Saturday, April 13, 2024




Whatever has been said or written about aging – like everything that has been said or written about anything else – was based on our usual way of talking: Disembodied Language (DL). If I say or write something about aging, however, it is because I express myself from my Embodied Language (EL). Although, basically, nobody has EL, I am still able to continue with it, because I know the difference between DL and EL. I am sure, I will continue with EL until my last breath.


I love getting older, as it shows, that my history with DL is further and further behind me. My participation in EL is now steady and certain, but when I was younger, I felt often paralyzed by DL. It is so nice, to look back on those days, which seem like a long time ago. Everything that happened, didn’t seem to have happened to me, but to someone, I once knew, who has disappeared without a trace. Also, the people, I once knew – some of them are still alive – with whom I have lost contact, aren’t important to me anymore, in the way I once believed they were, because I wanted so badly, to be with them, and, particularly, to have EL with them.


Occasionally, I still watch the news, listen to what is on TV, to some You Tube video, look at a website or turn on the radio, but each time I do that, I want to go back to my own way of using language. All I hear is DL, which doesn’t relate to me. I can imagine, although people don’t know anything about the difference between DL and EL, they also, unknowingly, want to have EL, but they can’t, like me, get to it. Their aging process is very different from mine, as there is no satisfaction in what they are doing. Doing less and less, is the only relief they know, but stubborn inactivity speeds up their decline. For me, doing less of DL or no DL at all, is a blessing.


I have ongoing EL, which reveals my Language Enlightenment (LE), which means even though I am getting older, my life is getting better and better, but people, who age with DL, they only get to witness the ugly effects of their DL, they have always been involuntarily involved in. For them, aging is isolation, because they can no longer do what they have always done, to keep the belief, that their lives are meaningful alive. Before physical death, they die a psychological death of regret about having been so dishonest about themselves. Aging is tormenting, as they can no longer defend against this obvious fact.


People anxiously take anti-aging supplements, but, of course, it is all in vain, they are just sold on pills. With DL, they only know how to keep fighting with life. I see them fanatically exercise in the gym, where they have some opportunity to socialize and talk, but whenever they open their mouths, only the usual DL comes out. Surely, in principle, they could still discover their EL, and this would greatly enhance their aging process, but they are too entrenched in their DL-dramas.


Unless I return, again and again, to my EL, there is always a negative lingering effect of the DL, I exposed myself to. When I write words, such as these, or make a video about how I love to have EL, I no longer feel the deleterious influence of the DL, which is going on everywhere. If I would close myself off completely, I wouldn’t have any of these effects. I go through periods, when I do that, but I still want to do certain things, which I like, but which also, inadvertently, bring me in contact with DL. I like to sing my songs at Open Mike, but no one has EL with me. Only after I sang my song or someone else sang their song, there occurs, sometimes, a short chat, with one or two people. That is all there is, nothing else.


If I just wait for things to happen, nothing ever happens. The only EL I have ever had, is the EL I initiated. My aging process is one of great relief, as I no longer feel, I have to bring my EL to others. I felt compelled to do this in the past. It was quite a troubling experience for me, to feel, that I wanted something from people, who only want to continue with their DL. Right now, I leave them alone. They seem pathetic to me, and I laugh at their pretentious youthfulness.


The search for eternal youth is ridiculous and is proof, our DL goes on until we die. People are very interested in hearing about the possibility, that scientists may be able to tweak our genome to remove aging, but there is no animo for the genuine opportunity of stepping out our history of conditioning with DL, so that we can have EL. Throughout my life, people have asked me, how is it possible, that I am always so positive, that I come across so youthful, energetic and alive? The other day, someone asked me: what is new? Pointing at myself, I said: me! He looked puzzled, shook his head, but then, suddenly realized, I meant it and for a brief moment, he felt, I wasn’t lying.


Alive refers to the state of being living or having life. I am so alive, because I live my life with EL. With DL, people say to each other, go get a life, but with DL, they will only be able to get more misery, struggle, loss and frustration. A lot has been said about the aging process, but nothing has ever been said about the way in which our usual way of talking – DL – wears us out. In DL, we are not in contact with our body, because we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak and our words disconnect us from our experience. It is amazing, that only I can talk about this. While DL is on its deathbed, we still do not know how to talk about it, as we can’t have ongoing EL.


People keep looking for meaning, but what they actually want, is to be more alive. We are aging beautifully, when we can say what we really feel and know, we have spoken authentically. Our EL makes us feel alive and EL gives meaning to our lives, because we can accurately express what we need and have our needs fulfilled. Our pride in having accomplished our goals, makes aging a process of increased gratefulness. By contrast, in DL, we are like a doll or a robot, who seems alife.


Alife is an adjective, that describes something that is animated or has the appearance of being alive, but is actually not alive. So, alife is not the same as alive, as the former refers to DL, while the latter refers to EL. To put it bluntly: with DL, we can only pretend, with our language, as if we are alive, but only with EL are we truly alive. Wisdom and aging are related, but only with EL.  


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