None of this disgusting, Antisemitism, Marxist-Socialist, Anti-American, Pro-Hamas, Diversity-Equity-Inclusion, Transgender-Wokism, but also none of this current homelessness, addiction, crime or so-called Mental Health Crises, would be the case, if our EL had been embraced, as the very essence of our psychological health. And why is Democracy itself in danger? It is because our DL is tearing apart the very fabric of our society.


With DL – in which we, as speakers, don’t listen to ourselves while we speak – we simply cannot and will not develop so-called critical thinking skills, because we are constantly in conflict and we endlessly are trying to deal with or recover from our negative emotions, which we can only properly – rationally – address with our ongoing EL. Why don’t we know this already? Even when we had a few, brief, accidental, fleeting good moments of EL, we didn’t achieve these experiences by deliberately, consciously, skillfully stopping our DL, so that we could have EL, as we have never stimulated each other, to listen to ourselves while we speak, so we could have ongoing EL.


The first and foremost thing to acknowledge about what is known as mental illness is: there is no illness. Yes, there are problems, but there is no illness. Why do we keep calling it – with our DL – illness, when we know and we have known this all along, that there is no illness? This is gas-lighting, psychological manipulation, because it is grossly misleading. In DL we are always pretending to know and defending lies.


Why is there no grand-scale experimentation in psychology going on, to identify and explore the existence of DL and EL, the two ways of talking, which determine everything in our lives? If we were to have ongoing EL, all the falsehoods we have believed in, due to our DL, will have to be left behind. Basically, everyone can have EL, but we aren’t having it, because we hang on to our biases and we are irrational. Why do we remain so irrational about ourselves? It is because our negative emotions from DL prevent rationality. Only the positive emotions of our ongoing EL,  can make us rational and wise about ourselves.    

Monday, May 27, 2024

 Memorial Day 2024,


Today, I honor my old sense of who I believed to be, with my Disembodied Language (DL), who gave his life, so I could be the free individual, who I am today, with Embodied Language (EL). I have fought, I got wounded, I was traumatized and I have died, with everyone, who has served, so that others may live. I am grateful and I feel responsible, because my freedom didn’t come by itself. Although, I am so free, that I am able to experience the language of freedom – to be who I am - which is my EL, I’m well-aware, that most people, who have the same freedom as me, still adhere to dumb group-behavior – DL – which doesn’t allow them to be themselves.


If people, who live in the United States – or in any other country, where the fortunate citizens have individual rights – do not take the saying, that, freedom is not free, serious, they will go on, unknowingly, with language that prevents them from being free. DL is a group-behavior, which has to be stopped, before we can be free as individuals. Freedom, for someone like me – who went through and survived many battles, who, because of that, is now capable of having ongoing EL – is the expression of my Language Enlightenment (LE). My freedom is available to everyone, who is still suffering from endless DL. With me, this suffering is going to come to an end and they will be able to enjoy their own EL.


I am aware about the widening gap, between the public and service members, which, to me, is similar to the fact, that everyone keeps going with their DL, while almost nobody wants to acknowledge the necessity of EL. What people gave their lives for isn’t validated by those, who have never done anything to be free. Likewise, EL isn’t recognized – as it should be – as the language of the individual, without which our society, which is built on individual freedom, is going to fall apart. This is already happening.


Memorial Day is meant to collectively mourn, remember and honor, the loss of those, who died, wearing the uniform of the United States, who died for the freedom, so others could do what they really want to do. However, if you begin to listen to yourself while you speak, you can’t miss the fact, that again and again, you engage in an unnatural, effortful way of talking, which you don’t even want to be involved in. The DL, which we mechanically keep busy with, happens only, because we are not listening to ourselves while we speak. In effect, we have given up on our own freedom, each time we, automatically, participate in DL again. In other words, we repeat our history of conditioning.  


As I was doing my graduate study in Psychology at Palo Alto University (PAU), I had wanted to do my internship with the Veterans Affairs (VA), but I was told, to my great disappointment, that I was too old – 53 – to qualify. I was and still am convinced, the field of psychology has dismally failed to deliver, particularly to veterans. At this point, I am no longer trying – as I did back then, because I viewed it as my duty, to reach out and help people in need – but it is as clear to me now, as it was back then, that psychology and psychiatry is utterly flawed, because the DL/EL distinction is not addressed. Nobody at PAU was sincere enough, to consider what I was saying. I had been promised, I would be able to choose my research topic, but once I had Advanced To Candidacy, I was told, by the arrogant prick of a director, that I would have to do uninteresting grunt-work for my supervisor and my own topic would have to wait till after graduating for PhD. This led me to withdraw from this expensive institute of liars. I am, however, as convinced today, as I was back in 2012, that EL would be incredibly valuable in the treatment of PTSD. It is astonishing, therapists or psychologist don’t want to find out about the DL/EL distinction.


Biden’s Memorial speech today, is a slap in the face of everyone who has served. He urges Americans to uphold democracy, but everything he does is anti-democratic. If it was up to his Radical-Marxist-Left-Wing-Administration, there are no borders, criminals aren’t prosecuted, we should all believe in transgender-mania, it is wrong to be love our county – let alone to make it great again – and nothing he says reminds us of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is because of Biden and his henchmen; America and many Democratic countries are witnessing a disgusting storm of Antisemitism. His foreign policy about Israel and Ukraine is a total mess. Biden panders to the Muslim vote, by criticizing Israel's war against Hamas and for whatever weird reason, he doesn't want to condemn Iran, which funds Islamic terrorism. Oddly, he claims to be the protector of Democracy, while he paints Trump as Hitler. This is divisive hogwash. Biden is an insult to the dead veterans. He is not a uniter, but a disgrace, to stand there at Arlington cemetery pretending to honor people. This pathetic, old, phony, creepy man is a clearly a shill for all the countries, which hate America, everything it stands for and want to destroy it. Biden is an imposter, who only reads a speech from a script, written for, not by him.     

Sunday, May 26, 2024



Our Disembodied Language (DL) – which is our common, as of yet, unaddressed, demanding, fake, unnatural, unconscious way of talking - is and has always been, the weaponization of our language. Only if our DL has been stopped, by us ourselves, are we able to have fearless, authentic, intelligent, natural, creative Embodied Language (EL).


Our weaponized DL is truly an ugly, destructive, monstruous, but ubiquitous phenomenon. Indeed, in DL, we, as speakers, use our scripted, acted language as a weapon, to be able to win the battle for attention, so that we can dominate the audience or the listener. Weaponization is the act in which bacteria or poisonous chemicals are turned into weapons that could kill or injure people. Our usual way of talking sets the stage for how we deal with language and is always based on a struggle for attention. Inadvertently, other communicators are treated as adversaries, and, therefore, DL is aimed at outcompeting them, by any means necessary.


Weaponization of language also makes it possible to passively, stealthily, attack any group or individual. The freedom of speech has completely eroded, due to the weaponization of the internet. It is very clear, that particularly, conservative views are cancelled from all social and other media. As a consequence of incendiary language, to which there is no feed-back, free Democratic Western societies are now more polarized than ever.


Certainly, a way of talking – DL – precedes the weaponization of truth. Only when our DL has been stopped, by us, ourselves, can we finally begin to engage in ongoing EL, in which there is absolutely no struggle at all. Only with EL will we be able to speak meaningfully about how cancel-culture, made speaking the truth an act of control, rather than in invitation to freedom. Moreover, common phrases like, speaking truth to power, brutal honesty, standing your ground or making your voice heard, are examples of DL.


DL, which goes on, twenty-four-seven, around the world, is based on the continuation of fear. In other words, the intimidating, controlling, coercive, distractive or energy-draining effects of our DL, always involves the manipulation of someone else’s emotions. However, in DL, we are only able to influence others, with our own fake emotions. While we may be able to sway and bamboozle – hook, line and sinker – the shallow, phony, sentimental, positive as well as negative emotions of others, we ourselves have remained sadly incapable – with our disgusting sooth-saying and slimy-Newsom-sales-snake-oil – of experiencing, accepting and authentically expressing, our own feelings. The prize we pay, for DL’s weaponization of our feelings, is that we imagine ourselves to be in constant conflict. Weaponizing of emotions is when someone uses their emotional reaction and response to try to coerce and manipulate the behavior of others or how we ourselves are feeling right now.  


Why are so many people pretending, they can solve all their problems with medication? It is because of the weaponization of mental health. Clearly, in their advertising, the pharmaceutical industry uses psychological, therapeutic and mental health language in settings where we see and hear ordinary people – like us – talk about how happy and successful and healthy they are, by using all these medications and then, seemingly, they are not having any problems. In fact, our sanity, our own freedom and our own responsibility, to find our own solutions to our own problems, is constantly undermined, ridiculed and attacked, because, supposedly, a convenient, modern, scientific approach, with medicine, is the readily available, easy solution. Of course, the whole issue of mental health is in and off itself a contradiction in terms, as there exist no such thing as mental health. There is only the way in which we deal with our language. It is our DL, which determines that we are vulnerable to being gas-lighted, into medicating, instead of addressing, changing and solving our problems.


The weaponization of everything, is a phrase – which derives from our involvement in DL – referring to an expansion of the definition of what a weapon is, and correspondingly to an extension of what constitutes a treat, attack or defense. We were all conditioned by DL and it isn’t until we begin to have ongoing EL, that we can acknowledge and process, why language was weaponized against us from the get-go. The aforementioned expansion and distribution are so hard to identify, since we are almost permanently exposed to and involved in DL. The old saying, if you only have a hammer, then everything starts to look like a nail, describes how our DL basically determines everything. Also check out my two You Tube channels where I read this text: maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw or Maximus Peperkamp.  Let me hear from you.                       

Saturday, May 25, 2024



Our usual way of talking is completely wrong. How can it right, if we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak? We have accepted this absurd way of talking against our will for way too long. We don’t even know; this is the root-cause of all the madness that is going on. Disembodied Language (DL) is everywhere, because when we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak, we are unconscious.


Embodied Language (EL), in which the speaker listens to him or herself, while he or she speaks, is the only right way of talking, because only in EL are we conscious. The difference between our EL and our DL is the difference between right and wrong. We have never talked about this, because to do so, would require, that we first stop our DL, so that we can have ongoing EL.


None of the many problems, which we – with DL – keep saying, are our problems, are actually the problem. Our DL is and has always been the problem and we have yet to acknowledge this. In DL, experts compete for the attention of the listener, the viewer or the reader. It is all about selling books, getting research published, getting an interview or attracting millions of followers on social media, but our EL simply doesn’t work in such a superficial way.


For many years – studying, working in mental health and teaching – I was part of psychology, which, so they say, has a credibility-crisis, but as long as the difference between DL and EL hasn’t been acknowledged, as long as our problematic way of talking – DL – hasn’t been scientifically recognized, psychologists keep failing to deliver. The endless bickering and hair-splitting among researchers about methodology, doesn’t make any difference, but the DL/EL distinction certainly would.


In the Scientific American, I read, psychology has a healthy willingness to face its problems. This is just not true, because like everyone else, they fight and argue, which means, they engage in DL and not EL. It is funny, because underneath the first sentence of this stupid article, is a drawing of what appears to be humans with see-through brains, which have messy spiraling, squiggly lines, that suggest troubling thoughts. Right underneath this illustration, it says, times are tough for young psychologists.


While there is never any problem replicating the enormous difference between DL and EL, there is a replicability and reproducibility crisis in psychology, which has been going on for as long as I can remember. Surely, without EL, this totally unacceptable lack of credibility is never going to be properly addressed, let alone, solved. Moreover, with our superstitious DL, psychology isn’t even a science. All psychologists should be interested – open to evidence – in finding out about the DL/EL distinction, but, like everyone else, they are conditioned to have DL.


Nobody wants to acknowledge, the ongoing methodological crisis stemming from failure to replicate many studies, is a problem of human interaction. Until now, science has always only insisted on written scientific language, which is published in peer-reviewed journals, but the obvious need for a spoken scientific language, has been ridiculed or completely ignored. Of course, this is where psychology goes wrong, because it is not at all like physics or chemistry.


The cartoonish illustration was also followed by a wrong comment of the author, who said, that a thought had been rattling in his head. Anyone who knows the difference between DL and EL, will have to come to terms with the scientific fact, that there is no language inside of us and therefore, there is no thought, no mind, as this is merely a metaphorical way of speaking about the neurons and neurotransmitters in our head. In other words, language is – always – overt, that is, outside of the human skin, observable, because it is either said, heard, written or read.


While there is a lot of talk going on these days about fake-news, conspiracy-theories, hoaxes and plain-old propaganda, psychologists can’t get their act together, as they can’t even seem to agree on the undeniable fact, that the field is in a major crisis. Two camps of, supposedly, very smart people are looking at the exact same data and coming to wildly different conclusions. This is an example of DL, where one speaker tries to outcompete the other. Psychologists must get their head out of their ass and do the right thing instead of the wrong thing. They should be leading by example: stop their own wrong DL, engage in EL - which is the scientifically correct and truly rational way of dealing with language - and deal with the facts.  

Friday, May 24, 2024



The saying, fake it until you make it, derives from our Disembodied Language (DL). Only in Embodied Language (EL) can we be ourselves and one doesn’t need to worry, whether one will make it, as it happens by itself, beautifully, effortlessly and naturally. The so-called success you would have, if you would be able to fake it until you make it, is based on the same kind of make-belief, as the DL, which created it. In effect, you always create your own hell, with your dull, arrogant DL.


As long as we engage in unconscious, effortful, unnatural, dissociative DL, we pretend to speak and we pretend to listen, but our involvement in our language is totally fake. In DL, we want others to listen to us or we are trying to listen to others, but we don’t listen to ourselves, while we speak, and by default, we fall victim to fake news. In DL, we keep repeating stories, which are actually boring monologues, which prevent dialogue, which requires EL. All the overrated, boring, fake stories we have been told and we tell each other, have one purpose: to attract, dominate and manipulate the attention of the listener or the reader. Stories – or narratives, as we call them these days – have always been a means to an end, but they are as much a stand-in-the-way today to open, sincere dialogue, that is, to ongoing EL, as they have been, throughout human history.


Our childish over-appreciation of stories is also immature and anti-intellectual, and it is because of our unaddressed involvement in DL, that we over-estimate our belief in the importance of stories, to bring people together. The so-called togetherness of people, who, presumably, have the same beliefs, was always a fake-belonging, because, in reality, no one could be themselves, as long as the group-behavior – of our dreadful, problematic DL – still continued. Thus, EL is the language of the individual, which is so direly needed, because we can only have EL, after we have stopped being fake, after we have stopped our DL, so that we can finally be ourselves.


I don’t blame corporate media – or anyone else for that matter – for telling others, what they, apparently, want to hear. Everyone, rich and poor, educated or uneducated, is unconsciously trapped by their own DL, which makes us deal with language in a fake manner. Supposedly, in DL, what we say is more important, than how we say it, and, consequently, masses of people, are endlessly carried away, by cherry-picked data, algorithms, which promote, distracting, fake narratives, tweaked statistics, designed to instill confidence in what, speakers or writers, say or write, who are, presumably, more important than us. In other words, we, as individuals, remain busy, with the language of others, but only when we talk with ourselves, in order to be able to listen to ourselves, do we engage in ongoing EL, in which we use our language to our own advantage.


Our common way of talking is DL and sets the stage for how we deal with our language and all our other behaviors. An entirely different set of behavior goes hand in hand with DL, than with EL. Moreover, DL prevents us from recognizing, the difference between what is real and what is fake. Basically, our DL always makes us accept what is fake as real. Only after we have been able to stop our DL and have ongoing EL, do we realize the far-reaching negative consequences of the simple verifiable fact, that in our automatic DL, we don’t listen to ourselves, while we speak. In EL, we recognize, to our surprise and relief, our DL was absolutely fake and only our EL is real.


Fake diamonds are quite affordable. In a similar way, DL easy to come by, sadly, it is everywhere, almost all the time. Generally-speaking, there is no understanding or rather, experience of the immense difference between DL and EL. If there is ever going to be such an understanding, it will be because we first, individually, experience the difference between our own DL and EL. EL is the real deal, the gift that keeps on giving. Once we are able to have EL instead of DL, our lives are going to get better and better, every day, because we are no longer involved in DL. However, although DL was fake, it had really, tragic consequences and we need to recover, from the trauma of our own DL.


Even if you have only once in your entire life recognized the difference between DL and EL, you will never be able to forget this fantastic, transformational experience. If fact, unless you begin to have ongoing EL and leave you history of conditioning with fake DL behind, you will be haunted by the undeniable fact, that you know better, than to continue to engage in stressful, exhausting, frustrating DL. Indeed, you couldn’t pull off another fake like that anymore, as you know something better is possible. There are many consequences of EL, which only become clear, once you engage in it.


Many people have fake-eyelashes, fake-nails, fake-plastic-surgery-blow-fish-lips, fake-hair and a fake sense of what it means to be safe. People go through transgender-sex-changes, but they have no idea how utterly fake they are. All of this is exposed in EL, in which your phony, superstitious concept of who you believe yourself to be evaporates. With DL, your notion of freedom is fake and yet, you are willing to die for it. Everything is warped and twisted, due to your DL. EL, involves a change in your perception, because suddenly, you are truly important to yourself.


With DL, you even get into arguments whether someone is a real or a fake psychic, but with EL, you laugh, as you know very well, there are only fake psychics. There are supposedly important people, who claim to know stuff, but they don’t know themselves, as they, just like you, engage in DL. By the way, if you are going to have EL, it is not because you do as I say, but because you actually do as you, yourself say. In your fake DL, you believe there is a difference between saying and doing and that is why you never seem to be doing what you say. However, in ongoing EL, is it very clear, that saying equals doing or rather, that saying is a form of doing, that is why you always – yes, always – do as you say, with EL.  


What about all these special, famous people, who, throughout history, have been talking about enlightenment, advocating for kindness, standing up for justice, inclusion, diversity, equity, preaching about salvation, deliverance, self-realization or becoming conscious? Was it all fake? With EL, you will say, because you know, without hesitation your answer is unequivocally: yes! Oddly, your ongoing EL reveals your wellbeing, which you can describe as your Language Enlightenment (LE). It doesn't really matter what you call it, but you are happy, content, aware and alive, because of your EL, that is, because of how you deal with your language. Also check out my two You Tube channels where I read this text: maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw or Maximus Peperkamp  Let me hear from you.      

Thursday, May 23, 2024



For a long time, I have felt a discomfort about people, who didn’t want to engage in Embodied Language (EL), but things have changed. I have always felt uncomfortable, because, apparently, my very presence makes people feel uncomfortable. With my EL, I have discovered, that my discomfort with other people, was always about, picking up on their discomfort with me. Although I am aware about people their insensitive, inconsiderate, intimidating Disembodied Language (DL), I no longer feel uncomfortable, that I make them feel uncomfortable, without doing anything.


In the name of Marxist, idiotic, racist, deceitful, Diversity-Equity-Inclusion (DEI) training, there is, these days – not by coincidence – only in free Western Democratic societies, an awful lot of Negative-Nonsense-Bullshit (NNB) talk going on, about why inclusion, supposedly means: getting comfortable with discomfort. What we are really witnessing, however, is the inevitable escalation of our usual way of talking. In DL, the struggle for power has been going on forever and we don’t even realize this or talk about it.


It only makes sense to talk about our problematic DL – which is our history of conditioning – with our EL. As long as we lazily, unintelligently and unconsciously, try to address our DL with more of the same blunt, coercive DL, we remain part of the violence, which we have accepted as normal and even necessary, in the name of our so-called communication. With DL, civilization is just one step away from another purge, killing, pogrom or all-out-war. In history, religion and political science – which, like Christian Science, of course, is not a science at all – a purge is a position removal or execution of people, who are considered undesirable, by those in power from a government, another organization, their team leaders or society as a whole. Supposedly, purges can be violent or non-violent, but this is deliberate foolishness, because, experienced by the person who is purged, all purges are violent. Since I have discovered, the important, but, as of yet, still completely ignored huge difference between DL and EL, I have been purged for the last forty years. This is what happens when one has EL and this is why nobody dares to have it. I am proud to say, that I have found my comfort and fulfilment with my ongoing EL, which expresses my Language Enlightenment (LE). 


When we have DL, we are never really feeling comfortable. Our discomfort is perpetuated by our usual way of talking and we are all in total denial, that this is what is actually happening. According to attention-demanding DEI-clones, we feel uncomfortable around people who are different from ourselves. However, nobody is the same, but our uniqueness isn’t appreciated with DL, that is why we are forced to behave in the prescribed, collective, uncomfortable manner.


Inclusion means – better listen up, otherwise you will be demonized, socially ostracized, called out, humiliated or made to confess and own up to your discomfort – a culture of candor is needed, so that everyone can be their whole self. Not a word is spoken about the difference between DL and EL, which would make it clear, without ongoing EL, there can’t be any honesty. If we put our money where our mouth is, we would advocate for ongoing EL, but nobody does this, because DL rules everywhere, all the time. These so-called micro-aggressions or low intensity harassment, go on because of our DL.


Supposedly, we need to get used to accepting the discomfort, that we are diverse people and there should be space for conflict, yet at the same time, remain open to everyone’s views. Therefore, the DL-narrative-brigade urges us to reframe our fear. Presumably, when we reframe a conversation as uncomfortable, rather than frightening, that should make it less daunting. Yes, we are literally told, that our discomfort or awkwardness doesn’t matter. DEI, which is now taught at every level of American society, insists that we must accept distress, in the name of DL, in which some people, are always more equal, more diverse, more inclusive, more equitable, but, ultimately, more important than others. DL goes on, in the name of speaking up or making our voices heard. The discomfort in the sound of our voice is evident, when we begin to listen to ourselves. Moreover, unless we manage to stop our DL and engage in EL, the discomfort from our DL never goes away and this greatly impacts our performance. Once we are able to have ongoing EL, we cannot help, but admit, we have been underperforming and we were doing many things, which we didn’t even want to do.


The transition from DL to EL, is from discomfort to comfort, from isolation to opening up, from effortful to effortless, from unnatural to natural. It is astonishing nobody ever reacts to this blog. Many years of studying psychology, working in mental health and teaching psychology, didn’t result in the institutional promotion, academic endorsement or scientific approval of EL, as the language of healthy, happy, conscious, sincere, confident, productive, positive individuals. Yet, reality doesn’t go away. Our discomfort with our automatic, outdated, self-defeating DL, will continue, until we acknowledge, we don’t like to engage in the language of discomfort anymore.     

Wednesday, May 22, 2024



When you finally have Embodied Language (EL), instead of Disembodied Language (DL), you will notice, you become attentive, about yourself. In your sloppy, automatic, unnatural DL, you were busy with all kinds of foolish stuff, but not with yourself. A conscientious person – says some dictionary – is someone, who wishes to do what is right and who does his or her work or duty well and thoroughly. I wouldn’t describe myself as a conscientious person, but my behavior is certainly reliable and careful, because my EL  always has good outcomes. Also, I don’t wish to do what is right, as I know, my EL is right for me.


Everything I do – but also what I don’t do, what I have stopped doing – shows my life is guided by my conscience. Quite frankly, I don’t really care about that term, as I find it more useful to consider my EL, as the only way, in which I am able to carry on with my stable, considerate, moral, pragmatic behavior. In DL, by contrast, I would be – and have been – uncertain, careless, contradictory, unworthy, fearful and ineffective.  


In superstitious, insensitive, effortful, repetitive, unintelligent DL, people view conscientious or principled behavior, to be behavior controlled or done according to one’s inner sense of what is right. However, the dedicated, honest, decent behavior, which goes hand in hand with my EL, isn’t caused by my illusion of inner language, because this common, problematic fantasy about private speech, derives from our DL, which was never properly addressed by our EL. In other words, I don’t have a conscience, as my EL is an overt phenomenon, that is, I can only hear something, if something was said and I can only read something, after it has been written.  


I am conscientious, because I would never ask anyone to do something, I myself wouldn’t do. Also, I don’t say, you must go through the same experiences as I did, to have EL, however, there are similarities between those, who engage in DL or in EL and I know a lot about them. Surely, based on the many years, I have explored these two response classes of verbal behavior, I know more about the DL/EL distinction than anyone, because no one has been experimenting like I did, with what would stop my own DL and what would continue my EL. And, of course, since I have also investigated, what would stop the DL of others and what would continue the EL of others, I had to conclude, that being busy with others prevents me from having my ongoing EL.


With stupid DL, people say stupid things, such as: it goes without saying, that one must be conscientious and methodical. Of course, we only begin to act factually, devoted, motivated, straightforward or industrious, if we someone who cared enough about us, to talk with us and actually have EL with us, would teach us. I have never learned anything from anyone with dumb DL and only rare, conscientious individuals, who had some EL, have had a positive effect on me. I am convinced this is the same for everyone, but without EL, we can never really talk about this crucial issue. Many kids and students can’t help but struggle with the horrible, maddening DL of their parents and their teachers. Also, this plays a big role in the onset of many so-called mental health issues.


As I have pointed out, I don’t really care about the term conscientious, because EL has nothing to do with dutifulness. I only owe it to myself, to engage in EL instead of DL, not to someone else. Also, I abhor the notion of mindfulness. I still remember, when I was in graduate school, at the phony educational institution of Palo Alto University, where I studied for my PhD. There was one celebrated professor, who did research on mindfulness. Initially, I wanted very much to connect with this popular mindfulness-group, as I wrongfully assumed, there was overlap and similarity between mindfulness and what I call EL, but, to my great horror, I found out, after enrolling in her boring class, this was one of the most terrible, mean, creepy, arrogant teachers, I have ever had. I remember saying to her, she didn’t strike me as someone who is particularly mindful – whatever the hell that was supposed to mean – but I was almost cancelled out of her class, as I had the audacity to say something truthful about her disgustingly, domineering, humiliating behavior.


The only thing, I've learned in my very expensive, disappointing, graduate study of psychology – there wasn’t, like today, because of the student-pandering Biden administration, a student-loan-forgiveness plan and, so I had to work nightshift in mental health or senior care, to pay for my expenses – was how to not get upset about the blatant DL of my teachers, who were basically all incredibly frustrated, very ambitious people.


There exists no such a thing, as conscientious, but implacable hostility. If one knows about ongoing EL, one is definitely implacable, that is, one cannot be placated by anyone’s DL, but the ugly reality is, one can definitely be punished, humiliated, excommunicated, rejected, fired or pushed out by the usual DL, which doesn’t care about anyone’s EL. The fact that anyone with EL is against DL, isn’t hostility, but it is intelligence.