Monday, April 15, 2024




Since they engage Disembodied Language (DL), most people live vacuous, superficial, dull lives. This writing reveals the wonderful Embodied Language (EL), they have missed, which, most likely, they will continue to miss. Their sloppy way of dealing with language determines, that hearing what they would effortlessly be able to say to themselves is not important. Certainly, what others say, or what they say to others, is emphasized, to the point, that talking with or listening to themselves, is completely forgotten.


In EL, we listen to ourselves while we speak, but in DL, we don’t. Everyone can verify, recognize and acknowledge, that based on whether we listen to ourselves, while we speak, we adhere to two different ways of dealing with language. To anyone who notices the difference between their DL and EL, it is immediately apparent, that he or she unconsciously engages in DL, but consciously in EL. Thus, it is not a matter of our EL being better than our DL, but it is a matter of EL being effective, while our DL is ineffective.


We keep, unknowingly, involved in DL, as we have, until now, missed out on the conversation with ourselves, in which we admit, we would do ourselves a great favor, if we would stop our DL and engage in EL. When we actually do that and experience the difference between our DL and our EL, we feel so incredibly relieved. Compare it to someone, who lives in a city, who goes walking in the woods or mountains, who says: I never realized how much I have missed nature.


When we haven’t seen or talked with our family or friends for a long time, we say: I have missed you, but when we talk out loud with ourselves and experience the tangible shift from our DL to our EL, way say gratefully to ourselves: I have missed you. In EL, we reconnect with ourselves, but each time, we revert back to DL, we lose touch with ourselves. It was impossible, until now, to return to our EL, because we have never explored and verified the immense difference between our DL and EL. Our EL only happened accidentally, if the circumstances permitted it. Since we’ve never investigated these circumstances sufficiently to be able to create them, we’ve missed out on our EL.


We simply lack the skill to have ongoing EL and because of that, we continue with DL, without even realizing it. During DL, however, we are not only out of touch with ourselves, but we are out of touch with reality. The only way to be in touch with our reality, is by having EL. Nobody has ever considered this irrefutable fact about our language. Our language either expresses our experiences correctly or incorrectly. The former refers to EL and the latter refers to DL.


Stubborn ignorance about our own language, always results in what has colloquially been called our ‘private Idaho’, which, in essence, is a form of psychosis. We are not in touch, and we cannot be in touch with what is real, as long as we still engage in DL. The truth about DL – our ordinary way of talking – is, we are using our language out of fear. The issue of psychosis is totally misunderstood with DL. Presumably, it refers to a loss of contact with reality, when our so-called perceptions are altered to the point, that it is difficult for us to know, what is real or what is a figment of our imagination. However, in EL, we know, there is no inner language and any reference to inner language is utterly false.


EL is full of humor, but with DL, you have missed the joke again and again. With your DL, you are mediocre, thirteen in a dozen. You won’t be missed, but with EL, you are special, because everyone engages in DL, without even knowing it. Once you have had some EL, you will feel, as if you miss yourself, if you don't have it. I am special, but you can’t see me in that way, as you, like everyone else, unconsciously engage in DL. I may not be special to you, but I am special to myself, because I know very well, that I really do something, which is unique, and which has great consequences for me. If it happens, that you determine – for yourself and by yourself – what is your DL and what is your EL, you will realize, you have actually always been looking for your EL, as you have always missed being yourself. Being who you are and EL go together and you couldn’t be yourself without your EL.


With your dreadful, self-defeating, problematic DL, you have already missed so much of your life and of all those, who, supposedly, are close to you. If you don’t manage to get to your EL, you will have missed the greatest experience of your life: Language Enlightenment (LE).  Only if you have ongoing EL, can your LE truly reveal itself, but with merely a few brief moments of EL, you can only catch a haunting glimpse. From knowing the difference between your own DL and EL, you derive a profound sense of longing, for what you know you have missed, each time you fall back into your habit of having DL. Each time, you manage to stop your DL, however, what you have missed - EL - presents itself again and you will know, you will miss it even more, if you lose it again, until you notice, much to your own surprise, you continue with your EL. Your EL can continue, because you simply can’t miss it.                             

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