Wednesday, June 14, 2017

September 26, 2016

September 26, 2016 

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Engineer

Dear Reader,

After exploring the SVB/NVB distinction you agree with me that SVB sets you free, but that NVB imprisons you and forces you to be what you are not and don’t want to be. I introduce you to this distinction with these words and I stimulate you to verify if what I say is true. 

In SVB we learn without any struggle or effort and we realize that struggle and effort is always part of NVB. Stated differently, being scientific about our spoken communication requires us to be peaceful and at ease. Stress, anxiety, anger, fear and frustration prevent us from being scientific about our communication and perpetuate the pre-scientific notion that inside of us there is a behavior-controlling self.

If science is the way to free ourselves from problems and negative emotions then we want that science. Mankind’s general lack of interest in and disdain for science is because it hasn’t really helped us with our emotional turmoil. SVB delivers us from all our troubles and it allows us to make sense out of the many difficulties that we have experienced. 

As we find our real voice, we notice we are happy. We feel happy, but don’t try to be happy; we are relaxed, but we don’t try to relax; we feel peaceful, but we don’t try to be peaceful. We were always trying in vain to be this and that as we remained involved in and conditioned by NVB. 

SVB never confronts NVB as the two are incompatible. SVB and NVB only make sense to the extent that we are able to acknowledge both; NVB is part of our phylogenetic conditioning,  that is, we are born with it, but SVB is determined ontogenetically and culturally. In other words, SVB is a learned behavior. Different cultures and different countries have different rates of SVB and NVB. Due to the existing environmental circumstances SVB was able to begin in the Netherlands.

September 25, 2016

September 25, 2016

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Engineer

Dear Reader,

As most of us are more familiar with Noxious Verbal Behavior (NVB) than with Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB), we think we can say whatever we want to as our freedom of speech is guaranteed by the constitution. However, speech, as any other behavior, is lawful and determined. 

There is a difference between man-made laws and scientific laws. The speaker who engages in SVB produces a pleasant sound to the listener, but the speaker who engages in NVB produces an aversive sound which, in one way or another, will make the listener want to move away. 

These processes occur regardless of whether we take note of them or not. If we can control the conditions in which the speaker produces SVB, we can predict what will happen in the future. How we talk and what we say is the result of specifiable conditions; aversive conditions set the stage for NVB and appetitive conditions set the stage for SVB. 

Those who know and those who don’t know are both affected by these conditions. Our exploration of the SVB/NVB distinction helps us come to terms with the fact that there is no inner self which determines our behavior. Fear of losing our identity as a free agent dissolves in SVB.

In SVB we recognize that we are influencing each other and that we are influenced by each other. Indeed, we are each other’s environment. Once we know the difference between SVB and NVB, we know how often we are coerced by each other to behave in any particular way. In SVB there is no forcefulness; in SVB we mutually reinforce each other.

September 24, 2016

September 24, 2016 

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Engineer

Dear Reader,

As long as we continue with our Noxious Verbal Behavior (NVB), we will not be able to use any of our scientific findings wisely. No matter how much we have advanced in our sciences of nature, we have remained biased in our science of human nature due to NVB. In NVB, the sound of the speaker is experienced by the listener as an aversive stimulus.

In NVB the speaker dominates the listener, who, for hierarchical reasons, is often not even allowed to be a speaker. Speech in which there is no turn-taking is like science without peer-review. Scientific speech has to be Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB) and cannot be NVB.

Order in the field of human affairs has not been achieved as it could not be achieved by NVB. Once science addresses how we actually talk with one another, we can no longer avoid noticing the astounding fact that most of spoken communication is unscientific and unrealistic.

Once we engage in SVB we will have an entirely different, more joyful conception of human interaction. After we have acknowledged the immense difference between SVB and NVB we realize that science is the ongoing conversation which we now have finally identified as SVB.

With NVB the application of the scientific method to our current problems was impossible and went nowhere as we were ignorant about and in denial of the lawful relations between what we say and how we sound. In NVB what we say is always contradicted by how we say it.  

We lack the practical technology to change our behavior as long as we haven’t recognized the difference between SVB and NVB. In SVB we don’t create order as an outcome, but we experience it right away and we maintain it; in NVB, not the process, but only the outcome matters.  

September 23, 2016

September 23, 2016 

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Engineer

Dear Reader,

Order in the field of human affairs can only be obtained with Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB). Disorder is created and maintained by Noxious Verbal Behavior (NVB). Many so-called mental disorders are a product of NVB and can be solved by SVB. Stated differently, NVB should be considered as the problem behavior which can be replaced by SVB.

NVB is not a problem to be solved, but it is a behavior which needs to be stopped. Moreover, NVB is mechanical and unconscious, while SVB is alive and conscious. Those with NVB can’t laugh and make everyone serious. These are important distinctions as our world is in great peril.

We can no longer afford not to know about the difference between SVB and NVB. I know it and therefore I have the responsibility to educate others. Once you know about it you share that responsibility and you will view the SVB/NVB distinction as a scientific matter.

Many people will benefit from the discoveries which have already been made each time we change the way in which we talk. SVB will allow for different applications of scientific findings than NVB. In NVB only those who dominate are benefitted, but in SVB everyone is benefitted.

During SVB nobody is dominating anyone. This is not some idealistic philosophy, but a matter of applying science to spoken communication. We need to bring our understanding about human nature on par with our sciences and can only advance towards this goal by engaging in SVB.

Behavior is not observed objectively as long as we don’t restore the role of auditory stimuli in our interactions. Moreover, we will only be able to understand what spoken communication is when we experience what SVB is. Unless we pay more attention to what we experience while we speak, we will neither be listening to ourselves nor to each other.

Monday, June 12, 2017

September 22, 2016

September 22, 2016

Written by Maximus Peperkamp, M.S. Verbal Engineer

Dear Reader,

We have failed to acknowledge the distinction between Sound Verbal Behavior (SVB) and Noxious Verbal Behavior (NVB) as we are ashamed, hurt and humiliated by the fact that NVB is not communication, but domination, exploitation, intimidation, retaliation and coercion.  

No matter how much we talk, we are alone. However, NVB makes it seem as if we can avoid aloneness by being together. Although SVB brings us together, in SVB we enjoy being alone. SVB maintains our togetherness as it allows us to be alone and to leave each other alone. 

SVB maintains our aloneness. The tenacity of NVB signifies our fear of being alone. In SVB we can come to terms with the facts of life we have been postponing with NVB; in SVB we stop kicking and screaming. We can leave each other alone as we are at ease with our aloneness. 

In NVB we constantly disturb each other. As we dread our aloneness by ourselves more than our aloneness with others, we seek each other’s company to escape our aloneness. Yet, we can’t escape from the reality and we have to come to terms with the fact that NVB creates conflict. 

As long as we haven’t come to terms with NVB, we will create turmoil in our own lives and in the lives of others. All our relationship problems are maintained by the way in which we talk, or, more precisely, by how we sound. In NVB we sound forceful and our aggression makes us forget that we can only live our own life, which is going to end soon. 

In the same way we can’t escape death, we can’t escape our life. NVB makes it seem as if life is short and meaningless, but SVB creates new meaning even in the worst of circumstances. As we demand attention in NVB we remain immature, but with SVB we grow up and keep learning.