Thursday, May 23, 2024



For a long time, I have felt a discomfort about people, who didn’t want to engage in Embodied Language (EL), but things have changed. I have always felt uncomfortable, because, apparently, my very presence makes people feel uncomfortable. With my EL, I have discovered, that my discomfort with other people, was always about, picking up on their discomfort with me. Although I am aware about people their insensitive, inconsiderate, intimidating Disembodied Language (DL), I no longer feel uncomfortable, that I make them feel uncomfortable, without doing anything.


In the name of Marxist, idiotic, racist, deceitful, Diversity-Equity-Inclusion (DEI) training, there is, these days – not by coincidence – only in free Western Democratic societies, an awful lot of Negative-Nonsense-Bullshit (NNB) talk going on, about why inclusion, supposedly means: getting comfortable with discomfort. What we are really witnessing, however, is the inevitable escalation of our usual way of talking. In DL, the struggle for power has been going on forever and we don’t even realize this or talk about it.


It only makes sense to talk about our problematic DL – which is our history of conditioning – with our EL. As long as we lazily, unintelligently and unconsciously, try to address our DL with more of the same blunt, coercive DL, we remain part of the violence, which we have accepted as normal and even necessary, in the name of our so-called communication. With DL, civilization is just one step away from another purge, killing, pogrom or all-out-war. In history, religion and political science – which, like Christian Science, of course, is not a science at all – a purge is a position removal or execution of people, who are considered undesirable, by those in power from a government, another organization, their team leaders or society as a whole. Supposedly, purges can be violent or non-violent, but this is deliberate foolishness, because, experienced by the person who is purged, all purges are violent. Since I have discovered, the important, but, as of yet, still completely ignored huge difference between DL and EL, I have been purged for the last forty years. This is what happens when one has EL and this is why nobody dares to have it. I am proud to say, that I have found my comfort and fulfilment with my ongoing EL, which expresses my Language Enlightenment (LE). 


When we have DL, we are never really feeling comfortable. Our discomfort is perpetuated by our usual way of talking and we are all in total denial, that this is what is actually happening. According to attention-demanding DEI-clones, we feel uncomfortable around people who are different from ourselves. However, nobody is the same, but our uniqueness isn’t appreciated with DL, that is why we are forced to behave in the prescribed, collective, uncomfortable manner.


Inclusion means – better listen up, otherwise you will be demonized, socially ostracized, called out, humiliated or made to confess and own up to your discomfort – a culture of candor is needed, so that everyone can be their whole self. Not a word is spoken about the difference between DL and EL, which would make it clear, without ongoing EL, there can’t be any honesty. If we put our money where our mouth is, we would advocate for ongoing EL, but nobody does this, because DL rules everywhere, all the time. These so-called micro-aggressions or low intensity harassment, go on because of our DL.


Supposedly, we need to get used to accepting the discomfort, that we are diverse people and there should be space for conflict, yet at the same time, remain open to everyone’s views. Therefore, the DL-narrative-brigade urges us to reframe our fear. Presumably, when we reframe a conversation as uncomfortable, rather than frightening, that should make it less daunting. Yes, we are literally told, that our discomfort or awkwardness doesn’t matter. DEI, which is now taught at every level of American society, insists that we must accept distress, in the name of DL, in which some people, are always more equal, more diverse, more inclusive, more equitable, but, ultimately, more important than others. DL goes on, in the name of speaking up or making our voices heard. The discomfort in the sound of our voice is evident, when we begin to listen to ourselves. Moreover, unless we manage to stop our DL and engage in EL, the discomfort from our DL never goes away and this greatly impacts our performance. Once we are able to have ongoing EL, we cannot help, but admit, we have been underperforming and we were doing many things, which we didn’t even want to do.


The transition from DL to EL, is from discomfort to comfort, from isolation to opening up, from effortful to effortless, from unnatural to natural. It is astonishing nobody ever reacts to this blog. Many years of studying psychology, working in mental health and teaching psychology, didn’t result in the institutional promotion, academic endorsement or scientific approval of EL, as the language of healthy, happy, conscious, sincere, confident, productive, positive individuals. Yet, reality doesn’t go away. Our discomfort with our automatic, outdated, self-defeating DL, will continue, until we acknowledge, we don’t like to engage in the language of discomfort anymore.     

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