Saturday, July 27, 2024

 All the way,


I went all the way with my Embodied Language (EL) and have discovered, there really exists no other person, because he or she, can only be, how or what I perceive them to be. As long as I still had only an image of my wife, I was only relating to that image, but not to who she truly is. Obviously, she is not the image, I created of her with my way of viewing her, which depends on how I deal with language. Due to my EL, I have let go of that image and am amazed, to live with the loving mystery, I call my wife.


After 66 years of living, it is still astonishing to me, no one has plainly said: Maximus, you are right, there is no language inside of me. And, of course, Disembodied Language (DL) is going on everywhere, while EL is, basically, nowhere to be found, as only DL is reinforced, not EL. The way of talking, in which we listen to ourselves while we speak – because we like to hear what we say to ourselves - is only very briefly, very reluctantly and very awkwardly reinforced. I now fully understand, why I get such a kick out of humor, because, like EL, it is also treated in the same lousy way. Even those, who are funny, according to those who have DL, aren’t funny at all according to my EL. Real humor is for the most part not reinforced but punished. My fun is in seeing and hearing everyone fuss and fight and pretending they are right, while they get it wrong, with DL.


For most people, the bigger perspective, which is really a matter of bigger listening – of ongoing EL, in which we keep talking with ourselves and listening to ourselves – is sorely lacking. Our DL creates incorrect expectations, which are never fulfilled, while, by contrast, the consequences of our ongoing EL are always positive. With DL, we have no idea, what we believe others are doing to us, is what we are doing ourselves. My way of viewing others from my own perspective is the only way, anyone can view themselves. Yet, everyone, in DL, views others as different from themselves. This imaginary, unaddressed, false construct, is our belief in ourselves, which, as previously stated, is assumed to occur inside the head, as a non-audible private conversation with ourselves, we call: our mind.  


There is no other person, who, while I engage in EL, engages in DL, as it is only me, who is making this distinction. If there was another person, who like me, would engage in EL, he or she, would disappear and experience Language Enlightenment (LE), but, not with me, because I am not here. Ridiculously, many people talk a lot these days about mindfulness, but this just shows, they haven’t experienced the workings of ongoing EL, in which we notice, there is and there never was any language inside of us. This freedom of language is either made possible or made impossible by how we speak. Surely, EL only occurs if our DL has been stopped and DL cannot be stopped by writing, so we definitely need to talk.


There is no other way, to acquire our ongoing EL, than by talking out loud with ourselves and by talking with others, who have done the same thing as we have. In this sense, EL is like French or Chinese. It makes no sense to speak French with a Chinese. In the same way, it also makes no sense to try to have EL with DL. 


For centuries, presumably, sensitive, spiritual, artistic, creative, insightful people, also all the so-called great thinkers or great minds, have written books about things, which, presumably, they couldn’t talk about. Of course, they could talk about it with themselves, but that is not what they have done. Supposedly, they said, in their writing, what they had wanted to say, but this has never resulted in EL and created the illusion of EL. Consequently, most DL is merely the pretention, that it is EL. We are so good at acting as if we are having EL, because this is how we have survived, while we were talking with others. Written language is considered to be more important than our spoken language, because, supposedly, it is the real deal, EL, but, it has distracted us from our spoken language.     


We haven’t been, long enough, in a safe, stable, comfortable, stimulating environment, in which our old fear-based, acting-conditioning wasn’t triggered again. By making it seem, as if we are okay, as if we are fine, we are not able to bring attention to the fact – we make sure, we don’t do that – that we are not saying this, to those, who insult, humiliate, reject, hurt, oppress and disrespect us. Of course, we are not fine, when we say, we are fine. When we are fine, we don’t say we are fine. We only say this this to virtue-signal, to imagine, that we ward off the evil, as we dissociate with our DL.


Listening to our DL has no appeal to anyone, so we don’t consider this, as the only way to stop it. We do anything in our ability, to move away from our DL, as much as we can. We never tell ourselves what our DL is, because before we get into it, we have already changed the subject. Thus, our ability to pay attention, to what asks our attention, is like asking and answering our own questions. EL has its positive experience, but it also has its content. However, as long as we haven’t had sufficient saturation of our need for such positive experience – from which we were deprived in DL – we are likely to neglect, ignore or downplay, the verbal importance of our EL, which translates our experiences, which were, before, described and interpreted by DL.


Going all the way in asking and answering our own questions, with our EL, prevents us from ending up in the DL-fantasy-land of our own imagination. At some point, we have truly said everything we were capable of saying. Then, we will experience a magnificent silence. The more often we accomplish this, the more apparent it becomes, that we have nothing to say anymore.


Historically, many, presumably, great authors have been given praise for their writings, as they were seen as visionaries, ahead of their time and more advanced, but, in reality, these celebrated wordsmiths, philosophers, poets, were cowardly escaping from the DL reality of our spoken communication. Their great utopia was always a fabrication of their DL, which went on as if it was EL. Martin Luther King famously said that he had a dream and Osho’s last words were, I leave you my dream. EL is not a dream.


Ongoing EL debunks all our childish fantasies. Going all the way with EL, means we reason from an entirely new perspective. I live in the reality, which is created by my EL and that is why I say – how could I not? – politics is the only way, in which the immense difference is going to become clear to us. For eons of time, people have dreamed about, intensely longed for and tried to live in freedom, but they have never quite succeeded, as the issue our DL was never addressed with EL. There is a very clear and simple reason for this: group-behavior or DL, always won from individual behavior, which is our EL. This is what the 2024 election is about. The Left, who has always been trying to change the narrative, is now going in narrative-change- overdrive, to get Kamala Harris elected, but Donald Trump luckily still has some sense of reality. As long as we, regardless of our political beliefs, still believe, that we have a mind, we are, unconsciously, always acting out our unintelligent group-behavior, our conditioning history with DL. Individual freedom has nothing to do with any group-behavior. Standing alone could only be proudly accomplished and fully enjoyed with our ongoing EL.    

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