Wednesday, June 12, 2024



If you happen to read these words, you should really consider yourself fortunate, because you have come across a rare opportunity. You read the words of someone, who has devoted his life to Embodied Language (EL), who writes about EL every day, who makes videos about EL on his You Tube channels (Maximus Peperkamp and maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw) and who writes and sings songs about EL and plays his ukulele.


I never get tired of writing or speaking about EL, which is the way of talking, in which you listen to yourself while you speak. Of course, you can also do this and if you do, you will have stopped your usual, unnatural, automatic way of talking, in which you don’t listen to yourself while you speak. You will notice an enormous difference, because in Disembodied Language (DL), you experience your language passively, as if it is happening to you, but in EL, you experience your language actively, consciously, because you are in charge of it and you use if effectively.


The difference between your DL and EL signifies how you deal with your language and how you live your life. If you would try the experiment, to change from DL to EL – because you took these words very seriously and started to speak with yourself and listen to yourself – you would notice that everything begins to change for the better. All your behavior, which previously was associated with your DL, appears irrelevant to you, once you are able to have ongoing EL and that is why you will stop behaving in that way.


When you have ongoing EL by yourself, you will be, like me, be very happy and clear about your language. Moreover, you are fortunate, because you have achieved a sense of happiness, which you have never before experienced, because it couldn’t be experienced in any other way, than by you speaking with yourself and listening to the sound of your own voice, while you speak.


If you follow through, on what you read here, it is not a matter of chance or luck, whether you are going to feel fortunate, that you have done this, but it is the sense, that by speaking out loud with yourself and by listening to yourself, you have taken your life into your own hands.


Nobody could do for you, what you are doing for yourself, when you have EL, as it is you, who is calmly speaking with yourself, in order to be able to listen to yourself and to hear and act on what you have got to say to yourself. In DL, this doesn’t happen, because during DL, you simply never do this. You feel fortunate to have found the great treasure of ongoing EL, which reveals to you your Language Enlightenment (LE).


If you don’t experience what I have described, it is because you haven’t really done yet what I have suggested. Perhaps you have tried, but if you didn’t feel the gratefulness or thankfulness, to yourself, you haven’t switched from DL to EL and you have continued with your usual DL. To change from your DL to EL, your DL must stop. Only then, can your EL begin to reveal itself.


Your EL is a blissful, sensitive phenomenon, but it is easy to miss, because our conditioning with DL is very strong. If you succeed, however, you will have a tangible novel experience, that you are doing something, no one else is doing. Yes, you will be astonished, when you take your first steps in EL, that everyone, everywhere, engages constantly in DL. Your effortless way of talking or EL isn’t possible with anyone, but yourself.


Naturally, you would like to have EL with others, but there is no way around the devastating fact, that no one wants to have EL with you, as they would also – first – have to do exactly, what you have done. They too, would first have to speak out loud, alone, with themselves, so that they could begin to hear themselves and notice the great difference between their own DL and EL.


Although it is tough, to deal with the sad fact, there will be no one for you to have EL with, you can always easily have EL with yourself and you still feel fortunate, that this self-stimulatory behavior is now available to you, whenever you remember to engage in it. Surely, you could and should consider contacting me, so that we can have EL together, because I know how it works. Moreover, you need to talk with me, that is, you need to talk with someone, who, like me, has EL, so your EL can be socially reinforced. If your EL isn’t socially reinforced, you’ll give up on it.


While we are all capable of having some EL and we are having it, occasionally, unconsciously, briefly – in situations in which we feel safe, welcome and relaxed – this isn’t sufficient for continuing with it. We can’t have EL skillfully, deliberately and consistently, as there is nobody to reinforce it. This is why DL is everywhere, but EL is nowhere to be found. You are fortunate to read this, as you now know, I can reinforce your EL, so that it will continue. So far, only one person has come to me. I feel as fortunate to have EL with her, as she feels fortunate with me. My dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke can also reinforce your EL. (You Tube channel: Luisterend Spreken and she writes in Dutch on  


I feel fortunate to write this. You are fortunate to read this. I look forward to hearing from you and AnnaMieke would feel equally fortunate to hear from you. EL is so very simple and valuable. We can speak with each other, while we continue to listen to ourselves. Our EL is stabilized, due to conversation, in which we socially reinforce it. There is no other way for EL to come into our lives. Our future looks good. Nothing can stop us from having ongoing EL and realizing our LE.  

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