Sunday, March 10, 2024




Hardop voorlezen en aanhoren wat je zegt. Over sarcasme gesproken…Je zou mij natuurlijk moeten horen…Nee, niet moeten horen…je zou me – ideaal gesproken – willen horen, want het is echt lachen, ook al gaat het hier om jou nare halsstarrigheid.


Mijn grootste genoegen is om te kunnen lachen, om de manier van doen, die iedereen belangrijk vindt, maar die, wat mij betreft, volslagen belachelijk is.


Jou manier van praten slaat echt nergens op. Tenzij je ermee ophoudt, valt er voor jou niets te lachen.


Je doet wel eens alsof het toch nog een beetje leuk is wat je doet, maar je weet heel goed, dat het niet zo is, want lachen is niet hetzelfde als doen alsof.


Ja, je zit moervast in je patroon en je taal zit je in de weg. Het afgooien van wat bezwaarlijke woorden  gaat niet, want ze komen keihard weer bij je terug.


Je hebt altijd zogenaamd gelijk, aangezien jij je grote bek kan opentrekken, je zegje kan doen en iedereen laat weten, dat je beslist niet op je mondje bent gevallen. Je weet het zo mooi te zeggen. Praten over ditjes en datjes staat je zogezegd op je verdrietige, vermoeide, verwaarloosde lijf geschreven.  


Ook ben je er niet vies van, om eens lekker op te schepen en om iedereen de volle laag te geven met je verbale diaree. Het maakt niets uit of je het nou hebt over ironie of sarcasme…want het is een pot nat, waarin de drollen komen boven drijven. Jou welbespraakte losbandigheid, is slechts een rook gordijn, waarachter jij je krampachtig vasthoudt, aan wat jij in een of andere publikatie heb gelezen.


Je bent ogenschijnlijk zo begaan met het menselijk bestaan, maar het weggeven van afgedragen kleding, afgedankte meubelen en kapotte radios, stinkt, omdat jij altijd zo verschrikkelijk klinkt. En, de gebakken lucht, die je nog steeds probeert te verkopen, is een smerige aangebrande handel van list en bedrog. Daarom heb je telkens te maken met ontevreden klanten, die, in een vlaag van waanzin hebben betaald, voor jou ouwe troep, jou vuilnis.


Het is jou zaak, hoe jij leeft, maar jou ophef, over van alles en nog wat, heeft uiteraard ook een effect op anderen en mij. Wat jij naar voren laat komen, zegt veel over wat je allemaal achterhoudt en niet wilt laten zien, ofschoon iedereen het wel kan horen – in de klank van jou dwangmatige, onnatuurlijke stem – met hun oren, aan de zijkant van hun hoofd.


Belediging en sarcasme is de ontlichaamde taal die iedereen kent, maar oprechtheid en enthusiasme, dat is niemand meer gewend, want we hebben het verkeerde geleerd, jarenlang het verkeerde vereerd, maar ik ben nog lang niet uitgeprobeerd, want ik voel dat het tij, nu, op dit moment, keert.  


Leuk doen is nooit de sterkste kant geweest van mensen, die zich proberen goed te voelen, door te doen alsof ze beter zijn dan anderen. Het is te laat voor je haat. Het enige bewijs, dat je schijnbaar nog leeft, is dat je volledig in je hemd staat. Waar gaat het nou eigenlijk over, wat jij allemaal beweert?


Jou eigenbelang is niet gediend met je slappe gelul, je stomme gezeik en je lamlendige geouwehoer. Er zit geen fut in je afgeknepen, oppervlakkige taal, je eindeloze gekanker en je ouwe verhaal. Het is hoog tijd, om eens een toontje lager te gaan praten en op te houden met te doen alsof je aan het zingen was.


Je bent geen artiest. Wat jij zegt, is dat jij dwingt en je stem klinkt als een huilend kind, dat is emotioneel werd verminkt. Verschikkelijk wat jij doet en moet, omdat jou geloof zo goed is, dat je leeg bloedt en met grote spoed een onheilzame gloed vermoedt. 


Jou gestamp is een ramp, met een gore damp en een kramp en de scherven van een gebroken lamp. Mijn woorden dringen eindelijk tot je door – van je gemaakte glimlach naar je oor – omdat ik je hart even heb vastgehouden, naar mij toe heb getrokken en toen, als een elastiekje, terug heb laten schieten. Het terug-klappende effect is de pijn, die je voelt, bij het horen van de ontkende waarheid, die dus al jou ellende heeft veroorzaakt. Sorry, maar wat voor een dwaze taal spreek jij? Ik versta het niet, want ik wil het niet horen. Ik zit er niet mee, dat jij mij niet kan begrijpen en steek de draak met jou onvermogen om te kunnen voelen, wat ik zou kunnen bedoelen. 


Ik heb, van kinds af aan, vaak sarcastische reacties van mensen gehad op mijn gedrag, maar vandaag krijgt iedere sarcastische teringlijer een tyfus-koekje van eigen schurftig-deeg. Ik schrijf met enorm veel plezier, want mijn zoetste wraak was is mijn humor.


Pech gehad, als je mijn sarcasme niet begrijpt. Toont ook aan dat jij degene bent, die nu zijn handen thuis kan houden, zodat hij of zij de hand in eigen boezem gaat steken en aan zichzelf of haarzelf wil vertellen wat er dus eigenlijk met hem of haar aan de hand is.


Rot maar op met je dwangmatige overtuiging, rol je graf maar in en ga maar terug naar af en beleef je leven dan maar als een eindeloze straf, want jij, niet ik ben absoluut geschift, verdwaast en maf. Hoe kan ik nou zoiets als dit vinden, zeggen en schrijven, als het helemaal niet waar zou zijn? Zuig ik dit alles uit mijn duim of sla ik de spijker op zijn kop, met mijn beschrijving van jou zinloze strijd en radeloze chaos?


Het kost mij geen enkele moeite, om met anderen te spotten, voor wie iedere vorm van zelf-spot taboe lijkt te zijn. Gebrek aan ironie is jou zelf-ontkenning. Er is evenwel een enorm groot verschil tussen mijn opgewekte sarcasme en jou kille pissigheid. Ik hoef echt niet af van mijn sarcasme, maar jij zou jezelf een plezier kunnen doen, als je eens ging luisteren naar de klank van je scherpe, venijnige, lelijke stem.


Ik weet heel zeker wat mij aan het lachen brengt en dus zeg en schrijf ik, wat mijn woorden voor jou zouden kunnen betekenen. Je kunt er niets anders  mee doen dan ik en dat zou mooi zijn, maar je praat mij niet na, omdat ik dat heb weten te voorkomen.


Er valt niets aan te verbeteren. Je zou ook eens, in plaats van een duit, twee of drie duiten in het zakje kunnen doen. Jou gierige, bekrompen, onwillige  manier van geven is lachwekkend, want er is geen motivatie en alle drukte om niets was tevergeefs. Ik geloof niet in jou denken. Geef maar eens toe, dat mijn woorden kunnen worden ervaren en begrepen.


Misschien brengt mijn sarcasme jou toch nog op het idee, om eens te horen hoe het zit met jou verwarring? Mocht dit moment van sarcasme jou dag verpesten, dan is dat reden voor applaus en waardering. Ik heb het gevoel, dat mijn sarcasme aan jou heel goed is besteed. Je had het nodig en je kunt er gebruik van maken, door het in te nemen en door te slikken, als een onsmakelijk bitter medicijn tegen al je pijn.    

Friday, March 8, 2024




While everyone remains busy with their dreadful, unnatural Disembodied Language (DL), I continue with my wonderful, natural Embodied Language (EL), because I have only my happiness, satisfaction, relaxation, achievements, laughter, successes and wellbeing to express. For someone like me, enlightenment is reality, as I am in charge of my language, and I do with it what I want and am capable of. I don’t give speeches, but I talk out loud with myself. The many positive consequences of my EL are getting better and better and are becoming more and more apparent, day by day, year after year and job after job. 


It amazes me, to this very day that, some 45 years ago, I began this journey with my EL and I am still doing this, because I love it. Of course, I delight in speaking my own truth, although I say it mostly to myself, since nobody is able to hear it. You can’t hear what I say, if your ears are trained to listen to others. Listening to me, is like hearing yourself and unless you hear yourself, you aren’t hearing me.


I feel so fortunate and so grateful, that I discovered what truly fulfills me and my knowledge is alive and continuously expressed. I am very realistic and my view of what is happening with others, who are ignorant about EL is simple: either they are going to stop their DL, so they can finally have EL or their DL is going create more tragedies than it already did.


The continuation of forceful, unconscious, dumb DL means one thing and one thing only: the escalation of our verbal aggression, inevitably, results – as it has always done throughout human history – into an even bigger catastrophe, perhaps, a nuclear war. There is no future for DL anymore, however, people don’t know how to stop it. EL is our only option to having an orderly, stable, meaningful way of life.


There is no interest in EL, because our attention is constantly drawn into the presumed importance of the continuation of DL. We are being told, DL is the right thing to do, but we are digging our own graves. We are behaving like the living dead, and we act like dissociated zombies with our horrific, automatic DL.  


If you would check out my You Tube channel – see links below – then you will hear my sound and you can feel, in spite of your repetitive DL, that EL is still possible for you. Moreover, EL is necessary. Unless we are going to accurately talk about how we talk, we will, with our DL, blame ourselves for everything that is wrong. Even if we are able to pretend to NOT do this, we are always blaming ourselves, whenever we are blaming others. I don’t blame myself for not being able to convince you. I know, you’ve only got yourself to blame, and I mean this as a joke.


No matter how you put it, the buck stops with you, that is – whether you like it or not, want to know about it or not or are aware of it or not – you always experience the consequences of your own behavior.


Hilariously, postponement of talking responsibility for your repetitive DL, seems to suggest, you have eternal life. Your defense against EL – yes, that is what you do with your DL – is, basically, the denial that you are alive. Your willful ignorance about EL makes you continue with DL, the language of death. It is nothing personal, as everyone faces the exact same dilemma. We were all conditioned – by DL – to listen to others, not to ourselves. Our political, religious, academic, racial or gender affiliations don’t help us to become conscious about our DL.


Indeed, we need to completely step away from any group-behavior, before we can acknowledge what we – as individuals – experience. Even when we are alone with ourselves, our DL continues, but if we say it, we can begin to hear it and admit how ugly, tiring and boring it sounds. Then, only then, it will stop.


I am proud to say, that I have no followers, as I have EL. Surely, I don’t want followers. To have EL, there is no need for any other audience than myself. Yes, those, who, like me, also listen to themselves, only they can have EL with me. We are overjoyed, to have found each other, as each conversation is a celebration of our Language Enlightenment (LE).


Right now, it is only my wife and my dear Dutch friend, AnnaMieke, with whom I can enjoy my EL and it feels great. We know who we are because of our EL, which continues to illustrate the enormous contrast with how everyone else is talking. Please also check out AnnaMieke’s You Tube videos in Dutch – see link below – and hear the difference.


If you listen to AnnaMieke or to me, you can’t miss the fact, which, until now, due to your conditioning with DL, you have totally ignored. You immediately would feel, our lives are not like yours. Although we were also, like everyone else, conditioned by DL, we are not bound by it. We basically don’t feel any urge anymore to express anger, frustration, fear, stress, pretention, defensiveness, arrogance, dissociation or insensitivity, as we experience the very different, wholesome outcomes of our EL. You don’t want to be with us, because being yourself means to admit, that your life is full of conflicts, problems and chaos.  

- AnnaMieke's Dutch You Tube Channel is called: luisterend spreken. I have two You Tube Channels: maximus peperkamp and @maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw live


Thursday, March 7, 2024




Wat mij betreft, is het lawaai en de verwarring van mijn Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) voorbij. Ik ben in mijn natuurlijke staat – Taal Verlichting (TV) – van zijn gekomen, vanwege mijn Belichaamde Taal (BT). Ik trek mij niets meer aan van de OT van anderen. Toen ik zelf nog wat zat te kloten met mijn eigen OT, leek het alsof het me nog wat zei, maar dat is nu voorbij.


Volgens mij zit iedereen in hetzelfde pakket. Je hebt het misschien nog niet in de gaten, maar ook voor jou zijn de erbarmelijke tijden van OT voorgoed voorbij. Je ontkenning maakt het alleen nog duidelijker. Er valt niet omheen te gaan, dat jou manier van omgaan met taal je heeft gebracht naar waar je nu bent. Je stress, onrust, onvrede en verdriet is het gevolg van je OT, waar je je niet bewust van bent.


Je zou kunnen zeggen – doe dat ook nou maar eens een keertje – dat al je problemen zijn voortgekomen en in stand gehouden door je OT, waarin je niet naar jezelf luistert. Uiteraard is OT niet jou manier om met jou taal om te gaan, maar daar heb je nog nooit bij stilgestaan. Je komt pas echt aan jezelf toe, als je BT gaat hebben. Jou wijze van omgang met taal is dus heel anders, dan hoe je bent geconditioneerd.


Met OT onderhoudt je ongemerkt allerlei negatieve relaties, die je gevangen houden in de illusie van je denken. Als je BT gaat hebben, is het afgelopen met jou deelname aan het groep-proces, waarin jij die oppervlakkige mensen blijft ontmoeten. Wat echter van veel groter belang is, is dat je verstoktte geloof in het denken voorbij is. De illusie van het denken is een individualiteit-ontkennend groeps-proces, dat door jou OT werd gecreerd. Je gaat met je BT voorbij aan taal en denken bestaat gewoon niet. 


De illusie van innerlijke taal, van je mind, of van je zogenaamde denken, ontstond omdat je geen BT met anderen kon hebben en daardoor fantaseerde je, dat je een stil, onhoorbaar gesprek met jezelf zou kunnen hebben. Dit is net als een psychose. Omdat we met OT allemaal precies hetzelfde geloof hebben – in taal in ons hoofd – wordt het door iedereen als normaal beschouwd, maar met BT, vinden wij het abnormaal, dat de gehele mensheid, nog steeds, zo geobsedeerd is, door deze aloude, volledig verklaarbare illusie. Als je hardop zegt wat je denkt te denken, dan valt het hele kaarthuis in elkaar.


Als je jou BT hebt, dan is al je geloof in een hogere macht voorbij. Hiermee komt alle aandacht die naar godsdienst ging voor jou beschikbaar. Met BT is ook je geloof in je zogenaamde identiteit iets wat tot het verleden behoort. Hierdoor wordt je vanzelf stil en die stilte kon alleen maar ontstaan, doordat jij met jezelf sprak en voor jezelf schreef, over je ervaring. Je hebt dus met je taal uitgedrukt waartoe jij instaat bent en je hebt jezelf keer op keer laten weten, dat het spreken en schrijven, vanuit je stilte, jou TV is.


Alle strijd is voorbij, je bent bevrijdt en je leeft met je BT vanuit je TV. Er gebeurd hierdoor ook iets met je besef van tijd. Je leeft in eeuwigheid, omdat je BT onstaat vanuit je stilte en terugkeert in je stilte. Jou taal gebeurd dus alleen maar, omdat jij het op de juiste bewuste wijze hanteert. Met andere woorden, in BT, spreek, luister, schrijf of lees je altijd met volledige aandacht. Het is jou BT, die je bewust maakt van jezelf en die je voorbij doet gaan aan je conditionering’s geschiedenis. Omdat er niets meer valt te bereiken, ga je ook voorbij aan je toekomst, en ben je tevreden, gelukkig en stil in het moment.  


De tijd van bijgeloof met OT is voorbij. Er breekt een nieuwe fase aan, wanneer wij BT gaan hebben. We leven in een andere realiteit vanwege onze TV. Met OT waren wij niet bewust van ons eigen vermogen. Wij zijn met BT waarlijk onszelf voorbij gestreefd en blijven voortleven in een extatisch wordings-proces, dat ons blijft verrassen, vernieuwen en verkwikken.        

Wednesday, March 6, 2024



The realistic notion, that there is no problem, is only possible if you have a language, to let it be so. If your language itself creates problems, you are forever burdened. This is how it is for everyone, except for me, because I have Embodied Language (EL), in which there are no problems, because my Language Enlightenment (LE) is fully expressed.


I tell you, that your usual way of talking has to go. I don’t need any religion, as I can tell myself what is going on. When there can be ongoing EL, there are no problems. There is nothing to say or to write, as there can be silence. With EL, one can afford to be without any false beliefs and without any language.


With Disembodied Language (DL) you constantly, unconsciously, tell yourself that you have problems. This draining, nasty, stupid illusion prevents you from experiencing your own wellbeing, which is your individuality. You can’t be at peace with others, if your mechanical language doesn’t allow you to be at peace with yourself.  


What you tell yourself can also be written and if you do that, stillness prevails. However, I don’t feel like being silent about your inability to express who you are. I find it ridiculous and unacceptable, that you believe, you cannot tell yourself, who you are.


I refuse to abide by your ignorance, and I insist, you can have EL too. For sure, if you would stop your DL and have ongoing EL, you would realize your LE and you would want to tell other people about it too.


It is sheer arrogance, you still don’t believe what I tell you and never respond to my invitation, to have EL with me. You don’t realize, I am the only one you can have EL with. You tell yourself, you imagine, you are already having EL, but this isn’t true. You are fooling yourself. I tell you to stop your nonsense.   


Yes, I am here to tell you, if you refuse to have EL with me, this means, you will never have it. If you read this, either you contact me, to have EL or you’ll be lost, as there is no one else to have EL with.


Actually, there is one other person. My dear friend AnnaMieke, in the Netherlands, also knows about her EL and LE, but she speaks Dutch. If you are going to talk with me, it makes perfect sense to also talk with her, since we are the only two people – on this whole planet – who can tell you about EL and LE. Unless talk with us, your EL will not be reinforced. You need all the help you can get. 


Problems are the tell-tale sign your language is working against you. Indeed, in DL you tell yourself and others all kind of phony stories. To convince yourself, you try to convert others and tell them, how happy you are, in your self-imposed prison. I will always tell you, to get lost with your ugly DL.


Nobody can tell me, that I didn’t tell them. I am very generous in sharing my experience. I don’t sell you anything and you cannot buy what I have anywhere.


Why didn’t you tell yourself, to have EL, instead of DL? You couldn’t, because no one stimulated you to do so. With DL, you can’t speak with yourself, as you tell yourself, talking with others is more important.


I don’t tell you any secret. Yet, you don’t know, that all your problems derive from your DL. You need to tell yourself, that this is the tragedy and the comedy of your dissatisfied, superficial, meaningless life.


In this writing, you can tell, everyone with DL, can go to hell. Surely, you are already in it. You may tell yourself: who is this guy, to tell me about EL? You may say, you already know it, but you are wrong. I can tell, you are living in the hell of your own DL.  


You will be so happy, to discover, with your ongoing EL, that you really don’t have any mind. Once you tell yourself, there is absolutely no language inside of you, there never was any inner, covert, private conversation or thought, you can’t miss your LE.   

You can reach me on skype. Send me a request and tell me you want to have EL. My skypename: limbicease

Tuesday, March 5, 2024




Western Judeo-Christian-based civilizations, in which there is still some individual freedom, are rapidly declining and disintegrating. Simply stated, they are being taken over, primarily, by Islam. Nobody can deny what is happening all over Europe. Europeans, but also, increasingly, Americans, are willingly giving up on their culture. Although they have enjoyed their individual freedoms, they have never acquired Embodied Language (EL), the language that is necessary for each individual.


Since none of the democratic societies have addressed the crucially important issue of Disembodied Language (DL), group-behavior has continued to dominate over individual behavior, in spite of our so-called individual freedoms. Surely, we aren’t really free, as long as our automatic DL hasn’t been stopped, so we can have EL. DL is the language of coercion, division and disintegration, while EL is the universal language of wellbeing, unity and order.  


Unless DL is addressed and stopped with EL, people are not going to be able to move beyond their religious superstitions. Even though many people in the West don’t go to church anymore and Christianity went through many changes, DL has continued unabated. Consequently, EL, the language of individualism and intelligence, isn’t heard anywhere, while DL, the dumb, insensitive language of the herd, is everywhere.


Globalization inevitably results in disintegration of Western values and laws, as people underestimate the devastating consequences of how they talk. It is due to our DL believed that our written language is more important than spoken language, but, of course, this isn’t true. Also, it is assumed by the Western intelligentsia, that written language can change spoken language, but only spoken language can change our spoken language.


Western individuals still have the opportunity, to abdicate their phony beliefs, in some esoteric higher power and to assert their real freedoms, but those, who come from other cultures, are much less likely to ever give up on their false beliefs. If, let’s say, a Hindu gives up on being a Hindu, if a Buddhist gives up on being a Buddhist, if a Muslim gives up on being a Muslim, it will be, because someone has shown him or her, the immense difference between their DL and their EL. Once we have EL, we don’t have any use for any religion.


The war, between the Jews and the Muslims, going on in Israel, is a clash of civilizations, which already is spreading to Europe and America, where there are massive pro-Hamas-Palestine demonstrations, while Israel is fighting for its very survival. If any of these fanatic antisemites have their way, they will wipe Israel of the map, from the river to the sea.


I am pro-Israel and against the barbarity of Hamas, which, not surprisingly, is celebrated by Muslims world-wide. As far as I am concerned, all religions are nonsense, yet EL - our natural effortless way of talking - is aligned with Judeo-Christian values, more than any other religion. I view the threat to America and to the West, as a abject failure in communication. Western civilizations haven’t adopted EL as their greatest value. Instead, they have literally created a paper tiger – written laws – which are utterly meaningless, in the face of the rapidly changing demographics. Academia has completely betrayed and sold-out the less educated.    


Every time someone criticizes Islam, they are called Islamophobe. The West – with its so-called freedom of speech and freedom of religion – is intimidated into submission, because people fear to address the fact that Islam is basically incompatible with Western values. However, unless we have EL, we are unable to call a spade a spade. Surely, we cannot criticize one religion, while we are still trying to hold on to our own. A society can only be truly free, if responsible, accountable, conscious, knowledgeable individuals are without religion.  


EL is the central issue of our time, because religions and political as well as psychological narratives are still taking the place of genuine human interaction!!! DL is against the freedom of speech and anything that is against the freedom of speech – regardless of whether it is religious, scientific, political, psychological, racial or economical – is undermining our individual freedom. I am against DL, and I don’t care whether it is justified by this group or that group. Individual freedom has nothing to do with any group. I speak with EL for myself only.


Some dangers are bigger than others. Political Islam is a much bigger danger, to Western individualistic societies, than communism, in my opinion. Although it is evident, that Western individualism, with its Judeo-Christian values, is increasingly disrespected, overpowered and ignored by Islamists, my reason for writing this, is to point out the DL-context in which this could happen. 


Undoubtedly, DL is the greatest threat to mankind. DL is universal and doesn’t care about any culture. It is how human beings – until now – have talked with each other. Make no mistake, ever since we became verbal, we have been trying to dominate, exploit, force, manipulate, oppress or distract each other. Regardless of whether it is a theocratic, communistic, individualistic, democratic, wealthy, poor, agrarian, industrialized, technological, secular or capitalistic society, each society, has a hierarchy which is based on our common DL. Even in wealthy, liberal countries, DL rules supreme. We have become scientific about a lot of things, but not about human relationship. I know this, because I have studied psychology and I’ve found nobody is interested in EL.


Many people in Western countries have left religion, but – due to their unconscious, conditioned involvement in DL – they still believe in an inner deity, a self or a mind. In effect, they speak, as if there is language inside of us, which is an illusion, created by how others have talked with us. Once we have EL, we know language is always overt, that is, one can say it, hear it, write it and read it. It is irrefutably true: there exists no inner language. EL puts an end to every kind of religion, also our belief in our identity, in who we presumably are. Individualism is not a belief, but a reality, which we create and maintain with our EL. Moreover, our ongoing EL reveals our Language Enlightenment (LE). LE isn’t some spiritual nefarious experience, but it signifies we finally use our language correctly. Certainly, DL is our irrational, illusory and incorrect use of language, but EL is the correct way of using our language, in which we can address and solve our gigantic problems.


Anyone with eyes and ears, can see and hear, the frightening social disintegration of Western – as of yet – still free and individualistic societies. However, with DL, people have not been able to be real individuals. Only if DL is stopped, can there be ongoing EL, which is needed to save and continue Western civilization. To be sure, DL, the language of the group, is on its deathbed. Indeed, EL is the language of the future. We have no other choice, but to face the challenge.          

Monday, March 4, 2024




I just finished reading a book.


It was the story of one person, who was catching up with her history.


The entire story was about how everything that had happened, had led to what is happening today.


Actually, it was about language, the right language, that is, the language, which expressed what has really happened, which explained, why what was happening today, had to happen.


There is still another interpretation: supposedly, it was a successful attempt at saying what couldn’t be said in the past.


Of course, it is as impossible to say things today, as it was in the past and that is why people write and read books.


Disembodied Language (DL) is the language of our history, which never allows us to be where we are today.  


With DL, we don’t even have the possibility to be conscious of what is happening now, because we are preoccupied with what has happened to us in the past.


DL creates the illusion, that we can understand our past and then, finally, be present.


The Biden administration keeps trying to play the race-card or the victim-card.


They gas-light the American people by telling them  that everything is going great, while everyone knows, things are spinning out of control.


Surely, Trump is to be blamed for everything that is wrong, because nothing of what is happening has anything to do with the America-hating, communist, racists, anti-free-speech left.


The border-czar Kamala Harris is saying that Israel should stop fighting Hamas, as she realizes, the prognosis, for re-election, doesn’t look as good as she has previously imagined with her word-salad.


No doubt, Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) has caused more harm than Covid, because stressed-out Jill Biden is coming out of the woodwork and hurling accusations: Orange Man is dangerous for women.


Apparently, the weaponization of the courts and the demonization of half the country is back-firing and the question, which came first, the chicken or the egg, is settled, as the chickens have come home to roost: the Supreme court in Colorado unanimously decided Trump cannot be thrown off the ballot.    


Although nobody really knows anything precisely and accurately – like I do – about the difference between our usual, negative, mechanical DL and our positive, natural, effortless Embodied Language (EL), everyone has, at least, some sense of what is DL and what is EL.


Based on our current, incomplete, minimal, written, sublimated, insensitive understanding of what is DL and what is EL, we all somehow know, that dull DL will prevail, although claims will be made, to make it seem as if it has changed into EL.


The photo-Opp of awkward Biden or slick Newsom, at the border, is to make people believe, they have things under control, and we shouldn’t worry about the millions of unknown new-comers, who, they hope, vote left.


All politics is DL, which creates the illusion, the right narrative will bring us in touch with reality.


Only the right tone signifies, our DL has stopped, and our EL is occurring.


The sound of our voice heralds a new era of human relationship.


We will only have a sound, which creates order, if we listen to ourselves, while we speak.


In Cymatics – look up that word – we can see and know how sound waves affect matter and in exactly the same way, we will be able to witness the natural order emerging from our own EL.


With ongoing EL, we are aware of the magnificent beauty, which is the reality of our Language Enlightenment (LE).


Our EL liberates us from our past with DL, which we will no longer create in our future, as it allows us to verbalize our experiences in the present.

You can watch my You Tube videos - go to LIVE - on which I speak about Embodied Language (EL), Disembodied Language (DL), Language Enlightenment (LE) if you type:


Sunday, March 3, 2024

I still want to write a little on this blog, but in a different way than I did before. 

I write simple sentences like this, which sometimes are about nothing in particular. 

I like to write about nothing. 

I like to speak about nothing. 

I talk about silence and yes, you can do that too. 

Speaking about silence creates silence. 

To me, that is the essence of Embodied Language (EL). 

In Disembodied Language (DL), you make only noise and problems.  

With DL, you are not in touch with yourself. 

With DL, you are not allowed to talk about silence. 

With DL, your silence is fake and that is why we are not allowed to talk about it. 

I talk with my EL about your DL, because I can.

You can talk with your EL about your DL too. 

You can watch my You Tube videos - go to LIVE - on which I speak about Embodied Language (EL), Disembodied Language (DL), Language Enlightenment (LE), play recorder, ukulele and sing my songs, if you type:



Maximus Peperkamp


maximus peperkamp