Why would
anyone with their unintelligent, insensitive Disembodied Language (DL) want to
talk with me? They don’t and it is perfectly fine with me. Forceful, unnatural,
phony DL never interacts with my sensitive, intelligent, natural, original Embodied
Language (EL). EL and DL are mutually exclusive, which means; if one stops, the
other begins. My answer to the idiotic question, why our DL and our EL never
meet, is, of course, very different from someone with DL.
People usually
want to study psychology – I did – to know themselves better. However, the fact
is, that psychology, like everything in academia, is taught with DL, and, consequently,
the more they study, the further away, they move from themselves, because they
are busy with others. The reason why psychology hasn’t and couldn’t have delivered,
is that it doesn’t and couldn’t address
the DL/EL distinction, and, therefore, it only pays lip-service to self-knowledge.
Why do I say, it couldn’t deliver and it couldn’t address the great importance
of self-knowledge? I say that because, nobody in the field of psychology has acquired
the self-knowledge, that can only be obtained by acknowledging and exploring the
difference between their DL and EL. What people don’t know, they can’t teach to
Whatever it
is, that people are taught, in the name of becoming a better communicator, it
is nonsense, because it never involves the DL/EL distinction. Why is the whole
issue of becoming a better communicator foolish? Well, we either engage in DL
and engage in fake conversation or we engage in EL and we have real
conversation. The ridiculous, obvious, undeniable fact, that even psychologists
haven’t acknowledged this difference, tell us, psychology is based on bias.
Why does
learning about research methods in psychology makes no sense? Well, in one of
my previous posts, I wrote about the basic tenet of science: replicability.
However, the so-called research, that has been done, in the name of psychology,
cannot be replicated. Therefore, it is unscientific. Not surprisingly, there
are, within the discipline, the same two – political – camps, we see in society,
who – how could it be otherwise? – interpret these so-called data, in an entirely
different manner. Presumably, they are working on this crisis, but they don’t even
want to call it crisis, as this would – as it should – seriously undermine
their credibility. Fact is, however, this communication-problem cannot and will not be solved by their DL, which is
the problem. Stated differently, it makes no sense at all, to have any faith in
psychology, which, in the name of our stupid DL, is doing great harm, by only prescribing
medications for undesirable behavior, which they are unable to change. Why is
this even allowed? It is because we all engage unconsciously in DL. Only I can say
this with EL.
None of this
disgusting, Antisemitism, Marxist-Socialist, Anti-American, Pro-Hamas,
Diversity-Equity-Inclusion, Transgender-Wokism, but also none of this current homelessness,
addiction, crime or so-called Mental Health Crises, would be the case, if our EL
had been embraced, as the very essence of our psychological health. And why is Democracy
itself in danger? It is because our DL is tearing apart the very fabric of our
With DL – in
which we, as speakers, don’t listen to ourselves while we speak – we simply cannot
and will not develop so-called critical thinking skills, because we are
constantly in conflict and we endlessly are trying to deal with or recover from our negative emotions, which we can only properly –
rationally – address with our ongoing EL. Why don’t we know this already? Even when
we had a few, brief, accidental, fleeting good moments of EL, we didn’t achieve
these experiences by deliberately, consciously, skillfully stopping our DL, so
that we could have EL, as we have never stimulated each other, to listen to
ourselves while we speak, so we could have ongoing EL.
The first and
foremost thing to acknowledge about what is known as mental illness is: there
is no illness. Yes, there are problems, but there is no illness. Why do we keep
calling it – with our DL – illness, when we know and we have known this all
along, that there is no illness? This is gas-lighting, psychological manipulation,
because it is grossly misleading. In DL we are always pretending to know and
defending lies.
Why is there
no grand-scale experimentation in psychology going on, to identify and explore the
existence of DL and EL, the two ways of talking, which determine everything in
our lives? If we were to have ongoing EL, all the falsehoods we have believed
in, due to our DL, will have to be left behind. Basically, everyone can have
EL, but we aren’t having it, because we hang on to our biases and we are
irrational. Why do we remain so irrational about ourselves? It is because our
negative emotions from DL prevent rationality. Only the positive emotions of our
ongoing EL, can make us rational and
wise about ourselves.