Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Getting used Embodied Language (EL),

Even though I discovered EL when I was about twenty, I'm still getting used to the fact that I can have it and that my ongoing EL is my Language Enlightenment (LE). You could also say, I am still not completely resolved. That last bit is apparently waiting until I die. Still, I feel very happy – even though I don't believe in having a soul – and to feel the rage of Disembodied Language (DL) every now and then is a grateful reminder of how I got to where I am today . The many positive changes keep on happening and in the wonderful life that I live, everything just keeps getting better.


Above all, I still have to get used to the fact, that I really am such a loving person who, despite all the lack of love, has managed to keep himself going for sixty-five years. Because of the love I experience with my wife, Bonnie, I have not become crazy, but enlightened. And there is someone, my dear Dutch friend AnnaMieke, who, like me, speaks to herself and with whom I talk weekly about EL and our LE. We both used to have a lot of drama, but now it has been resolved or it is still being resolved, in writing on our blog and in talking to ourselves, as I do here in this text or on my You Tube videos. I am truly as gilded as a priceless Rembrandt painting and I also feel something quintessentially Dutch in it, but I also appreciate Vincent van Gogh's lively play of colors. Because I have talked and listened to myself a lot, I can see and enjoy so much. There was a time when I discovered Russian classical music, through which my great sense of sadness could flow. I salute these heroes of sound, beauty and humanity.


I still can't get used to the horrible fact, that no one else is really interested in stopping their own DL and having EL. I probably just refuse to believe it. If someone like me - who has felt so sad, dissatisfied, rejected and misunderstood - could manage to stop dealing with all the misery caused by his DL, could continue with his own EL, and find, to his surprise, that the benefits of his EL continue to increase, then shouldn't that be possible for everyone? For myself I am right, thus, I know that everyone can do this.


The often-heard statement, we still have to get used to it, has, due to our DL, added that have-to-part to it. However, in EL there is no question of having to do or be anything. We can therefore get used to the fact, that the soup is apparently never eaten as hot as it is served. Patiently allowing our hot-tempered disgusting DL to cool down is extremely important. Swaddling, in Holland, included warming the infant by the fire. If, however, the swaddle was too tight or if one came too close to this fire, the child was believed to become hot-tempered, irritable or thoughtless by nature. Funnily enough, I still seem to be getting used to the fact that I was born. The swaddle and the fire, I am talking about, is DL, which surrounds us all.

I am suddenly reminded, just before my emigration to the United States, my mother suddenly took me aside, because she wanted to tell me something, she had never talked to me about before. I immediately felt alarmed. She let me know, that the cheerful, often-singing midwife - who was also her dear friend and who had previously helped her very well with the home birth of my two older sisters – died in a car accident only a couple of days before my birth. So, my mother was in mourning when I was born and cried incessantly. The new midwife was an impatient, cigarette-smoking, young, inexperienced woman. My mother felt that my fate in life had been determined by the sad circumstances in which I was born, and we both cried about it...


For a long period in my life, I was still trying to get used to the DL, I grew up with. I got upset, so many times, when I started to notice, that DL is going on everywhere. Although I shouted a lot, I always paid a huge price for my participation in DL. Since my punitive, controlling father, with his intimidating shouts, imposed his will on everyone, there was a lot of fighting and arguing in the family in which I grew up. As a child, I was always outside, to avoid this. There were also nice moments when everyone was good together, but that was always short-lived.


I know from behavioral theory, when one grows up in a situation, from which there is no escape, then a process of habituation or habit formation takes place, in which the individual survives by adapting. This is always inevitably accompanied by the development of neurotic behavior. Moreover, it has  the traumatic consequence, that the nervous system develops in such a way that an unsafe environment is experienced as normal and a safe environment as abnormal. For me, this meant that - even though I had already discovered the difference between DL and EL - I still could not believe, it was possible to continue with my own EL. I'm still getting used to that. I firmly believe, all of mankind is traumatized by our history with dreadful DL, we are just not conscious about it.

It may sound unbelievable, but, even though everyone, everywhere in the world, has been conditioned to have DL, they still can't and won't get used to it, because EL is not only possible, but desperately needed. EL is natural, effortless, self-evident, but DL is compulsive, unnatural and energy-consuming. I know that, unknowingly, we are all yearning to finally have some EL. Yet, we all tend to pretend that our DL is very normal, but if we had the choice to choose between DL or EL, we would invariably choose EL. My writing on this blog and my speaking on my You Tube channels 1) Maximus Peperkamp and 2) maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw, is to get the reader or listener used to the fact, that our usual, negative way of speaking – DL – is actually abnormal and profoundly problematic.

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