Saturday, September 7, 2024



With my Embodied Language (EL), I am aware, everything is there, because I am there. You are there, because I experience you and the world is what I am able to say it is. This doesn’t mean, reality doesn’t exist, but it means, we have the correct language, to accurate refer to the reality or we don’t. During our usual, unconscious, Disembodied Language (DL), we have a false description or perception of the reality, which derives from our history of conditioning. In DL, we can never be ourselves, as we don’t realize, we don’t listen to ourselves, while we speak. Consequently, everything we experience, isn’t described in our own way and language takes us further and further away from our felt experience.


Everything seems unreal, disconnected, but, in spite of this annoying torment, we may still be capable of getting many things done, with our unnatural, effortful DL. Generally speaking, most of us will still stop for a red light and don’t jump from a roof - believing we can fly - but suicidal people will do crazy things. Obviously, only a small subset of those with ongoing DL, are a danger to themselves or others, but, if we have any understanding about the difference between DL and EL, we can’t help, but realize, how dreadfully dangerous it is, that, except for our own peaceful EL, everything in our chaotic, conflicted, harsh world is determined by DL.


Only after we have acknowledged, accepted, explored and understood, the great difference between our own DL and EL, do we get a sense of how incredibly devastating DL is. Indeed, all of mankind’s problems are determined by our DL. Aside from a few fleeting, brief, accidental moments of EL, everything we say is DL. One stubbornly, pathetically, fanatically, religiously, just doesn’t want to admit, DL is everywhere, all the time, but it really is. All human discourse is based on DL, which determines, someone is superior or inferior, more or less important, powerful or powerless.   


Since everything we say, revolves around our DL, it is also true, everything we have written, was based on our participation in DL. We have never moved away from our DL, that is why it is so ubiquitous. Moreover, we have utterly failed at addressing our communication problems, let alone, at solving them. Thus, we have endlessly dressed up our failures – like an apologetic wife-beater, who buys again some flowers for his wife – as if they were attempts at having EL. While we keep pretending, we already have ongoing EL, the fact remains, we are having more of the same, repetitive, unintelligent, problematic, violent DL.


Our tragic overestimation of the importance of the written word and our underestimation of the far-reaching consequences of our rejected, neglected and forgotten spoken word – the biggest misinformation or disinformation we have ever produced, as it is pushed, in every culture, by governments, science, education, military, religion, literature, commerce and technology – is the inevitable result of our DL, which is going on everywhere. Everything people say, to be and stay in power, is scripted, as it is written, first, and only then said. Only with EL, in which we listen to ourselves while we speak, can we put the horse – our spoken communication – in front of the wagon – our relationship – again. This is why everything will change, once we shift from our DL to our EL.


During ongoing EL everything will be said, as it can be said. Our Language Enlightenment (LE) is the great relief we feel, as our EL continues, even though everyone engages in DL. While it is certainly true, DL has brought us to where we are today, there is no future for our DL anymore. DL is outdated group-behavior, which has always historically prevented us from being individuals. Ongoing EL is the only way, we can happily, intelligently, consciously live our lives as individuals. Everything belonging to our DL, is a thing of the past and everything, which goes together with EL, is our bright future. For those, who already started to speak with and listen to themselves, the future of EL and LE is already their reality.


Everything you are capable of saying, can also be written. Writing, which derives from EL, is a different writing, as it promotes your EL, by decreasing your DL. This writing supports my EL and leaves my DL in the dustbin of history. Moreover, everything I have written about my EL, supports listening to myself while I am speaking, but everything addressed in writing, which derives from our usual DL, takes our attention away from listening to our voice, while we are speaking. Everything said and written with DL, is reinterpreted by our EL and becomes meaningful, instead of meaningless.              

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