Monday, July 29, 2024

 As long as I live,


I will continue to have Embodied Language (EL) as long as I live. Nothing is going to stop me from speaking and writing, with my EL, about your unintelligent, pretentious, unconscious, nasty Disembodied Language (DL). If you wish to be in contact with me, to experience EL, I am not going waste one moment on your DL. Yes, I will reject you, if you come with your DL to me, because you should know, that is unacceptable.


You need to deal with your own shit. Yes, you must stop your DL, because nobody is going to do it for you. If you come to me, to have EL with me, you must make sure, that you are able to hold back on your DL. I know, it will be difficult and confrontational, but this is the challenge you must face, if you want to have EL with me.


Don’t make it seem, as if I need to learn about the difference between DL and EL, because I already know, but you don’t. You are not being open to me, to sacrifice anything, but to gain access to your own ongoing EL, which reveals your Language Enlightenment (LE). You don’t come to talk with me, to do me a favor, but to do yourself a favor. I don’t tolerate any of your beliefs and you will have to let me speak, to dismantle them, without any resistance. If you resist me, I will disconnect. It has always been this way, but even more so today, because I realize, I have no time to lose. This doesn’t mean, I am in a hurry, but you better hurry, to get your act together.


I expect anyone who wants to talk with me, to have read my blog and to have listened to my videos. I don't need your admiration. Furthermore, when I say, there is no inner language, this means, you cannot talk with me about, whatever you consider to be your thoughts or your so-called mind. You will have to adopt my language and refer to DL and EL as two mutually exclusive categories and agree that language is an overt phenomenon.


Many topics have historically prevented us from paying attention to the difference between our DL and our EL. All these topics are off-limits. If I say, we shouldn’t even be talking about them, I demand, you instantly drop it. I don’t accept your religion, your spirituality, the books you have read, the videos you have watched, your psychic powers, your talking with the mountains or the rivers, the so-called knowledge you have gathered, I don’t trust your insights or your explanations about yourself, because it is all based on your DL. You either have faith in me or you can just fuck off and remain miserable.


As long as I live, I never want to hear anyone’s excuses or apologies anymore. You either have EL with me or you don’t. Also, I don’t take any of your time or your energy. So, make sure you have had EL alone, by yourself, by talking out loud and by listening to yourself. Make it your goal to continue with that, with me. I have no interest in anyone’s trauma. Keep it to yourself. You need to do this, anyway, to be able to have EL. Before you can have ongoing EL, you must be able to recognize and suppress your own DL.


In closing, here are some quotes, which have the saying “as long as I live” in them. I know we all get carried away by what others have said, because in DL, we don’t listen to ourselves, but to others or we try to get them to listen to us. I don’t make you listen to me. If you listen to me, it will be, because you hear, I am talking about you. We will, in EL, never talk about me, only about you and you will dissolve during our EL.


John Muir, the famous naturalist, author, environmental philosopher, botanist, zoologist, glaciologist, early advocate for the preservation of wilderness in the United States, also known as “Father of the National parks” stated “As long as I live, I’ll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I’ll interpret the rocks, learn the language of flood, storm and the avalanche. I’ll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens and get as near the heart of the world as I can.” Although I greatly appreciate Muir’s legacy, it is clear from this quote, he is into the fantasy-language, which has forever prevented us from getting to the difference between DL and EL. Thus, I consider such a statement DL.


We are – due to our tragic, long and ugly history with DL – all too painfully familiar with the kind of traumatic things, we would never admit to any living human being, as long as we live. In EL, however, we say these things to ourselves, and, therefore, we neither burden others with our ordeal nor do we carry shameful secrets, which we seek to protect. EL is an entirely novel way of dealing with our problems, which disappear because we have accurately described them.  


Once you know the difference between your DL and your EL, you’ll never forget it as long as you live. You have created and maintained many lies with your DL, which have made your life into a hell. It will come as an enormous surprise to you, it is actually your hidden politics, which made you adhere to group-behavior, which never allowed you to be yourself and to explore your ongoing EL, which is the language of individual freedom.  

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