Monday, June 17, 2024

 Dementia Humor,


Joe Biden isn’t funny and neither is anyone with dementia. However, there is the reason, why democrats are laughing at Joe Biden. He is their leader, making their crazy ideas come true. Joe Biden – you got that? Yes, Joe Biden – has some great advantages, which are very clear – yes, very clear. Thank you, Karine Jean-Pierre, for repeating that – if you consider the humor of it or rather the absence of it. 


With Joe Biden you can laugh at the same lies – which are, of course, jokes – again and again. Actually, the fun keeps getting better. I really love to hear his adoring wife say what a wise man he is. I’ve heard – I don’t know if it is true, but, where there is smoke there is fire – that, according to her, Joe has so much fire in his belly, that when he is horny, smoke is coming out of his ass, he farts while doing the thing. Perhaps this is just gossip, but she stated that she rather dies by committing suicide, than to have dementia, as she would never want to place the burden on her incapable, needy, whiny husband. Then, Joe had a good moment and answered her in his usual irritated manner: honey, this is the fifth time you are telling me. 


I don’t know the source of this news, but it was reported, Joe Biden was at the doctor’s office, together with two other older men, to take a memory test. One of the questions was: how much is three times three? The doctor checked the answers. The first man answered: 274. The second man answered: Tuesday. The third one – which was Joe Biden – answered: nine. Pleasantly surprised, he got a correct response, the doctor said: great Mr. President, but how did you get that answer? Joe Biden answered: I simply subtracted 274 from Tuesday. The doctor asked: is it hard for you to live with dementia? Joe Biden said: well, I believe it is, but quite frankly, I can’t remember, I’m not kidding. 


Joe Biden said, he was trying to tell a joke, but he kept saying: I forgot how it ended. Someone asked him: what was the joke? I guess, I forgot, but I am pretty sure, it either ended with, I’m not joking or I’m not kidding, one of these two. They asked Karine Jean-Pierre, for clarification and she mechanically repeated: the president has been very clear. Then, Jill Biden came to Joe Biden’s defense, by saying how much she loved him, when for sniffing her arm-pit. It was a real family drama, when Jill Biden suddenly started laughing hysterically. Somehow things were too much for her and she ranted for about an hour about Joe Biden’s lies about her son’s Hunter Biden’s lap-top, which was very real. Karine Jean-Pierre couldn’t save the day and said robotically, as she does every day: the president has been very real.


Nothing of all of this malarky - I mean it, it's for real man - has anything to do with Embodied Language (EL) and Disembodied Language (DL) isn’t even funny and anyone who reads this, will have to admit, that saying you are not kidding so often sounds suspicious, to say the least. This is what happens, when Joe Biden goes off script. This is his handler’s worst nightmare. Cranky, old, mediocre men like him need to rest a lot and need a safe environment, but Jill Biden exploits every last stroke, that will eventually break Kamala Harris's back. Meanwhile there is also the thing. No, not the constitution, but the thing, you know, the country we live in. 


Joe Biden wants America and the whole world to believe what a great man he is and that he should always get a pass for his plagiarized opinion, that humor, not only helps us deal with our problems, but, more importantly, it helps maintain our dignity. According to Joe Biden, it is especially someone like him, who doesn’t have any dignity, who needs sick humor to stimulate him. While Joe Biden is correct in saying, that there is no inner language, there is nothing there – there – he hasn't stopped his annoying DL, which is written on his ugly face.


It can’t be easy dealing with this demented fool and the truth isn’t helping, because the wires in his brain have stopped connecting a long time ago. They say, you either use it – your brain – or you lose it, but Joe Biden’s language is so out of touch with his experience, that he believes his constantly gas-lighting wife, who says he is doing great. He never really did great or was great, but this failed mother, who is Jill Biden, saw and smelled Joe Biden’s true evil potential and was determined to take advantage of him. She is the gold-digger and none of the millions they got by influence-peddling help anyone. In case, the reader wonders: where the hell is all of this going? Well, where do you believe this is going? It’s not going anywhere. America is living through the hell of Joe, Jill and Hunter Biden. It is a typical dysfunctional family, but definitely a crime-family. It is certainly not All-In-The-Family about which we could all laugh. Archie Bunker is rolling in his grave. While we are living in the age of meatheads, who have theirs heads up their asses. They can’t laugh, I’m not kidding.


Laughter is not – as the wicked Biden family would want us to believe – the best medicine, but EL is. EL, of course, is not medicine, it is the sound of our voice, which stimulates our brain. There is nothing humorous about dementia. If we just listen to Joe Biden’s voice, everyone can hear the sound of his real anger and frustration, fake-kindness, acted-passion and hardly hidden arrogance and contempt. The American voters are not care-givers, trying to give a good life to the person who is afflicted with the dementia disease. 


Joe Biden may be the worst president to have ever existed, his dumb demeanor inadvertently elicits laughter, which triggers the release of pleasure-inducing chemicals in the brain. And, in doing so, Joe Biden, who began his service as president as the uniter, provides much-needed leadership in stimulating the brains of people, to function at a minimal level, so that he and his administration can bring the country to ruin.


Joe Biden’s humor – I’m not kidding – certainly challenges, as much as possible, the imaginary minds of the people, but not of We the People. Joe Biden is part of a group, which is growing in its influence every day. Currently, there are more than 5 million Americans, who have progressive dementia and it is predicted, as the baby-boomers age, that number will more than triple by mid-century. While, luckily, Joe Biden keeps reminding us, that he is not joking, he is able to make us laugh and create some distance and relief from the stress that is caused by his demanding needs, which, as our hostile Karine Jean-Pierre agrees, are very clear. Nurse Jill Biden, who, is appreciated by some so much, that she is called, doctor Jill – bless her tiny heart – stated: if I didn’t laugh behind Joe Biden’s back, I would be crying every day. I believe her.   


Real research – I’m not kidding – has shown that dementia encompasses various different symptoms of cognitive decline – Karine Jean-Pierre, who deserves credit for this, has been very clear and upfront about this – which are evident in Joe Biden’s speech. Researchers believe dark humor can be a significant symptom and one of the early signs of dementia. Treatments can offer tremendous benefits to people, who have an altered sense of humor due to dementia. There is still hope for Joe Biden. Dark humor, also known as black comedy or morbid humor, is a style of comedy that some people might find distasteful or consider off-limits, as it aims to make light of subject matters people may consider severe or painful to discuss. However, here we see the usual justification for DL and more of the same.


DL is ineffective speech – just so you know, I’m not kidding – which may, one day, be identified as the cause of dementia. Therefore, if there is, as these researchers suggest, a link between dark humor and dementia, there also has to be a link between lucidity, consciousness, positive humor and EL. Of course, I already know this, but Joe Biden and his defenders of democracy, are not willing to talk with me. According to those aforementioned researchers, who all unknowingly, have DL, there is no approach to humor that is objectively acceptable or unacceptable. What is presumably funny depends on many different factors including context, mood, beliefs, identity, relationship with the person who is telling the joke, cultural background or lived experience. Naturally, if someone continuously tells us, they are not joking, there is always something up with that.


A 2016 study called Pathological Joking that assessed two people with a diagnosis of pathological humor indicates that both individuals exhibited an altered sense of humor, making families and friends uncomfortable. The study also determined that both people had sustained damage to the prefrontal cortex, which is the humor-appreciation center of the brain. In one case damage was due to a  stroke, in the other due to dementia. Depending on the severity of dementia, many people who have developed a dark sense of humor may be unaware of it. I heard, maybe it is just gossip, that one night, Joe Biden was sick and tired of being bossed around by his wife Jill Biden and went by himself to a bar. He put on his dark sunglasses, so no one would recognize him. So, here is this man with dementia, who is walking into this bar and then he spots this pretty lady. He said: so, do I come here often? Not kidding.


It is as clear as day – ask Marie Jean-Pierre and she will happily agree with you – that Joe Biden is sides being extremely vital and busy, but has little sense of humor at all, does not really find anything funny, and gives a silly laugh or sneer when totally inappropriate, for instance when his big German shepherd bites one of his security-detail for the fifth-millionth time. Yes, Joe Biden is a classic example of someone, who makes others uncomfortable with his behavior. People give too much attention to Joe Biden’s presumed dementia and should be focusing on his lack of humor, which is a clear sign of his DL.    

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