Thursday, April 4, 2024




In onze gebruikelijke manier van praten is het niet zo, dat onze emotie het slechts soms over neemt van ons zogenaamde denken, want wij zijn, ongemerkt, vanwege onze Ontlichaamde Taal (OT), eigenlijk voortdurend bezig met de negatieve emoties, die door onze alledaagse wijze van spreken worden opgeroepen en in stand worden gehouden. Dat logisch kunnen  redeneren over wat er met ons aan de hand is, omdat wij nagenoeg bijna nooit luisteren naar onszelf – maar altijd naar anderen – , kan alleen  plaatsvinden, als we onze OT stoppen, zodat we eindelijk Belichaamde Taal (BT) kunnen hebben.


Er wordt verondersteld, dat bekende experts, die door iedereen worden beschouwd alsof zij het allemaal wel zouden weten, aangezien zij het voor het zeggen hebben – therapeuten, psychiaters, leiders, regisseurs, machthebbers, auteurs, politici,  psychologen, etc. – toch ook soms wel eens een steekje laten vallen. Zij zijn immers, net als iedereen, ook maar gewone mensen, met hun beperkingen en neigingen en dan wordt daarover geroddeld en druk gepraat.


Iedereen is wel eens teleurgesteld geweest over de ongevoelige, helaas gangbare wijze, waarop wij gewend zijn om met elkaar te praten. Soms dan valt het ons ineens heel even op, dat wij die OT – die door iedereen overal als normaal wordt beschouwt – eigenlijk helemaal niet zien zitten, maar die momenten zijn van zeer korte duur, omdat er, zo lijkt het, niets aan te doen is.


Wij zijn allemaal – of we het nou weten of niet, of we het nou toegeven of niet, of we het nou bewust zijn of niet – voortdurend de draad met onszelf kwijt, en naarmate wij ouder worden, duurt het, vanwege onze verstarde gewoontes, steeds langer, alvorens wij weer eens opnieuw met onszelf werkelijk in contact zijn. Soms dan gebeurd dat door een schokkende gebeurtenis, zoals het overlijden van iemand die ons dierbaar is.


Omdat het soms lijkt alsof het door iedereen vergeten is, doen wij, als individu, geen enkele moeite meer, om toch datgene te ervaren, wat schijnbaar met anderen nauwelijks mogelijk is. Als wij echter de tijd nemen, om met onszelf te spreken en om naar onszelf te luisteren en om onze BT te onderzoeken, dan blijkt tot onze grote verbazing, dat wij niet langer – soms – bij wijze van uitzondering, het bij het rechte eind blijken te hebben, maar dat het ons elke keer lukt, om onze OT te stoppen en BT te hebben.


Soms dan is er niets te schrijven en toch ga ik verder met schrijven. Dit is zo’n moment met mezelf, zonder taal. Ik vind het heel aangenaam om het daarover te hebben, want ik ben hierin zo stil. Herhaaldelijk schrijven en praten over mijn BT heeft tot gevolg gehad, dat dit mogelijk is. Het is vanwege het overlijden van mijn moeder, dat ik hierover in het Nederlands wil schrijven. Ik heb haar rouw kaart, samen met een foto van haar, op een tafeltje naast me staan en ik voel me, na al die jaren van geen contact meer te hebben gehad, toch heel dichtbij haar. Het is een vredig gevoel, zonder verdriet, alsof ze nu pas echt bij me is.


Misschien beeld ik mij dit in? Ik heb dit nooit eerder ervaren bij andere overledenen. Haar heengaan heeft iets afgerond met mijn familie. Ik voel nu enkel liefdevolle aandacht voor mijn vader, die waarschijnlijk ook niet lang meer te gaan heeft, nu zijn geliefde is overleden. Ik ervaar ineens zo’n waardering voor hem, omdat hij zo trouw ons gezin heeft onderhouden en zijn zes kinderen een start heeft gegeven, waar ikzelf – ondanks alle conflicten – toch heel gelukkig mee verder heb kunnen gaan.


Ik heb ook een foto van het afscheid van mijn ouders op Schiphol, toen Bonnie en ik naar Amerika emigreerden. Mijn vader, die lange tijd voor mijn moeder zorgde, woonde niet meer bij haar, omdat zij zo’n intensieve verzorging nodig had, die hij haar niet kon geven. Ik weet, dat hij,  niet erg geliefd is in de familie – en daar zijn redenen voor – maar op dit punt aangekomen is ook hij ineens dichterbij dan ooit tevoren.


Ofschoon ik begaan ben met mijn ouders, heb ik nauwelijks gevoelens voor mijn broers of zussen, ook al heb ik onlangs met drie van hen email contact gehad. Gek genoeg, lijkt het alsof ik, meer hou van mijn vader dan wie dan ook en terwijl ik dit schrijf, keert mijn aandacht weer terug naar mijn moeder, die mij goedkeurend laat weten, dat ze van haar man hield en samen met hem heeft gedaan wat ze kon, om haar grote gezin tot een zo’n liefdevolle ervaring te maken, als maar mogelijk was. Ik weet dat zij zich zeer bezorgd om mij hebben gemaakt en ben blij, dat mijn leven in deze fase is, waarin alles helemaal tot rust is gekomen. Het voelt alsof ik dit schrijf als een dankbetuiging.


Er zijn voor mij geen negatieve gevoelens meer naar mijn broers en zussen, met wie ik nooit echt een band heb gevoeld. Mijn levens-weg, die mij naar BT en naar mijn Taal Verlichting (TV) heeft gebracht, gaat samen met Bonnie, die ook nooit contact heeft gehad met mijn familie leden. Waarschijnlijk is dat omdat wij geen kinderen hebben. Toen ik nog probeerde, om keer op keer, toch weer het diepere contact met mijn familie te creeren, liet Bonnie mij vaak weten, dat zij het niet waard zijn. Ik kon het niet laten. Waar ik naar verlangde is nooit met mijn familie tot stand gekomen. Mijn leven begon pas rustig te worden, toen ik, na veel vijven en zessen, eindelijk had besloten om geen contact meer met hen te hebben, omdat ik er elke keer weer zo onder leed. Ja, ik deed dit alles mezelf aan, maar was toen tot niets anders in staat. Het opgeven van het contact met mijn familie heeft dus vele jaren in beslag genomen. Ook al was het heel moeilijk en pijnlijk, om mij aan mijn besluit te houden – ik kwam er nog vaak op terug – toch hield ik mij uiteindelijk aan mijn besluit en ben ik blij dat ik dat gedaan heb.  


Er is een stabiliteit in mijn leven gekomen, die ik nog niet eerder kon beleven. Het heeft ook zeer zeker te maken met het feit dat ik momenteel niet meer werk en daardoor veel tijd alleen met mezelf doorbreng. Al ben ik in de gelegenheid om allerlei dingen te doen of om mensen op te zoeken, ik doe maar heel weinig, omdat ik mij zo aangenaam voel op mezelf. Ook kijk ik nog maar nauwelijks naar het nieuws en houd ik mij nergens anders mee bezig dan met mezelf. Ik weet wel, dat anderen hierover een andere mening hebben dan ik, maar dat kan mij niet schelen.


Voor mij is en blijft het belangrijk, om allerlei invloeden van anderen, zoveel mogelijk buiten beschouwing te kunnen laten. Ik geef dezer dagen helemaal toe aan mijn grote behoefte hieraan, die ik altijd gehad heb en ben zogezegd nog steeds aan het thuiskomen bij mezelf. Toch is mijn relatie met mijn vrouw Bonnie niet iets waarvoor ik mij afsluit. Integendeel, ik ben zo blij dat mijn leven met haar zo goed is. Ook ben hemels blij met mijn dierbare vriendschap met AnnaMieke, met wie ik zo heerlijk kan praten over onze BT en TV. Het is zoiets prachtigs, om met deze twee vrouwen samen deze helderheid mee te maken, die ons zo gelukkig doet zijn.


Vannacht gebeurde er iets opmerkelijks. Ik was al ongebruikelijk vroeg naar bed gegaan – om zes uur – en werd om twee uur wakker. Nadat ik naar het toilet was geweest, ging ik even zitten in kleer-makers-zit, om deze tekst te schrijven. Buddy, kwam mijn kamer ingelopen en gaf me een kopje. Onze kat was er nog niet eerder toe gekomen, om bij ons te komen zitten en zich te laten aaien. Allerlei pogingen waren tevergeefs, telkens holde hij weg. Hij bleef een lief, maar afstandelijk beestje. We hadden het zo’n beetje opgegeven, dat hij ooit bij nog ons zou komen zitten, maar vannacht sprong hij ineens op mijn schoot en liet hij zich aaien en begon hij te snorren.


Soms is er ineens, even, slechts een moment,  waarop iets mogelijk is. Toen Buddy naar mij toe kwam lopen, voelde ik dat hij eindelijk bij mij zou komen zitten en ik had gelijk. Soms dan kan iemand die dit leest ineens beseffen, dat het allemaal echt waar is wat ik zeg, en dat BT dus ook voor hem of haar mogelijk zou zijn. Soms dan krijgt zo iemand ineens de impuls, om toch eens de stoute schoenen aan te trekken en om eens, via skype – limbicease – contact met mij te zoeken, om met mij over BT te spreken. Ik reken erop dat dit gebeurt. Ook al is het natuurlijk prima, om soms eens naar een van mijn twee You Tube kanalen te kijken en te luisteren (type in Maximus Peperkamp of maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw), OT begint pas in BT te veranderen, als soms steeds vaker wordt.        

Wednesday, April 3, 2024




The word succinct comes from Latin, succinctus, which means, contracted, short, concise; but also, prepared, ready, from succingere, to tuck up, to gird from below; and, in transferred use, to equip, to provide or furnish. Succingere, comes from sub + cingere, sub, meaning up from under and cingere, cinch, meaning, gird about, with armor, to be armed, prepared and tuck up loose clothes or tighten one’s belt for action. In later English form succinctly, means brevity of something said, concise language, compressed in a small compass or few words.


In their journals, scientists write, in principle, about their theories, as succinctly as possible. They go by Occam’s Razor, also known as the Principle of Parsimony, which is the idea, that more straightforward explanations are, in general, better. Novacula Occami, also Latin, is the problem-solving principle – Lex Parsimoniae – that recommends searching for explanations constructed with the smallest set of elements. There is also the Latin phrase, Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem, which can be translated as, entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity, or, in more popular language, the simplest explanation is usually the best one.


Although I can be – as my blog writings and my many You Tube videos (Maximus Peperkamp or maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw) show – and like to be elaborate about the distinction between Disembodied Language (DL) – our unconscious, usual, ineffective way of dealing with language – and Embodied Language (EL), we can’t get any more succinct, than by stating: DL-speakers don’t listen to themselves, while EL-speakers always listen to themselves while they speak.  


Anyone with knowledge about science as well as the right, inquisitive, open attitude, should be able to acknowledge, that, EL is a succinct and, therefore, scientific way of speaking, while DL – in which speakers do not pay any attention to how they sound, because they are carried away by what they say; I call it verbal fixation – is not parsimonious, is biased, and, consequently, unscientific, although all scientists talk this way.  


Intelligence is the beauty, which is found and felt in the simplicity of our language, when we listen to ourselves while we speak and engage in EL. Our EL is based on the irrefutable simple fact, that we can all produce a sound, while we speak, which we like to and want to hear. The voice which we have during ongoing EL, makes us feel good. We keep expressing the sound of our wellbeing regardless of what we are saying.  


The previous paragraph reminds me of the One Note Samba, a beautiful Brazilian melody, that  was composed by Antonio Carlos Jobim and made famous by Frank Sinatra. There is a similarity – I would say a connection – between the musical simplicity or the succinctness of Bossa Nova and EL. In this genre, particularly in this marvelous song, just one single melodic line is followed. Thus, the entire melody can be played by one note, in the same way. Similarly, the most wonderful conversation will unfold, if we keep following the healing sound of our EL.


Here are the lyrics of One Note Samba. You can also listen to this song if you use this link:

Frank Sinatra With Antonio Carlos Jobim – One Note Samba (Samba De Uma Nota So) (

This is just a little samba, built upon a single note
Other notes are bound to follow but the root is still that note

Now this new one is the consequence of the one we've just been through
As I'm bound to be the unavoidable consequence of you


There's so many people who can talk, and talk, and talk
And just say nothing or nearly nothing
I have used up all the scale I know
And at the end I've come to nothing or nearly nothing


So I come back to my first note as I must come back to you
I will pour into that one note, all the love I feel for you
Anyone who wants the whole show, re-mi-fa-so-la-si-do
He will find himself with no show, better play the note you know


There's so many people who can talk and talk, and talk
And just say nothing or nearly nothing
I have used up all the scale I know
And at the end I've come to nothing, I mean nothing


So I come back to my first note, as I must come back to you
I will pour into that one note all the love I feel for you
Anyone who wants the whole show, re-mi-fa-so-la-si-do
He will find himself with no show, better play the note you know


Songwriters: Newton Ferreira De Mendonca, Antonio Carlos Brasileiro De Almeida Jobim.


I listened to Frank Sinatra, but didn’t like it. I like Joao Gilberto’s version with Herbie Mann much better. Best Of Vintage Brazilian Songs (  There is nothing minimalistic about this relaxing music, but since people are used to DL, they call it that, because it diffuses noisy complexity. It makes us feel. In that sense, it is to the point. It takes us back to the basics. It exposes the meaningless chaos we are used to, which is expected to continue with our DL. In DL we manipulate, distract, obfuscate and fabricate, but we aren’t talking straight…


We only begin to make sense of what we say, if we listen to ourselves, while we speak, so that we can finally recognize the huge difference in the sound of our own voice, the difference in our energy or our vibration, during our DL or EL.

To put it, once more, very succinctly, in DL we remain fearful, but in EL, we talk without having any fear. Our intelligence is only expressed in EL, but since we are – due to our conditioning history – used to DL, we totally misunderstand what is our own intelligence. It is interesting to note – pun intended – in this famous song, the lyrics further enhance the meaning of this tune.


As in so many other songs, the words describe a longing for love, which seems unattainable and unreachable. However, amazingly, the beauty and simplicity of this music, tells us a different story. By juxtaposing the easiness of this calm melody with the complex emotions conveyed by the lyrics, we can sense Jobim’s genius. After all, isn’t it love, what it’s all about? And when will we take note (!) of that message? Yes, you probably guessed it correctly: when we have ongoing EL.


With DL we can’t express love, therefore, we remain in the dark about the most important experience of our life. This has had – and will continue to have – catastrophic consequences. With EL, however, we can speak with love and, thus, attain our Language Enlightenment (LE).


When I say --- WE --- I mean, the listeners, who, instead of listening to the music from someone else, are listening to their own music, which is the sound of their voice. Only the EL-speakers are able to capture this universal feeling of love, which is desired, but which is not embodied, as long as DL is going on. 

The bittersweet flavor of love songs, of course, could only capture our attention for a limited amount of time, before we go on again with, presumably, other more important matters. We may occasionally still listen to the expression of our intelligence, but our daily involvement in DL determines, that we forget about love and at best fantasize about it.


Art, in its many forms, supposedly, reminds us again of beauty, love, purity, tranquility, truth and meaning, however, anyone with EL knows, we are just fooling ourselves with the belief, for a brief moment, we pay attention, to who we really are. Bossa Nova combines Samba and elements of Jazz with a laid-back musical style. The soothing quality of the One Note Samba is the result of a range of emotions, which emerge because of the honesty of what we can feel.


We would all like to experience, our longing for love would be fulfilled, but unless our language creates and maintains a serene way of life, we will remain trapped by our unfulfilled longings. The Buddhists say that all life is suffering, and they try to end suffering by meditating, but I say, life is suffering because of DL. Only if we can have ongoing EL, will there be an end to our suffering and will we attain our LE, which is, to put it succinctly, the understanding, that there is and never was language inside of us. DL is the attention-demanding, unnatural, unintelligent language of our unfulfilled longings, a sense of sentimental nostalgia for something that never was there in the first place. As the lyrics of One Note Samba illustrate, our usual way of talking, DL, is always about the other, the object of our love, but in EL, we return to ourselves when we speak, and we hear and act on our intelligence. I hope this writing was succinct enough for you.      

Tuesday, April 2, 2024




To be able to call a spade a spade, we need to have ongoing Embodied Language (EL), as with our unconscious, insensitive Disembodied Language (DL), we keep changing the meaning of words, and, consequently, our language and live become meaningless. You could argue, the spade has a need to be called what he or she is, but once you start talking about the so-called, she-spade or the he-spade, to supposedly, refer to the spade, who identifies as a female or as a  male, you are no longer calling a spade a spade.


Simply stated, a spade is a genderless garden tool, with a handle and a flat blade for digging, while a hoe is an equally non-binary agricultural tool consisting of a long handle with a flat blade fixed perpendicular to it at the end, for digging rows. We can only effectively use these words – spade or hoe – to refer to these different tools, because they are used for different purposes. It is, therefore, not a matter of comparing a spade with a hoe – or apples with oranges – because each word identifies something very different.


If you know what you are doing, you will use the right tool for the job, but you will never be using a hoe, when, in fact, you should be using a spade or vice versa. Angled blades of hoes make them great for weeding, edging, hilling, while flat blades of spades make them ideal for digging, moving earth or transplanting. Using a tool that is not designed for a particular job, can result in accidents, injury, or damage to the tool itself. Using the right tools for a job is essential for improving your work’s precision and quality.


It is obvious to anyone, who used these tools, a spade is better than a hoe for digging holes and for easily moving scoops of soil, while hoes are more useful, when breaking hard ground or new ground with a grub hoe or a garden pick or mattock. The latter is good for chopping tough sods, that are more difficult to handle with a spade. A spade is not a better tool than a hoe, but a different tool, necessary for another job.


Calling a spade a spade, is considered offensive by those who engage in DL. EL instantaneously exposes the ignorance of those, who mistake a hoe for a spade, as EL always illustrates, in DL, our words are not embodied. DL never refers to the individual, who is using the language. Thus, the hoe is called a spade, as the hoe demands to be called a spade, and this is how ridiculous our common way of talking is. There is nothing new, however, about DL, which has been going on since human beings became verbal. Yes, we haven’t acknowledged the difference between DL and EL, so we never called a spade a spade!


To me, it doesn’t matter, what anyone says, as long as they still engage in DL. I continue with my EL, as the DL of everyone is of no concern to me anymore. I leave all the arguing, fighting, hurting and suffering to others, because their way of talking is in essence a violent, abusive, and above all, stupid act. I literally have better things to do. I have no shame, when I say, with my EL: I am better than everyone with DL. It is the truth. Those who are offended, feel hurt because I don’t recognize their phony authority.  


Those, who are simply jealous or who try put themselves above others, always take offense to anyone with EL, who has a better life, than all the fools with DL. My joy in my EL isn’t about putting anyone down or putting myself above others, but it is about stating my own truth. I say what I am capable of saying, because I have nothing to prove. What I write is true for me. I know it and don’t doubt it. My EL is so clear, so peaceful and down to earth. I don’t postpone my wellbeing with any involvement in DL, as that would be a waste of my time and energy.


I have slept so nicely and just got up. It is still early in the morning. The window is a little bit open and the fresh morning air is coming into my room. The crisp coolness embraces me from top to toe. I have the whole day to myself, and I feel so wealthy, accomplished and grateful. My possession is my language. I do with it what I want. What I do, is not what anyone with DL imagines, they want to do with their language.


I do not imagine anything. EL is the expression of my being. I am someone magnificent and blissful. I call this my Language Enlightenment (LE), because it is articulated with my EL. My LE could never be uttered with the dull DL, which everyone is so incredibly busy with. I don’t have any involvement with DL, otherwise I couldn’t be myself. Being myself isn’t something I want, as it is something I am. I believed I wanted to be myself, as long as I was preoccupied with DL.


I never try to be myself with EL, as EL allows me to be who I am. It was such a big trip, I’ve been on, but I’ve returned home to myself. I too was, like everyone else, unknowingly, mechanically, involved in DL, and busy with so many things, which distracted me from my own language. Right now, it doesn’t seem to matter anymore, as it is no more important, but back then, my goal felt like a case of life and death. With EL, I don’t do anything else than enjoy who I am. My happiness is of no use to anyone with DL. They thrive on conflict and drama. I was like that too.  


I used to feel so sad, I wasn’t part of any kind of group. If I participated in group-activity, I always felt like an outsider. Looking back, on what was for so long the theme of my life – rejection – I now realize, that being on my own, isn’t matter of being rejected or not being accepted, but it is the inevitable consequence of using language to my own advantage, instead of against me.  


When people say that they need to be alone, to, supposedly, think or take a break from their involvement with others, they try to create a situation, in which they can have EL instead of DL. However, if they don’t speak out loud with themselves, they are unable to hear, what they would say, if they did. They don’t hear, what they would only be able to hear, if they would calmly tell themselves, what they really wanted to say to themselves. They can’t hear what they have never said to themselves and can’t feel or experience, what their DL distracts them from.


Even if our DL – in the absence of others – is somewhat decreased or, perhaps, temporarily stopped, it would still soon continue, because of our conditioning history. Those, who feel the most bothered by DL, are the most sensitive and intelligent people. They not only avoid DL, but they naturally find their way to EL. Stated differently, knowing what we don’t want – with our language – reveals what we want, and are already capable of. Therefore, as soon as our DL has been stopped, our EL begins and as it keeps going, things are just getting better and better. We are on our path of wellbeing, as there is no reason, why we would be doing anything else.  If you go to my You Tube channel maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw, you can hear me read this writing and provide some additional comments. 


Monday, April 1, 2024




I own my Embodied Language (EL). Although someone like you, with your sick, slick, stupid Disembodied Language (DL), doesn’t want to get involved with EL, I don’t give a damn. I have no interest in your phony DL, whether it is on tv, the radio or social media. You may get famous and wealthy with DL, staying away from your DL makes me happy. I am the master of my EL.


You will have to get your own EL, as you won’t be able to get it from me. In the past, I gave my EL away, as I wanted to share it with you, but those days are far behind me. Before you can get to your own EL, you will have to admit, you engage in unintelligent, meaningless DL all the time. In other words, you will first have to own, the shitty, nasty, idiotic way in which you deal with your language. However, you rather blame someone else for your dumb DL, but that is not how it works. You are on automatic pilot, each time you engage in DL. While you may get away with it, you don’t own it and that is why your DL never stops. Owning your DL is like admitting to yourself, your sound, your voice, was off.


Of course, you have your own troubles, due to the fact that you don’t hear yourself while you speak. This is the only explanation there is for your dull, forceful, unnatural, energy-draining DL. You will only come into your own, when you begin to speak out loud with yourself and listen to yourself. Talking with others and engaging in DL, has prevented you from being on your own.


When finally – probably never – you let yourself know, there is a difference in how you sound, if you listen to yourself while you speak or if you don’t listen to yourself while you speak, you will begin to notice the difference between your EL and your DL. You can’t own EL without owning DL. Unless you own DL first, there will never be any EL for you. Ongoing EL requires much more than merely the acted control of your language, because you need to cherish your own sound.


Since I am able to continue with my own EL – in spite of the fact, that everyone has DL – I have become established in Language Enlightenment (LE). My joyfully expressive way of life shines a bright light on your miserable, chaotic, punitive, imprisoned, resentful and conflicted way of life. This writing is to stimulate you to own your own shit. I don’t really care, if you do or not, but like to write like this, because I own my own truth.


I was conditioned, like you and everyone else, to have DL, but my dissatisfaction with my own DL became apparent when I heard the dreadful sound of my own anger, despair, frustration and confusion. I didn’t like that sound. When I said this to myself, suddenly, the imaginary speaker and the imaginary listener – in me – were gone. Of course, there is no inner me, who does what I do, but to hear myself say, that this is true, has forever changed my life. By declaring, I have my own language – EL – I express my awesome LE.


Since I have truly achieved what I write about, here on this blog and what I talk or sing about, on my You Tube channels (Maximus Peperkamp and maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw) I hope that my critique on your harmful DL, enrages and annoys you enough to make you curious. Quite frankly, I don’t see any other way, you will ever become interested in your own daft language.


To understand yourself in your own right, is only possible with your own EL, as stated, after you have first stopped your own DL. Forget about everything else. You have been your own worst enemy with your DL, and you will be your own best friend with your EL. There is no other way. Yes, there are absolutes. Your DL is absolutely working against you, but your EL works in your own favor, as it will allow you to become more important than others. To be on your own, is a prerequisite to claim your own LE with your EL.


As you might have noticed, in what I write and say: you live by your own rules, once you have ongoing EL. With DL – your usual way of talking – your real needs always come last, but with EL, your needs are heard and fulfilled. Moreover, with your EL, you are not waiting for anyone to do, what you can do on your own. It is not lonely to have EL, but you will be alone and that will make you courageously live your own way of life.                       

Sunday, March 31, 2024




We are all going to die. The only time to give up on our fantasy-beliefs, is while we are still alive. Denial of our mortality is the reason millions of Christians are still carried away by the concept of resurrection or the Holy Ghost; millions of Buddhists are wasting their time in meditation and are trying in vain to eliminate their desire; millions of Jews imagine there is a creator, who has spoken through his prophet Mozes; and, millions of Muslims imagine angels exist and insist that one day, all people are called into account for their faith during their life on earth.


None of our religions or our spiritual paths are true. Instead of communicating, we have been endlessly distracted by superstitions, religions and political dogmas. The fact, that, no matter what, we are all mortals, tells us, there is no after-life, no judgement day or reward for how we have lived. We are literally scared to death to admit, that none of what we believe is true.


Instead of all the aforementioned pretentious, confusing, conflicted, unnecessary nonsense, which is perpetuated by our Disembodied Language (DL), I only want to write and speak about my self-created, enjoyable reality, which has come about due to my Embodied Language (EL) and my acknowledgement, I live only once: now. EL is such a stark contrast with our DL, in which we fanatically believe in non-existent deities in the sky or inside of ourselves. Also, the coerced belief in those who claim to have power, is as foolish as our desperate belief in our imaginary inner selves.


You don’t know what it is like to have EL, as you only know how to continue with DL. I write here about my EL, not for you, but for myself, since I am not interested in you. I don’t do anything to reach you. I am satisfied to know what I know. If you want to read this, fine, if you want to hear me speak, then, listen to my You Tube videos on my two channels, maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw or Maximus Peperkamp. It is up to you, to contact me. It hasn’t happened yet. Perhaps, it never will, but that is your loss, not mine. I feel fine with my EL. All the violence, turmoil, horror and trouble, involved in your DL, is not my world.


Don’t call me an atheist, because that doesn’t’ capture my unique way of life. My goal is and has always been to have EL. Instead of being busy with your religion, your politics, your gender, your identity, I stay with myself and feel so happy to be able to do that, as this wasn’t always possible for me. To me, life is very simple: I stay away from the meaningless DL, which is going on everywhere. Instead of all the anger, madness, fear or anxiety, I feel peaceful, calm, accomplished, satisfied and grateful.


Death is natural for all human beings. We are all going to die one day. During our lives, we either acknowledge this fact or we don’t. If we do, we live a meaningful life, but if we don’t, we make up stories about what happens after we die. These bizarre stories are the context in which we live our unreasonable, shoddy lives. I am no longer sad, that you don’t want to have EL with me. My EL emerges, not necessarily to say something, but just to hear my own voice. I produce EL, not to know or explore anything, but simply, because I enjoy my EL. It is such an amazing phenomenon, I only have language, if I write, read, speak or listen, but I’m without any language, if I’m not writing, reading, speaking or listening. With language, I no longer have DL, but only EL, and without language, I experience only my body. My body is a spaceship, it travels though the reality, I’ve created with my EL.


This writing isn’t, what people – due to their unconscious DL – consider, flowery language. My knowledge is about death, because I feel the rhythm of going back and forth between my EL and the sensations in my body. These words allow me to embody my language and when I don’t write or speak, my body rejoices. Actually, it also enjoys my EL, because it fits so well with each of my experiences. I don’t feel - like those with DL - disconnected, as my presence is spacious and gracious. I can’t reject, I’m here, to be who I am.   


My ongoing EL shows me, this is my Language Enlightenment (LE). I fulfill my destiny by having EL, that is, unlike the language of other people, my language is alive, while those who engage in DL, participate in the language of death. There cannot be any silence in DL. In the absence of DL, people will feel even more isolated and separated, than while they were having DL. It is such a wonderous thing, without EL my silence is without any language. I’m still getting used to it. Being without any language is where I’ve always been heading. Although I’ve discovered I could have EL instead of DL, I was always on a journey – to die – to go beyond language.


All will end in death, all! Why not give yourself the chance, to experiment and to acknowledge the difference between who you really are and who you pretend to be? With the former, you will hear and experience your EL, but with the latter, you are automatically repeating fearful, dumb stories with your DL. Of course, you don’t like to hear it, because it sounds horrible. You can and you will only let go of your language, if you have used it correctly, that is, if you have enjoyed your EL and have recognized your LE.  


You can only familiarize yourself with EL, if you let go of DL. Actually, you don’t need to let go of EL, as it will happen by itself, but stopping DL is something, which takes energy and constant focus on your language. Without that attitude, it is not going to happen. So funny, that to have EL, we must first stop our DL, and then, once we have EL, our EL takes us beyond language. The great peace that is felt, as your ongoing EL reveals your LE – and, when your EL comes to an end – it is so exquisite. It connects you to everything, which is the opposite of the noise and chaos of DL, which alienates you from everything.


I am suddenly reminded of the wonderful music of the band Grateful Death. However, with your EL, you are not being entertained by someone, but you create your own reality. Surely, EL is not for Death-Heads. DL is disorder and EL is order. Once order is achieved by your EL, the work has been done. Your body responds with a sense of delight and transparency, and, yes, you feel as if you are ready to die, because you are so happy and fulfilled. It seems as if your body has disappeared, once your language is gone. You may still experience a small current of energy, as if light is illuminating the darkness of your body. You will experience deeper and deeper states of relaxation and refinement.  


If there was no death, the world would soon be so crowded with living creatures, it would be impossible for any of them to live comfortably. It is already like that, and our unintelligent, harmful DL makes things even worse. Actually, with EL, we would have a whole new sense of virtue. With EL we speak the language that creates space, but with DL, we are competing and struggling with each other for attention. It is impossible to make anything clear or to agree on anything with DL.


I have read and heard, some so-called gurus or, presumably, enlightened people, who said, that one can only attain truth, conscious and bliss, by remaining conscious of the experience: I am. This is silly advice, as it is unattainable with our DL, to simply be who we are, or to be where we are. To be where we are, we must stop our DL, so that we can have EL. And, unless we are able to continue with our EL, our presence or experience is not supported by our language and only pretended.


We can say, with our DL, we are here, but it means something different from saying it with EL. EL is like a funnel, in which our energy is poured in the here and now, but DL makes us leak our energy and our only way to refer to the present, is by means of struggle and fear, distraction, tension, anxiety and forcefulness, caused by our language. It is going to be crystal clear to anyone who is capable of having ongoing EL, everything which has been said and written about enlightenment, with DL, was wrong. The same is true for any other so-called spiritual deliverance or salvation. None of what has been said about death – yes, it was always about death – resulted in EL, therefore, it was all based on the continuation of our DL. If you would experiment for yourself, to figure out the great difference between your own DL and your own EL, you will come to your own conclusion about your language. You live a frigid way of life, as if you are frozen to death, with your DL and you don’t even know it.


In closing, there is no spiritual struggle between life and death. By switching from DL to EL, you will realize, death is an awakening. However, it doesn’t involve any struggle, as death is part of life. Interestingly, it isn’t possible to scrutinize your EL to death, as your EL reveals more and more to you. Your EL is you treasure. And nobody else dies, as it is always you who dies. Yes, you may talk about others, but you always talk about yourself. You are going to die. The question is: what are you going to do before that happens? You will be so happy, if you stop your DL and allow your EL to emerge.                            

Saturday, March 30, 2024




During Embodied Language (EL), we discover that beauty has absolutely nothing to do with sacredness. In fact, our superstitious belief in something spiritual, which was initiated and maintained by our unconscious participation in Disembodied Language (DL), has made us blind and deaf for all beauty. We will find beauty in everything we do, once our other behavior can emerge from our EL. Our delight in the beauty of everything is our Language Enlightenment (LE).


Due to our conditioning history with DL, we are lost and we seek to find truth or beauty. Beauty also hasn’t got anything to do with truth. In DL, truth has become overly important to us, since we cannot be truthful. However, beauty is of no importance to us at all in DL and the reason for this is, that beauty cannot be wanted. We can demand the truth, but not beauty. What people have accepted as the truth, is without beauty. In EL, truth is of no importance, only beauty is.


The saying, beauty is in the eye of the beholder is wrong. Beauty doesn’t have anything to do with what we see, but with what we hear. Our overemphasis on and over-appreciation for visual stimuli as well as our underestimation and neglect of the importance of auditory stimuli, was always driven by our DL. Similarly, we prefer youthfulness over old age, because we can’t see the beauty in getting old. Only if there is beauty and grace in our lives, is there such a thing as wisdom, but it is only those who are still stuck with their DL, who will call it that.


When people talk about, let’s say, the beauty of the forest, they miss the forest for the trees, that is, they lost track of the larger situation. It is not only the forest, which is beautiful, but also the people, the animals, the mountains, the deserts, the oceans, the rivers, the sky and the planets. Everything is beautiful, but we don’t see it, as our perception is altered by our DL. Once we switch from DL to EL, we witness, that we are blessed with the energy of beauty.


In DL, we are always hair-splitting, as we obsess about details, because our language prevents us from being in touch with the whole. This is why people say, the more you know, the less you know. Due to our DL, we can’t accept that our knowledge is and will always be limited. As long as we keep grasping or trying to hold on to the details of our lives, we don’t experience the sheer beauty of being alive. Moreover, with DL, our limited knowledge sets us apart. Only with EL can there be consilience, a merging together of all knowledge. Convergence of evidence, what is known as scientific consensus or unity of knowledge, depends on our sense of beauty. There is one reality: all knowledge is related. To talk about this oneness requires the language of beauty, EL, which effortlessly describes our LE.


The beauty of my LE is, that only I can know it exists. Each individual – with his or her EL – can only know his or her own LE. In DL, we seek to find love in each other, since we don’t recognize the beauty in ourselves. In EL, we acknowledge, what we see or hear in others, is always about ourselves. Beauty is a form of goodness, which is felt, when we are safe, to say what we want to say in our own way. EL emerges by itself. We enjoy the beauty we create with our language. In effect, with EL, we participate in life’s beauty.


Beauty, innocence, consciousness, wellbeing or self-knowledge are different words, we use to describe our LE. It doesn’t matter we use these words over and over again, as the sound of our voice makes us realize, that we never use them in the same way twice. The flow of EL, is like a river, in which everything is in constant motion. This brings us to the necessity of wildness and beauty. I live in what was once called the Wild West, but very few people know about the wild nature and majestic beauty of our language.


None of our poets, philosophers, mystics, seers, priests, saints, scholars, scientists, leaders, writers, public speakers, cineasts, reporters or actors have ever talked about the beauty of EL, which is their LE, because all of them – just like everyone else – were, unknowingly, continuously involved in DL. We have never acknowledged the beauty of our ability, to, directly, step out of our conditioning history with DL. The switch from our DL to EL, is truly a life-altering event. Everything becomes more and more beautiful, when our DL begins to subside and our EL keeps on increasing. In the beginning, EL’s beauty is overwhelming, and we need to get used to beauty, because we are used to DL’s ugliness and brutality. Also, we can hear our own beauty, when we produce it, without any hesitation, in EL.


When we begin to have ongoing EL, we are going to live a life of beauty and plenty. We are satisfied with what we have, because can hear how our authentic voice guides our lives. It is this beautiful sound, which we ourselves can produce and which we now can hear, because we continue to celebrate and enjoy it, to which we surrender ourselves. We are emersed in beauty and we have achieved this by ourselves, due to the simple fact, that we speak with and listen to ourselves. The beauty of talking with ourselves, is that we can also talk like this with others and then have EL with each other. Our EL heralds a new era of peace for all of mankind.                 

Friday, March 29, 2024




With Disembodied Language (DL), we sacrifice ourselves and each other, on the altar of what we consider to be important. It doesn’t matter how painful, inhuman or disgusting it is, what we do, we justify it, because we believe in it. In the name of some group – the extension or the replacement of our family – we forsake our own individuality. We have never liberated ourselves from our tribal conditioning history, therefore, we couldn’t even conceive of the possibility of Embodied Language (EL). Consequently, we are still strangers to ourselves, as we don’t have the language to be ourselves. If we would have EL, we would realize our Language Enlightenment (LE), which can only be revealed by ongoing EL.


When we have EL and leave behind everyone who has DL, we don’t sacrifice ourselves, but we do ourselves a big favor. Of course, nobody with DL loves us for our EL, but we are happy to abandon the so-called love, which goes on in the name of DL. To anyone with EL, the love of people with DL is something imprisoning. To be an individual and to continue with EL, they have to remove themselves from everyone with DL.


While sacrifice is the essence of DL – our usual way of talking – when we engage in EL, we want to keep, to hold, to retain, to continue, to stay, to remain, to give birth, to acquire, to save, to increase, to rise or to endure. This difference is of great importance, as our happiness depends on the latter, but not on the former. It is a big old lie, that people will be fulfilled by sacrificing themselves for others. It never happened and it is never going to happen. People have believed in this for lifetimes, as sacrifice determined our survival, which was dependent on the group to which we belonged. In our Western democratic societies, however, individualism has become the basis of modern life. Unless, our language reflects this, with EL, we keep contradicting our lives with DL, which is now basically outdated.


The word sacrifice comes from Latin sacrificium or sacrificus, which means, performing priestly functions, making sacred; from sacra, sacred rites; combined with facere, to make or to do. Sacrificantem, one who offers a sacrifice. In DL, we act out an ancient, superstitious script, but in EL, we don’t do any habitual ritual, because it is always new. Thus, our habit, which repeats, is what makes us sacrifice our lives, but in EL, we act consciously, spontaneously and naturally. It should also be noted, that our DL is decided for us by others, but in EL, we decide for ourselves.


We are still stuck with DL, as our EL would make us realize, we are enlightened. DL is maintained to enslave us, our LE would make us completely independent from any kind of authority. Simply stated, we are not supposed to find out, we are enlightened, that is why DL is demanded. We will only stop our sacrifice, once we step away from any kind of group-behavior and detect the immense difference between our DL and EL. Of course, in EL, we also do what we need to do, to be able to have EL, but this is not a sacrifice.  


As long as there is still the notion, that we have to sacrifice something, we are not yet engaging in EL. I remember, because I wanted so badly to be able to have EL with others, I constantly gave myself away. I felt, I had to sacrifice, in order to have EL, but I no longer feel that way at all. It is interesting, because, back then, I experienced my EL as sacred, but that has changed as well. This ridiculous notion of something sacred is part of our DL. With our ongoing EL nothing is sacred, as our LE is an ordinary phenomenon. In other words, with EL, we no longer make any sacrifice, but we also abandon all spiritual crap.


The willingness to sacrifice is suicidal. We are told that it is good or honorable to sacrifice, but those who do, they always harm themselves. It is covered up by our DL, but with EL, we cannot deny the wounds we inflict on ourselves and on each other with our sacrifice. Since DL is going on everywhere, twenty-four-seven, we have not yet conceived of – let alone created – a healthy society, in which there is no longer any sacrifice. Anyone who has sacrificed, always has a chip on their shoulder and, later, they demand payback.  


Regardless of what people say, sacrifice is never voluntary. People feel obligated to their group, to do what they need to do, to belong, even if it means, to die. This signifies the great human tragedy, which repeats itself, ad infinitum, with our DL. I never met anyone, in my sixty-five years, who was happy, that he or she sacrificed him or herself. To the contrary, I have always felt a sense of regret, in those who literally put themselves in harm's way. Surely, we cover it all up with heroism, but the reality is different. It is only when we have EL, that we begin to assess, how much we have given up, lost or sacrificed.


With DL, people really believe, they love each other, for the sacrifice they are willing to make. However, there is the reality, where the rubber hits the road. The high divorce-rates show how true their promise is. The vow, to stay together, for better or worse, is considered as an act of free will, but if we take a closer look at the issue of responsibility, it is very clear, as long as we are not happy, we are not taking good care of ourselves. With DL, others are presumably more important than we ourselves, therefore, unknowingly, in the name of social behavior, we know our place and, yes, we sacrifice ourselves.