Wednesday, April 17, 2024




Here is a little update about the dismal state of affairs on planet earth. So far, only two people – yes, only two! – are able to have Embodied Language (EL). The rest is hopelessly stuck with stupid Disembodied Language (DL), in which nobody is listening to themselves while they speak. They keep wondering, why they are so unhappy, but they can’t honestly admit – by talking with me – that their DL isn’t working, as it is the cause for all their problems. This update is for you, because you are incapable of speaking satisfyingly about your own experiences. Your DL makes you deny this, and it has to stop, before you can have EL.


My update isn’t doing you any good. Reading my texts or watching my You Tube videos, isn’t going make any difference, because you refuse to acknowledge what I say is true. Absurdly, you read this, but you don’t contact me, to talk with me about the difference between your DL and your EL. Such a conversation is needed, so that you can begin to give yourself an update, about the sad fact of your miserable, shallow life, that you don’t know, how to have ongoing EL, while you engage, without wanting it, day in, day out in energy-draining, demanding, meaningless, dumb DL.  


If it makes you feel any better – and, probably it doesn’t – everyone is in the same situation as you. Human beings are still primitive brutes, who, although they have language, believe that they can force their way. Here is a little update for you: coercive, unnatural language doesn’t work. And another update: you do to yourself, what you do to others. You also impose DL on yourself, and you don’t even know it. How free can you be, if are unconscious about how you sound? With DL, your freedom is a pipedream.


I have another update for you: your DL prevents you from finding out how you are doing in your life. It is only my EL or the EL of my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke, which can inform you how totally rotten your life really is. It isn’t a pretty picture, and it is getting worse by the day. One day, your life will have come to an end, then it will be too late, as you have missed out on being yourself, because your DL prevented you. Your life is a senseless, nasty, boring drama. As long as your fake DL keeps going, you basically have already died.


I know, it is not nice to read this update, but I write with utmost sincerity and humor, because it is so very sad for you, that all your life seems to consist of nothing else but big tragedies and troubles. I don’t feel bad for you. I dare to give in to my empathy-fatigue and I don’t feel any compassion for anyone with DL anymore. These days are over. Besides, you deserve what you get and, believe me, you are going to get much more, because you ain’t seen nothing yet. With EL, life just keeps getting better and better, but with your DL things get worse and worse. If you, perhaps, sometimes feel as if life is difficult for you, get ready for the calamities that are ahead.


Everyone with their insidious DL, feeds into the DL of others and, consequently, everyone is into everyone else’s business. I am absolutely not into your creepy business, as there is no overlap between your horrible DL and my wonderful EL. The two are mutually exclusive – update – there are absolutes. I know what I am talking about. I am the originator of this particular formulation, this conceptualization of the DL/EL distinction.


The expression: the same shit, but a different day, derives from your soppy, sloppy, droopy, vulgar, sleezy, cheap, slimy DL. You are affected by how you sound while you speak and never give yourself an update about where you are, why you are there and what the hell you are doing there. Of course, you are always in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with people you hate or dislike, because you don’t take any responsibility for your own idiotic behavior.


If you would listen to yourself while you speak, just for once, when you are alone, you would hear yourself say, that you are disagreeing with what you do and why you do it. Yes, you would give yourself an update, that you got yourself involved into activities and behaviors, you don’t want. You are a slave to your conditioning. You are also a coward, that you don’t face the great challenges which come with freedom. You rather go on bitching endlessly about stuff, than to actually do whatever it takes, to be a proud, capable, liberated human being. You rather whine and complain, than to speak your own truth and stand alone.


I didn’t know, I had so many updates for you, but here they are. Go to sleep now and forget that you have read this. It wasn’t meant for you, as you were so convinced, you already knew what I am writing about. Your belief is so much more important than this. Your DL has given you all you ever wanted from life, that is why you have such joy in everything you are doing. Oh, yes, you always, supposedly, think of others first, but you never seem to notice, nobody gives a shit about you.


This writing is about the urgent need to update our way of using language. DL is outdated. DL is on its deathbed. We have had DL ever since we became verbal, and our group-behaviors do not work in societies in which people have acquired individual freedoms. Such freedom requires a language, which is adjusted to our experiences as individuals. We have forever danced around this need and all our problems are stacking up higher and higher and escalate into all sorts of horrific events. Societies across the globe, are all based on DL. Even in democratic societies - with the exception of me and AnnaMieke - the so-called freedom of speech has never resulted in ongoing EL.         


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