Saturday, May 18, 2024



We only talk about freedom, because we are not free. When you have Embodied Language (EL), like me, you are free and freedom is not an issue. Freedom is only an issue, if you engage in Disembodied Language (DL). During DL, which is your usual way of talking, you are willing to do just about anything, to, supposedly, be free, but with your DL, you are only able to create the illusion of freedom. Freedom requires EL.


If one has to die for one’s so-called freedom, it is not freedom, but it is merely the illusion of freedom, that one dies for. When you know the difference between DL and EL, you will naturally want to stop your idiotic DL, so you can have ongoing EL and, then, you will never want to be a martyr anymore, as you give up on all your fighting.


Freedom is not – as everyone with DL believes – a reaction, to what has been done to us. As long as we are still reacting, to being imprisoned, to being oppressed, humiliated, insulted, rejected, abandoned, violated, abused and traumatized, we are not free. EL, the language of freedom, is not reactive. Indeed, with EL, we don’t need to jump through any hoops, and, we don’t need to overcome anything, to have EL, as we can have our EL, effortlessly, in spite of all our problems.


One of the most astonishing aspects about our EL, is that, we are able to naturally, comfortably and without any practice, continue with it and then, realize our Language Enlightenment (LE), which is, who we are, once we have ongoing EL. In other words, we always have access to our ultimate state. Who we have always been and  will always be, is immediately recognized with our EL, even if we have it only for one moment.


There is no secret path to freedom. If you lack the courage to talk with yourself and to listen to yourself, you are simply a coward, like everyone else, who keeps engaging in DL. Your freedom doesn’t depend on your happiness, as it is your happiness and freedom doesn’t depend on your courage, because it is your courage. Likewise, your freedom is your conscious, your wellbeing, your authenticity, your motivation and your resilience. Surely, your freedom is also your self-control, your accountability and responsibility.


People who warn, that we can’t have freedom as well as peace, they don’t know what they are talking about. For everyone with DL, it seems as if freedom and peace are separate, but they are not. It is very clear, our so-called freedom, in which we have, unknowingly, continued with our DL, didn’t and couldn’t result in peace. It wasn’t freedom to begin with, because our mechanical DL was never addressed by our EL.


With DL, people say, our freedom isn’t given and, therefore, you must take it, to have it, but with our ongoing EL, we realize our freedom is neither given nor taken. During EL, freedom is received and perceived because we are open. Also, we are not – as is said with DL – as free as we want to be, because there are no degrees of freedom. Only with ongoing EL, are we going to experience and understand the total freedom of our LE. Nothing can get in the way of our EL, because we don’t participate in DL anymore.


Conformity isn’t the enemy of freedom, as our freedom doesn’t have any enemies. People who are used to DL, are incapable of accepting and experiencing, there can be an environment, in which there is no threat or no aversive stimuli. However, such a growth-stimulating, stable and safe environment, is created and maintained by our ongoing EL. When we finally have ongoing EL, we will for the first time be exposed to such a supportive environment and be able to say and comprehend many things, which, with our DL, previously, we couldn’t grasp or understand.


A person’s dedication to freedom or EL, doesn’t have anything to do with patriotism. Due to our DL, we have come to equate one with the other, but freedom and ongoing EL – which accurately expresses it – is cross-cultural or universal. There is, however, absolutely no such imaginary thing as the freedom of thought, as thought was the illusion of inner language, created by our DL.


Freedom is the behavior, we have, when our language matches with our experience. This can only be the case in EL and DL has to be stopped before we can begin to have any EL. All our talk about freedom couldn’t result in freedom, since we haven’t recognized and stopped our DL. Any one, who explores the difference between their DL and EL, comes to acknowledge, that EL, our individual freedom, is constantly, everywhere, prevented and ignored by those, who have DL. People with DL are never free, because their DL is outdated group-behavior. Only an individual, who is free from the pressure of others, can have EL and express his or her LE, the language of freedom.   

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