Thursday, June 13, 2024

 Underappreciated Humor,


The humor of our Embodied Language (EL) is, of course, underappreciated, because we engage in Disembodied Language (DL) all the time and we are only familiar with so-called humor of DL. If we would know about the difference between DL and EL, we want EL, because it is more fun.


The humor of EL is underappreciated because EL is misunderstood. People who are used to having DL, can’t laugh about the humor of EL, which isn’t about getting a laugh out of you. The real humor of EL is much more enjoyable and interesting than the fake-humor of DL. In EL, we have humor which deepens understanding, but DL makes us more stupid than we already are.


Humor of EL escapes our attention, because EL itself is unknown to us. The misunderstanding of EL humor is based on our dumb, dull, boring DL, which makes us underappreciate anything that challenges our common superficiality. In the stressful, meaningless lives we are living, many people have jobs in which they constantly have to cope with deadlines, long hours, staff shortages and feelings of being overworked and underappreciated. Humor is an outlet for our frustrations and comedians like to make it seem as if they appreciate the underappreciated.  


Someone with EL doesn’t appreciate those with DL, who are always dissatisfied, worried, stressed, angry, irritated, anxious, confused, depressed, conflicted and troubled. My humor is to taunt the underappreciated and let them know, the only way they are ever going to be able to laugh about me, is when they have had enough of all their suffering and drama and are willing to stop their DL, so that they can have some EL and appreciate the humor of freedom.


Losers always like to see some show or hear some story, about someone unattractive and underappreciated, in which they can recognize themselves. Supposedly, it helps them to laugh about themselves, but anyone with EL knows that this is just one of the many lies, which are perpetuated by our DL. Humor, which derives from DL, has no redeeming quality, only the real humor from EL affects us in such a way, that we give up on our false beliefs. The laughter only occurs after we have given up on our nonsense.  


I was once in an audience in a sleazy comedy bar. Whenever a new stand-up comedian was announced, they said, to my big surprise, give it up for Hunter or give it up for Joe. These folks really seemed to know what they were doing, because everyone was laughing so hard and they were buying many drinks. And, suddenly someone opened a laptop and, there it was: all the porn and crack. They were drinking Wodka and there was a big discussion if was Russian Dis-or-Mis-information? Joe and his son Hunter got drunk and started crying and complaining about feeling underappreciated. It is hard to keep our private lives and parts out of politics.


Underappreciated is often used together with being overlooked. Many, mainly pathetic people say they feel overlooked and underappreciated. However, it is not the overlooking, but over-listening, which results in the underappreciation. Everyone can clearly see, they are being ignored and others, who are more attention-demanding get the attention. In other words, they were, apparently, not enough attention demanding. The only way to fix this, is by having DL in overdrive and outcompete the competition. Someone who whines about being underappreciated isn’t going to win that battle.


Many artists feel underappreciated, but why is that? Does art attract suckers? However, there are also, of course, the underappreciated politicians, who, by attaining power, imagine overcoming their inferiority complex. When Joe says that he is very proud of Hunter, he is troubled by this, because he would actually like others to be proud of him and say that to him. Poor Joe was already feeling so underappreciated, but by saying, for political reasons, how much he loves his son, he feels even more underappreciated.


At least Hunter’s costly and tragic addictions got him some extra attention and money for his odd art. If the goal was to give the underappreciated artist his due, the set-up worked quite well. Although he got a good price for his paintings, for someone like him, who feels so underappreciated, it isn’t an easy thing, to let go of his babies. Yet, real babies are a different story, especially if they were made with a crack-smoking porn-star. Lucky for that little girl, she is not going to be sniffed by creepy grandpa Joe.  


The desperate things people do when they feel underappreciated. No matter what they do, the pain just doesn’t seem to go away. Hard work is bound to go unappreciated. People will do just about anything to be appreciated, to be liked, to be approved, to get attention, but in the end, they still feel underappreciated. It is our usual way of talking, DL, due to which everyone feels chronically underappreciated. Joe and Hunter  count on and demand everyone’s sympathy, as we can all identify with these dirty scum-backs.


So-called behavioral change is overtalked and underappreciated, because of our DL. With EL, we are no longer feeling inferior, but we are not going into the other extreme by acting superior. Those who do that, still feel underappreciated. All dictators feel underappreciated. Someone like me, with EL, however, can’t stand admirers or ass-kissers. I don’t need appreciation, as my Language Enlightenment (LE) makes me laugh about your tendency to feel underappreciated.       

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