Tuesday, June 18, 2024

 Intensity Humor,


The humor which comes from our Embodied Language (EL) is not anything like the so-called humor we produce with our usual Disembodied Language (DL). People with DL can’t stand the humor of EL, because it slows them down. The fake-humor of DL is overwhelming and hyped-up, because in DL everyone is insensitive, dull and rough. Only extreme, exaggerated crap gets any attention. However, EL humor is mellow, kind, relaxed and peaceful, but people with DL can’t recognize it. Sometimes EL gets loud, because of the intensity of the person, who laughs at him or herself. Yes, laughing at ourselves is the best. 


Since there is so very little EL, there is only very little real humor going around. This is the reason we hardly laugh. The person, who doesn’t know the difference between their own DL and EL, cannot laugh about someone, like me, with EL. Only when they have stopped their own DL, can they laugh about my EL. Of course, our EL goes directly to the core of everything and, therefore, has its own intensity. To cut through all the DL-crap needs something sharp. It is the sound of the speaker’s voice, which has this necessary effect. Few people know, our tongue actually works like a whip, when we articulate our words clearly. In EL each word is articulated in the front of the mouth, so it is clear what the speaker says. In DL, by contrast, our voice is in the back of our mouth, because we are holding ourselves back, we are defensive and uptight.


When a person is drunk, he or she slurs and speaks with a thick tongue and when someone engages in DL, one is also drunk, but on words. Fixation on words is why we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak. We engage unconsciously in DL, in which we get carried away by what we say, and we don’t pay any attention to how we say it. The intensity of our voice is in its ability to express something which is true for all of us, something universal. Obviously, this has to do with being authentic and, we relate to it, as we can all be truly ourselves.     


We all know, that varying our voices when we speak, can express sarcasm or emotion and this can even change the meaning of what we are saying. We do this all the time during DL, when we try to sound nice, certain, strong, kind, interested, polite, knowledgeable, sincere, respectful, careful, happy, truthful, careless, motivated or open. During EL, however, we never try to sound like this or like that, as we simply sound how sound, when we are not trying to sound in any particular kind of way. It is this effortless quality of naturalness, which makes our voice have an intensity, which cannot be acted.   


I rather talk about the intensity of our speech, than use the academic word prosody or refer to the musical quality of speech. Music is not, as they say, the universal language, because only our EL is. In every language there is mostly DL and only a tiny bit of unconscious, accidental, brief EL. Our enthrallment with music, poetry, arts, sports, but also, with science, religion, politics, psychology, philosophy, science and economics, has distracted us from our ability to have EL. In fact, all of these presumably important activities are the replacement of real human interaction. In EL, we for the first time use our language correctly, as we realize our Language Enlightenment (LE). Yes, and once we have ongoing EL and become established in our LE, many things that kept us busy are unimportant.


Laughter and humor are inescapably tied to our vulnerability. Surely, we aren’t laughing as much as we could, because we fear that the intensity of humor changes our status. In DL, there is and there can only be, fake laughter, which is always preceded by a shift of status relative to others. During EL, on the other hand, nothing happens in comparison to others. Letting go - of control and fear - is irrelevant in EL and our genuine humor is always about ourselves and about that we are all, due to our history of conditioning, in the same DL-boat, which is sinking. Laughter might actually have evolved as a way of letting others know, that we basically all share the same vulnerabilities. 


In DL, we prefer to only talk about our status or rank, but in EL, we have no problem talking about our feelings, experience or our vulnerability. It is funny, in DL, we remain busy with others, but in EL, we finally can attend to who we are. This is the intensity of our EL, where we use our language correctly and speak about ourselves. We haven’t been able to do so, as we couldn’t speak about ourselves, as long as we were still concerned about the punitive, hurtful, negative opinions of others.  


In DL, the less vulnerable people are, the higher their status, but the more difficult or dangerous it is, to laugh about their disgusting, despicable, stupid behavior. There’s nothing new about the irrefutable fact, that the more vulnerable, have, historically, always been able to laugh much more, and they, definitely, have had more fun, than those who supposedly had a higher status. When a child screams, that the emperor has no clothes, all adults hear the truth, regardless of their so-called phony beliefs. This is the innocent intensity of EL.


With their usual DL, evolutionary psychologists continue to reason, that low-status individuals risk falling short of the basic requirements for reaching adulthood and propelling their genes into the distant future. However, only with EL, do we become high status – that is, free – individuals, who are least affected by potential obstacles in their physical and social environment. It is only because of our usual, unconscious, DL, that we view our vulnerability – our sensitivity – as the criterion, due to which we are programmed, to be keenly sensitive to even slightest change of status, both our own and others. Our attention keys in on any minor deviation from the status quo – such as the switch from DL to EL – however we might unknowingly define that state of affairs. Humor, the capacity to express or perceive what is funny, is used as a false means to cope with what is difficult and stressful. The fact is, we don't deal with anything in DL-humor, as we are merely distracted from who we really are. We have yet to account for the common fallacy, that our so-called humor helps us to cope with the difficult situations and stressful events which are part of our daily life. It is because we don't know how to stop our automatic, unnatural DL, that we exaggerate the supposed value of humor. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

 Dementia Humor,


Joe Biden isn’t funny and neither is anyone with dementia. However, there is the reason, why democrats are laughing at Joe Biden. He is their leader, making their crazy ideas come true. Joe Biden – you got that? Yes, Joe Biden – has some great advantages, which are very clear – yes, very clear. Thank you, Karine Jean-Pierre, for repeating that – if you consider the humor of it or rather the absence of it. 


With Joe Biden you can laugh at the same lies – which are, of course, jokes – again and again. Actually, the fun keeps getting better. I really love to hear his adoring wife say what a wise man he is. I’ve heard – I don’t know if it is true, but, where there is smoke there is fire – that, according to her, Joe has so much fire in his belly, that when he is horny, smoke is coming out of his ass, he farts while doing the thing. Perhaps this is just gossip, but she stated that she rather dies by committing suicide, than to have dementia, as she would never want to place the burden on her incapable, needy, whiny husband. Then, Joe had a good moment and answered her in his usual irritated manner: honey, this is the fifth time you are telling me. 


I don’t know the source of this news, but it was reported, Joe Biden was at the doctor’s office, together with two other older men, to take a memory test. One of the questions was: how much is three times three? The doctor checked the answers. The first man answered: 274. The second man answered: Tuesday. The third one – which was Joe Biden – answered: nine. Pleasantly surprised, he got a correct response, the doctor said: great Mr. President, but how did you get that answer? Joe Biden answered: I simply subtracted 274 from Tuesday. The doctor asked: is it hard for you to live with dementia? Joe Biden said: well, I believe it is, but quite frankly, I can’t remember, I’m not kidding. 


Joe Biden said, he was trying to tell a joke, but he kept saying: I forgot how it ended. Someone asked him: what was the joke? I guess, I forgot, but I am pretty sure, it either ended with, I’m not joking or I’m not kidding, one of these two. They asked Karine Jean-Pierre, for clarification and she mechanically repeated: the president has been very clear. Then, Jill Biden came to Joe Biden’s defense, by saying how much she loved him, when for sniffing her arm-pit. It was a real family drama, when Jill Biden suddenly started laughing hysterically. Somehow things were too much for her and she ranted for about an hour about Joe Biden’s lies about her son’s Hunter Biden’s lap-top, which was very real. Karine Jean-Pierre couldn’t save the day and said robotically, as she does every day: the president has been very real.


Nothing of all of this malarky - I mean it, it's for real man - has anything to do with Embodied Language (EL) and Disembodied Language (DL) isn’t even funny and anyone who reads this, will have to admit, that saying you are not kidding so often sounds suspicious, to say the least. This is what happens, when Joe Biden goes off script. This is his handler’s worst nightmare. Cranky, old, mediocre men like him need to rest a lot and need a safe environment, but Jill Biden exploits every last stroke, that will eventually break Kamala Harris's back. Meanwhile there is also the thing. No, not the constitution, but the thing, you know, the country we live in. 


Joe Biden wants America and the whole world to believe what a great man he is and that he should always get a pass for his plagiarized opinion, that humor, not only helps us deal with our problems, but, more importantly, it helps maintain our dignity. According to Joe Biden, it is especially someone like him, who doesn’t have any dignity, who needs sick humor to stimulate him. While Joe Biden is correct in saying, that there is no inner language, there is nothing there – there – he hasn't stopped his annoying DL, which is written on his ugly face.


It can’t be easy dealing with this demented fool and the truth isn’t helping, because the wires in his brain have stopped connecting a long time ago. They say, you either use it – your brain – or you lose it, but Joe Biden’s language is so out of touch with his experience, that he believes his constantly gas-lighting wife, who says he is doing great. He never really did great or was great, but this failed mother, who is Jill Biden, saw and smelled Joe Biden’s true evil potential and was determined to take advantage of him. She is the gold-digger and none of the millions they got by influence-peddling help anyone. In case, the reader wonders: where the hell is all of this going? Well, where do you believe this is going? It’s not going anywhere. America is living through the hell of Joe, Jill and Hunter Biden. It is a typical dysfunctional family, but definitely a crime-family. It is certainly not All-In-The-Family about which we could all laugh. Archie Bunker is rolling in his grave. While we are living in the age of meatheads, who have theirs heads up their asses. They can’t laugh, I’m not kidding.


Laughter is not – as the wicked Biden family would want us to believe – the best medicine, but EL is. EL, of course, is not medicine, it is the sound of our voice, which stimulates our brain. There is nothing humorous about dementia. If we just listen to Joe Biden’s voice, everyone can hear the sound of his real anger and frustration, fake-kindness, acted-passion and hardly hidden arrogance and contempt. The American voters are not care-givers, trying to give a good life to the person who is afflicted with the dementia disease. 


Joe Biden may be the worst president to have ever existed, his dumb demeanor inadvertently elicits laughter, which triggers the release of pleasure-inducing chemicals in the brain. And, in doing so, Joe Biden, who began his service as president as the uniter, provides much-needed leadership in stimulating the brains of people, to function at a minimal level, so that he and his administration can bring the country to ruin.


Joe Biden’s humor – I’m not kidding – certainly challenges, as much as possible, the imaginary minds of the people, but not of We the People. Joe Biden is part of a group, which is growing in its influence every day. Currently, there are more than 5 million Americans, who have progressive dementia and it is predicted, as the baby-boomers age, that number will more than triple by mid-century. While, luckily, Joe Biden keeps reminding us, that he is not joking, he is able to make us laugh and create some distance and relief from the stress that is caused by his demanding needs, which, as our hostile Karine Jean-Pierre agrees, are very clear. Nurse Jill Biden, who, is appreciated by some so much, that she is called, doctor Jill – bless her tiny heart – stated: if I didn’t laugh behind Joe Biden’s back, I would be crying every day. I believe her.   


Real research – I’m not kidding – has shown that dementia encompasses various different symptoms of cognitive decline – Karine Jean-Pierre, who deserves credit for this, has been very clear and upfront about this – which are evident in Joe Biden’s speech. Researchers believe dark humor can be a significant symptom and one of the early signs of dementia. Treatments can offer tremendous benefits to people, who have an altered sense of humor due to dementia. There is still hope for Joe Biden. Dark humor, also known as black comedy or morbid humor, is a style of comedy that some people might find distasteful or consider off-limits, as it aims to make light of subject matters people may consider severe or painful to discuss. However, here we see the usual justification for DL and more of the same.


DL is ineffective speech – just so you know, I’m not kidding – which may, one day, be identified as the cause of dementia. Therefore, if there is, as these researchers suggest, a link between dark humor and dementia, there also has to be a link between lucidity, consciousness, positive humor and EL. Of course, I already know this, but Joe Biden and his defenders of democracy, are not willing to talk with me. According to those aforementioned researchers, who all unknowingly, have DL, there is no approach to humor that is objectively acceptable or unacceptable. What is presumably funny depends on many different factors including context, mood, beliefs, identity, relationship with the person who is telling the joke, cultural background or lived experience. Naturally, if someone continuously tells us, they are not joking, there is always something up with that.


A 2016 study called Pathological Joking that assessed two people with a diagnosis of pathological humor indicates that both individuals exhibited an altered sense of humor, making families and friends uncomfortable. The study also determined that both people had sustained damage to the prefrontal cortex, which is the humor-appreciation center of the brain. In one case damage was due to a  stroke, in the other due to dementia. Depending on the severity of dementia, many people who have developed a dark sense of humor may be unaware of it. I heard, maybe it is just gossip, that one night, Joe Biden was sick and tired of being bossed around by his wife Jill Biden and went by himself to a bar. He put on his dark sunglasses, so no one would recognize him. So, here is this man with dementia, who is walking into this bar and then he spots this pretty lady. He said: so, do I come here often? Not kidding.


It is as clear as day – ask Marie Jean-Pierre and she will happily agree with you – that Joe Biden is sides being extremely vital and busy, but has little sense of humor at all, does not really find anything funny, and gives a silly laugh or sneer when totally inappropriate, for instance when his big German shepherd bites one of his security-detail for the fifth-millionth time. Yes, Joe Biden is a classic example of someone, who makes others uncomfortable with his behavior. People give too much attention to Joe Biden’s presumed dementia and should be focusing on his lack of humor, which is a clear sign of his DL.    

Saturday, June 15, 2024

 Millionaire Humor,


This excellent writing is an appeal to all the world’s millionaires. For once, put your money where your mouth is, get in touch with me and do what you should have already done a long time ago: help me in every way you are capable, to promote Embodied Language (EL). I am not interested in or capable of setting up or running a business, but you are. It is your responsibility to do good to the world with all the money and power you have accumulated. As I have stated, EL is the language individualism, which is direly needed in western democratic countries, which are falling apart, due to unaddressed Disembodied Language (DL), the language of the family, the group or the collective.  


If you want your wealth to pay off and not just throw your money down the bottomless pit of some idealistic, but utterly unrealistic goal, come and talk with me and understand, why I need your support and fame, to let everyone know about the EL, the language of individual freedom. Unless EL is acquired and unless you, as well as others, are going to stop all DL, the future looks very grim. DL has no future and to continue with it is like digging our own grave.


Although I ask millionaires to invest in EL, I am not interested in their money. The only thing I care about, is for others to make it financially possible for EL to find its way to millions of people. I am not into selling myself, advertising myself, promoting myself, writing a book, giving a lecture, a session or a seminar. I only do what I am capable of and what I like to do. I am only interested in having EL with you and if I would get involved with any of the aforementioned, I would surely again participate in DL and that is simply not what I want to spend my time doing.  


I have what it takes, to continue with my EL and that is why I speak and write from my Language Enlightenment (LE). I once had a millionaire, who was interested in promoting my work and who wanted to set me up with a ghost-writer. This was a generous offer, but it turned out, neither he nor the ghost-writer was interested in EL for themselves and so the book never appeared. It will never appear, unless the next ghost-writer and millionaire show interest in having EL for themselves, as I can’t deal with anyone, who doesn’t want to have EL with me.


Only millionaires, who are willing to stop their own DL and who are motivated to have EL with me, need to apply. I know, there are only a few people, who will fit this requirement, but I’m just being straightforward about how I operate. I don’t care about any organization, because no organization has ever cared about me. There is no way in which this is ever going to change, as ongoing EL and LE are personal matters. Surely, I am also not going to praise any millionaire for his or her support. They should only do it, if they accept, that I don't do any ass-kissing. I am not asking anyone for any special favor. A bridge needs to be built with the right materials, the design has to be solid and the engineers who build it, must know exactly what they are doing. However, the building and the maintenance of the great bridge of communication, is totally for each of us our own responsibility.  


Millionaires are running giant corporations, but, just like everyone else, they engage in DL, day in day out. Certainly, there is always cunningness and ruthlessness involved in being a millionaire, but such trades have to be addressed from the get-go. I make no exceptions for billionaires, as they too, like everyone with DL, will have to do whatever it takes, to get their own head out of their own stinking ass. I am not going to do it. I have no respect for anyone, just because they are wealthy and powerful, but I would like them to become interested in their own EL, as that is the path for EL to spread. Right now, nobody is interested in EL, because everyone with money is only promoting DL and that has to change.


I emigrated – legally – from the Netherlands to the United States in 1999 and became a US citizen in 2001. To me, America is, foremostly, still, the land of the opportunity, but to be an individual. Very few people get this crucially important part of the American Dream, that, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, requires ongoing EL, the language of freedom, that is, the language of the conscious individual. America, like other free Western democratic societies, is on the decline, as the insidious group-behavior of our common DL undermines individualism. Being a millionaire only makes sense, if you do something useful with your money and pouring your money down the drain is unintelligent and wasteful. 


We often hear people talk about making the world into a better place, but with our stupid DL, millionaires, like everyone else, create only more chaos, conflict, and, yes, unhappiness. It is astonishing to me, that so many philanthropists support all these universities, where students are indoctrinated with DEI and communism and where the authorities tolerate antisemitism, as if it is an important issue of the freedom of speech. Only the difference between DL and EL can address the problems of our so-called communication, which is DL.


Millionaires are made, not born. However, we are made to engage in DL, regardless of whether we acquire great wealth, fame or power. We don’t know how to engage in ongoing EL, and we can, therefore, only pretend to have it, with our DL, with our influence, with our dominance, with our ability to change the propaganda narrative. Obviously, EL is not about any of that, as EL isn’t about others, but about ourselves. Who are we to pretend to, influence or dominate, when we are ourselves?


I found two good jokes for you. A 60-year-old millionaire is getting married. His friends are jealous and one of them asks how he landed such a hot 23-year-old blond beauty. Simple, grins the millionaire, I faked my age. His friends are really amazed and asked him what age he told her. He replied: I said I was 87. And, here’s another millionaire joke. A teacher stood in front of the class. She said: take a pencil and paper and write an essay with the title: if I were a millionaire. Every student in the class began to write furiously. Everyone but Phillip, who leaned back into his seat, with his arms folded. What is the matter, the teacher asked Phillip, why don’t you begin? Phillip replied: I’m waiting for my secretary. I have two questions for the few millionaires, who hopefully read this. Are you old enough yet, to acknowledge, that your DL is as much façade, as the slimy DL of those, who envy you for your money? Whenever I tell people my name is Maximus, they always ask me: do you go by Max? You, my dear millionaire, may call me Phillip. I look forward to hearing from you.  

Friday, June 14, 2024

 Nuclear Humor,


This isn’t funny. At this very moment, a fleet of Russian warships – including a nuclear-powered submarine – entered Cuban waters, which is 90 miles from Miami. Is this a reenactment of the of JFK’s Cuban missile crisis? This show of force is meant to be a warning to the Biden administration, which, with its Ukraine-stance, is keen on reviving the Cold War. Does take a nuclear threat, to wake up America and reject the Democratic morons?


While overpaid Pentagon employees are taking another race-baiting course in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), they are, simultaneously, insidiously, waging a proxy war with Moscow. However, it isn’t Democratic stupor, it isn’t even politics, but it is our common, unconscious, by the Left and the Right accepted, stupid way of talking, which I call Disembodied Language (DL), which is creating this seismic threatening event.


Back in the days, phony, bravado-actor Ronald Reagan, who definitely had more presidential capacity as sloppy Joe Biden, made the famous, off-the-record, joke, in the final sentence of his radio address to the American people: we begin bombing in five minutes. Although, there was a threat of nuclear war with Russia, Americans were collectively holding their breath, that is, they were, still somewhat, on the same page.


Putin – who is much smarter than most people are willing to admit – instructed propagandists on TV, to let people know, nuclear war is fine, because patriotic Russians will go to heaven, while the rest of mankind will be wiped out. It is said, heaven heard about it and immediately applied to NATO. This joke is especially funny in the light of an entire wiped-out generation of young, overly zealous, Ukraine men, who are applying from heaven. What is the only thing round earthers have to fear? Nuclear war will flatten things pretty quickly. Hahaha, aren’t you having fun yet? How about acknowledging that in DL, you use your language incorrectly? Yes, this is no joke, it will stop you from laughing.


During your ongoing Embodied Language (EL), you will find out, you have never really laughed as long as you were still habitually engaging in DL. Besides, there is nothing to laugh about, when one so-called expert has said, there is an unprecedented seemingly almost concerted effort to bandy around and to play fast and loose with rhetoric of World War III and nuclear strikes. We need to urgently address our dumb DL, so let’s get to it. You probably don’t believe me, what I say about the seriousness of our DL, that’s fine, but on Russian TV, pundits are joking about how long it takes for a ballistic missile to reach London, Berlin or Paris. They are literally laughing at Europe and their eerie estimates are accompanied by a graphic, showing the trajectories that Moscow’s intercontinental ballistic missiles would take to reach the capitals of European nations that supply Kyiv with the most military aid. Zelensky is at every international meeting and America is paying, while the border with Mexico is wide open. Oh, is this not happening? Oh, is this a nuclear joke?


Do you want to hear a Russian joke? Trump has become the president again and Putin calls the White House. Says Vladimir: congratulations my friend, but Donald, I would now like to discuss Ukraine with you. Says Donald: what is Ukraine? Say Vladimir: thanks Donald. Just imagine, such jokes hurt anyone’s woke feelings? Where can they go to complain and protest? For crying out loud, it has to be a free Western Democratic society. Putin made a nuclear joke suggesting that all the great Russian patriots would go to heaven as martyrs, while everyone else would just drop dead. Now the West is worried that he wasn’t joking. Biden and those who support him, are very clear on that, that he isn’t joking. He – and the media – says so in every sentence.


With DL, we have been making bizarre jokes about everything imaginable and let’s face it,  our so-called humor hasn’t saved us from a nuclear annihilation. While Putin jokes, Biden calls him very dangerous. Putin laughs and says: I did that to alarm you, but Biden says – for the fifth million time – I’m not joking. Okay, how about having some EL? How about cutting the crap, which isn’t funny and have some real fun? I will happily talk with Joe and Vladimir and tell them to stop posturing and trying to be funny.          

Thursday, June 13, 2024

 Underappreciated Humor,


The humor of our Embodied Language (EL) is, of course, underappreciated, because we engage in Disembodied Language (DL) all the time and we are only familiar with so-called humor of DL. If we would know about the difference between DL and EL, we want EL, because it is more fun.


The humor of EL is underappreciated because EL is misunderstood. People who are used to having DL, can’t laugh about the humor of EL, which isn’t about getting a laugh out of you. The real humor of EL is much more enjoyable and interesting than the fake-humor of DL. In EL, we have humor which deepens understanding, but DL makes us more stupid than we already are.


Humor of EL escapes our attention, because EL itself is unknown to us. The misunderstanding of EL humor is based on our dumb, dull, boring DL, which makes us underappreciate anything that challenges our common superficiality. In the stressful, meaningless lives we are living, many people have jobs in which they constantly have to cope with deadlines, long hours, staff shortages and feelings of being overworked and underappreciated. Humor is an outlet for our frustrations and comedians like to make it seem as if they appreciate the underappreciated.  


Someone with EL doesn’t appreciate those with DL, who are always dissatisfied, worried, stressed, angry, irritated, anxious, confused, depressed, conflicted and troubled. My humor is to taunt the underappreciated and let them know, the only way they are ever going to be able to laugh about me, is when they have had enough of all their suffering and drama and are willing to stop their DL, so that they can have some EL and appreciate the humor of freedom.


Losers always like to see some show or hear some story, about someone unattractive and underappreciated, in which they can recognize themselves. Supposedly, it helps them to laugh about themselves, but anyone with EL knows that this is just one of the many lies, which are perpetuated by our DL. Humor, which derives from DL, has no redeeming quality, only the real humor from EL affects us in such a way, that we give up on our false beliefs. The laughter only occurs after we have given up on our nonsense.  


I was once in an audience in a sleazy comedy bar. Whenever a new stand-up comedian was announced, they said, to my big surprise, give it up for Hunter or give it up for Joe. These folks really seemed to know what they were doing, because everyone was laughing so hard and they were buying many drinks. And, suddenly someone opened a laptop and, there it was: all the porn and crack. They were drinking Wodka and there was a big discussion if was Russian Dis-or-Mis-information? Joe and his son Hunter got drunk and started crying and complaining about feeling underappreciated. It is hard to keep our private lives and parts out of politics.


Underappreciated is often used together with being overlooked. Many, mainly pathetic people say they feel overlooked and underappreciated. However, it is not the overlooking, but over-listening, which results in the underappreciation. Everyone can clearly see, they are being ignored and others, who are more attention-demanding get the attention. In other words, they were, apparently, not enough attention demanding. The only way to fix this, is by having DL in overdrive and outcompete the competition. Someone who whines about being underappreciated isn’t going to win that battle.


Many artists feel underappreciated, but why is that? Does art attract suckers? However, there are also, of course, the underappreciated politicians, who, by attaining power, imagine overcoming their inferiority complex. When Joe says that he is very proud of Hunter, he is troubled by this, because he would actually like others to be proud of him and say that to him. Poor Joe was already feeling so underappreciated, but by saying, for political reasons, how much he loves his son, he feels even more underappreciated.


At least Hunter’s costly and tragic addictions got him some extra attention and money for his odd art. If the goal was to give the underappreciated artist his due, the set-up worked quite well. Although he got a good price for his paintings, for someone like him, who feels so underappreciated, it isn’t an easy thing, to let go of his babies. Yet, real babies are a different story, especially if they were made with a crack-smoking porn-star. Lucky for that little girl, she is not going to be sniffed by creepy grandpa Joe.  


The desperate things people do when they feel underappreciated. No matter what they do, the pain just doesn’t seem to go away. Hard work is bound to go unappreciated. People will do just about anything to be appreciated, to be liked, to be approved, to get attention, but in the end, they still feel underappreciated. It is our usual way of talking, DL, due to which everyone feels chronically underappreciated. Joe and Hunter  count on and demand everyone’s sympathy, as we can all identify with these dirty scum-backs.


So-called behavioral change is overtalked and underappreciated, because of our DL. With EL, we are no longer feeling inferior, but we are not going into the other extreme by acting superior. Those who do that, still feel underappreciated. All dictators feel underappreciated. Someone like me, with EL, however, can’t stand admirers or ass-kissers. I don’t need appreciation, as my Language Enlightenment (LE) makes me laugh about your tendency to feel underappreciated.       

Wednesday, June 12, 2024



If you happen to read these words, you should really consider yourself fortunate, because you have come across a rare opportunity. You read the words of someone, who has devoted his life to Embodied Language (EL), who writes about EL every day, who makes videos about EL on his You Tube channels (Maximus Peperkamp and maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw) and who writes and sings songs about EL and plays his ukulele.


I never get tired of writing or speaking about EL, which is the way of talking, in which you listen to yourself while you speak. Of course, you can also do this and if you do, you will have stopped your usual, unnatural, automatic way of talking, in which you don’t listen to yourself while you speak. You will notice an enormous difference, because in Disembodied Language (DL), you experience your language passively, as if it is happening to you, but in EL, you experience your language actively, consciously, because you are in charge of it and you use if effectively.


The difference between your DL and EL signifies how you deal with your language and how you live your life. If you would try the experiment, to change from DL to EL – because you took these words very seriously and started to speak with yourself and listen to yourself – you would notice that everything begins to change for the better. All your behavior, which previously was associated with your DL, appears irrelevant to you, once you are able to have ongoing EL and that is why you will stop behaving in that way.


When you have ongoing EL by yourself, you will be, like me, be very happy and clear about your language. Moreover, you are fortunate, because you have achieved a sense of happiness, which you have never before experienced, because it couldn’t be experienced in any other way, than by you speaking with yourself and listening to the sound of your own voice, while you speak.


If you follow through, on what you read here, it is not a matter of chance or luck, whether you are going to feel fortunate, that you have done this, but it is the sense, that by speaking out loud with yourself and by listening to yourself, you have taken your life into your own hands.


Nobody could do for you, what you are doing for yourself, when you have EL, as it is you, who is calmly speaking with yourself, in order to be able to listen to yourself and to hear and act on what you have got to say to yourself. In DL, this doesn’t happen, because during DL, you simply never do this. You feel fortunate to have found the great treasure of ongoing EL, which reveals to you your Language Enlightenment (LE).


If you don’t experience what I have described, it is because you haven’t really done yet what I have suggested. Perhaps you have tried, but if you didn’t feel the gratefulness or thankfulness, to yourself, you haven’t switched from DL to EL and you have continued with your usual DL. To change from your DL to EL, your DL must stop. Only then, can your EL begin to reveal itself.


Your EL is a blissful, sensitive phenomenon, but it is easy to miss, because our conditioning with DL is very strong. If you succeed, however, you will have a tangible novel experience, that you are doing something, no one else is doing. Yes, you will be astonished, when you take your first steps in EL, that everyone, everywhere, engages constantly in DL. Your effortless way of talking or EL isn’t possible with anyone, but yourself.


Naturally, you would like to have EL with others, but there is no way around the devastating fact, that no one wants to have EL with you, as they would also – first – have to do exactly, what you have done. They too, would first have to speak out loud, alone, with themselves, so that they could begin to hear themselves and notice the great difference between their own DL and EL.


Although it is tough, to deal with the sad fact, there will be no one for you to have EL with, you can always easily have EL with yourself and you still feel fortunate, that this self-stimulatory behavior is now available to you, whenever you remember to engage in it. Surely, you could and should consider contacting me, so that we can have EL together, because I know how it works. Moreover, you need to talk with me, that is, you need to talk with someone, who, like me, has EL, so your EL can be socially reinforced. If your EL isn’t socially reinforced, you’ll give up on it.


While we are all capable of having some EL and we are having it, occasionally, unconsciously, briefly – in situations in which we feel safe, welcome and relaxed – this isn’t sufficient for continuing with it. We can’t have EL skillfully, deliberately and consistently, as there is nobody to reinforce it. This is why DL is everywhere, but EL is nowhere to be found. You are fortunate to read this, as you now know, I can reinforce your EL, so that it will continue. So far, only one person has come to me. I feel as fortunate to have EL with her, as she feels fortunate with me. My dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke can also reinforce your EL. (You Tube channel: Luisterend Spreken and she writes in Dutch on https://annaklomp.75.blogspot.com).  


I feel fortunate to write this. You are fortunate to read this. I look forward to hearing from you and AnnaMieke would feel equally fortunate to hear from you. EL is so very simple and valuable. We can speak with each other, while we continue to listen to ourselves. Our EL is stabilized, due to conversation, in which we socially reinforce it. There is no other way for EL to come into our lives. Our future looks good. Nothing can stop us from having ongoing EL and realizing our LE.  

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

 Lame Humor,


Your humor is lame humor, while my humor is new humor. You are unfamiliar with my humor, which annoys and displeases you, because it is not business as usual. You laugh about things, which aren’t even funny, and you pretend to have fun. In my opinion, this is the reason, why you don’t appreciate my humor. Real humor gets no attention because you only want lame humor.


It isn’t me, who is asking your attention for my humor, but it is lame, dumb, fake humor, which demands everyone’s attention. The attention for real humor always comes from the person, who has it, as it cannot come from the person, who doesn’t have it. In other words, we only can enjoy our own humor and that is where the future of humor is at. The lame excuse, that it was meant to be funny, is no longer acceptable.


I address the new humor, which derives from my Embodied Language (EL), which is different from the lame humor, that is the coverup for our nasty, unnatural, effortful, but common way of talking, in which we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak and demand, that others must listen to us. You are used to the so-called humor of unconscious Disembodied Language (DL), in which some creepy idiot is trying to be funny. I am not trying to be funny. Good, you get that.


You don’t believe it and you resist admitting it, but you have never really laughed about any of your smart-ass comedians, but now that you are in the position to find out – through this wonderful text about the difference between DL and EL - you can finally begin to laugh about yourself. You could be the laughter-innovator, who transforms lame humor into real humor.


Anyone who stops producing more of the same boring humor with their automatic DL, anyone who has some enjoyable, funny, intelligent EL, would be totally against the usual lame humor, because our phony humor prevents real humor. This has always been the reason, why we laugh so very little or not at all. Only because of your involvement in DL, it seems hard to accept, you have never had any real humor, but once you have EL, it is clear what you’ve been missing.


Lame humor is a much more devastating issue than you have ever imagined. As I have stated, it always goes hand in hand with DL, in which you dissociate from your own experiences. As a consequence, you are truly paralyzed by fear. Therefore, the lameness of the humor actually pertains to your Stockholm-Syndrome, which makes you laugh spastically at the comedian, who gaslights you, with some verbal diarrhea.


Since you have been conditioned to have DL, you have – until now – only known lame humor, but, as you read this text, which is the product of my ongoing EL, you can perhaps accept the urgency, the direness and the hilariousness of your situation.


Only those who are used to having DL, find this text lame, but for someone like me, who has EL, it is wickedly delightful and enchanting to write this. It is what really makes me tick and I go on with it, even though nobody reads it, nobody responds to it, because I enjoy it. No, I’m never bored with myself, to the contrary, I find myself funnier than anyone else out there. Yes, I don’t find anyone with DL funny, but I find myself so amusing and entertaining because of my EL.


I can’t wait, to find out, what I’m able to come up with next, as I always create something new. The nuances of my humor are unsurpassed. It is so subtle, so witty and no one, who claims to be funny – with DL – has this satisfaction. Yes, I say of myself that I’m funny, but these people, who are presumably funny, they would never say of themselves that they are funny. Moreover, they would certainly not say, they are the funniest of all. The reason I am so funny, is because I am not in competition with anyone. I merely do my unusual thing – off stage – and that’s it. Nothing else is needed. I’m not doing anything outside of my competence. Without bothering, who it is for or what other consequences it might have, other than my own enjoyment, I continue with my EL, as your DL can no longer paralyze me.  


Are you going to remain lame for life because of how you were conditioned? Lame humor never is about you having fun by yourself, but always about you obediently, unwillingly, conforming to some individuality-crushing group-behavior. I call my humor real humor, because it goes on in spite of all the misery going on and I enjoy it by myself. Yes, I would only be able to enjoy it with you, if you had EL with me. Saying these words makes me happy. I am alone with my language.


No one can come in between me and my EL, but in DL, someone, inevitably, always comes in between you and your language. And, as a matter fact, in DL, you don’t even have your own language. You only imagine, you have it, just like you imagine, that you are having fun. In American politics, a lame duck or outgoing politician, is an elected official, whose successor is already been elected or will be soon. Such a politician is seen as having less influence with other politicians, due to their limited time left in office. The same thing applies to humor. Our DL has run out of time, it is outdated, and it has no future. DL produces lame duck humor, but EL is the future, as we can laugh about ourselves.