Monday, April 1, 2024




I own my Embodied Language (EL). Although someone like you, with your sick, slick, stupid Disembodied Language (DL), doesn’t want to get involved with EL, I don’t give a damn. I have no interest in your phony DL, whether it is on tv, the radio or social media. You may get famous and wealthy with DL, staying away from your DL makes me happy. I am the master of my EL.


You will have to get your own EL, as you won’t be able to get it from me. In the past, I gave my EL away, as I wanted to share it with you, but those days are far behind me. Before you can get to your own EL, you will have to admit, you engage in unintelligent, meaningless DL all the time. In other words, you will first have to own, the shitty, nasty, idiotic way in which you deal with your language. However, you rather blame someone else for your dumb DL, but that is not how it works. You are on automatic pilot, each time you engage in DL. While you may get away with it, you don’t own it and that is why your DL never stops. Owning your DL is like admitting to yourself, your sound, your voice, was off.


Of course, you have your own troubles, due to the fact that you don’t hear yourself while you speak. This is the only explanation there is for your dull, forceful, unnatural, energy-draining DL. You will only come into your own, when you begin to speak out loud with yourself and listen to yourself. Talking with others and engaging in DL, has prevented you from being on your own.


When finally – probably never – you let yourself know, there is a difference in how you sound, if you listen to yourself while you speak or if you don’t listen to yourself while you speak, you will begin to notice the difference between your EL and your DL. You can’t own EL without owning DL. Unless you own DL first, there will never be any EL for you. Ongoing EL requires much more than merely the acted control of your language, because you need to cherish your own sound.


Since I am able to continue with my own EL – in spite of the fact, that everyone has DL – I have become established in Language Enlightenment (LE). My joyfully expressive way of life shines a bright light on your miserable, chaotic, punitive, imprisoned, resentful and conflicted way of life. This writing is to stimulate you to own your own shit. I don’t really care, if you do or not, but like to write like this, because I own my own truth.


I was conditioned, like you and everyone else, to have DL, but my dissatisfaction with my own DL became apparent when I heard the dreadful sound of my own anger, despair, frustration and confusion. I didn’t like that sound. When I said this to myself, suddenly, the imaginary speaker and the imaginary listener – in me – were gone. Of course, there is no inner me, who does what I do, but to hear myself say, that this is true, has forever changed my life. By declaring, I have my own language – EL – I express my awesome LE.


Since I have truly achieved what I write about, here on this blog and what I talk or sing about, on my You Tube channels (Maximus Peperkamp and maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw) I hope that my critique on your harmful DL, enrages and annoys you enough to make you curious. Quite frankly, I don’t see any other way, you will ever become interested in your own daft language.


To understand yourself in your own right, is only possible with your own EL, as stated, after you have first stopped your own DL. Forget about everything else. You have been your own worst enemy with your DL, and you will be your own best friend with your EL. There is no other way. Yes, there are absolutes. Your DL is absolutely working against you, but your EL works in your own favor, as it will allow you to become more important than others. To be on your own, is a prerequisite to claim your own LE with your EL.


As you might have noticed, in what I write and say: you live by your own rules, once you have ongoing EL. With DL – your usual way of talking – your real needs always come last, but with EL, your needs are heard and fulfilled. Moreover, with your EL, you are not waiting for anyone to do, what you can do on your own. It is not lonely to have EL, but you will be alone and that will make you courageously live your own way of life.                       

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