Friday, April 19, 2024




Nadat iemand zijn eigen Belichaamde Taal (BT) heeft verkend, niet slechts één of twee keer, maar meerdere keren – zo vaak mogelijk – raakt hij of zij vertrouwd met de kenmerken van zijn of haar Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) en zijn BT. Dezelfde criteria komen keer op keer terug en toch ervaar je elke keer weer iets nieuws. Alleen onze BT kan ons informeren over onze OT. Er is niets toevalligs aan, aangezien onze BT mogelijk is, dankzij ons bewustzijn van de onderscheidende kenmerken van zowel onze OT als onze BT.


Aanvankelijk lijken de verschillende kenmerken van BT ons op zichzelf intrigerend, maar naarmate wij voortgaan met BT, gaan ze op in dit majestueuze, nieuwe, robuuste gedragspatroon. Zeker, de schoonheid, samenhang, consistentie en creativiteit van onze BT is heel anders dan onze ongevoelige, ongemakkelijke, energievretende, tegenstrijdige, onnatuurlijke, inspannende, chaotische OT.


De realiteit van iemands Taal Verlichting (TV) wordt onthuld zodra iemand in staat is om door te gaan met BT. Onze eigen BT is voor ons het besef dat er absoluut geen taal binnenin ons is. Er is nooit een tekst gevonden in een menselijk lichaam. Deze afwezigheid van onhoorbare spraak, is iets dat ons geloof in een innerlijk zelf, psyche of het hebben van  gedachten, ontkracht. Het kost uiteraard enige tijd om onze conditionering met OT tegen te gaan, maar het begint uiteindelijk geheel vanzelf tot ons door te dringen, omdat we, keer op keer, met BT onszelf blijven laten weten wat we willen en ook kunnen zeggen. We ervaren met absolute zekerheid, dat er bij het loslaten van onze BT of bij de verstilling van  onze BT, er geen innerlijke ik is, die ervoor zorgt, dat wij ons zo gedragen zoals we doen, omdat we waarheidsgetrouw, stil, vredig en echt leeg zijn.


Als mensen in de war of overrompeld zijn, zeggen ze soms: ik kon niets bedenken. Met BT ontdekken we echter, dat dit blanco zijn, onze TV en dus onze natuurlijke staat is. Ook als iemand afgeleid is, dan zeggen we: hij of zij is er niet echt. In dit geval wordt de persoon kennelijk intern gestimuleerd. De crux van BT is, dat wanneer we doorgaan met het uiten, verwoorden en hardop zeggen, in onze eigen klank, met onze eigen woorden, op onze eigen manier, wat we geloven te denken of menen te ervaren, dat dan onze denkbeeldige interne spraak zomaar stopt, aangezien deze sowieso nooit echt heeft bestaan.


Als we ons bezighouden met BT, in plaats van met OT, dan lijkt het alsof we stil worden vanwege BT,  maar dat is niet wat er gebeurt. Bij BT zijn we altijd stil. Er is dus geen wordingsproces. Desalniettemin ervaren we een aangename, vernieuwende stroom van belevenissen. Daarom zegt deze verwijzing naar stil worden nog steeds iets over de conditionerings geschiedenis met OT. Met onze OT kunnen we niet toelaten, ervaren en begrijpen, hoe het is om te  ontspannen, open en ontvankelijk te zijn, omdat we altijd op onze hoede en bang blijven. Stil worden in OT is altijd het gevolg van niet spreken. Als gevolg daarvan hebben we tijdens BT nog de neiging om, vanuit onze oude gewoonte, te zeggen, dat we stil zijn geworden, door het spreken. Maar, in BT zijn we al stil zodra we ermee beginnen. Dit blijkt elke keer als wij ons ermee bezighouden en dit komt omdat wij begrijpen, dat er geen innerlijke taal is.


Deze kenmerken zijn allemaal waarneembaar en verfieerbaar, omdat ze hoorbaar zijn, terwijl wij met onszelf spreken en luisteren naar het geluid van onze eigen stem. Onze oren zijn eraan gewend en zijn dus geconditioneerd, om het geluid van OT te horen, dat we elke dag en overal horen. We hebben de neiging, om het stem geluid van ons welzijn – dat we dus zelden maken en bijna nooit of horen – eruit te filteren en als gevolg daarvan produceren we dit energie-gevende, welkome, prettige, kalmerende geluid niet en kunnen wij het niet horen, omdat het niet door ons wordt geproduceerd. Het lijkt alsof we allemaal doof zijn voor het geluid van onze BT, die we alleen produceren als we naar onszelf luisteren terwijl we spreken. Er is echter niets echt mis met onze oren, onze doofheid is slechts een kwestie van onze conditionering. We kunnen dus nog steeds – zonder enige voorbereiding of oefening – het geluid van BT maken. Wij kunnen het horen en opnieuw worden beïnvloed door de resonerende vibratie van wat ons taal-welzijn zou moeten worden genoemd.


Onze tegenstrijdige, gewelddadige, verontrustende conditionerings geschiedenis met OT doet ons allen  geloven, dat wij gedachten, dat wij een geest, dat wij innerlijke taal zouden hebben, maar iedere keer als  wij weer zeggen wat we veronderstellen te denken, dan verdwijnt het. In feite komen we er zo achter, dat de afwezigheid van ons denken onze natuurlijke staat is. We hebben dus eigenlijk nooit iets gedacht. . Elke keer dat we aan onszelf zeggen, wat er nu weer in onze zogenaamde geest speelt, dan voelen we ons heel opgelucht of bevrijd. Dit is niet het geval zolang we nog blijven bezighouden met automatische OT. Tijdens OT zorgt onze illusie van innerlijke verbale constructies, ideeën, concepten en overtuigingen ervoor dat we allerlei vreselijke daden verrichten, om maar te rechtvaardigen, dat wij gelijk hebben, en anderen ongelijk. We voeren onze religieuze en culturele oorlogen dus niet – zoals we allemaal geneigd zijn te geloven, met OT – over hoorbare of leesbare taal, maar altijd over onze innerlijke, gefantaseerde en dus onhoorbare taal. We zijn inderdaad bereid te sterven voor belachelijke fantasieën en we offeren onze individualiteit op, om onze overtuiging te behouden, dat we tot een bepaalde groep behoren.


Wanneer wij, keer op keer, hardop, alleen, tegen onszelf, onze verontrustende, verwarde, negatieve gedachtes zeggen en onderzoeken – en luisteren naar de klank van onze stem – dan horen we een verandering in het geluid van onze stem, wanneer we overschakelen van OT naar BT. Er klinkt dan ineens een zucht van opluchting en onze BT onthult iets over ons, dat waar is, maar dat we voorheen bij OT niet konden zeggen of weten. Nu we het zeggen, denken we het niet meer, omdat de woorden, die we spreken nooit in ons hebben gezeten. We zeggen tegen onszelf: er zitten geen woorden of zinnen in onze hersenen. We horen en voelen dat het interne gesprek met onszelf, dat we dachten te voeren, slechts een illusie was, gecreëerd door OT, onze gebruikelijke manier van praten. Ons zogenaamde verstand, de dwaze fantasie van innerlijke taal, is een fictie, die werd gecreëerd en onderhouden door onze OT, waarin we niet mochten zeggen, wat we wilden zeggen en wat we nu perfect kunnen zeggen.


Onze OT en BT zijn te herkennen aan blijvende kenmerken. Zodra deze zijn geïdentificeerd, zullen wij beslist de voorkeur gaan geven aan BT en een afschuw gaan hebben voor OT. In het begin lijken we nog onze TV te bereiken met onze BT, maar naarmate we verder gaan met onze BT, dan beseffen we, dat we eigenlijk altijd al zo zijn geweest. Onze ware natuur was natuurlijk altijd al het geval, maar nu hebben we er de juiste taal voor.


Wij hebben we het gevoel, dat we altijd op zoek zijn geweest naar BT. We hebben, onbewust, altijd BT willen hebben. Onze persoonlijke conditionerings geschiedenis is analoog aan de geschiedenis van de gehele mensheid. Dit geeft een diepgaand inzicht in wat niet alleen ons gemeenschappelijke probleem was en is, maar ook ons ​​gemeenschappelijke lot of doel: onze eigen OT te overwinnen, zodat wij eindelijk BT kunnen hebben.


Ieder mens heeft een zenuw stelsel, waardoor we allemaal zoveel mogelijk onze homeostase willen bereiken en behouden. Ideaal gesproken, zijn het bewust gesproken woorden, die dit zelf-en-anderen regulerende proces vertegenwoordigen, waardoor we stabiliteit behouden, terwijl we ons aanpassen aan de omstandigheden, die optimaal zijn om te overleven. Onze OT verhindert ons ervan, om met onszelf over onze fysiologische ervaringen te praten en om naar onzelf te luisteren, en om te reageren op wat ons lichaam zegt van nature. Het is duidelijk dat de primaire behoefte aan homeostase alleen kan worden voldaan door onze BT, maar nooit door OT. Als biologische organismen er dus in slagen om homeostase te bereiken, dan gaat het leven door, maar als dat niet lukt, volgt er een ramp of de dood.


We sterven niet noodzakelijkerwijs vanwege onze stomme OT, maar we creëren allerlei tragedies en problemen. Bovendien verwerven we met onze dissociatieve, ongevoelige OT nooit, wat biologen dynamisch evenwicht noemen, de stabiliteit waarin continue verandering plaatsvindt, terwijl er relatief uniforme omstandigheden heersen. Bedreiging is de enige uniforme omstandigheid die OT veroorzaakt. Of we het nu toegeven of niet, er wel of niet over willen of kunnen praten, alle mensen delen dezelfde biologische kenmerken. Als zij zich bedreigd voelen, willen ze meestal weg van wat hen bedreigd. Daarom is ontwijkings-gedrag – overleving – het belangrijkste gedrag wat wij hebben. Dit betekent, wat onze taal betreft, dat wij allemaal eigenlijk helemaal geen OT willen hebben en dat wij dus allemaal, onbewust, alleen maar BT zouden willen. Alleen bij BT voelen wij ons pas veilig, zijn we echt op ons gemak en onszelf, omdat we ons volledig kunnen uiten en ons tevreden en trots voelen op al onze ervaringen.


Hoe meer we kunnen doorgaan met onze BT, hoe meer de kenmerken ervan, maar ook de kenmerken van onze OT ons bekend worden. Met BT drukken we een weldadig gevoel van volledigheid uit, waarin we blijven experimenteren, groeien, leren, genieten en ontdekken. Er is nooit een stop in de stroom van het leven, die evenzeer deel uitmaakt van onze taal als van onze lichamelijke ervaring. Deze link tussen onze taal en wat we in ons lichaam ervaren – terwijl we spreken – vormt de kern van BT. Omdat BT onze ervaringen correct uitdrukt, is het niet nodig om heen en weer te slingeren tussen onze taal en onze ervaring, omdat onze BT onze ervaringen direct, nauwkeurig en bevredigend ten gehore brengt. In OT is dit echter helemaal nooit het geval. Op elk gegeven moment lopen we ófwel helemaal hopeloos vast in de beschrijvingen van ervaringen, die we proberen te beschrijven, óf zijn we gefixeerd op, gehinderd door of verlamd door de ervaringen zelf, zonder dat we er verbaal enige betekenis aan kunnen geven.


Ons vermogen om in BT kalm en 
veilig over onze lichamelijke 
gewaarwordingen te spreken,
hangt samen met ons vermogen 
om onze emoties correct en
bevredigend te verwoorden en
 uit te drukken. Zoals we allemaal 
wel weten, is het gemakkelijker 
om zonder emoties over onze 
ervaringen te praten, dan om 
met emoties over onze ervaringen
 te praten. In BT wordt het ons 
eindelijk duidelijk, dat praten 
over onze ervaringen – zonder
 dat wij over onze emoties praten
 – natuurlijk niet echt praten is 
over onze ervaringen. Dit is wat
 we doen in OT en wat natuurlijk
 nooit succesvol kan zijn, omdat
 dit onbedoeld resulteert in het
 spreken over emoties, terwijl 
we onze ervaringen verwaarlozen.
 Terwijl we dus, in OT, allemaal 
alleen maar doen alsof wij het 
niet hebben over onze emoties, 
hebben wij het allemaal, 
voortdurend, ongemerkt, 
over wat we voelen. In OT
 zouden we zogenaamd 
afzonderlijk over onze 
ervaringen en onze emoties
 kunnen praten, wat natuurlijk
 een complete leugen is.


Tijdens OT gaan we allemaal zogenaamd akkoord met het idiote idee, dat we afzonderlijk over onze emoties en ervaringen kunnen praten. De realiteit van onze nep OT is dat we alleen kunnen praten over wat doen, maar niet over onze ervaring, niet over onze emoties. In beide gevallen blijven we onvolledig en proberen we ons onvermogen, om ons volledig uit te drukken, te compenseren.


Er zijn ook enkele verschillen binnen OT. Degenen met OT, die meer geneigd zijn om hun gevoelens te uiten, veroordelen altijd degenen, die meer geneigd zijn om hun handelingen te bespreken. Uiteraard is het tegenovergestelde net zo waar, aangezien degenen, met OT, die eerder geneigd zijn om wat ze doen of wat gedaan moet worden centraal te stellen, altijd degenen veroordelen die hun emoties uiten, omdat dat de zaak zogezegd alleen maar ophoudt. Het algemene uitgangspunt van OT is, dat de laatste groep de eerstgenoemde groep altijd domineert en dat, ‘normaal’ gesproken, de uitdrukking van onze emotioneel verstoken, zogenaamde objectieve of wetenschappelijke ervaring altijd belangrijker lijkt te zijn dan de uitdrukking van onze emoties, die evenwel de belangrijkste feedback fenomenen zijn, die gelijktijdig met ons handelen plaatsvinden.


De adaptieve kenmerken van onze BT mogen zeer zeker niet worden onderschat. Als iemand in staat is om BT te hebben, dan heeft hij of zij dat, ondanks de OT, die altijd en overal plaatsvindt en ondanks zijn of haar eigen conditionerings geschiedenis met OT. In OT mogen we in principe alleen praten over wat we doen, maar niet over hoe we ons nou eigenlijk voelen bij wat we doen. Natuurlijk gaan al onze verwaarloosde gevoelens niet zomaar weg en komen ze altijd weer ergens ineens opduiken. Zoals gezegd, compenseren we met allerlei wangedrag voor het niet kunnen uiten van onze gevoelens en voor het niet kunnen voelen. De onzinnige dingen die we doen om van onszelf af te komen, hebben nadelige gevolgen voor de gezondheid en beperken ernstig ons vermogen om met onszelf en elkaar om te gaan. In onze BT komt alles wat we in OT hebben ontkend weer onder de aandacht en wordt het uitgedrukt met aandacht, acceptatie en integratie.


BT heeft zeker intellectuele en wetenschappelijke kenmerken, maar OT is hopeloos anti-intellectueel. Om het bot te zeggen, OT, onze gebruikelijke manier van praten, is een ontkenning van onze menselijke natuur. Bij OT doen we het voorkomen dat de ideale manier om te communiceren is om beleefd en open te zijn, zodat we elkaar accepteren en begrijpen, maar in BT proberen we niet beleefd, bewust of open te zijn. We doen geen enkele moeite in BT, om te luisteren of om iemand dus te accepteren of te begrijpen, omdat we echt open zijn, omdat we echt spreken en luisteren en accepteren en begrijpen. Deze moeiteloze kenmerken van BT tonen onze TV.




After one has explored one’s own Embodied Language (EL), not merely once or twice, but multiple times – as often as possible – one becomes familiar with the characteristics of one’s Disembodied Language (DL) and one's EL. The same criteria show up again and again and, yet each time one experiences something new. Only our EL can inform us about our DL. There is nothing accidental about this, as our EL is possible, due to our awareness of the discriminative features of both our DL and our EL.


Initially, the various characteristics of EL strike us as intriguing, in and of themselves, but, as time goes by, they blend into this majestic, new, robust behavioral pattern. Certainly, the beaty, coherence, consistency and creativity of our EL is very different from our insensitive, uncomfortable, energy-consuming, contradictory, unnatural, effortful, chaotic DL.


The reality of one’s Language Enlightenment (LE) is revealed, once one becomes capable of continuing with EL. Our LE is the realization that there is absolutely no language anywhere inside of us. There never was any text found inside of a human body. This absence of covert speech is something, which debunks our so-called mind or our thoughts. It takes time to counteract our previous conditioning, but it eventually begins to get through to us, because, with our EL, we keep letting ourselves know, whatever we want to say. We experience with certainty, in the let go of EL, there is no inner me, who causes us to behave as we do, as we are truthful, silent, peaceful and empty.


If people are confused, they sometimes say: I was drawing a blank. However, with EL we find, that being blank – is our LE – is our natural state. Also, if someone is distracted, we say: he or she isn’t really there. In this case, the person is internally stimulated. The crux of EL is, when we continue to express, verbalize and say out loud, in our own words, in our own way, what we believe to be thinking or experiencing, our imaginary internal speech stops, as it never existed in the first place.  


When we engage in EL, instead of DL, it appears as if we become quiet, because of EL, but that is not what happens. With EL, we always are quiet and there is no process of becoming. Therefore, this reference, to becoming quiet, is still saying something about our conditioning history with DL. With DL, we cannot comprehend, what it is like, to be relaxed, open, receptive, because we remain on guard and fearful. Thus, we perceive, becoming quiet, in our DL, as not speaking, and, consequently, during EL, we still tend to say, out of our old habit, that we have become quiet by speaking, but we are already quiet, each time we engage in EL, as there is no inner language.   


These characteristics are observable, because they are audible, while we speak and listen to the sound of our own voice. Our ears have been conditioned to hear the sound of DL, which we hear every day, everywhere. We tend to filter out the sound of our own wellbeing and, as a result, we neither produce this happy sound, nor do we hear this sound, as produced by us. It seems as if we are deaf for the sound of our EL, which we only produce, on occasions when we listen to ourselves while we speak. However, there’s nothing really wrong with our ears, our deafness is only a matter of our conditioning. We can still – without any exercise or practice – make the sound of EL and hear this sound and be affected again by what should be called the resonant vibration of our sanity.


Our conflicted, violent, troubling conditioning history with DL makes us believe, that we have thoughts, a mind, inner language, but each time we say what we supposedly think, it disappears, and, in fact, we find out, it wasn’t even there to begin with. Each time, we say what, presumably, is on our so-called mind, we feel relieved or free, but this is not the case, as long as we still engage in automatic DL. During DL, our illusion of inner verbal constructs, ideas, concepts and beliefs makes us do many horrible acts, to justify, that we are right, and others are wrong. We don’t fight our religious and cultural wars – as we all tend to believe, with DL – about our overt language, but about our imaginary inner language. Indeed, we are willing to die for our fantasies or we sacrifice our individuality, to maintain our belief, that we belong to some group.           


When we say, again and again, out loud, alone, to ourselves, our troubling thoughts – and listen to the sound of our voice – we hear a change in the sound of our voice, when we shift from DL to EL. Instantly, there is a sigh of great relief and our EL reveals something about us that is true, but which, previously, with DL, we couldn’t and didn’t say. Now, as we say it, we no longer think it, as the words we speak, were never inside of us. We say to ourselves: there aren’t any words or sentences inside of our brains. We can hear and sense, the internal conversation with ourselves, we believed to be having, was only an illusion, created by DL, our usual way of talking. Mind, our crazy fantasy of inner language, is a fiction, created and maintained by our DL, in which we are not allowed to say what we wanted to say and what we are perfectly capable of saying.


Our DL and our EL can be recognized by their very distinct characteristics. Once these have been identified, we are bound to prefer EL and abhor DL. In the beginning, we seem to achieve our LE with our EL, but, as we continue with our EL, we realize, we have actually always been like this. Also, with our EL, we feel, we have always been looking for our EL, we have, unknowingly, always wanted to have EL and only now we are having it. Our personal history is analogous with the history of all of mankind. This gives us a profound understanding about, what is not only our common problem – DL – but also, our common destiny: to overcome DL and have EL.


Each human being has an autonomic system, which makes us want to achieve and maintain our homeostasis. Ideally, it is our EL, that is, our consciously spoken words, which represent this self-and-other-regulating process, by which we maintain stability, while adjusting to the conditions that are optimal for survival. Surely, our DL prevents us speaking about and from listening to our physiological experiences and from responding to what comes naturally. Obviously, our biological need for homeostasis is only met during our EL, but never in DL. When biological systems succeed in achieving homeostasis, life continues, but when they are unsuccessful, disaster or death ensues.


We don’t necessarily die, due to our stupid DL, but we certainly create nothing but tragedies. Moreover, with our dissociative, insensitive DL, we never acquire, what biologists call dynamic equilibrium, the stability, in which continuous change occurs yet relatively uniform conditions prevail. Threat is the only uniform condition, which prevails due to our DL. Whether we admit it or not, are willing to talk about it or not or capable of talking about it or not, all humans share the same biological characteristics. This means, mapped onto our language, we all don’t want to have DL and we all, unconsciously, only want EL, as with EL, we are truly at ease and ourselves, as we can fully express ourselves and feel totally resolved about all our experiences.


The more we continue with our EL, the more its characteristics, but also the characteristics of our DL become familiar to us. With ongoing EL, we express a sense of completeness, in which we grow, learn, enjoy and keep experimenting. There is never a stop in the flow of life, which is as much part of our language, as of our bodily experience. This link, between our language and what we experience in our body – while we speak – is at the core of EL. Since EL expresses our experiences correctly, there is no need to go back and forth between our language and our experience, because our EL expresses our experience directly, accurately and satisfyingly. In DL, however, this is not the case at all. At any given moment, we are either getting stuck on the descriptions of the experiences we attempt to describe, or we are fixated on, impaired by or paralyzed by experiences themselves, without being able to make any sense of them verbally.


Our ability to speak about our bodily sensations calmly and safely in EL, ties in with our ability to express our emotions correctly and satisfyingly. As we all, in some way, know, it is easier to talk about our experiences without emotions, than to talk about our experiences with emotion. In EL, it is, at long last, apparent to us, that talking about our experiences – without talking about our emotions – isn’t really talking about our experiences. This is what we attempt to do in DL, which, as we all, somehow know, is never successful, because, inadvertently, this results in speaking about emotions, while neglecting our experiences. Another weird complication is the contradiction, in DL, supposedly, we can talk about our experiences and our emotions separately, which, of course, is a complete lie.


During DL, we all somehow buy into the idiotic idea, that we can talk about our emotions and our experiences separately. The reality of our phony DL is, that we can talk about what are, presumably, our experiences, but not about our emotions or, we only talk about our emotions, but not about our experiences. In each case, we remain incomplete, and we seek to compensate for our inability to express ourselves totally.


There are some differences within DL. Those with DL, who are more prone to expressing their feelings, they always condemn those who are more prone to expressing their experiences. Naturally, the opposite is just as true, as those, with DL, who are more likely to express their experiences, always judge those who express their emotions. The bottom-line of DL is, that the latter group dominates the former group and, generally speaking, the expression of our emotionally devoid, presumably, objective or scientific experience always appears to be more important, than expression of emotions, which are the co-occurring feedback phenomena that are happening simultaneously with our actions.  


The adaptive characteristics of our EL should not be underestimated. When someone has EL, he or she has it, in spite of the DL, that is going on everywhere all the time and in spite of his or her own conditioning history with DL. In DL, we are, basically, only allowed to talk about what we do, but not about how we feel about what we do. Of course, our neglected feelings don’t go away and always come back to bite us. As stated, we compensate for not being able to express our feelings and not being able to feel. The things we do, to get away from ourselves, have adverse health effects and severely impair our ability to relate to ourselves and each other. In our EL, by contrast, everything we have been avoiding in DL is coming into our attention and is expressed with acceptance and integration.


EL has intellectual and scientific characteristics, but our DL is hopelessly anti-intellectual. To put it bluntly, DL, our common way of talking is in denial of our human nature. We make it seem with DL, as if the ideal way to communicate is to try to be open, so that we accept and understand each other, but with EL, we are not trying to be open, to accept or understand, because we are really open, we accept and we understand. These effortless characteristics of our EL signify our LE.        

Thursday, April 18, 2024




Het was eigenlijk een frustrerende verspilling van mijn tijd en energie, om anderen te willen laten weten, dat Belichaamde Taal (BT) mogelijk en nodig was. Ik heb echter niet de indruk, dat mijn spreken met mijzelf of mijn schrijven naar mijzelf, ooit voor niets is geweest. Op deze wijze heb ik alles, wat ik heb geprobeerd te delen en dus heb weggegeven, weer teruggenomen en terug gekregen. Het voelt zo goed, om dat te doen, omdat niemand van mij meer iets krijgt en alles nu voor mij is.


Volgens iedereen, die het doet voorkomen alsof  Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) heel normaal is, ben ik een vreemde, die een ongemakkelijk gevoel in hen oproept, omdat ik niet meedoe. Aangezien ik het heb over het grote verschil tussen OT en BT, kan ik met mijn BT verder gaan. Mijn mening hierover is beslist geen kwestie van zoeken of raden. Ik weet dat iedereen, in OT, bezig is met de verspilling van wat hen gegeven is, terwijl ik rustig verder ga met mijn unieke, heerlijke BT.


Ik kan mezelf niet meer – net zoals iedereen dus  doet – ontkennen en verstrooien. Ik wil niets met dwangmatige, belachelijke OT te maken hebben. Vroeger voelde ik dit ook al zo, maar het was mij toen nog niet echt duidelijk, dat BT al mijn leven bepaalde, ook al was ik, net als iedereen, geconditioneerd met OT. Ik voelde mij keer op keer door mensen met OT afgewezen, maar ben hen nu dankbaar, omdat, door deze onvermijdelijke ervaring, mijn eigen verspilling is opgehouden.


Net zo goed, dat ik altijd al BT heb willen hebben, zo ben ik ook altijd tegen OT geweest. Mijn BT is de triomfantelijke omkering van alle verspilling, die ik overal zie. Niemand heeft de energie, die nodig is voor BT, omdat OT hen doet leeglopen. In de situatie, waarin er sprake zou zijn van een verspilling van menselijke capaciteteiten, wordt, vanwege OT, volledig over het hoofd gezien, dat het altijd mensen zijn, die elkaar’s situatie zijn.


Als wij – met OT onbewust – spreken over een of andere situatie, dan zijn wij geneigd, om de personen, die die situatie bepalen, buiten beschouwing te laten. Indien wij echter, vanwege voortgaande BT, onszelf beschouwen als degene, die die situatie creert en bepaalt, dan bevinden wij ons, ineens, in een geheel nieuwe situatie. De verspilling, in OT, vindt ongemerkt plaats, omdat wij niet naar onszelf luisteren, terwijl we spreken. BT heeft niets te maken met anderen de schuld geven van hun invloed – niet op de situatie, maar op ons – omdat wij het heft in eigen handen nemen.  


Ook al zijn wij, in OT, nog zo druk bezig, om, zogezegd, ons stempel te drukken op iedere situatie, toch zijn wij, qua taal gebruik, passief, omdat taal – wat wij vanuit onwetendheid dus denken noemen – ons onvrijwillig overkomt en omdat die zogenaamde innerlijke taal een eigen leven lijkt te hebben. Onze fantasie van stille taal, die uiteraard nog verder wordt aangedikt met alles wat – vanuit OT – werd geschreven en gelezen, leidt tot verspilling van onze energie.


Gedurende onze onnatuurlijke, manipulatieve, geacteerde OT gaat het altijd over verspilling, maar in BT ervaren wij, vanwege BT – onze natuurlijke taal – een verstilling. Anders gezegd, in OT, is ons idee van stilte gebaseerd op de afwezigheid van taal, maar in BT, wordt stilte gecreerd met onze taal. Jazeker, gedurende OT, wordt ons taal gebruik als zodanig eigenlijk altijd afgekeurd, maar in BT, wordt het juist aangemoedigd. De aanwezigheid van onze eigen taal – BT – maakt, dat wij bewust zijn, maar de afwezigheid van onze eigen taal – OT – maakt dat wij automatisch met taal omgaan en niet ontkomen aan de alomvattende verspilling.


Het is vanwege onze OT, dat miljoenen worden verspild aan wapens, maar ook aan allerlei pogingen om anderen iets op te dringen, door middel van propaganda. Alles-verwoestende verspilling zal blijven doorgaan, zolang als onze manier van praten niet verandert. Iedereen die het verschil erkent tussen zijn of haar OT en BT, die weet, dat OT een verspilling van je leven is.  


Verspilling staat ook voor ondoelmatigheid. Ook vullen een aantal mensen hun zakken, vanwege hun vermogen, om anderen te beinvloeden, we blijven, met onze drammerige OT, om de pot heendraaien, wat betreft ons eigen leven. Er is geen enkele betekenis aan wat wij doen, omdat wij niet in contact zijn met onszelf. Wij streven met OT allerlei doelen na, die niet de moeite waard zijn. Verspilling betekend ook frustratie, depressiviteit, verwarring en zinloosheid. Ons eigen geluk kan alleen vanwege ons taalgebruik centraal worden gesteld. BT is eenduidig gericht op de ervaring die wij hebben, wanneer wij spreken, luisteren, schrijven of lezen, wanneer wij dus bezig zijn met taal. Wij laden onszelf op met BT, maar we lopen leeg op OT. Voortgang van BT garandeert, dat wij ons doel bereiken, want wij ervaren onze Taal Verlichting (TV).


Indien wij blijven hangen in onze conditionering met OT, dan komen wij nooit toe aan het maken van het onderscheid tussen onze OT en BT. Dit onderscheid kan alleen worden gemaakt met onze BT en wanneer wij dus onze OT hebben gestopt. Onze gebruikelijke omgang met taal is – of we het nou willen geloven of toegeven of niet – gebaseerd op de verspilling van ons leven. Simpel gezegd, we kunnen niet in onze ware natuur verwijlen met OT. Alleen BT stelt ons in staat, om de verspilling van OT een halt toe te roepen en om van onze TV te genieten.            

Wednesday, April 17, 2024




Here is a little update about the dismal state of affairs on planet earth. So far, only two people – yes, only two! – are able to have Embodied Language (EL). The rest is hopelessly stuck with stupid Disembodied Language (DL), in which nobody is listening to themselves while they speak. They keep wondering, why they are so unhappy, but they can’t honestly admit – by talking with me – that their DL isn’t working, as it is the cause for all their problems. This update is for you, because you are incapable of speaking satisfyingly about your own experiences. Your DL makes you deny this, and it has to stop, before you can have EL.


My update isn’t doing you any good. Reading my texts or watching my You Tube videos, isn’t going make any difference, because you refuse to acknowledge what I say is true. Absurdly, you read this, but you don’t contact me, to talk with me about the difference between your DL and your EL. Such a conversation is needed, so that you can begin to give yourself an update, about the sad fact of your miserable, shallow life, that you don’t know, how to have ongoing EL, while you engage, without wanting it, day in, day out in energy-draining, demanding, meaningless, dumb DL.  


If it makes you feel any better – and, probably it doesn’t – everyone is in the same situation as you. Human beings are still primitive brutes, who, although they have language, believe that they can force their way. Here is a little update for you: coercive, unnatural language doesn’t work. And another update: you do to yourself, what you do to others. You also impose DL on yourself, and you don’t even know it. How free can you be, if are unconscious about how you sound? With DL, your freedom is a pipedream.


I have another update for you: your DL prevents you from finding out how you are doing in your life. It is only my EL or the EL of my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke, which can inform you how totally rotten your life really is. It isn’t a pretty picture, and it is getting worse by the day. One day, your life will have come to an end, then it will be too late, as you have missed out on being yourself, because your DL prevented you. Your life is a senseless, nasty, boring drama. As long as your fake DL keeps going, you basically have already died.


I know, it is not nice to read this update, but I write with utmost sincerity and humor, because it is so very sad for you, that all your life seems to consist of nothing else but big tragedies and troubles. I don’t feel bad for you. I dare to give in to my empathy-fatigue and I don’t feel any compassion for anyone with DL anymore. These days are over. Besides, you deserve what you get and, believe me, you are going to get much more, because you ain’t seen nothing yet. With EL, life just keeps getting better and better, but with your DL things get worse and worse. If you, perhaps, sometimes feel as if life is difficult for you, get ready for the calamities that are ahead.


Everyone with their insidious DL, feeds into the DL of others and, consequently, everyone is into everyone else’s business. I am absolutely not into your creepy business, as there is no overlap between your horrible DL and my wonderful EL. The two are mutually exclusive – update – there are absolutes. I know what I am talking about. I am the originator of this particular formulation, this conceptualization of the DL/EL distinction.


The expression: the same shit, but a different day, derives from your soppy, sloppy, droopy, vulgar, sleezy, cheap, slimy DL. You are affected by how you sound while you speak and never give yourself an update about where you are, why you are there and what the hell you are doing there. Of course, you are always in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with people you hate or dislike, because you don’t take any responsibility for your own idiotic behavior.


If you would listen to yourself while you speak, just for once, when you are alone, you would hear yourself say, that you are disagreeing with what you do and why you do it. Yes, you would give yourself an update, that you got yourself involved into activities and behaviors, you don’t want. You are a slave to your conditioning. You are also a coward, that you don’t face the great challenges which come with freedom. You rather go on bitching endlessly about stuff, than to actually do whatever it takes, to be a proud, capable, liberated human being. You rather whine and complain, than to speak your own truth and stand alone.


I didn’t know, I had so many updates for you, but here they are. Go to sleep now and forget that you have read this. It wasn’t meant for you, as you were so convinced, you already knew what I am writing about. Your belief is so much more important than this. Your DL has given you all you ever wanted from life, that is why you have such joy in everything you are doing. Oh, yes, you always, supposedly, think of others first, but you never seem to notice, nobody gives a shit about you.


This writing is about the urgent need to update our way of using language. DL is outdated. DL is on its deathbed. We have had DL ever since we became verbal, and our group-behaviors do not work in societies in which people have acquired individual freedoms. Such freedom requires a language, which is adjusted to our experiences as individuals. We have forever danced around this need and all our problems are stacking up higher and higher and escalate into all sorts of horrific events. Societies across the globe, are all based on DL. Even in democratic societies - with the exception of me and AnnaMieke - the so-called freedom of speech has never resulted in ongoing EL.         


Tuesday, April 16, 2024




There is physics, chemistry, biology, and, there is Embodied Language (EL), the language which creates, and, therefore, brings us into and keeps us grounded in, our own reality. In a similar way, that many people are still ignorant about or in denial of science, we refuse to acknowledge the difference between our Disembodied Language (DL) and EL. Consequently, we experience and live in the chaotic reality, we create with our DL. Surely, our EL is a scientific, but our DL is an unscientific behavior. 


EL is about realism, not mysticism. It is also not a philosophy, a path, a tool or system. EL is the way in which we talk with ourselves and others and use our language to our own advantage. In DL, our language is working against us. Since we are all conditioned to have DL and not EL, we are all experiencing the negative effects of how we deal with our language. Of course, we try to get away from these outcomes, but we cannot escape the reality, we maintain with our own automatic, insensitive, unintelligent language. With our DL, we can’t create a satisfying reality.


No matter how highly educated we become, without having mastered our EL, we remain entrenched all sorts of superstitious nonsense, since we are not in touch with our experience. As I have stated in my previous writings, being in touch with our own experiences, requires a language, which describes these experiences accurately, while we are having them. We are not in touch with our body, when we engage in DL, but when we have EL, we feel with our body that we engage in language. Embodiment of our language brings us in touch with our reality.


For better or worse, we live in the reality, which we individually create with our language. In DL, however, we believe, that reality exists separate from us, but in EL, we acknowledge, everything exists, because we exist, that is, we perceive it. Furthermore, we behave our own reality. This has nothing to do with our so-called thoughts or mind. When, due to environmental stimuli, neuronal changes in the body of a healthy baby occur, that baby at some point begins to speak. This learning process has absolutely nothing to do with internal language. There is never any language inside the body of a baby or an adult, as language is always overt. By overt, I mean observable, we can hear it or read it. This is the reality, which is only apparent to us during EL, because with DL, we fantasize, we have internal conversations with ourselves. This fallacy is only going to be dissolved, if our body is exposed to and effected by different environmental stimuli, than those, which brought about our DL. If we have EL instead of DL, we have a different physiological experience. Similarly, in a cold or in a warm room, our body feels very different.  


We create a different environment with our DL or with our EL. When we manage to stop our DL and have EL, we do ourselves a big favor, as our ongoing EL reveals our Language Enlightenment (LE). Basically, LE is our ability to stay in the reality, we have created with our EL. We always speak of the harsh or painful reality, because we engage in DL, but in EL, our reality is beautiful, enjoyable and interesting.


The notion of reality, that we have traditionally entertained – with DL – is of an environment outside of our body. However, the environment, like anything else we describe, is merely a word or a construct, that is neurally behaved by our body. You could say, the environment is in our body, but there is no language inside our body, yet the environment requires a living body. In EL, we are aware, we behave our environment, but during DL, we are totally oblivious about this.


During EL reality takes over from fantasy, as we realize, that reality can only exist, because we exist. In other words, we are one with reality, as we, literally, embody reality. Other than the reality, we are able to perceive – and describe with our language – there can be no reality. It can also be stated that our reality is only what it can be, due to our individual learning history, that is, it cannot be any other way, than how we are able to experience it. In DL, we are unable to express our experiences, as they are for us, individually, and, as a result, we live in a dissociated reality.


Whenever you refer to the reality, you always, inadvertently, speak or write about your own neural behavior, that is, what is experienced and verbalized by you. However, there is no you, inside of you, who experiences you. Therefore, the sentence, I experience reality, is false. In DL, in which you don’t listen to yourself while you speak, you not only imagine, that you have a mind and thoughts, but you also fantasize, that the environment is external from your body. All of these highly problematic misconceptions belong to DL and will be instantly dissolved by your EL.  


Awareness about the aforementioned sensory behavior, can only come about by your correct use of your language, which is EL. Perception of reality deriving from your DL, is based on your fixation on words, to which you have never listened. By simply talking out loud, alone with yourself, you begin to set the record straight, as the feedback from your body – we usually call listening or experiencing – becomes part of your language again. By giving attention to everything that asks your attention, by describing it to yourself, in your own words, you are now able to stop DL and engage in EL. Your perception of reality will have completely changed, as you are now for the first time using your language correctly, because as a speaker, you are your own listener. You can’t miss your LE, as you continue with your EL.                

Monday, April 15, 2024




Since they engage Disembodied Language (DL), most people live vacuous, superficial, dull lives. This writing reveals the wonderful Embodied Language (EL), they have missed, which, most likely, they will continue to miss. Their sloppy way of dealing with language determines, that hearing what they would effortlessly be able to say to themselves is not important. Certainly, what others say, or what they say to others, is emphasized, to the point, that talking with or listening to themselves, is completely forgotten.


In EL, we listen to ourselves while we speak, but in DL, we don’t. Everyone can verify, recognize and acknowledge, that based on whether we listen to ourselves, while we speak, we adhere to two different ways of dealing with language. To anyone who notices the difference between their DL and EL, it is immediately apparent, that he or she unconsciously engages in DL, but consciously in EL. Thus, it is not a matter of our EL being better than our DL, but it is a matter of EL being effective, while our DL is ineffective.


We keep, unknowingly, involved in DL, as we have, until now, missed out on the conversation with ourselves, in which we admit, we would do ourselves a great favor, if we would stop our DL and engage in EL. When we actually do that and experience the difference between our DL and our EL, we feel so incredibly relieved. Compare it to someone, who lives in a city, who goes walking in the woods or mountains, who says: I never realized how much I have missed nature.


When we haven’t seen or talked with our family or friends for a long time, we say: I have missed you, but when we talk out loud with ourselves and experience the tangible shift from our DL to our EL, way say gratefully to ourselves: I have missed you. In EL, we reconnect with ourselves, but each time, we revert back to DL, we lose touch with ourselves. It was impossible, until now, to return to our EL, because we have never explored and verified the immense difference between our DL and EL. Our EL only happened accidentally, if the circumstances permitted it. Since we’ve never investigated these circumstances sufficiently to be able to create them, we’ve missed out on our EL.


We simply lack the skill to have ongoing EL and because of that, we continue with DL, without even realizing it. During DL, however, we are not only out of touch with ourselves, but we are out of touch with reality. The only way to be in touch with our reality, is by having EL. Nobody has ever considered this irrefutable fact about our language. Our language either expresses our experiences correctly or incorrectly. The former refers to EL and the latter refers to DL.


Stubborn ignorance about our own language, always results in what has colloquially been called our ‘private Idaho’, which, in essence, is a form of psychosis. We are not in touch, and we cannot be in touch with what is real, as long as we still engage in DL. The truth about DL – our ordinary way of talking – is, we are using our language out of fear. The issue of psychosis is totally misunderstood with DL. Presumably, it refers to a loss of contact with reality, when our so-called perceptions are altered to the point, that it is difficult for us to know, what is real or what is a figment of our imagination. However, in EL, we know, there is no inner language and any reference to inner language is utterly false.


EL is full of humor, but with DL, you have missed the joke again and again. With your DL, you are mediocre, thirteen in a dozen. You won’t be missed, but with EL, you are special, because everyone engages in DL, without even knowing it. Once you have had some EL, you will feel, as if you miss yourself, if you don't have it. I am special, but you can’t see me in that way, as you, like everyone else, unconsciously engage in DL. I may not be special to you, but I am special to myself, because I know very well, that I really do something, which is unique, and which has great consequences for me. If it happens, that you determine – for yourself and by yourself – what is your DL and what is your EL, you will realize, you have actually always been looking for your EL, as you have always missed being yourself. Being who you are and EL go together and you couldn’t be yourself without your EL.


With your dreadful, self-defeating, problematic DL, you have already missed so much of your life and of all those, who, supposedly, are close to you. If you don’t manage to get to your EL, you will have missed the greatest experience of your life: Language Enlightenment (LE).  Only if you have ongoing EL, can your LE truly reveal itself, but with merely a few brief moments of EL, you can only catch a haunting glimpse. From knowing the difference between your own DL and EL, you derive a profound sense of longing, for what you know you have missed, each time you fall back into your habit of having DL. Each time, you manage to stop your DL, however, what you have missed - EL - presents itself again and you will know, you will miss it even more, if you lose it again, until you notice, much to your own surprise, you continue with your EL. Your EL can continue, because you simply can’t miss it.                             

Saturday, April 13, 2024




Whatever has been said or written about aging – like everything that has been said or written about anything else – was based on our usual way of talking: Disembodied Language (DL). If I say or write something about aging, however, it is because I express myself from my Embodied Language (EL). Although, basically, nobody has EL, I am still able to continue with it, because I know the difference between DL and EL. I am sure, I will continue with EL until my last breath.


I love getting older, as it shows, that my history with DL is further and further behind me. My participation in EL is now steady and certain, but when I was younger, I felt often paralyzed by DL. It is so nice, to look back on those days, which seem like a long time ago. Everything that happened, didn’t seem to have happened to me, but to someone, I once knew, who has disappeared without a trace. Also, the people, I once knew – some of them are still alive – with whom I have lost contact, aren’t important to me anymore, in the way I once believed they were, because I wanted so badly, to be with them, and, particularly, to have EL with them.


Occasionally, I still watch the news, listen to what is on TV, to some You Tube video, look at a website or turn on the radio, but each time I do that, I want to go back to my own way of using language. All I hear is DL, which doesn’t relate to me. I can imagine, although people don’t know anything about the difference between DL and EL, they also, unknowingly, want to have EL, but they can’t, like me, get to it. Their aging process is very different from mine, as there is no satisfaction in what they are doing. Doing less and less, is the only relief they know, but stubborn inactivity speeds up their decline. For me, doing less of DL or no DL at all, is a blessing.


I have ongoing EL, which reveals my Language Enlightenment (LE), which means even though I am getting older, my life is getting better and better, but people, who age with DL, they only get to witness the ugly effects of their DL, they have always been involuntarily involved in. For them, aging is isolation, because they can no longer do what they have always done, to keep the belief, that their lives are meaningful alive. Before physical death, they die a psychological death of regret about having been so dishonest about themselves. Aging is tormenting, as they can no longer defend against this obvious fact.


People anxiously take anti-aging supplements, but, of course, it is all in vain, they are just sold on pills. With DL, they only know how to keep fighting with life. I see them fanatically exercise in the gym, where they have some opportunity to socialize and talk, but whenever they open their mouths, only the usual DL comes out. Surely, in principle, they could still discover their EL, and this would greatly enhance their aging process, but they are too entrenched in their DL-dramas.


Unless I return, again and again, to my EL, there is always a negative lingering effect of the DL, I exposed myself to. When I write words, such as these, or make a video about how I love to have EL, I no longer feel the deleterious influence of the DL, which is going on everywhere. If I would close myself off completely, I wouldn’t have any of these effects. I go through periods, when I do that, but I still want to do certain things, which I like, but which also, inadvertently, bring me in contact with DL. I like to sing my songs at Open Mike, but no one has EL with me. Only after I sang my song or someone else sang their song, there occurs, sometimes, a short chat, with one or two people. That is all there is, nothing else.


If I just wait for things to happen, nothing ever happens. The only EL I have ever had, is the EL I initiated. My aging process is one of great relief, as I no longer feel, I have to bring my EL to others. I felt compelled to do this in the past. It was quite a troubling experience for me, to feel, that I wanted something from people, who only want to continue with their DL. Right now, I leave them alone. They seem pathetic to me, and I laugh at their pretentious youthfulness.


The search for eternal youth is ridiculous and is proof, our DL goes on until we die. People are very interested in hearing about the possibility, that scientists may be able to tweak our genome to remove aging, but there is no animo for the genuine opportunity of stepping out our history of conditioning with DL, so that we can have EL. Throughout my life, people have asked me, how is it possible, that I am always so positive, that I come across so youthful, energetic and alive? The other day, someone asked me: what is new? Pointing at myself, I said: me! He looked puzzled, shook his head, but then, suddenly realized, I meant it and for a brief moment, he felt, I wasn’t lying.


Alive refers to the state of being living or having life. I am so alive, because I live my life with EL. With DL, people say to each other, go get a life, but with DL, they will only be able to get more misery, struggle, loss and frustration. A lot has been said about the aging process, but nothing has ever been said about the way in which our usual way of talking – DL – wears us out. In DL, we are not in contact with our body, because we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak and our words disconnect us from our experience. It is amazing, that only I can talk about this. While DL is on its deathbed, we still do not know how to talk about it, as we can’t have ongoing EL.


People keep looking for meaning, but what they actually want, is to be more alive. We are aging beautifully, when we can say what we really feel and know, we have spoken authentically. Our EL makes us feel alive and EL gives meaning to our lives, because we can accurately express what we need and have our needs fulfilled. Our pride in having accomplished our goals, makes aging a process of increased gratefulness. By contrast, in DL, we are like a doll or a robot, who seems alife.


Alife is an adjective, that describes something that is animated or has the appearance of being alive, but is actually not alive. So, alife is not the same as alive, as the former refers to DL, while the latter refers to EL. To put it bluntly: with DL, we can only pretend, with our language, as if we are alive, but only with EL are we truly alive. Wisdom and aging are related, but only with EL.