Tuesday, September 3, 2024

 I don’t feel like it,


Why would I listen to someone, who sounds as nasty and stupid as Harris? I don’t feel like it. She is a typical example of someone, who has Disembodied Language (DL), who demands the listener’s attention. Everyone can hear it, she is just acting, not speaking. She said, a while ago, I am speaking, I am speaking, I am speaking, but when people repeat themselves like that, they are not speaking, they are merely repeating, in order to dominate and force their point of view. However, she doesn’t even have a point, by attacking Trump. 


I don’t feel like it, should be an acceptable and valid reason, not to listen to someone’s DL. It is a perfect way of letting the other person know, that you are not feeling connected with him or her. You don’t need to explain, you are tired, too busy or simply, not interested, because the other person doesn’t deserve to know, why you don’t feel like it. You are not saying, I don’t feel like it, to create a bond, but you are saying it, to let the other person know, there is no bond, and you are not going to facilitate it for them either.  


I say, I don’t feel like it, out loud, mostly, alone, to myself. Furthermore, I listen to myself, I act on what I have said, by removing myself from anyone, who gives me such a feeling, as I know, people with DL can’t handle honesty. Moreover, I trust my feelings. Since there is no relationship, I am not going to try to create one. I say, I don’t feel like it, to myself, because it is exactly the same as saying, because I say so. To me, saying with Embodied Language (EL), I don’t feel like it, is actively avoiding anyone, I don’t want to be with and staying away from any situation, I don’t enjoy being in. Saying I don’t feel like it, protects me from harm.


Whenever I say, I don’t feel like it, to others, it is not because I am dismissive, but definitive. The mutual understanding, with people to whom I say, I don’t feel like it, is that I am not going to be a part of what they want to do or say. There is nothing else to be understood beyond, I don’t feel like it. I am not reaching out by saying, I don’t feel like it, but I surely care about myself. I don’t feel like it, doesn’t depend on context, as I don’t like to be in this negative circumstance.


I don’t feel like it, prevents me from doing what I don’t want to do. During DL, people endlessly and automatically say, in life, we all need to do stuff we don’t want to do, but during EL, we can finally stop ourselves from doing what we don’t want to do, because we allow ourselves, to say it to ourselves and hear it from ourselves, that we don’t have to do, what we don’t want to do.   


If I do what, according to DL, needs to be done, it is not that I am able to do other things, which I want to do, after that. If I don’t listen to myself saying, I don’t feel like it, and do what I don’t want to do, I postpone my freedom and I never achieve it in the future. We completely forget about our happiness, by doing many useless things, we don’t want to do or like to do, which, presumably, will create a better future. I don’t feel like it, is giving in to instant-gratification. In EL, we are immediately satisfied and energized, because our language matches with our behavior.


I don’t feel like it, is being accountable, because I don’t want to do, what others with DL always try to push on me. In EL, we don’t force anyone to say or do anything, because we don’t do or say anything, to force ourselves. The old saying, don’t do unto others what you don’t want done unto you, is wrong, as it derives from DL. EL is not about what I don’t want done unto myself, but what I want done – and can do – for myself.


I can say, with my ongoing EL, I don’t feel like it and stop myself from doing anything I don’t want to do. Of course, doctors, firefighters, psychologists or politicians can also have EL instead of DL and say, I don’t feel like it and then stop doing what they have been doing. I say, anyone who does something, that he or she doesn’t want to be doing, shouldn’t be doing what they are doing. This is what is the case with DL. In DL, we are all doing – Harris included – what we don’t want to do, but we only find out about it, once we can have EL.       

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