Friday, September 13, 2024

 There is no inner language,


I hope the reader of this text is going to do the following experiment. It needs to be done when you are not reading or talking and when you are alone. Let’s say, for instance, you sit by yourself, in a chair, in your room or you are lying in your bed. Due to your Disembodied Language (DL), most likely, you believe you are thinking something…


This writing – like many of my other writings – is about Embodied Language (EL). As I have written (on this blog) and said (on my two You Tube channels: maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw and Maximus Peperkamp) many times: there is no language in us!!! Of course, there are no words or sentences to be found inside our head or heart, as these are merely figures of speech.


Since we unconsciously engage in DL every day, we accept the false belief, that we have private speech, thoughts or a mind, but let’s assume, you are now alone sitting on your chair in your room, or you are lying in the dark in your bed. Although I have often written and spoken about the importance of being alone and speaking out loud with yourself and listening to yourself, this is not what I want you to do at this moment. At this moment, you sit alone, or you lie in your bed, but you are not busy with your language. Yet, these so-called thoughts seem to happen on their own, that is, language appears to happen involuntarily. 


If you have read my other writings, if you have listened to my You Tube videos or – better yet – if you have talked out loud alone, with yourself, and listened to the sound of your voice, you should already know, the continuation of your voluntary EL debunks the tenacious, old fallacy of covert speech. Moreover, this ancient nonsense of an inaudible conversation – within your own skin – in which, presumably, your inner self responds or interacts with your inner voice, has been dismantled every time, you shifted from usual, mechanical, unnatural, effortful DL, to interesting, new, energizing, natural EL. Therefore, you have, accumulatively, acquired real knowledge about yourself, which now must be applied.


In spite of the, hopefully many, occasions, in which you have been amazed, by the irrefutable truth of your delightful ongoing EL – there is no entity, as an inner speaker or an inner listener, when you sit alone by yourself or lie in your bed – you still seem to be having these thoughts or whatever you have been referring to in DL, as mental or cognitive activity. Call it whatever you like – mind, memory, associations, premonitions, concepts, ideas, beliefs, identity, dreams – it is nothing else but your stubborn, outdated belief in your non-existent inner language.    


Perhaps, you have also heard people talk about mind over matter. The so-called placebo-effect suggests that your mind can be as powerful in some cases as the treatment itself. In clinical trials people were given, what they believed to be medical treatments, but what they received were sugar pills or saline or water injections. In double-blind studies, one group is given real medication and the other gets the placebo. It was found that people who got the placebo, often will have just as much of a positive effect as those who received the actual medication, intended to treat certain conditions. As stated, there is no mind, but in DL, we stupidly talk, as if there is language going on inside our body. In other words, it is not your non-existent, covert, fabricate mind over matter, but it is your real, overt, EL, over matter, which accomplishes the placebo. It is no coincidence, the placebo-effect increases, if the patient and the doctor have pleasant interactions.


While you are sitting alone by yourself or lying in the dark in your bed, you, inevitably, imagine – due to your almost permanent involvement in DL – that millions of thoughts are going through your head. However, if you have had some EL, you know this isn’t true, this can’t be true! If a neurosurgeon operates on your skull or heart, he or she will never come across any language. After you have had some ongoing EL, you will effortlessly counteract any recurring moments of your belief in your mind – which causes you a lot of trouble – by simply reminding yourself, that language in your head, within your body, although it appears to occur, is a only a fantasy, which was created by your DL. If you would break your silence, say it out loud, with EL, you know forever it is so, and you will never feel troubled anymore by stuff going on inside of you.             

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