Saturday, March 30, 2024




During Embodied Language (EL), we discover that beauty has absolutely nothing to do with sacredness. In fact, our superstitious belief in something spiritual, which was initiated and maintained by our unconscious participation in Disembodied Language (DL), has made us blind and deaf for all beauty. We will find beauty in everything we do, once our other behavior can emerge from our EL. Our delight in the beauty of everything is our Language Enlightenment (LE).


Due to our conditioning history with DL, we are lost and we seek to find truth or beauty. Beauty also hasn’t got anything to do with truth. In DL, truth has become overly important to us, since we cannot be truthful. However, beauty is of no importance to us at all in DL and the reason for this is, that beauty cannot be wanted. We can demand the truth, but not beauty. What people have accepted as the truth, is without beauty. In EL, truth is of no importance, only beauty is.


The saying, beauty is in the eye of the beholder is wrong. Beauty doesn’t have anything to do with what we see, but with what we hear. Our overemphasis on and over-appreciation for visual stimuli as well as our underestimation and neglect of the importance of auditory stimuli, was always driven by our DL. Similarly, we prefer youthfulness over old age, because we can’t see the beauty in getting old. Only if there is beauty and grace in our lives, is there such a thing as wisdom, but it is only those who are still stuck with their DL, who will call it that.


When people talk about, let’s say, the beauty of the forest, they miss the forest for the trees, that is, they lost track of the larger situation. It is not only the forest, which is beautiful, but also the people, the animals, the mountains, the deserts, the oceans, the rivers, the sky and the planets. Everything is beautiful, but we don’t see it, as our perception is altered by our DL. Once we switch from DL to EL, we witness, that we are blessed with the energy of beauty.


In DL, we are always hair-splitting, as we obsess about details, because our language prevents us from being in touch with the whole. This is why people say, the more you know, the less you know. Due to our DL, we can’t accept that our knowledge is and will always be limited. As long as we keep grasping or trying to hold on to the details of our lives, we don’t experience the sheer beauty of being alive. Moreover, with DL, our limited knowledge sets us apart. Only with EL can there be consilience, a merging together of all knowledge. Convergence of evidence, what is known as scientific consensus or unity of knowledge, depends on our sense of beauty. There is one reality: all knowledge is related. To talk about this oneness requires the language of beauty, EL, which effortlessly describes our LE.


The beauty of my LE is, that only I can know it exists. Each individual – with his or her EL – can only know his or her own LE. In DL, we seek to find love in each other, since we don’t recognize the beauty in ourselves. In EL, we acknowledge, what we see or hear in others, is always about ourselves. Beauty is a form of goodness, which is felt, when we are safe, to say what we want to say in our own way. EL emerges by itself. We enjoy the beauty we create with our language. In effect, with EL, we participate in life’s beauty.


Beauty, innocence, consciousness, wellbeing or self-knowledge are different words, we use to describe our LE. It doesn’t matter we use these words over and over again, as the sound of our voice makes us realize, that we never use them in the same way twice. The flow of EL, is like a river, in which everything is in constant motion. This brings us to the necessity of wildness and beauty. I live in what was once called the Wild West, but very few people know about the wild nature and majestic beauty of our language.


None of our poets, philosophers, mystics, seers, priests, saints, scholars, scientists, leaders, writers, public speakers, cineasts, reporters or actors have ever talked about the beauty of EL, which is their LE, because all of them – just like everyone else – were, unknowingly, continuously involved in DL. We have never acknowledged the beauty of our ability, to, directly, step out of our conditioning history with DL. The switch from our DL to EL, is truly a life-altering event. Everything becomes more and more beautiful, when our DL begins to subside and our EL keeps on increasing. In the beginning, EL’s beauty is overwhelming, and we need to get used to beauty, because we are used to DL’s ugliness and brutality. Also, we can hear our own beauty, when we produce it, without any hesitation, in EL.


When we begin to have ongoing EL, we are going to live a life of beauty and plenty. We are satisfied with what we have, because can hear how our authentic voice guides our lives. It is this beautiful sound, which we ourselves can produce and which we now can hear, because we continue to celebrate and enjoy it, to which we surrender ourselves. We are emersed in beauty and we have achieved this by ourselves, due to the simple fact, that we speak with and listen to ourselves. The beauty of talking with ourselves, is that we can also talk like this with others and then have EL with each other. Our EL heralds a new era of peace for all of mankind.                 

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