Sunday, June 2, 2024

 Energy Humor,


There’s something about humor, nobody seems to get: it just keeps on getting better and better. However, the so-called humor, we are familiar with and keep hearing and seeing everywhere, does the exact opposite. Why are stand-up comedians getting worse over time, instead of better? Are they getting tired of standing? This decline shows, their humor wore them out. My humor doesn’t do that. To the contrary, it gives me energy. For me, humor isn’t about making others happy, but about doing myself a favor.


Humor – as we know it – is energy-draining, as it is, inevitably, the expression of our usual way of talking, in which we, as speakers, don’t listen to ourselves. Our attention-demanding way of speaking is so common. Nobody wants to know, what happens in the permanently fucked-up, stressful, boring, depressing life of the stand-up comedian, who, presumably, put a lot of energy into his or her art, to make other people laugh.


As energy humor keeps making my life better and better, it becomes more and more obvious, that all our usual, accepted, celebrated humor totally sucks. While I, more often, laugh about myself, these days, than get upset, I hear the anger, frustration and despair, in the voices of everyone, who tries to be funny. I don’t care to laugh about others, because it turns me off, they demand my attention. Comedians are thieves, who steal energy from their audience.


While it is true, some comedians may have something, they start out with, they always give it away. Then, next time, they need to do even better, meaning, they are setting themselves up for failure, because they are trying to be funny all the time. This is so tiring to listen to and so anxiety-provoking, because everyone knows, it can’t be done. Everyone who watches with high hopes, in great anticipation of having some fun, is part of this brutal charade of human misery. 


If the comedian fails in his or her performance, it is more terrible for the audience, than for the comedian. After all, the comedian shrugs it off and quickly goes on with the next joke, but the audiences can’t forget failed humor very easily and will judge a comedian harshly for failing to make them laugh. Although, presumably, they want the comedian to make them laugh, they are all waiting for the other shoe to drop. We all know that isn’t funny. Successful comedians are in eternal distress from which only a laughing audience can temporarily release them. Sooner or later, they are going to crash, then they have to go to rehab, Jezus or the therapist. After that, their come-back humor is nothing like it ever was before and they become a vague, dull copy of who they once were or seemed to be. Bill Maher, Jon Steward, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, Jim Carrey, Jay Leno, Robin Williams, Adam Sandler, Kathy Griffin, Pete Davidson, Eddy Murphy, Will Ferrell, Amy Schumer, Chris Rock, Sarah Silverman, Dave Chappell, Tracy Morgan, Jimmy Kimmel, Jerry Seinfeld, Margaret Cho, Louis C.K., Conan O’Brien, Nick Cannon, George Lopez, Russell Brand, John Oliver, Mother Teresa (!), and, the list goes on.  


The audience doesn’t even mind to hear or see the same funny act multiple times, so they can tell all their friends and colleagues, that, yeah, he or she was so very funny, but after that, the comedian might as well commit suicide, as he or she can’t get back to how he or she was and feels, as if he or she is done, because it is true, they can’t go on. Nothing could inspire them to make new jokes. Their unwillingness to admit their need for approval, makes things worse.


Sometimes, we hear about the tormenting hell, which is the common reality for each comedian. Those who made others laugh the most, suffer the most and over time, it is apparent to them, that if they can’t suffer some more, their humor loses its spark. They literally put all their energy into humor, but remain oblivious about their own needs. However, the less they suffer, the duller their humor becomes. Stated differently, if they manage to become just only a little bit happy – due to their short-lived success – this immediately translates into being less funny, because then, they don’t try as hard anymore.


My energy humor goes hand in hand with the way of talking in which, I, as a speaker, listen to myself while I speak. Such Embodied Language (EL) has its own kind of humor, which is entirely different from the so-called humor of our usual way of talking, in which we, as speakers, don’t listen to ourselves while we speak. In such Disembodied Language (DL), we try to make others laugh, but in EL, we can make ourselves laugh, as we enjoy ourselves with our language, we feel peaceful, thankful and content. And, in EL, we aren’t eager to laugh, as we laugh all the time, but in DL, we reserve a separate time for some amusement or entertainment, in which, presumably, we are going to really have fun, because the rest of the time, we experience the  heavy negativity of our mechanical behavior.


For the usual, attention-demanding comedians, who don’t know anything about the difference between DL and EL, it is a conundrum: that the happier they are, the less likely they try to make other people happy – by being funny – and the unhappier they are, the more likely they will do just about anything, to yank or force another laugh out of their audience. They practically beg the audience to laugh. My humor is different, as I am happy. Moreover, I am getting happier and happier, because my humor works for me. And, I don’t give a damn about  whether others like it or not, as I don’t anything to make it happen.


My EL itself is sufficient to make me laugh and it is all the laughter I ever want. In other words, I have no need for any laughter, like everyone who engages in DL. Since people with DL don’t have their own language, they remain busy with the language, but also, the so-called humor of others. DL always demands our attention, but my EL, doesn’t demand anyone’s attention and that’s precisely why it is so funny, because it is free. I laugh every day about my own freedom, which stands in such a stark contrast to how everyone lives. Furthermore, my ongoing EL, but also my humor, always stays with me. It is  my Language Enlightenment (LE). Yes, I have my own humor, because I stand my own ground.  


With DL, we are possessed by a strange energy which doesn’t belong to us and once can have EL, we realize, that we have our own energy. In EL our energy is healing, calming, soothing and enjoyable, but in DL, it is upsetting, frustrating, nerve-wracking, disturbing and confusing. We have never spoken – with ongoing EL – about the negative effects of this sick humor, which derives from forceful, unconscious, insensitive DL. Once we experience the wonderful humor of our EL, we are motivated to have EL, because it makes us laugh so much and so naturally.             





Saturday, June 1, 2024

 Believable Humor,


Humor may be believable, but still not funny. In my opinion, humor is not a matter of believing. Surely, humor was never what anyone believed it to be. You believed something was funny, but it wasn’t. You believed something wasn’t funny, yet it was. It is a discovery, humor wasn’t what you believed it to be and turned out to be something you never imagined would be funny. You laugh at dictators, but can’t laugh at your own dictatorship of how you use your language.   


No, I refuse to be believable. In the light of the aforementioned, it is such an idiotic thing, some people are still trying to be funny. They might as well do their best, not to be funny at all, chances are, then, they’ll come up with something original, that surprises everyone. Anyone who tries to be funny, always does that, to please others, never themselves. I never even try to be funny to myself, yet, I find myself very funny, because I say new things, which I enjoy saying. I also don’t say things to others, to be funny, but I only say funny things to myself, because you can’t handle my tedious humor and are offended by it, if I told you in person.


I rather play it safe with my humor and say it to myself and, in this way, the fun stays with me. I only share my fun with those, who, like me, have fun with themselves, because they believe in themselves. No one needs to be convinced and that is why it is believable humor. Only few people do this, as most people are into having fun with each other, but not with themselves. If my humor doesn’t seem believable, I have done what I am good at, which is: being unbelievable.  


It is sad, most people don’t know how to have fun with themselves, about themselves, by themselves. They also don’t know how to have fun with others, who don’t know how to have fun by themselves either. This neediness for others takes all the fun out of humor. It doesn’t amuse me, but compared to people, who don’t believe in their own sense of humor, I feel very satisfied with my humor, which is mostly not for others and mainly for myself. I like to follow a thread and see where it is going. I sense, I am onto something, but don’t know what it is, until I have said or written it. Sometimes, it seems, I have said or written it already, but, surprisingly, there appears to be more to it. At other times, out of nothing, something hilarious appears.  


I strongly dislike believable humor, but greatly enjoy humor, which scatters our beliefs. I have a very low bar for what I find funny about myself, but towards others, I can’t help being critical, because they are so difficult about themselves. I can’t enjoy anyone, who doesn’t enjoy him or herself. Not laughing about someone, who is giving him or herself a hard time, is a matter of fairness. I’ve never been able to do it and that is why I don’t enjoy the vast majority of people.


Humor is precious. Early on, I understood the importance and the meaning of being able to laugh about myself and, although it often got me in trouble, at age 65, I have much more fun, than anyone else my age. I find it funny, I don’t remember much about my childhood. I guess, I did what I had to do, to keep moving forward. I find no pleasure, in anything I have already said or written. I rather say or write something new.


Although I find myself brilliantly funny at times, I can’t be bothered with any of my old stuff. It is a matter of paying attention. Inattentiveness sucks, as it always results in the repetition of more of the same. I never get bored, because I always find something new to say or to write. I voluntary say or write, I enjoy my language, but, you, involuntarily, yes, you say or write, out of habit, out of your conditioning, something I find boring, dull, uninteresting and meaningless. If you cannot enjoy your own words, there will never be any laughter. I carry on my speaking or my writing, until I have had enough, until I have said or written, what I wanted to say or write. I know when I am done, because then, I smile, I giggle, I laugh, sometimes out loud, but also in silence, peace and satisfaction. I am so happy to be where I am and who I am. Unlike you, my past doesn’t determine my future. I am new each moment and my language shows this with exuberant energy and strength. My humor, which you can’t stand, carries on into my world, which I create for myself. Lucky you, if you can hear it, read it, feel it, believe it and understand it.

Friday, May 31, 2024

 Inhuman Humor,


There was never such a thing, as humor as a coping mechanism. It always was and it still is revengeful, to laugh about others. The only human humor is laughing about oneself. This has to be done alone, not in public. Laughing about oneself in public, may be considered as funny by others, but it is utterly self-defeating.


While it kept claiming, it helped to solve them, our inhuman humor has caused incalculable problems. The public display of laughter has never been seen for what it always was and still is: violence. The nasty reality of what is commonly accepted as humor, is that whenever we are laughing at others, someone is getting hurt. Although it may not seem very obvious, that doesn’t make it any less true. Conversely, only real laughter, about us, is harmless. The harmful laughter, we are used to, has never produced the change, forgiveness or understanding, we have always been told, that humor, supposedly, brings.  


Humor, in which we laugh about others, always meant one thing and one thing only: getting even with others. Presumably, and, justifyingly, they had it coming, because they had wronged us. What does the old saying, he or she had the last laugh, mean? It is ancient. It describes a situation in which someone, who initially was at a disadvantage and faced ridicule, ultimately emerged victorious. Even so-called harmless humor, isn’t so harmless after all, once we look into what is happening. Humor has always been used as a weapon to oppress, belittle, humiliate and deliberately hurt people and by turning the tables on their tormentors, victims, supposedly, became winners, as they had the last laugh…


Laughing at others always involves struggle, competition, envy and hatred. It is called the superiority theory of humor and goes back to the Greeks. Aristotle insisted, we laugh at the ugly and stupid to express the joy we feel, we are better than them and Socrates added, we  laugh at those who are delusional about their own abilities, because we flatter ourselves that we are more clear-sighted. Of course, laughing about others also signifies our unaddressed inability of laughing about ourselves.


While laughter about others continues to be promoted as a striking tool of resistance or as the ultimate strategy for playful protest, our common inability to laugh about ourselves demonstrates, that we are basically having no real self-awareness. Our fake-self-awareness is very uptight, because to be laughed at is our worst fear. Historically this was always framed as an issue of honor or respect and those who were being laughed at or dishonored, would often rather die, than experience public dismantling of their identity. There is a sure link between laughter, suicide or hara-kiri. It is an attempt to restore honor of themselves, as an individual. The famous French philosopher Albert Camus once said – apparently, kindly, to himself – should I kill myself or have a cup of coffee?


During our usual Disembodied Language (DL), we remain terribly worried, that others might laugh at our mistakes, as that would prove what fools we are. As long as we fear being laughed at, we are only superficially self-conscious and remain incapable of laughing about ourselves, since we don’t want to admit the stupid reality of all our repetitive problems. However, the essence of being able to laugh about ourselves, is to catch ourselves, in the habitual, automatic act of doing what we have always done and to be able to release ourselves from our imprisoning DL.


Surely, when we finally talk with ourselves and listen to ourselves and let ourselves know about what is going on, we can’t miss, the humoristic liberation, which occurs, due to a shift from our usual DL to Embodied Language (EL). Moreover, once we realize, that everyone with DL is faced with the same dilemma, we are freed from our own DL even quicker. Yes, we are all stuck with our language, that is why we can’t laugh about ourselves. In the same way, that our laughter is almost always about others, so too is our DL.


Only when we have ongoing EL is our language about ourselves and only then are we laughing about ourselves in a positive manner. In DL, we also laugh about ourselves, but it is always in a negative, unconscious manner. In DL, in which we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak, we can’t laugh about ourselves – even not while we are alone with ourselves – as that would mean, the end of our tragic, problematic habit. We have glorified our DL, in the same way, as we have sanctified the power, that can be achieved with it. Anyone with power, can seemingly get away with DL and can laugh in everyone’s face.


There is, of course, the real laughter of the free individual, who laughs about him or herself and about all the madness of this world, in which no one seems to be able anymore to laugh about themselves. Only the individual, who is able to laugh about him or herself, sets him or herself free from the straight jacket of DL, which is the language of our conditioning, that is, the language of the group and its insidious laughter about others.


My laughter of my EL is the laughter afforded to me, by my consciousness, because I listen to myself, while I speak. Moreover, my ongoing EL is my Language Enlightenment (LE). It has never been said, because it couldn’t before be said, but I say it today: the only real laughter, is, of course, the laughter from our LE. Such laughter emerges, as our EL allows us to complete the incomplete picture, we were used to with DL, because during EL, we say everything we can say and want to say. Only an individual – who doesn’t seek to achieve anything – can be him or herself and recognize the absurdity of everyone, who in DL, remains busy with others.


Laughter about ourselves, is a positive form of suicide. We seize to exist, as the identity, we have tried so fanatically, stressfully to protect, by not laughing about ourselves. Even if I still have some DL, sometimes, I never fail to laugh at myself. Actually, I have never enjoyed the inhuman humor of laughing about others, because I have secretively always liked my own laughter the best.                           

Thursday, May 30, 2024

 Quality Laughter,


If you’re going to do it, you might as well do it right. Therefore, if you are going to laugh, you might as well laugh about yourself, because, let’s face it, your usual laughing about others is phony laughter. The problem is, you already laugh so very little, that you can’t stand any criticism of your miserly so-called laughter. Just the small quantity alone tells you, there is something wrong, qualitatively. In genuine or quality laughter – which, of course, is laughing about yourself – you would laugh much more than you currently do.    


Since you have settled for fake laughter, you get so little of it, that you never even get a chance, to understand, why you actually laugh so little? The reason is you don’t know how to have fun. Also, you don’t know how to relax, how to be at peace with yourself or how to live a meaningful life. That is why, besides comedians, you have all these other people – politicians, priests, gurus, psychologists, journalists, actors, writers – who, presumably, give you a tiny glimpse of what it might be like to have fun – or meaning, safety, hope, understanding, entertainment –  but, this is all the fun – acceptance, togetherness, insight or consciousness – that you’ll ever get. You have bought into an idea, a promise of good things that are going to happen, but that future never comes. You only receive miniscule teasers.  


When it comes to your own happiness, you are such a miser, such a minimalist. You do what it takes to survive, but for what? To experience endless misery and conflict, to feel only very rarely free and easy? Besides, your life is not what you say it is and you always pretend to be happy, while, in fact, you are not. And this is another aspect about your concept of laughter: your laughter about others is based on the false assumption, that, whenever everyone laughs, you’re having fun. This is such absolute nonsense.  


We may all, at times, be part of this or that kind of hype, but, one moment, we are, supposedly, having fun, but next, we are willing to march in a group of Nazi’s. Yes, laughing about others is inextricably connected to the group-behavior, which is antithetical to our individual freedom. Indeed, your usual way of laughing, is not only superficial, but you are crying yourself all the way to the bank, as you’re unfazed by the fact that you laugh at the expense of others. Yes, that’s exactly what you do. To put it bluntly, you are psychologically laughing yourself to death.    


Just as only a little bit of poison is needed to kill someone, only a little bit of so-called humor is sufficient to turn people into zombies.  You’re laughing because everyone else laughs and you don’t want to make it seem, as if you don’t have any sense of humor and refused to drink the cool aid. Laughter is a real clusterfuck, once you start to unpack it. You’ve got everything upside down, that is yet another reason why you laugh so very seldom or – not uncommon – not at all.


You can only laugh as long as you still have some sense or memory of what is normal, but when everything is fucked up and abnormal, there’s nothing to laugh about anymore. Since everything is completely out of whack these days, the only way to restore our ability to laugh, is to bring back a sense of regularity, order and normalcy. While everyone was having so much fun, while demonstratively laughing so hysterically about all the crazy stuff, that has been spouted by these outrageous stand-up comedians, we’ve totally lost track of reality.


With regard to humor, supposedly, we never can get weird, awkward, disgusting, twisted enough, but what happened is, we have started to laugh even less than any other people who have lived before. The good old times seem to have been gone for good and, apparently, all that is left, is to give in to the overwhelming  humor, in which any attempt at understanding is doomed. We’re gas-lighted into the belief, that the punch-line doesn’t matter anymore and, presumably, we should all be very happy that we are being told what we wanted to hear.


Only if we go back again, to laughing about ourselves, by owning up to our own failures, to our own stupidities, will we be able to laugh with others – instead of about them – who are just as foolish, stubborn, fallible and as easily confused or upset as we. Laughing together with others about ourselves makes us human but laughing about others – in spite of what was said to justify it – has made us inhuman, insensitive and psychologically dumb, numb, deaf and deranged.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

 The New Funny You,  


The bottom line about laughing about others, is that it sucks, because it has forever prevented you from being able to laugh about yourself, which, of course, is the real deal. This is why you are not getting any humor from me.


I have Embodied Language (EL) and my humor is a totally different matter than the so-called humor, you are used to, with your Disembodied Language (DL). There’s nothing for you to laugh about me, because with me, you go cold turkey.


With your negative DL, you keep wanting to laugh for the wrong reasons and I am not going to let that happen. If it was up to you, you would never hit rock bottom. You could call it strict humor, because you either are going to laugh about yourself or you don’t laugh at all.


Laughing about others is a thing of the past. It is what people used to do, when they didn’t know they could have fun – by engaging in EL – in which they would laugh about themselves all the time. This ignorance about laughing about ourselves, has been deliberately continued and exploited by all so-called comedians. If they had been honest with their audience, they would have admitted, their humor, was their coping mechanism, to deal with their dreadful lives.


Instead of making themselves laugh, comedians figured out, they could make others laugh and, so, they basically used their own trauma and tragedy, as a way to get attention from others.  This is what everybody does in DL – everyone demand the attention from others with their drama in DL – only comedians will do it, in such a way, that you can’t help but laugh, that you have to laugh.


No matter how successful funny people might have been in making others laugh, the laughter of others, never helped them, but made them feel even more depressed, disconnected and suicidal. While the comedian’s problems keep accumulating and escalating – a common thing in DL – they are not getting the attention they wanted. Funny-how, it was the only attention they have ever received from others. In effect, for the so-called stand-up comedian, it is even more difficult, to laugh about themselves, than it is for their audience. Humor with our DL is a weird shit-show, because the audience has the impression – at the expense of the comedian –  they are having fun, because they are being entertained and distracted from themselves, in the same way, as the comedian is distracted from him or herself with his or her stupid act.


My humor – which derives from my EL – is only for those, who, like me, see the importance of not laughing about others. My unwillingness to make you laugh, is to create an opportunity you otherwise might never have. I am well aware, you are eager to laugh about me, but I can’t allow it, as I know, what’s best for me, is also what’s best for you. If we are going to laugh, there’s some work to be done here and I am not going to do that work for you.


The old saying, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, is no longer applicable, because your negative DL, really isn’t a laughing matter. With EL, humor is about what you do unto yourself, what you say to yourself, what you do for yourself. I’m not doing anything unto you. I like my EL-humor better than the phony DL-humor, in which people laugh about others.


Don’t expect me to make you laugh. I told you, that laughing about yourself is where it is at. If you want to blame me or someone else for not being funny, blame yourself and I guarantee, it will not make you laugh. In other words, what you have done unto others never worked for you either, yet, you never took notice of it, so that you could live it up a little and have some fun about yourself, by yourself, with yourself.


Yes, you can do it, but first, you will have to stop expecting – with your DL – that others have to make you laugh. After that, you’ll notice – once your EL starts going – you are not such a hard ass anymore, because you really don’t need to or want to make yourself laugh either.


Surprisingly, just when you finally admit, what a meaningless, hopelessly, humorless life you live, you begin to giggle about yourself. It is still rather small, but it is good enough, as it is the real beginning of the new, funny you.               



Tuesday, May 28, 2024



Why would anyone with their unintelligent, insensitive Disembodied Language (DL) want to talk with me? They don’t and it is perfectly fine with me. Forceful, unnatural, phony DL never interacts with my sensitive, intelligent, natural, original Embodied Language (EL). EL and DL are mutually exclusive, which means; if one stops, the other begins. My answer to the idiotic question, why our DL and our EL never meet, is, of course, very different from someone with DL.


People usually want to study psychology – I did – to know themselves better. However, the fact is, that psychology, like everything in academia, is taught with DL, and, consequently, the more they study, the further away, they move from themselves, because they are busy with others. The reason why psychology hasn’t and couldn’t have delivered, is that it doesn’t and couldn’t  address the DL/EL distinction, and, therefore, it only pays lip-service to self-knowledge. Why do I say, it couldn’t deliver and it couldn’t address the great importance of self-knowledge? I say that because, nobody in the field of psychology has acquired the self-knowledge, that can only be obtained by acknowledging and exploring the difference between their DL and EL. What people don’t know, they can’t teach to others.


Whatever it is, that people are taught, in the name of becoming a better communicator, it is nonsense, because it never involves the DL/EL distinction. Why is the whole issue of becoming a better communicator foolish? Well, we either engage in DL and engage in fake conversation or we engage in EL and we have real conversation. The ridiculous, obvious, undeniable fact, that even psychologists haven’t acknowledged this difference, tell us, psychology is based on bias.


Why does learning about research methods in psychology makes no sense? Well, in one of my previous posts, I wrote about the basic tenet of science: replicability. However, the so-called research, that has been done, in the name of psychology, cannot be replicated. Therefore, it is unscientific. Not surprisingly, there are, within the discipline, the same two – political – camps, we see in society, who – how could it be otherwise? – interpret these so-called data, in an entirely different manner. Presumably, they are working on this crisis, but they don’t even want to call it crisis, as this would – as it should – seriously undermine their credibility. Fact is, however, this communication-problem cannot  and will not be solved by their DL, which is the problem. Stated differently, it makes no sense at all, to have any faith in psychology, which, in the name of our stupid DL, is doing great harm, by only prescribing medications for undesirable behavior, which they are unable to change. Why is this even allowed? It is because we all engage unconsciously in DL. Only I can say this with EL.


None of this disgusting, Antisemitism, Marxist-Socialist, Anti-American, Pro-Hamas, Diversity-Equity-Inclusion, Transgender-Wokism, but also none of this current homelessness, addiction, crime or so-called Mental Health Crises, would be the case, if our EL had been embraced, as the very essence of our psychological health. And why is Democracy itself in danger? It is because our DL is tearing apart the very fabric of our society.


With DL – in which we, as speakers, don’t listen to ourselves while we speak – we simply cannot and will not develop so-called critical thinking skills, because we are constantly in conflict and we endlessly are trying to deal with or recover from our negative emotions, which we can only properly – rationally – address with our ongoing EL. Why don’t we know this already? Even when we had a few, brief, accidental, fleeting good moments of EL, we didn’t achieve these experiences by deliberately, consciously, skillfully stopping our DL, so that we could have EL, as we have never stimulated each other, to listen to ourselves while we speak, so we could have ongoing EL.


The first and foremost thing to acknowledge about what is known as mental illness is: there is no illness. Yes, there are problems, but there is no illness. Why do we keep calling it – with our DL – illness, when we know and we have known this all along, that there is no illness? This is gas-lighting, psychological manipulation, because it is grossly misleading. In DL we are always pretending to know and defending lies.


Why is there no grand-scale experimentation in psychology going on, to identify and explore the existence of DL and EL, the two ways of talking, which determine everything in our lives? If we were to have ongoing EL, all the falsehoods we have believed in, due to our DL, will have to be left behind. Basically, everyone can have EL, but we aren’t having it, because we hang on to our biases and we are irrational. Why do we remain so irrational about ourselves? It is because our negative emotions from DL prevent rationality. Only the positive emotions of our ongoing EL,  can make us rational and wise about ourselves.    

Monday, May 27, 2024

 Memorial Day 2024,


Today, I honor my old sense of who I believed to be, with my Disembodied Language (DL), who gave his life, so I could be the free individual, who I am today, with Embodied Language (EL). I have fought, I got wounded, I was traumatized and I have died, with everyone, who has served, so that others may live. I am grateful and I feel responsible, because my freedom didn’t come by itself. Although, I am so free, that I am able to experience the language of freedom – to be who I am - which is my EL, I’m well-aware, that most people, who have the same freedom as me, still adhere to dumb group-behavior – DL – which doesn’t allow them to be themselves.


If people, who live in the United States – or in any other country, where the fortunate citizens have individual rights – do not take the saying, that, freedom is not free, serious, they will go on, unknowingly, with language that prevents them from being free. DL is a group-behavior, which has to be stopped, before we can be free as individuals. Freedom, for someone like me – who went through and survived many battles, who, because of that, is now capable of having ongoing EL – is the expression of my Language Enlightenment (LE). My freedom is available to everyone, who is still suffering from endless DL. With me, this suffering is going to come to an end and they will be able to enjoy their own EL.


I am aware about the widening gap, between the public and service members, which, to me, is similar to the fact, that everyone keeps going with their DL, while almost nobody wants to acknowledge the necessity of EL. What people gave their lives for isn’t validated by those, who have never done anything to be free. Likewise, EL isn’t recognized – as it should be – as the language of the individual, without which our society, which is built on individual freedom, is going to fall apart. This is already happening.


Memorial Day is meant to collectively mourn, remember and honor, the loss of those, who died, wearing the uniform of the United States, who died for the freedom, so others could do what they really want to do. However, if you begin to listen to yourself while you speak, you can’t miss the fact, that again and again, you engage in an unnatural, effortful way of talking, which you don’t even want to be involved in. The DL, which we mechanically keep busy with, happens only, because we are not listening to ourselves while we speak. In effect, we have given up on our own freedom, each time we, automatically, participate in DL again. In other words, we repeat our history of conditioning.  


As I was doing my graduate study in Psychology at Palo Alto University (PAU), I had wanted to do my internship with the Veterans Affairs (VA), but I was told, to my great disappointment, that I was too old – 53 – to qualify. I was and still am convinced, the field of psychology has dismally failed to deliver, particularly to veterans. At this point, I am no longer trying – as I did back then, because I viewed it as my duty, to reach out and help people in need – but it is as clear to me now, as it was back then, that psychology and psychiatry is utterly flawed, because the DL/EL distinction is not addressed. Nobody at PAU was sincere enough, to consider what I was saying. I had been promised, I would be able to choose my research topic, but once I had Advanced To Candidacy, I was told, by the arrogant prick of a director, that I would have to do uninteresting grunt-work for my supervisor and my own topic would have to wait till after graduating for PhD. This led me to withdraw from this expensive institute of liars. I am, however, as convinced today, as I was back in 2012, that EL would be incredibly valuable in the treatment of PTSD. It is astonishing, therapists or psychologist don’t want to find out about the DL/EL distinction.


Biden’s Memorial speech today, is a slap in the face of everyone who has served. He urges Americans to uphold democracy, but everything he does is anti-democratic. If it was up to his Radical-Marxist-Left-Wing-Administration, there are no borders, criminals aren’t prosecuted, we should all believe in transgender-mania, it is wrong to be love our county – let alone to make it great again – and nothing he says reminds us of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is because of Biden and his henchmen; America and many Democratic countries are witnessing a disgusting storm of Antisemitism. His foreign policy about Israel and Ukraine is a total mess. Biden panders to the Muslim vote, by criticizing Israel's war against Hamas and for whatever weird reason, he doesn't want to condemn Iran, which funds Islamic terrorism. Oddly, he claims to be the protector of Democracy, while he paints Trump as Hitler. This is divisive hogwash. Biden is an insult to the dead veterans. He is not a uniter, but a disgrace, to stand there at Arlington cemetery pretending to honor people. This pathetic, old, phony, creepy man is a clearly a shill for all the countries, which hate America, everything it stands for and want to destroy it. Biden is an imposter, who only reads a speech from a script, written for, not by him.