Thursday, August 1, 2024



What have you got to say? Are you saying it to others or are you saying it to yourself? Saying it to yourself allows you to actually hear yourself and engage in Embodied Language (EL), but saying it to others, is more of the same stupid, unconscious, outdated Disembodied Language (DL).


What do you gain, by talking – again – in the unintelligent way, you always do? If you don’t listen to yourself, while you speak, you miss out on the wonderful effect of your voice, on your brain. Nothing can stimulate your brain better than your own voice. Unless you become aware about this exquisite effect, your brains aren’t working properly. You are underperforming, as long as you don’t hear the sound of your voice.


What was all your DL supposed to mean? You have made it seem, as if it meant something, but it was utterly meaningless. In your DL, you constantly produce the sound of your negative emotions. During DL, you always produce the sound of your stress, anxiety, anger, conflicts, dissatisfaction and confusion and your brain doesn’t like that vibration. Your brain can only function optimally, if you express the sound of positive emotions. You only produce EL, if you express your wellbeing, relaxation, playfulness and liveliness. In DL, you speak with a horrible sound, which signifies, that you are brain-dead.


What can you do, to have EL instead of DL? It is really not difficult. Just listen to yourself while you speak and you will immediately hear the difference between your DL and your EL. In EL, you listen to yourself, while you speak, but in DL, don’t listen to yourself while you speak. If it seems that you cannot hear the difference, just know, that you are engaging in DL, because in EL, you always know, you are engaging in EL.


Although I have spoken and written so often about this, I never get tired of saying or writing it again. My EL is always new. I speak and write about it very differently today. What I say is not the most important, and, yet, it becomes more important, due to how I say it. In my writing, a very different process takes place, than in my speaking. Surely, my writing is always about my speaking. If I didn’t write about my speaking, I would be writing instead of speaking. With DL, most people are writing instead of speaking. It is also a tendency, which is exploited and enhanced by our modern technology, to move away from our speaking and listening and to only remain busy with ‘information’ about what we are saying. Sadly, it is common, in our current times, that our own experience of what we are saying is continuously diminished.   


What you will do, depends on what you will say and what you will say, depends on how you will say it. During EL, you can say things, which you are unable to say in DL. Once you have come to know the great difference between your DL and your EL, the challenge will be, to keep having EL – to go against your conditioning history with DL – and to say what you are only able to say, when you listen to yourself while you speak. It is such an exhilarating adventure to explore your own EL.


What is the problem, you haven’t even looked into, because you didn’t listen to yourself? It is your way of talking, in which what you say takes you away from your own experience. You can’t be in touch with your experience in DL, because you don’t listen to yourself while speak. You can only be in touch with yourself and be authentic, if you go against your conditioning and listen to yourself, while you speak. Yes, according to your conditioning with DL, you are not allowed to be yourself and acquire your own language. This is something completely different, than what we do in DL. During DL, we always demand others listen to us, but we don’t listen to ourselves.


The suspicious, standoffish question, what it is like, to have EL, only arises to those, who refuse to listen to themselves while they speak. If you do the necessary experiment, you will find that the proof is in the pudding. Only if you do the experiment and begin to seriously speak with yourself and listen to yourself, to what you are able to say to yourself, will you be able to get what this writing is about. What you say, makes sense to you, because of how you say it, but if what you say doesn’t make any sense, you can stop saying it in the way, you are used to saying it. Yes, you can say what you say in a different way. You’ve said it so carelessly, but when you listen to yourself, you will be able to say it, with your full attention and a different tone.


What you should listen to, on my two You Tube channels (maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw and Maximus Peperkamp) is the sound of my voice. I produce an entirely different sound, while I speak, than everyone with energy-draining DL. What you say, when you say, that you think this or that, has absolutely nothing at all to do with expressing any language, that was inside of you. In EL, you simply say what you are capable of saying, but in DL, you cannot say what you want to say and are perfectly capable of saying, and, consequently, you believe in unexpressed, inner, private, mental language. What do you mean when you say, I think? The fact is you are merely saying something. There is no thought.


What a joy it is, to talk with someone, who, like me, doesn’t believe in a mind. Your talk, with DL, about the freedom, to be who you are, was superficial. What you don’t understand, is that understanding is only a matter of talking and listening and writing and reading about talking and listening. What else can it be? What were you presumably thinking? You were only fantasizing about internal language.  

 Kamala’s Wrinkled Neck,


The only reason, I wrote so extensively about Joe Biden’s disgusting hairstyle and am now writing about Kamala Harris’s wrinkled neck, is to draw your attention to Embodied Language (EL). 

While all lying Left-wing media tries to get everyone to believe something different from what they can see with their own eyes and hear with their own ears, I hear a horrible-sounding person, who is having problems with aging. Her exposed neck (?) shows crepey, wrinkled, thin skin, which, if she refuses to cover it up, is bound to attract negative attention, that might cost her the chance to win the presidency. Although I am not a fan of Kamala, I feel bad for her, as her ugly, flabby-Turkey neck distracts from her pretty, but frightening white-teeth Hyena-smile.


Now that we know – thanks to the lazy, boring, race bating, Left-wing media – that Karrismatic Hamala was never the Border-Czar, we should all feel really safe about and grateful for the millions of people she and Boe Hiding have allowed to enter the country illegally and look forward to the intensive treatment she is, of course, soon going to have, to improve her in-your-face, nasty-neck condition. I am sure there are ways to reverse her dried-up skin texture and to regain some youthful plasticity.


While Kamalo Horribilitus will be facing a steep and challenging learning curve, I am pretty sure, being the ambitious and professional person she is, she will do whatever it takes, to take care of what needs to be taken care of. I am feeling very confident, that taking care of her own skin care needs is something, she will make her first priority. Healthy decisions matter. It is not what she can do for our country, but what she can do to erase her crumples and crinkles. Moreover, I am sure Blamamba Perish (she is so versatile, like a Chameleon!), will be happy to cackle and screech about her creases, folds and furrows, as this is her strength, her firmness on principles.


Promobla Hairfish is the presidential candidate, who is going to teach us about the wonders of thickening the skin and collagen production, for  most of us have never heard of this, but being the motherly figure she is, she does this on our behalf, to prepare us for the future, which is in the future – and isn’t here yet – because it will happen later. She talks up a quite a shit-storm,  faking confidence, by reading the script, which was written for her and does a much better job, than her fuddy-duddy, former, racist, old boss.


We – the people – have every right, to ask the serious question: what the hell is wrong with Crinchamabla Hubris’s neck? I mean, what the neck is going on? Perhaps, we should call it the trauma-neck, because it clearly shows her pain. However, if I don’t like the look of it, this means others see it too. As soon as she opens her trap, we hear the unadulterated, inevitable sound of Disembodied Language (DL). Yes, she demands to be listened to, but she doesn’t hear herself. I have a suggestion. Since it is so weathered and craggy, perhaps, by massaging and stretching it, the furrows can be flattened or smoothed out?


I have no influence in Washington. In my neck of the woods, people engage in EL. I still don’t believe, this baggy-suited, culturally-confused woman – who manipulatively, desperately acts, as if she is still some little girl and utterly fails at her impersonation of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – is in a neck-and-neck race with Donald Trump for the US-presidency. She may stick out her neck, but the only remedy for her lathery hide is – if her thin skin can handle it –  of course, hydration, through oils, silicones and glycerin.   


I am not an expert on dermatology, but I have a solid understanding about what gets under our skin, because of how we say it. However, I don’t prescribe any solutions to anyone’s problems, as I’m only interested in EL. You cannot have a debate with me, because debates are all DL and I don’t do DL. Nonetheless, I do claim EL is good for the skin, especially, because it isn’t false and skin-deep, like Bramabla’s Neck-Care-Coating. I have no idea what she is using, but it isn’t good.     

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

 Wat een gedoe,


Het is natuurlijk een heel gedoe, om de eigen Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) te erkennen en aldus te stoppen en om vervolgens te kunnen voortgaan met Belichaamde Taal (BT). Werd er maar eens eindelijk drukte of ophef over gemaakt, dat dit niet alleen mogelijk, maar ook noodzakelijk is.


Zonder dat iemand het ooit in de gaten heeft, zijn we eigenlijk allemaal hartstikke doodziek van al het gedoe, dat samenhangt met onze dagelijkse wijze van spreken, die, ongemerkt, is gebaseerd op het feit, dat wij niet naar onszelf luisteren, terwijl wij spreken. Iedere keer, als wij ons bezig hielden met OT, ging het altijd om de OT van anderen, maar nooit om onszelf.


De aloude oude balk in ons eigen oog is nog steeds een taboe gedoe, want het gaat om stopverf in de oren. Het gedrag waar wij het over hebben, heeft niets te maken met het hebben van een of ander zogenaamd inzicht. Het gaat niet alleen om het uitspreken van wat alleen wij aan onszelf zouden kunnen zeggen of om het onbewuste aanhoren van onszelf, want tijdens BT horen wij onszelf daadwerkelijk uit.


In plaats van doen wat er door anderen gezegd werd – wat dus de basis regel van OT is – doen wij, in BT, alleen nog maar wat wij aan onszelf hebben gezegd. Bovendien zijn de gevolgen van dit doeltreffende, zekere, eigenwijze handelen altijd onmiddelijk positief, terwijl wij toegeven, dat alle nadelige gevolgen van OT, vanwege BT, achter wege zijn gebleven. BT is echt een heel gedoe, want wij willen alleen nog gedrag wat bij onze eigen taal past. Al het zelf-ondermijnende gedrag dat met OT samen ging komt ten einde.


Als je eenmaal hebt toegestaan, om wat BT met jezelf te hebben, daad bij woord voegt en dus je gedrag daaraan hebt aangepast, dan blijkt, dat alle problemen, die nu zijn verdwenen, een betekenis hebben, die je nog niet eerder kon beseffen. Je was altijd al – verkeerd – bezig, om je gedrag te veranderen of te verbeteren, maar je had het paard – je eigen taal – vanwege je OT, nog achter de wagen gespannen. Met BT komt alles op z’n plaats te zitten en gaan de dingen geheel vanzelf. Er komt een permanent einde aan al het gedoe, waar je je je hele leven lang tevergeefs druk om hebt gemaakt.   


In OT gaat het altijd om storm in een kop thee. Iedereen doet heel naarstig alsof het allemaal van het allergrootste belang is, maar als je BT hebt, dan besef je, dat het veel gedoe om niets is. OT lijkt interessant, ingewikkeld, onmisbaar, vooruitstrevend en veeleisend, maar het gaat helemaal nergens over en het slaat nergens op. Elke keer wordt je erdoor geintimideerd en in beslag genomen. En, zo is het altijd geweest.  


Je kunt je eigen woorden beter begrijpen, dan de woorden van anderen. Van alles wat je hebt gedaan, is het geven van aandacht aan wat de aandacht vraagt – met jou taal, met je BT – een enerverend, onthullend, verhelderend, gedoe, waar je je nog nooit eerder mee bezig hebt kunnen houden. Je hebt inderdaad een heel gedoe voor jezelf veroorzaakt, met je OT, maar nu weet je ineens, dat je dat niet meer wil en daardoor niet meer zal doen. Je hoort in je BT je eigen vrijheid en dat is je Taal Verlichting (TV).   


Het doet er in BT niet meer toe wat je allemaal hebt meegemaakt, omdat het gaat om wat je nu doet. Omdat je bent opgehouden met OT en  het gedrag dat daarmee samenhing, gaat het in de voortgang van je BT ook nog heel lang om wat je niet meer doet. Op zeker moment, vergeet je wat je hebt gedaan en op niets uit is gedraaid. Dit ruime niets, die volle stilte, die uitnodigende kalmte, dat vertrouwen in jou waarheid, die tevredenheid, is een nieuwe vorm van leven, die je in staat stelt, om het drukke, afgrijzelijke, domme, uitputtende gedoe van OT voorgoed geheel links te laten liggen. Met jou BT herken je en geniet je van jou TV en laat je anderen meegenieten. Iedere bezigheid, iedere actie, iedere handeling, iedere daad doet er toe.           

Tuesday, July 30, 2024



What you experience, what you, supposedly, go through, right now, is the inevitable result of what you have done, and, perhaps, even more importantly, what you haven’t done, what you refused to do, what you knew, you should have done, but what you didn’t do, because you still didn't allow yourself to do it. Stated differently, your present is made possible or impossible by your past. In Disembodied Language (DL), you don’t pay sufficient attention, to what is in your attention, consequently, you don’t describe your experiences correctly with your language.


You may not like, that I say this, that I rub it in, but the reason that you read this, is, of course, because you have a hangover about your own behavior. You read this, because you don’t have a clue about what you are doing, where you are going or why you are being here. Presumably, you are searching, trying to find out what you want, trying to understand what is  going on.


With DL, you are, unknowingly, forever living in the great afterwards. The only way you are ever going to get out of your backward way of life, is if you stop your DL and begin to have Embodied Language (EL). Your EL is not some ideal, but a reality. You can’t have any EL as long as your DL is still happening. Your future with DL is bleak, because all your problems will increase and get worse, but accepting, understanding and saying this right now, is your first step into a new way of life.


Only when you read my words out loud, so that you can hear your own voice, do you use them correctly and soon afterwards, you’ll notice a change in the sound of your voice. When this happens, many new things will be going on. You should stop reading this text and start talking out loud with yourself, so you can finally tell yourself – in your own words, with your new sound – why you weren’t doing this before.


How many times it happened, you experienced the same dreadful feelings, the same horrible people or the same stupid problems? Each time you, supposedly, thought afterwards, that you would get better, you would somehow improve, but nothing like that ever happened, because you weren’t thinking, you were only imagining that you were thinking. If you would have said, what you were, presumably, thinking and if you were listening to what you were actually saying, you would have felt very differently afterwards.


What happened, after you woke up again from your nightmare? Was it really over or did you not even wake up afterwards, because you kept believing and imagining, that you were thinking about it? Your so-called sleep is the dissociative veil, you throw on your reality with your DL. If you acknowledge this, you don’t look – there is nothing to see, there is nothing to believe and seeing is believing, was a visual trap, to attract your attention – but you will listen behind the curtain, where you hear, what you like to hear.  


You are stuck, because you have only known DL and you are always trying to catch up. Unless you stop DL, you are imprisoned in the eternal, regretful, insanity wards, called the afterwards. The point of this writing is to give you a taste of DL, not afterward, but while it is happening. DL has a bitter taste, it sounds horrible, it stinks, it looks awful and makes you feel depleted. Each of your senses is protesting, yet you continue, because your DL carries you away, to a happy future, that, supposedly, will come afterwards.


DL is a disgustingly treacherous poison. At first, it gives you a sense of belonging, to the group, but soon afterwards, you find – as an individual – that you have been fooled. The rules of the group are ultimately suffocating and, no matter how much you claim to be free and are able to impress others, you are forever dissatisfied and frustrated, as your successful, ideal future, your so-called heaven, is never realized. It is painful, to acknowledge, your DL was in vain, but it was. If you have read this text, out loud - to hear your own voice - you will feel immediate relief when you are done. Welcome to EL. There is no more afterwards, as all the consequences are good.                        

Monday, July 29, 2024

 As long as I live,


I will continue to have Embodied Language (EL) as long as I live. Nothing is going to stop me from speaking and writing, with my EL, about your unintelligent, pretentious, unconscious, nasty Disembodied Language (DL). If you wish to be in contact with me, to experience EL, I am not going waste one moment on your DL. Yes, I will reject you, if you come with your DL to me, because you should know, that is unacceptable.


You need to deal with your own shit. Yes, you must stop your DL, because nobody is going to do it for you. If you come to me, to have EL with me, you must make sure, that you are able to hold back on your DL. I know, it will be difficult and confrontational, but this is the challenge you must face, if you want to have EL with me.


Don’t make it seem, as if I need to learn about the difference between DL and EL, because I already know, but you don’t. You are not being open to me, to sacrifice anything, but to gain access to your own ongoing EL, which reveals your Language Enlightenment (LE). You don’t come to talk with me, to do me a favor, but to do yourself a favor. I don’t tolerate any of your beliefs and you will have to let me speak, to dismantle them, without any resistance. If you resist me, I will disconnect. It has always been this way, but even more so today, because I realize, I have no time to lose. This doesn’t mean, I am in a hurry, but you better hurry, to get your act together.


I expect anyone who wants to talk with me, to have read my blog and to have listened to my videos. I don't need your admiration. Furthermore, when I say, there is no inner language, this means, you cannot talk with me about, whatever you consider to be your thoughts or your so-called mind. You will have to adopt my language and refer to DL and EL as two mutually exclusive categories and agree that language is an overt phenomenon.


Many topics have historically prevented us from paying attention to the difference between our DL and our EL. All these topics are off-limits. If I say, we shouldn’t even be talking about them, I demand, you instantly drop it. I don’t accept your religion, your spirituality, the books you have read, the videos you have watched, your psychic powers, your talking with the mountains or the rivers, the so-called knowledge you have gathered, I don’t trust your insights or your explanations about yourself, because it is all based on your DL. You either have faith in me or you can just fuck off and remain miserable.


As long as I live, I never want to hear anyone’s excuses or apologies anymore. You either have EL with me or you don’t. Also, I don’t take any of your time or your energy. So, make sure you have had EL alone, by yourself, by talking out loud and by listening to yourself. Make it your goal to continue with that, with me. I have no interest in anyone’s trauma. Keep it to yourself. You need to do this, anyway, to be able to have EL. Before you can have ongoing EL, you must be able to recognize and suppress your own DL.


In closing, here are some quotes, which have the saying “as long as I live” in them. I know we all get carried away by what others have said, because in DL, we don’t listen to ourselves, but to others or we try to get them to listen to us. I don’t make you listen to me. If you listen to me, it will be, because you hear, I am talking about you. We will, in EL, never talk about me, only about you and you will dissolve during our EL.


John Muir, the famous naturalist, author, environmental philosopher, botanist, zoologist, glaciologist, early advocate for the preservation of wilderness in the United States, also known as “Father of the National parks” stated “As long as I live, I’ll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I’ll interpret the rocks, learn the language of flood, storm and the avalanche. I’ll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens and get as near the heart of the world as I can.” Although I greatly appreciate Muir’s legacy, it is clear from this quote, he is into the fantasy-language, which has forever prevented us from getting to the difference between DL and EL. Thus, I consider such a statement DL.


We are – due to our tragic, long and ugly history with DL – all too painfully familiar with the kind of traumatic things, we would never admit to any living human being, as long as we live. In EL, however, we say these things to ourselves, and, therefore, we neither burden others with our ordeal nor do we carry shameful secrets, which we seek to protect. EL is an entirely novel way of dealing with our problems, which disappear because we have accurately described them.  


Once you know the difference between your DL and your EL, you’ll never forget it as long as you live. You have created and maintained many lies with your DL, which have made your life into a hell. It will come as an enormous surprise to you, it is actually your hidden politics, which made you adhere to group-behavior, which never allowed you to be yourself and to explore your ongoing EL, which is the language of individual freedom.  

Saturday, July 27, 2024

 All the way,


I went all the way with my Embodied Language (EL) and have discovered, there really exists no other person, because he or she, can only be, how or what I perceive them to be. As long as I still had only an image of my wife, I was only relating to that image, but not to who she truly is. Obviously, she is not the image, I created of her with my way of viewing her, which depends on how I deal with language. Due to my EL, I have let go of that image and am amazed, to live with the loving mystery, I call my wife.


After 66 years of living, it is still astonishing to me, no one has plainly said: Maximus, you are right, there is no language inside of me. And, of course, Disembodied Language (DL) is going on everywhere, while EL is, basically, nowhere to be found, as only DL is reinforced, not EL. The way of talking, in which we listen to ourselves while we speak – because we like to hear what we say to ourselves - is only very briefly, very reluctantly and very awkwardly reinforced. I now fully understand, why I get such a kick out of humor, because, like EL, it is also treated in the same lousy way. Even those, who are funny, according to those who have DL, aren’t funny at all according to my EL. Real humor is for the most part not reinforced but punished. My fun is in seeing and hearing everyone fuss and fight and pretending they are right, while they get it wrong, with DL.


For most people, the bigger perspective, which is really a matter of bigger listening – of ongoing EL, in which we keep talking with ourselves and listening to ourselves – is sorely lacking. Our DL creates incorrect expectations, which are never fulfilled, while, by contrast, the consequences of our ongoing EL are always positive. With DL, we have no idea, what we believe others are doing to us, is what we are doing ourselves. My way of viewing others from my own perspective is the only way, anyone can view themselves. Yet, everyone, in DL, views others as different from themselves. This imaginary, unaddressed, false construct, is our belief in ourselves, which, as previously stated, is assumed to occur inside the head, as a non-audible private conversation with ourselves, we call: our mind.  


There is no other person, who, while I engage in EL, engages in DL, as it is only me, who is making this distinction. If there was another person, who like me, would engage in EL, he or she, would disappear and experience Language Enlightenment (LE), but, not with me, because I am not here. Ridiculously, many people talk a lot these days about mindfulness, but this just shows, they haven’t experienced the workings of ongoing EL, in which we notice, there is and there never was any language inside of us. This freedom of language is either made possible or made impossible by how we speak. Surely, EL only occurs if our DL has been stopped and DL cannot be stopped by writing, so we definitely need to talk.


There is no other way, to acquire our ongoing EL, than by talking out loud with ourselves and by talking with others, who have done the same thing as we have. In this sense, EL is like French or Chinese. It makes no sense to speak French with a Chinese. In the same way, it also makes no sense to try to have EL with DL. 


For centuries, presumably, sensitive, spiritual, artistic, creative, insightful people, also all the so-called great thinkers or great minds, have written books about things, which, presumably, they couldn’t talk about. Of course, they could talk about it with themselves, but that is not what they have done. Supposedly, they said, in their writing, what they had wanted to say, but this has never resulted in EL and created the illusion of EL. Consequently, most DL is merely the pretention, that it is EL. We are so good at acting as if we are having EL, because this is how we have survived, while we were talking with others. Written language is considered to be more important than our spoken language, because, supposedly, it is the real deal, EL, but, it has distracted us from our spoken language.     


We haven’t been, long enough, in a safe, stable, comfortable, stimulating environment, in which our old fear-based, acting-conditioning wasn’t triggered again. By making it seem, as if we are okay, as if we are fine, we are not able to bring attention to the fact – we make sure, we don’t do that – that we are not saying this, to those, who insult, humiliate, reject, hurt, oppress and disrespect us. Of course, we are not fine, when we say, we are fine. When we are fine, we don’t say we are fine. We only say this this to virtue-signal, to imagine, that we ward off the evil, as we dissociate with our DL.


Listening to our DL has no appeal to anyone, so we don’t consider this, as the only way to stop it. We do anything in our ability, to move away from our DL, as much as we can. We never tell ourselves what our DL is, because before we get into it, we have already changed the subject. Thus, our ability to pay attention, to what asks our attention, is like asking and answering our own questions. EL has its positive experience, but it also has its content. However, as long as we haven’t had sufficient saturation of our need for such positive experience – from which we were deprived in DL – we are likely to neglect, ignore or downplay, the verbal importance of our EL, which translates our experiences, which were, before, described and interpreted by DL.


Going all the way in asking and answering our own questions, with our EL, prevents us from ending up in the DL-fantasy-land of our own imagination. At some point, we have truly said everything we were capable of saying. Then, we will experience a magnificent silence. The more often we accomplish this, the more apparent it becomes, that we have nothing to say anymore.


Historically, many, presumably, great authors have been given praise for their writings, as they were seen as visionaries, ahead of their time and more advanced, but, in reality, these celebrated wordsmiths, philosophers, poets, were cowardly escaping from the DL reality of our spoken communication. Their great utopia was always a fabrication of their DL, which went on as if it was EL. Martin Luther King famously said that he had a dream and Osho’s last words were, I leave you my dream. EL is not a dream.


Ongoing EL debunks all our childish fantasies. Going all the way with EL, means we reason from an entirely new perspective. I live in the reality, which is created by my EL and that is why I say – how could I not? – politics is the only way, in which the immense difference is going to become clear to us. For eons of time, people have dreamed about, intensely longed for and tried to live in freedom, but they have never quite succeeded, as the issue our DL was never addressed with EL. There is a very clear and simple reason for this: group-behavior or DL, always won from individual behavior, which is our EL. This is what the 2024 election is about. The Left, who has always been trying to change the narrative, is now going in narrative-change- overdrive, to get Kamala Harris elected, but Donald Trump luckily still has some sense of reality. As long as we, regardless of our political beliefs, still believe, that we have a mind, we are, unconsciously, always acting out our unintelligent group-behavior, our conditioning history with DL. Individual freedom has nothing to do with any group-behavior. Standing alone could only be proudly accomplished and fully enjoyed with our ongoing EL.    

Friday, July 26, 2024



Ook al wil niemand dit geloven, Belichaamde Taal (BT) is natuurlijk veel belangrijker dan onze gebruikelijke Ontlichaamde Taal (OT). Iedereen doet met OT net alsof precies het omgekeerde waar is. Het is belangrijker, om wel naar onszelf te luisteren, terwijl wij praten, dan om niet naar onszelf te luisteren, terwijl wij praten.


Aangezien ik wel naar mijzelf luister, terwijl ik spreek, ben ik mij ervan bewust, dat iedereen die niet naar zichzelf luistert, voortdurend aan het beweren is, dat het schijnbaar belangrijk zou zijn, om niet naar onszelf te luisteren terwijl wij spreken. Uiteraard zegt men dit niet op deze directe manier, maar men overspoelt elkaar met van alles en nog wat, waar wij naar zouden moeten luisteren, omdat wordt verondersteld, dat het belangrijk zou zijn. Dit alles weerhoudt iedereen, om met zichzelf te spreken en om naar zichzelf te luisteren tijdens het spreken.  


Gedurende OT wordt alles in werking gesteld, om ervoor te zorgen, dat wij nooit met onszelf gaan praten, want, dat zou onherroepelijk tot gevolg kunnen hebben, dat wij dan naar onszelf gaan luisteren en, vervolgens, luisterend, in plaats van niet-luisterend, gaan spreken.  


Voortgaande BT is onmiskenbaar de taal van het individu, waardoor wij het groeps-gedrag, wat OT is, voorgoed achter ons gaan laten. Het niet willen onderzoeken en erkennen van de verstrekkende gevolgen van BT, is een kwestie van het afsterven van het oude en van vrees – vanuit het oude – voor wat het niewe, BT, zou gaan brengen. OT is heel simpel gezeg incorrect taalgebruik, maar BT is correct taalgebruik.


Men zegt in OT, al is de leugen nog zo snel, de waarheid achterhaald hem wel, maar met BT wordt het ons eindelijk duidelijk, dat ook al is de waarheid van BT nog zo snel, de leugen – van onze lange conditionerings geschiedenis met OT – komt keer op keer, opnieuw om de hoek kijken, omdat er geen ontkomen is, aan het feit, dat wij eindeloos zijn geintimideerd, geindoctrineerd en geprogrammeerd met OT. Het is onrealistisch, om te beweren of om te verwachten, dat het zomaar, vanwege een paar aangename ervaringen met BT, gedaan zou zijn met onze tragische, traumatische geschiedenis.  


Er is in geen velden of wegen BT te bekennen. Wat zich voordoet als BT, is geen BT, en kan absoluut geen BT zijn, omdat men zich nog steeds met bijgelovige, esoterische, nonsense verhalen bezighoudt, die allemaal verband houden met ons oer-oude bijgeloof van ons zogenaamde denken, het hebben van een innerlijk, gedrag-veroorzakend-en-regulerend zelf, met andere woorden, met innerlijke taal.


Zolang als wij blijven beweren en geloven, dat wij, in gedachten, met onszelf zouden kunnen praten, is het onmogelijk voort te gaan met BT, want er is geen taal binnenin ons. Het hebben van deze irrationele, maar door practisch iedere cultuur geaccepteerde fantasie maakt, dat wij, ondanks wetenschappelijke en technologische ontwikkelingen, nog steeds volslagen onbekend zijn met het enorme verschil tussen OT en BT.


Ook al heeft men tijdelijk het verschil tussen OT en BT kunnen ervaren, het is onvermijdelijk, dat men weer terugvalt in OT, omdat BT schijnbaar nog niet belangrijk genoeg was, om ermee door te gaan. Wat wij doorgaans, met OT, belangrijk vinden, is natuurlijk wat iedereen belangrijk vindt. Aangezien iedereen – ja, zo komt het ons voor, want het is niet eens zo – OT belangrijk vindt, houden wij het niet vol, om als eenling met onze BT verder te gaan.


Vele mensen, die het gigantische verschil tussen OT en BT even hebben durven ervaren, waren tot waanzin gedreven, omdat er niemand was – ook geen psycholoog, psychiater of therapeut – die hen kon bekrachtigen in hun BT. De enige wijze waarop zij BT konden hebben, was hun vermogen, om zichzelf te kunnen stimuleren. Deze zelf-stimulatie – in de gedragsleer noemt men dat automatische bekrachtiging – maakte dat zij OT als BT beschouwden, die hun sociale isolatie verhevigde. Vanwege mijn vele jaren van studie en werkzaamheden in de psychiatrie en psychology, weet ik heel zeker, dat het voor BT net zo noodzakelijk is, om door anderen sociaal te worden bekrachtigd, net als elke andere taal.  


Het is ontegenzeggelijk waar, dat OT, die overal plaatsvindt, een grote rol speelt in het ontstaan en het accepteren van de waanzin, dat men een of andere zogenaamde geestes-aandoening zou hebben of dat wij, zoals de Duitsers dat zo mooi en nadrukkelijk kunnen zeggen, krank im kopf zouden zijn. Ons individuele gedrag, dat samen zou moeten gaan met onze individuele taal, BT, wordt echter vanuit het oude, dwangmatige, groeps-gedrag, waaraan iedereen gewend is – en waarmee wij ook zelf zijn geconditioneerd – als abnormaal en dus als een ziekte ervaren.


Niemand met OT wil met mij spreken. Zelfs zij, die, omdat zij mij hebben ontmoet, het verschil zijn gaan kennen tussen OT en BT, willen niet meer met mij spreken en BT met mij hebben, want ze blijven mij of anderen de schuld geven van hun eigen OT. Elke keer gebeurde het weer, dat ik van anderen - direct of indirect - te horen kreeg, dat ik het bij het verkeerde eind zou hebben en duizenden keren ben ik hierdoor afgewezen. Het is zo vaak gebeurd, dat ik super-gevoelig ben geworden voor afwijzing. Ik kon alleen met mijn BT verder gaan, omdat ik keer op keer bleef erkennen, dat OT en BT nooit samen gaan. Ik weet exact of ik of anderen OT of BT hebben. Aangezien ik niet de OT van anderen kan stoppen, omdat zij dat zelf dienen te doen, heb mij steeds minder naar anderen uitgesproken, over wat ik waarnam. Ik voelde en hoorde de tekenen aan de wand, dat men mij weer zou verlaten, afwijzen, vergeten,  veroordelen, vermijden of doodzwijgen.


En zo voltrok zich dus het fantastische, ontroerende process, waarin mijn BT – ondanks alle ogenschijnlijke tegenslag – verder begon te gaan en waardoor mijn Taal Verlichting (TV) gestalte begon te krijgen, omdat ik iedereen met OT achter mij ben gaan laten. Ik was daar vroeger zo bedroefd over, maar ik voel mij nu niet meer verdrietig of afgewezen. Mijn BT en TV is belangrijker, dan de OT die overal gaande is. Ik heb mij geschikt in mijn merkwaardige lot, dat ik nu iedere dag van mijn BT en TV kan genieten. Ik begrijp waarom anderen hier niet mee verder willen, want het is een enorme confrontatie, om helemaal alleen te kunnen zijn, met onze eigen BT. Toch is mijn voortgaande BT alle ongemak waard geweest, dat ik heb doorgemaakt, omdat ik mijn rug heb toegekeerd naar de OT, waar iedereen zich onbewust mee bezig blijft houden.


Men vindt, als men zich daarop richt, precies  voldoende aansluiting bij anderen, die – ook al is het maar tijdelijk – BT kunnen hebben. Die bekrachtiging van de ander, overtuigd ons van het onomstotelijke feit, dat BT belangrijker is dan OT – of wat dan ook – in het leven. Het is een hele uitdaging, om, ondanks het feit dat iedereen OT heeft, toch met BT verder te gaan, maar zonder dat, zou er geen motivatie zijn.