Monday, June 10, 2024

 Momentary Laughter,


In spite of your long and dreadful conditioning history with Disembodied Language (DL), there are still moments, in which you can laugh, but these sudden occasions of momentary laughter are only going to increase, if you begin to have ongoing Embodied Language (EL). Unless this happens, you feel short-changed by these brief moments of fun, which never last or satisfy.


While you are holding your breath – which isn’t conducive to laughter – my fun keeps going and keeps getting better, in the same way, that birds sing their songs. Most people don’t hear these birds sing, as they are inclined to keep listening to noise, which came in place of their laughter.


We don’t find leaf-blowers, chainsaws or lawn mowers very funny. Only if they stop working or when they can’t get them started, it gets funny. Sometimes, on the weekend, there is a moment of silence and then it starts all over again, but it, luckily, creates some momentary laughter in us. Without such laughter, the noise drives us nuts.  


Momentary laughter is needed to maintain our sanity. Why call it erectile dysfunction, when men can’t get him or keep him up? Even more fun, when men believe to be women, but still like to retain the pleasure of orgasm. Those who believe to be born in the wrong body, who suffer from body dysphoria, would benefit, if they were able to recognize, that wanting things, you can’t have is a source of humor.


People who scream at others – because they want them to tell them, how wonderful and great they are – don’t realize, that anyone, who demands that others to adore them is pathetic. It really doesn’t matter whether we want others to admire us, praise us, celebrate us or honor us for how we look, how we speak, how we fight, how we paint, how we cook, how we sing, how we tell jokes, we all deserve to be laughed at, if we don’t do it for ourselves, but for others.


You need a break from your usual behavior, to have some momentary laughter. With your DL, you don’t realize, the importance of this, as in DL, we compete with others, but we never do anything for ourselves. It may surprise you that, although you believe you do things for yourself, in fact, you don’t do anything for yourself in DL.


Due to the struggle for attention, which is the basis of DL, everything else you do is affected. In other words, all your other behavior is aimed at others, but not to yourself. Momentary laughter will show us, no matter how much we believe, we do things for ourselves, we still do what we do, to be better than others, to show off to others or to proof ourselves to others.  


Actually, being busy with ourselves is as much a problem, as being busy with others. During EL, we are neither busy with ourselves nor with others. Yes, let’s have some momentary laughter about everyone, who tries to be strong, certain, open, honest, consistent, unaffected or themselves.


You only need momentary laughter, yes, you read that correctly – momentary laughter – to admit, that your DL, is just one big fucking joke. Without a self, there is nothing to whine about anymore. And nobody laughs about a nobody, except for another nobody, who also tried, in vain, to be somebody. So, let’s be clear, there is no inner you, who does what you do and there is no divine mover up there somewhere in the sky, who directs everything that is going on.


Your momentary success isn’t due to belief in your inner self, which is even more tenacious than your belief in a so-called god. The inner you, who presumably is independent, supposedly, sets you free from the higher power, which wouldn't allow you make your own decisions. Therefore, it is to be expected, you are more hung up on your presumed uniqueness, than your higher power.  


Have some momentary laughter, because you aren’t – as you would like to believe – unique. You don’t have any special gift or anything that supposedly makes you better than others. With DL, you hang on to this belief, but with EL you finally have some momentary laughter about it. Every human being is going to die and that is the end of it. Also, it is a myth, that how you have lived your life matters, because it doesn’t matter once you are gone. What matters is what happens, while you are alive, when you realize your mortality, your unimportance.


Momentary laughter might begin to last a little longer, when you come to terms with your own insignificance. A shift occurs, in your priorities, because your life is more worthwhile, than the lives of those, who look at others for meaning.


I know that my life doesn’t matter and neither does my death. Yes, few people cry and mourn, but, in the bigger scheme of things, my life isn’t important. Like everyone, I have dreamed and wished for things to be otherwise, but it isn’t and I might as well just say, that I live and die, just like the plants or the animals live and die.


I’m so glad to be able to acknowledge my own insignificance. I feel so incredibly happy with my momentary laughter, which has already lasted 65 years. I am no more important than anything alive. My life is a celebration of everything that is alive. I will continue to live as long as my body allows it. I am nature, in which everything lives and dies. And, my truth is my momentariness.               

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