Millionaire Humor,
excellent writing is an appeal to all the world’s millionaires. For once,
put your money where your mouth is, get in touch with me and do what you should
have already done a long time ago: help me in every way you are capable, to
promote Embodied Language (EL). I am not interested in or capable of setting up
or running a business, but you are. It is your responsibility to do good to
the world with all the money and power you have accumulated. As I have stated,
EL is the language individualism, which is direly needed in western democratic
countries, which are falling apart, due to unaddressed Disembodied Language (DL),
the language of the family, the group or the collective.
If you want
your wealth to pay off and not just throw your money down the bottomless pit of
some idealistic, but utterly unrealistic goal, come and talk with me and
understand, why I need your support and fame, to let everyone know about the
EL, the language of individual freedom. Unless EL is acquired and unless you,
as well as others, are going to stop all DL, the future looks very grim. DL has
no future and to continue with it is like digging our own grave.
Although I
ask millionaires to invest in EL, I am not interested in their money. The only
thing I care about, is for others to make it financially possible for EL to
find its way to millions of people. I am not into selling myself, advertising myself,
promoting myself, writing a book, giving a lecture, a session or a seminar. I only
do what I am capable of and what I like to do. I am only interested in having
EL with you and if I would get involved with any of the aforementioned, I would
surely again participate in DL and that is simply not what I want to spend my
time doing.
I have what
it takes, to continue with my EL and that is why I speak and write from
my Language Enlightenment (LE). I once had a millionaire, who was interested in
promoting my work and who wanted to set me up with a ghost-writer. This was a
generous offer, but it turned out, neither
he nor the ghost-writer was interested in EL for themselves and so the book
never appeared. It will never appear, unless the next ghost-writer and millionaire
show interest in having EL for themselves, as I can’t deal with anyone, who
doesn’t want to have EL with me.
millionaires, who are willing to stop their own DL and who are motivated to
have EL with me, need to apply. I know, there are only a few people, who will fit
this requirement, but I’m just being straightforward about how I operate. I don’t
care about any organization, because no organization has ever cared about me. There
is no way in which this is ever going to change, as ongoing EL and LE are personal
matters. Surely, I am also not going to praise any millionaire for his or her
support. They should only do it, if they accept, that I don't do any ass-kissing. I am not
asking anyone for any special favor. A bridge needs to be built with the right
materials, the design has to be solid and the engineers who build it, must know
exactly what they are doing. However, the building and the maintenance of the great
bridge of communication, is totally for each of us our own responsibility.
are running giant corporations, but, just like everyone else, they engage in
DL, day in day out. Certainly, there is always cunningness and ruthlessness
involved in being a millionaire, but such trades have to be addressed from the
get-go. I make no exceptions for billionaires, as they too, like everyone with
DL, will have to do whatever it takes, to get their own head out of their own
stinking ass. I am not going to do it. I have no respect for anyone, just
because they are wealthy and powerful, but I would like them to become interested
in their own EL, as that is the path for EL to spread. Right now, nobody is interested
in EL, because everyone with money is only promoting DL and that has to change.
I emigrated –
legally – from the Netherlands to the United States in 1999 and became a US
citizen in 2001. To me, America is, foremostly, still, the land of the opportunity,
but to be an individual. Very few people get this crucially important part of the
American Dream, that, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, requires ongoing
EL, the language of freedom, that is, the language of the conscious individual. America,
like other free Western democratic societies, is on the decline, as the insidious
group-behavior of our common DL undermines individualism. Being a millionaire
only makes sense, if you do something useful with your money and pouring your money
down the drain is unintelligent and wasteful.
We often
hear people talk about making the world into a better place, but with our
stupid DL, millionaires, like everyone else, create only more chaos, conflict, and, yes, unhappiness. It
is astonishing to me, that so many philanthropists support all these universities, where
students are indoctrinated with DEI and communism and where the authorities
tolerate antisemitism, as if it is an important issue of the freedom of speech. Only the
difference between DL and EL can address the problems of our so-called communication, which is DL.
are made, not born. However, we are made to engage in DL, regardless of whether we
acquire great wealth, fame or power. We don’t know how to engage in ongoing EL,
and we can, therefore, only pretend to have it, with our DL, with our influence, with our
dominance, with our ability to change the propaganda narrative. Obviously, EL is not about
any of that, as EL isn’t about others, but about ourselves. Who are we to
pretend to, influence or dominate, when we are ourselves?
I found two good
jokes for you. A 60-year-old millionaire is getting married. His friends are
jealous and one of them asks how he landed such a hot 23-year-old blond beauty.
Simple, grins the millionaire, I faked my age. His friends are really amazed
and asked him what age he told her. He replied: I said I was 87. And, here’s another
millionaire joke. A teacher stood in front of the class. She said: take a
pencil and paper and write an essay with the title: if I were a millionaire. Every
student in the class began to write furiously. Everyone but Phillip, who leaned
back into his seat, with his arms folded. What is the matter, the teacher asked
Phillip, why don’t you begin? Phillip replied: I’m waiting for my secretary. I
have two questions for the few millionaires, who hopefully read this. Are you
old enough yet, to acknowledge, that your DL is as much façade, as the slimy DL
of those, who envy you for your money? Whenever I tell people my name is Maximus,
they always ask me: do you go by Max? You, my dear millionaire, may call me Phillip. I look forward to hearing from you.