Tuesday, September 17, 2024

 Full Moon,


Today it is Full Harvest Moon and this will be my last writing on this blog for some time to come. A cycle has been completed. I no longer feel an urge to write, as I make You Tube Videos almost every day. On my two channels 1) Maximus Peperkamp or 2) maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw, you can hear me speak or sing about Embodied Language (EL) and Disembodied Language (DL).


I like to leave the reader with my opinion, that speaking and listening are, of course, of much greater importance, than writing and reading. I have only written about my DL and EL, because it really helped me, to get into the nitty gritty of all the ins and outs about these two universal response classes. You can scroll back on my blog and trace how I have come to where I am today.


With a change of the seasons, it is a good time to evaluate what is and what isn’t working for you in your life. However, such an evaluation is only of real value, if it is done with EL, because with DL, you keep beating around the bush. Of course, DL wasn’t working for you, but against you, and, consequently, your use of language has prevented you from acknowledging how happy or unhappy you were with the results of your own behavior. All your questions are too little too late and prove, you were totally out of touch.  


Why – all of a sudden – would the full moon make you reflect on your own stupidity? Fact is, it doesn’t and to believe that it does, signifies your belief in pure nonsense. It is neither the full moon, nor any other planet, which makes you do what you do, but other people. Yes, the environment of your DL or EL, is the presence or the absence of other people. A chair doesn’t cause you to have DL or EL, but a person does.


With EL, you would never ask questions, which were obviously put into your mouth by others, but with DL, you make it seem, as if someone has inspired you, to ask and answer the hard questions, to face the truth, to have faith, to become conscious and responsible. When you, at long last, dare to ask yourself, what is working, this shows, nothing is working.


Questions, like, what is working and what isn’t, ALWAYS arise from DL, but never from EL. Once you try to answer those questions, you are going down the rabbit hole. Seemingly general questions, like, what lessons have you learned this summer, will drive you nuts. Moreover, the question, what do I need, refers to unfulfilled needs. So, what, if I know what gives me joy, but I still can’t get to it? What good does it do, to know what I need to let go off, but to be unable to do so, because I don’t know, I have DL and need to stop my own DL?


Let’s cut out the crap about this Harvest Full Moon. This text is not about harvesting the last of summer crops, it is – as it is all year around – about the results of your own behavior. I know about EL and I have ongoing EL. If anyone else would be able to have ongoing EL, he or she would, like me, experience the benediction of their Language Enlightenment (LE). This verbal achievement, puts an end to our conditioning with DL. Our ongoing EL forever changes us into who we are and who have always been. And this is the only way forward for all of mankind.