Monday, May 27, 2024

 Memorial Day 2024,


Today, I honor my old sense of who I believed to be, with my Disembodied Language (DL), who gave his life, so I could be the free individual, who I am today, with Embodied Language (EL). I have fought, I got wounded, I was traumatized and I have died, with everyone, who has served, so that others may live. I am grateful and I feel responsible, because my freedom didn’t come by itself. Although, I am so free, that I am able to experience the language of freedom – to be who I am - which is my EL, I’m well-aware, that most people, who have the same freedom as me, still adhere to dumb group-behavior – DL – which doesn’t allow them to be themselves.


If people, who live in the United States – or in any other country, where the fortunate citizens have individual rights – do not take the saying, that, freedom is not free, serious, they will go on, unknowingly, with language that prevents them from being free. DL is a group-behavior, which has to be stopped, before we can be free as individuals. Freedom, for someone like me – who went through and survived many battles, who, because of that, is now capable of having ongoing EL – is the expression of my Language Enlightenment (LE). My freedom is available to everyone, who is still suffering from endless DL. With me, this suffering is going to come to an end and they will be able to enjoy their own EL.


I am aware about the widening gap, between the public and service members, which, to me, is similar to the fact, that everyone keeps going with their DL, while almost nobody wants to acknowledge the necessity of EL. What people gave their lives for isn’t validated by those, who have never done anything to be free. Likewise, EL isn’t recognized – as it should be – as the language of the individual, without which our society, which is built on individual freedom, is going to fall apart. This is already happening.


Memorial Day is meant to collectively mourn, remember and honor, the loss of those, who died, wearing the uniform of the United States, who died for the freedom, so others could do what they really want to do. However, if you begin to listen to yourself while you speak, you can’t miss the fact, that again and again, you engage in an unnatural, effortful way of talking, which you don’t even want to be involved in. The DL, which we mechanically keep busy with, happens only, because we are not listening to ourselves while we speak. In effect, we have given up on our own freedom, each time we, automatically, participate in DL again. In other words, we repeat our history of conditioning.  


As I was doing my graduate study in Psychology at Palo Alto University (PAU), I had wanted to do my internship with the Veterans Affairs (VA), but I was told, to my great disappointment, that I was too old – 53 – to qualify. I was and still am convinced, the field of psychology has dismally failed to deliver, particularly to veterans. At this point, I am no longer trying – as I did back then, because I viewed it as my duty, to reach out and help people in need – but it is as clear to me now, as it was back then, that psychology and psychiatry is utterly flawed, because the DL/EL distinction is not addressed. Nobody at PAU was sincere enough, to consider what I was saying. I had been promised, I would be able to choose my research topic, but once I had Advanced To Candidacy, I was told, by the arrogant prick of a director, that I would have to do uninteresting grunt-work for my supervisor and my own topic would have to wait till after graduating for PhD. This led me to withdraw from this expensive institute of liars. I am, however, as convinced today, as I was back in 2012, that EL would be incredibly valuable in the treatment of PTSD. It is astonishing, therapists or psychologist don’t want to find out about the DL/EL distinction.


Biden’s Memorial speech today, is a slap in the face of everyone who has served. He urges Americans to uphold democracy, but everything he does is anti-democratic. If it was up to his Radical-Marxist-Left-Wing-Administration, there are no borders, criminals aren’t prosecuted, we should all believe in transgender-mania, it is wrong to be love our county – let alone to make it great again – and nothing he says reminds us of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is because of Biden and his henchmen; America and many Democratic countries are witnessing a disgusting storm of Antisemitism. His foreign policy about Israel and Ukraine is a total mess. Biden panders to the Muslim vote, by criticizing Israel's war against Hamas and for whatever weird reason, he doesn't want to condemn Iran, which funds Islamic terrorism. Oddly, he claims to be the protector of Democracy, while he paints Trump as Hitler. This is divisive hogwash. Biden is an insult to the dead veterans. He is not a uniter, but a disgrace, to stand there at Arlington cemetery pretending to honor people. This pathetic, old, phony, creepy man is a clearly a shill for all the countries, which hate America, everything it stands for and want to destroy it. Biden is an imposter, who only reads a speech from a script, written for, not by him.     

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