Thursday, September 5, 2024

 WE The People,


Everyone knows that Donald Trump continues to be treated unfairly by New York’s lawfare. It should absolutely be considered as election interference, because Democrats openly use the legal systems and institutions to damage or delegitimize their opponents and they deter any individual of using their rights. Thus, it is no exaggeration to state that WE The People are being disenfranchised as voters. I truly hope the US Supreme Court will intervene and prevent any further blatant injustice being done by all these outrageously inconsistent interpretations of federal law across states, undermining national uniformity and fairness.


The phony-weird Harris-Waltz duo, who try to make everyone believe, they are going to be the next President and Vice-President, is now campaigning with the slick slogan, FOR The People, which, tells us, right there, that K.H. is clearly against the US Constitution, which starts with the famous preamble: WE The People. In effect, they are saying, that the fundamental purposes and guiding principles of the US Constitution – and what the Founding Fathers had hoped to achieve – no longer matters.


The original intention of the Framers of the US constitution – to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote general welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity – is to be totally abandoned, because FOR The People, apparently, means for the Democrats, but not for the Republicans. Another implication of this campaign slogan – FOR The People – is the attempt to own or re-invent a new so-called spirit of the Constitution, rather than actually adhere to it and celebrating our freedoms. The Democrats have created nothing, but chaos and division and are doubling down on this destructive path that will further ruin our nation.  


FOR The People means, individual freedom is about to be fanatically sacrificed at the altar of the group, who, paradoxically, calls itself Liberal. Authority of The People, is a reference to our individual rights, particularly, of course, our First Amendment, the Freedom of Speech. The US supreme Court’s rendering of the purposes behind the Constitution have led it to express a preference for broad interpretations of individual freedoms.

FOR The People begs the question: for which people? To break away from Biden, a dramatic shift has been made in the rhetoric of the pretentiously, un-democratic Harris-Waltz campaign, which, presumably, is now in favor of Constitutional values, but this is false. All disgusting, devastating, dumb policies from the Biden-Harris administration, supposedly, don’t matter anymore, because WE (The People), are to believe, Democrats now, more or less, want the exact same things as the Republicans?!   


The phrase, WE The People Of The United States, has been historically understood to mean nationals and citizens, but – as with the Biden-Harris administration – the Harris-Waltz administration seems to want to let in as many illegals as possible and continue with this crazy open-border policy. I bring attention to this, to point out, that to work toward creating a more perfect union, should involve making sure that we are going to have a better President than the previous one. Such a representative, who stimulates others to Make America Great Again, has to be someone, who is more authentic than the previous one. Moreover, such a sincere and honest person, is bound to be someone, who is more open to Embodied Language (EL) and more averse to Disembodied Language (DL).


It is unequivocally true Donald Trump is the more genuine person, because, by comparison, Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz are two bogus people. Since we are used to DL going on everywhere, many people don’t seem to notice the great difference between a real and a fake person. Also, Kamala Harris slogan, FOR The People, suggests, her administration will do something great for the people, yet, she hasn’t conveyed any real plan, she’s only made a lot of empty promises. Moreover, she refuses to answer any questions, hides from being interviewed, for fear of being dismantled, as the cackling empty suit, she really is. Kamala Harris’s challenge is not to win the election, but to be herself, which is impossible with DL. If Donald Trump wins the election, this will be a major step towards and victory of EL.


I predict, with the Harris-Waltz administration, America is going to be even more self-hating, fascist, socialist, antisemitic, Marxist, globalist, communist, than it has become, under the terrible leadership of the Biden administration.  I am opposed to that, and I write to let everyone know, there is real world meaning to EL, which is fully supported by Right-wing politics, but is actively made impossible by Left-wing radicals. We are the United States of America only when, WE The People, means: a country of individuals, who proudly and boldly acquired their ongoing EL and declared their individual freedom, which is their Language Enlightenment (LE). Together isn’t better. Freedom is to be left alone. Those who preach FOR The People, betray the Constitution....You can hear me read this text on my You Tube channel maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw.     

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