Monday, August 7, 2023




Psychology has failed us, as it doesn’t refer to the  importance of the difference between Disembodied Language (DL) and Embodied Language (EL). All our so-called mental health problems, are the result of our almost permanent, unconscious involvement in DL and our inability to recognize and continue with EL. I have studied Psychology and I hold a Master of Arts and a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology.


I express my utter disdain for Psychology, because I know very well what I am talking about. Psychology is a devious racket, an insidious hoax, a criminal swindle and a very nasty fraud. All the diagnostical criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM; latest edition; DSM-5-TR, published in March 2022) stem – like all our other written publications – from our participation in DL.


This writing is the only writing, that is written with an explicit emphasis on the DL-EL distinction. I am the authority on this subject, as I boldly call for the re-interpretation of what inevitably was defined by our anti-intellectual DL, in terms of my continuous, joyful, consistent and coherent EL. I have worked for many years in the disgusting mental health business and taught Psychology at Butte College. In all these years, nobody has ever come to me, to fully admit and take serious, what only I am able to address.


I don’t write this, because I am frustrated and want to prove I am right, but because I know, how much would be possible, if people would experience their own EL, instead of their DL. However, I don’t teach anyone about the DL-EL distinction anymore, as it is needed for people, to come to me, so that they can begin to have EL with themselves and each other. I don’t care to publish a book, to teach a course or to create a following, as each person must come to his or her own conclusions, about his or her DL and EL.


In this writing, I demonstrate, that you cannot learn from someone else’s knowledge and ability, but that you must learn from your own experience. The false notion, that we can or should learn from each other, is perpetuated by DL and you will have figure out by yourself, on your own, why that is true. You are not helped by any teacher, therapist, guru or friend, as only a real master will throw you back on yourself. I know there are many false masters, but I am a real one, as I achieved my Language Enlightenment (LE).


It is up to you, to read some more of my work or to talk with me and to humbly admit, that your DL isn’t working. I am here to only have EL with you and if you have courage to come to me, you will not regret it. However, you cannot have any EL and continue to hang on to your stupid beliefs. Moreover, it isn’t me, who decides that, but you. Your discovery of your EL shows you how conflicted, violent and sick your DL is. Your DL isn’t stopped by me, but by yourself and it is, because you understand and prefer to have EL.


All your compulsions, obsessions and delusions have to do with how you deal with your language. As you read these words, you must notice, you come out of your self-imposed dream of words. I don’t support your DL, but assume, you innately know about EL. It is not a matter of understanding these words, which is going to reveal your EL, but you speaking with and listening to yourself. You will speak with yourself, to have EL, as you already know, that speaking with others has only prolonged your involvement in DL.


You are not going to be my disciple, as I am not your master, because I am only my own master. You will not hear me speak about your destiny, but you will hear me talk about my own calling and realize, that you, so far, have been missing yours. Yes, I am my own authority and not interested in running anyone else’s business. Also, I am not answering any of your questions and you must stop yourself from asking, to know what you can only know, if you do that. I am not putting any words in your mouth, as you do that yourself already. Let these words, which are in your mouth, come out, so that you can hear what you say to yourself. Of course, there are no words in your mouth and, there is no language inside of you, but saying that – out loud – to yourself, is a different matter than fantasizing, you are thinking that and engaging in an imaginary silent, inner conversation.


There is no such a thing, as your spiritual journey towards your truth, as you will hear and experience it, instantly, the moment you say it. Until now, you didn’t hear it, because you didn’t say it, because you believed you couldn’t say it, but you can, if you keep listening to yourself. If you don’t hear yourself say your own truth, it is not because you are not saying it, but because you are not listening close enough to yourself. You are used to listen to others. Only in EL, can you become familiar with listening to yourself while you speak and became a master of yourself.


Self-control has a negative connotation, because we were coercively taught – with DL – to refrain from talking with ourselves. In DL, which is the language  you participate in every day, talking with others is considered to be more important than talking with ourselves. In DL, we never learned to self-regulate, but instead, we were taught to either dominate or obey others. To be in charge of our own language, however, that is, to skillfully engage in EL, is to gain self-control and to stop all self-defeating behaviors, which were created and maintained by our DL. This is not a matter of therapy of cognitive restructuring, but of radically stopping our own DL, so that we can finally have EL and find out what we would do, if we continued being the master of our own behavior.

Sunday, August 6, 2023




During Embodied Language (EL), each experience is verbalized and, thus, whatever asks our attention, is getting our attention. We are not trying to change anything about our experience, as we express what happens in the moment. It is because of this, that our experience and our language, that describes this experience, dissolve. When we have EL, nothing is left behind, only a sense of spaciousness prevails. I call that my Language Enlightenment (LE), as I have arrived at this wonderful place with how I talk. I put language before enlightenment, as it was due to my language, that the ultimate realization happened.   


There is a vast difference between EL and our usual way of talking. Normally, we engage in Disembodied Language (DL), in which we, unconsciously, prefer and select certain experiences. During DL, we treat  language as secondary to our favorite experiences and, as a result, we say what we have already said. Stated differently, DL is repetitive, as our language doesn’t express any new experiences. The switch from DL to EL, always means a different experience.


During DL, our language gets us carried away and completely disconnects us from our experience, but in EL, our language always follows our experience as closely as possible and, thus, reveals our experience in a novel way. In other words, in EL, we are able to express, what can only be expressed, if our language isn’t, supposedly, established or decided in advance. This crazy idea, that we, like actors, have to prepare and rehearse our language, is why DL is everywhere.  


The fact, that we mainly engage in DL, but seldom, if ever, in EL, tells us, we don’t pay attention to how we use our language. Only by listening to ourselves while we speak, do we bring attention to the fact, that our repetition can and will only be stopped, if we notice, we are mechanically repeating ourselves. Since we haven’t had any conscious, deliberate and prolonged experience of EL, we are obsessed with the supposed freedom of choice and, presumably, in having things our way. This is why we always sound demanding during our DL. However, while we want others to pay attention, to what we are saying or writing, we aren’t even listening to ourselves.  


During our EL – which may, initially, only last for a few seconds – we will notice, there is no effort, no struggle, no conflict, because we, verbally, express exactly, what we are capable of expressing and what we want to express. Moreover, we not only long to use our own words, to describe our experiences, in our own way, but we can consciously make our EL happen, by being alone, by talking out loud and by  listening to the sound of our voice. This soloistic approach works, as nobody knows how to have EL.


Once we have had EL alone, we can have EL with others, who, like us, have also explored EL on their own. This path is individual and nobody – not even me – can be the guide for how someone else’s EL is going to develop. During our EL with each other, we joyfully acknowledge and recognize all the ins and outs, which we have already become aware of by ourselves. During our EL together, everything will be falling into place, as each of us has gone through a similar process to acquire it. Talking with each other is only possible, after we have talked with ourselves.


The notion, that there is nothing to accomplish during EL is, as we say, mind-blowing. During DL, we were always pushing and trying to get somewhere, but during EL, we dissolve and we are fine being nowhere. This unusual situation, that there is no conflict, pressure or tension, while we are talking, allows us to be extremely attentive. It is apparent, that the intensity, liveliness and verbal focus of our attention in EL, is made possible by us, because we have started to use our language very differently.


You don’t know what is going to happen during EL, although, after you have had it a couple of times, you know – with ever increasing certainty – it is always beneficial to you, even though it always goes against your beliefs. Your EL is going to make you abandon everything you have acquired with DL and, since you have mostly experienced DL, you will have to leave a lot behind. In the beginning, I couldn’t believe, I would really do what my EL instructed me to do. I could never have imagined, I would leave my family behind, but I wouldn’t have been where I am today, if I hadn’t. In EL, I learned to trust myself, even though I grew up with a lot of guilt and doubt. During my first steps of speaking and listening to myself, I repeatedly said to myself: I so enjoy myself because I agree with myself, when I speak with this wonderful sound. I want to find out, what I would do, if I continue to speak with and follow this calm, happy, effortless, focused vibration. The other day, I shockingly said to myself: I am a very kind person.  

Saturday, August 5, 2023




The common explanation of an illusion – which we give because of our almost permanent, unconscious involvement in Disembodied Language (DL) – is that our senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste) are distorted, and, therefore, our so-called mind cannot properly organize or interpret sensory stimulation. It is also due to our DL – which is the dominant way in which human beings, everywhere, deal with their  language – that in physiology, a stimulus is said to be a detectable change in the chemical structure of an organisms internal or external environment. This false explanation and this warped perception, would not occur and would not be shared, by those who are able to engage in Embodied Language (EL).  


What we call internal or external environment, is an illusion, which is created by our DL. When we talk about our mind and its presumed great importance, we don’t realize, we are actually speaking about how we use our language. Moreover, there is, of course, no me, who uses language. Me, is merely a word, to refer to ourselves, that is, to other words. The verbal construct, that I experience something, is the very root of so many problems, which are based on the ignorance about how our language works.


Me, who, presumably, uses language, is overrated, while language itself is dismissed. Certainly, there is only language and there is no me, inside of me, who does what I do. Our bombastic over-emphasis on our identity, prevents us from paying attention to the irrefutable fact that, whatever we claim to be is nothing else but language. In other words, without  language, our fabricated, imaginary, conditioned, automatic, reactive mind doesn’t exist. Our fear of being without all our verbal, attention-demanding definitions and affirmations, about who believe to be, is of course, part of or our illusion, that we think and supposedly possess, use or don’t use our mind.


We even keep extending our verbal nonsense into some after-life and we tell ourselves and each other about some heaven or hell, but none of this is based on what we know. Our belief – a childish story, we keep telling ourselves and each other – has to be the denial of what we know, as we can only say it, as long as we are still alive. We will all die. No one has came back from being dead. However, we know with absolute certainty, there is no language inside of us. There are no words or sentences to be found anywhere in our body. This ancient superstition is created and maintained by the way in which we talk and, subsequently, by how we use our language.


We are only able to comprehend the implications of what we know, if we are brave enough to say no to the coercive, punitive, violent ways in which we are told to conform to how everyone behaves and talks. Science and irrational belief have always been at odds with each other. This conflict continues to this day, in our dumb DL. Our ability to engage in EL, instead of DL, is a truly revolutionary act, as it will  determine, at last, we become individuals, instead of slaves, to how we are expected to behave as part of some group. Everything depends on this act and it is not only your future, but the future of mankind, which depends on the great change from DL to EL.


There is no future for our DL, as it has been exposed as a big fat lie. Similarly, beliefs that illnesses were created by evil spirits have been mostly abandoned. One day, people are going to look back at our brutal history with DL and conclude, that our intelligence has been severely impaired, if not damaged, by the way in which we used to talk. Our brains don’t work properly, if we can’t and don’t produce the sound of our wellbeing, while we speak. Stated differently, our brains are hurting, if we only express pain, fear, stress, aggression, confusion and despair. Surely, our lack of skill, to express our EL, is costing us dearly.


The loss of opportunity, due to our energy-draining, forced, automatic participation in DL, is incalculable. DL has ran its course and now it has to be stopped, by you, as it is mankind’s number one enemy. All problems stem from our involvement in DL. These words make a big impact, as they are not directed at anyone in particular, but they express exactly what is going on. Anyone who reads this, anyone with only the slightest integrity, must repeat and admit, that it is true, there is no language inside of us and, therefore, this entire identity-card-house, which we call our mind, is an illusion, a figure of speech.


Another way of talking is going to forever dissolve our false notion of being thinking human beings. It is not, I think, therefore, I am (Descartes, may he rest in peace), but I speak, therefore, I only have EL. We haven’t really spoken during DL, as we have only pretended to speak and listen. We have endlessly been imprisoned, fooled and distracted by our verbal illusions, which are going to be forgotten, once we take our first steps of EL. I have my entire life been told that I am not listening, because I listen to myself. Yes, I am only listening to those, who, like me, listen to themselves and I have had quite some problems, as I have declared, that listening to myself is more important to me, than listening to others, because I have told myself things, nobody else could have told me, and, thus, talking with myself is more important to me than talking with others or with you. In EL, we will finally talk with each other, in the same way we talk with ourselves.  


I am brilliant in my ability to do what I do, in spite of the pressure to do what everyone else does. I don’t regret what I have done and will continue to rejoice in my Language Enlightenment (LE), which is really my freedom, as I know, that I am not beholden to the crazy fictions everyone with DL is involved in. You should be shocked to read this, as you must stop your DL. If you don’t, your misery and conflict will destroy your life. It is already doing that. Not I or anyone else is responsible, only you. I write this, because I have not only discovered what I’m talking about, but I also live the life, which has been made possible with the continuation of EL. And, I have no illusions about how anyone is going to find out about EL. Talk with me and you will be surprised.                   

Friday, August 4, 2023




Let’s assume, you’ve never read any of my writings. This is the first time, you read what I have written. I know you are there and I want you to know, what I write is as new to me, as it is to you. My Embodied Language (EL) is always new, but your Disembodied Language (DL) is unable to accept that. Supposedly, everything has already been said or done. It is often said, there is nothing new under the sun. However, EL takes newness to a whole new level. Without EL, you are bound to live in a world of make-belief.


The claim on newness, originality, naturalness, fun, truth, authenticity and intelligence, is made in DL all the time, yet, it is empty talk, only pretentiousness. We fake it, until we make it. Who cares if you make it, when all you ever do is fake it? You have been sold – hook, line and sinker – on the false notion, that your usual way of talking – DL – is acceptable, necessary and inevitable, but once you find out about EL, you are stunned by the realization, that you have been betrayed by everyone, who has DL with you. You also have DL with yourself and you harm yourself constantly with your own DL and the only way to stop doing that, is to hear how horrible you sound. Yes, you sound absolutely awful with DL, but you sound so calm, relaxed and confident in EL.


Without DL, you are a different person, as you no longer feel stressed, fearful, confused, anxious or agitated. Moreover, you live a different life, because by stopping your DL, you realize, that how you deal with your language, determines everything you do. Only without your mechanical, but usual way of talking –  in which you aren’t even allowed to be yourself – can you begin to have some EL and feel  truly happy. Although it may take some time, to get done with your conditioning history with DL – and, realistically, you are never completely done with it – once you begin to have a few moments of EL, you have put DL in its place, as you are on your way. Life just keeps on getting better and better, as you have begun to sense your Language Enlightenment (LE).


Every time you will succeed by having some more EL by yourself – because you will take more and more time, to explore the expression of your LE with your EL – you will cherish and nourish the experience of being without language. Your EL is like pure magic, because you speak, but without words, you hear, but without words, you write, but without words and you read, but without words. How can this be?


Each instance of EL – initially, there are only a few, but they will become more and more, as you keep on exploring, what it is like, to listen to yourself, while you speak, out loud, alone, with yourself, about your own experiences – is a dismantling, a dissolvement, a transcendence of what you have called your thinking or your mind. Only without DL, can and will you start to have delightful EL, in which your problematic thinking effortlessly disappears.


It is so fascinating, beautiful and rejuvenating, to experience yourself without words, yes, without language and, yet, to have the EL, which makes this possible. The freedom, you feel, is the liberation from what you know, which is your DL, but the excitement and anticipation you have, while you engage in EL, is the whole-hearted faith in the positive outcomes, which keep accumulating. In DL,  problems keep piling up, but in EL, you will reap the fruits of your actions. As you listen to what you say and read what you are writing, you’ll notice,  your language evaporates, while you are filled with bliss.


In spite of education and scientific progress, many people still believe – superstitiously, unintelligently, catastrophically and stubbornly – in some higher power or in something, their own mini-deity, their mind, which, presumably, is more important, than how they use their own language. In effect, all their energy goes to their deity or to the goal or purpose, their language makes them believe they have. With EL all that energy will come back to you. This is not a promise, but a fact, which, without your verification, is meaningless. DL is the language of meaninglessness and you are better off without it. EL gives real meaning to your life, as you know for sure, you will have more and more, as it is so good.     

Thursday, August 3, 2023




Yesterday, I wrote in Dutch, about being wrong, but today, I want to write, in English, about being right. Of course, right or wrong are verbal constructs, we apply to our behavior, in the idle hope this results in behavioral control, but nothing is further from the truth. This falsehood is a product of Disembodied Language (DL), which is our common way of talking. Behavioral control requires a novel way of dealing with our language. Only if the right behavior is being produced, can we say: our language was effective.


When we engage in Embodied Language (EL) – by talking out loud with ourselves and by listening to the sound of our voice – we get everything right, what we got wrong with our DL. It is such delight to be right in this way, as one is only busy with oneself. Although one is inclined to talk about it with others, those who engage in DL never accept someone with EL is right. To the contrary, they always claim to be right, while someone with EL doesn’t give a damn.


Being right with EL is having the right words, but also the right way of speaking, listening and writing like this and reading it, in such a manner, that the language is created, even though it is already there. When we read from our DL perspective, it seems as if we must understand what is written, but when we read from our experience of being right with our EL, we know, only our own interpretation of it, is the right one. Writings, which demand from the reader, that he or she takes on the writer’s perspective, are not the kind of writings someone with EL wants to read. In the same way, that the speaker with EL would like to have EL with another speaker, he or she also wants to read the EL from another writer.  


What is right for me, as an individual, has nothing to do with what is inadvertently expected from me, as a member from some group. One cannot be right by considering oneself as part of a family, belonging to a church, voting left or right, identifying with one’s profession, imagining as a man, one is a woman, sharing the same hatred, truth or being a victim. Group-behavior always excludes individual behavior, in the exactly same way, that our other-listening excludes our self-listening, but our self-listening includes our other-listening, while our individual behavior excludes our group-behavior. It isn’t right for someone with EL, to participate in any kind of group-behavior and as long as this, because of our old conditioning, continues, our EL stops again.


It took me a long time, to discern right from wrong, according to the continuation of my EL. Of course, also speaking the same language is belonging to a group, but this is where EL is so fascinating, as we speak our own language, with our own language. We know that we are right when we do that and we are wrong, if we don’t. In other words, being right depends entirely on us and allows us to condemn the whole world as wrong, because we are the only ones, who engage in EL. Moreover, we know from our experience, the suffering involved in DL and so, we consider it absolutely wrong, everyone keeps  inflicting so much pain and trouble, for themselves as well as for others, with their DL. It is astonishing to us, that DL – a form of acting – is accepted as normal and is praised, as if it is something great.


When we for the first time begin to listen to our own EL, we are taking a bath in our own joy and truth. Everything we say fits and is advantageous to us. We are right, because we are rigorous, precise, honest and exact. It is an enormous contrast with the great mess we are, in due to our involvement in DL.  Once the difference between our DL and EL gets clear, we can’t help but conclude, DL is unsuitable, inappropriate, but also unintelligent, insensitive and  harmful. Furthermore, our DL is corrupt, criminal, unfair, immoral and unethical, while our EL – the right way of using language – is completely ignored.


Right now, you don’t talk with me, but the fact is, you also don’t talk with yourself. You would have EL right away, if you talked with me, because with me you can talk with yourself. I am not some therapist, I am someone, who is right, because he has EL and if you would talk with me, you would have to admit, that you were wrong, so very wrong, with your DL. I feel, everyone has the right to know about the great difference between DL and EL. It is because of your DL, the world is going to hell in a hand-basket, but everything is going to be all right, once you engage in EL. Your language will come out right, when you take time to feel good about your embodied sound.                

Wednesday, August 2, 2023




Ik heb mezelf heel vaak tevergeefs afgevraagd, waarom ik iets weer helemaal fout en verkeerd had gedaan, terwijl ik toch zo hard mijn best deed, om het goed te doen? Waarom vergat ik iets, wat ik had moeten meenemen? Waarom schreef ik iets niet op, zodat ik het me later kon herinneren? Waarom had de twijfel over de juistheid van mijn handelen, bijna altijd tot gevolg, dat ik – tot mijn eigen grote onsteltenis, spijt en schaamte – precies nou juist datgene deed, wat ik niet had moeten doen?


Ofschoon ik, als kind, altijd wel probeerde, om, zogezegd, na te denken over het katte-kwaad wat ik had uitgehaald – omdat ik wilde voorkomen, dat ik voor de zoveelste keer, met veel geschreeuw en fysiek geweld zou worden afgestraft – begreep ik nooit, wat men nou eigenlijk bedoelde, als men honderden keren op dwangmatige, kwade wijze tegen mij zei, dat ik maar eens moest leren, om beter na te denken.


Als ik weer in de fout was gegaan, dan kwam de waarheid altijd wel boven de tafel en ik was nooit in staat, om te doen zoals iedereen doet en om dus mijn fouten te verbergen. Het zat mij altijd dwars, als ik iets fout had gedaan en ik ben dan ook lange tijd bezig gebleven, mezelf omlaag te halen, door te proberen het goed te maken of het goed te doen.


Omdat ik maar niet kon begrijpen, waarom ik niet in staat was om mijn wan-gedrag te voorkomen, was ik  mij er al op jonge leeftijd pijnlijk van bewust, dat de fout niet bij mij lag, maar bij anderen, die, zo scheen het mij toe, leken te wachten op mijn fouten, zodat zij mij weer konden straffen en hun gelijk bewijzen. Men zei dan heel geirriteerd tegen mij: en ik had je nog zo gezegd, dat je zus of zo moest doen en wat gebeurt er dan? Je doet nooit wat er gezegd wordt.


Op vierenzestigste leeftijd, weet ik heel zeker, dat het begaan van mijn vele fouten, altijd een bewijs was van mijn gelijk. Ook al heb ik mijzelf eigenlijk nooit echt kunnen of willen bewijzen, toch is mijn falen, voor mij, het bewijs, dat het goed was, dat ik het keer op keer fout deed. Elke keer als ik hierover, trachtte na te denken, kon ik nergens op komen en dwaalde ik af naar zaken, die mij afleiden van wat er aan de hand was. Mij werd verweten, dat ik totaal geen realiteit’s besef of bewustzijn zou hebben.


Van jongst af aan al, was ik niet in staat om te doen zoals de anderen deden en wilde ik ook eigenlijk helemaal niet doen zoals de anderen. Waarom zou ik mij intereseren voor dit onbelangrijke, schijnbaar onmogelijke, onaangename en altijd veroordelende nadenken? Al werd ik hiervoor vele malen gestraft, ik had heimelijk altijd al de gewaarwoording, dat ik me heel goed kon redden, zonder na te denken.


Ik besef nu, dat denken niet eens bestaat en dat de oplossing, die ik vond voor mijn dilemma, altijd te maken had, met wat ik hardop tegen mijzelf zei en daarom dus kon horen. Eveneens was het schrijven aan mijzelf – over dit praten met en dit luisteren naar mijzelf – een gedrag, dat een nieuw perspectief  opende, aangezien ik hierdoor zelf-verzekerd begon te handelen vanuit de instructies, die ik mijzelf had gegeven. Zonder dit schrijven en zonder het lezen van wat ik aan mijzelf had geschreven, bleef ik nog steeds vele schadelijke dingen doen, waarvan ik eigenlijk al vele jaren tegen mijzelf zei, dat ik dat niet zou moeten doen. Zonder het lezen van wat ik aan mijzelf en voor mijzelf had geschreven, leek ik nog steeds niet volledig te vertrouwen, wat ik aan mijzelf met mijn Belichaamde Taal (BT) had gezegd.


Wanneer men volledige aandacht heeft voor het feit, dat men, over het algemeen, wat is geschreven als veel belangrijker beschouwd, dan wat is gezegd, dan is het ineens ook niet zo merkwaardig, dat mijn schrijven aan mijzelf, over het praten met mijzelf en het luisteren naar mijzelf, van zo’n doorslaggevend karakter was. Het is heel opmerkelijk, dat schrijven aan mijzelf, pas goed op gang is gekomen, nadat ik was opgehouden, om anderen te instrueren over psychologie en BT. Met andere woorden, ik kon mijn taal pas werkelijk op mijzelf gaan richten – zowel in het spreken, luisteren, schrijven en lezen – nadat ik mij niet langer meer met anderen bezig hield.  


Mijn taal is levendiger dan ooit tevoren en iedere dag heb ik prachtige inzichten en openen zich weer nieuwe perspectieven, die met mijn Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) onmogelijk waren. De volledigheid van onze taal is afhankelijk van de tijd en aandacht, die wij spenderen aan ons spreken met onszelf, het luisteren naar onszelf, het schrijven over, waarom dit spreken met onszelf en luisteren naar wat wij aan onszelf te zeggen hebben, zo belangrijk is en het lezen van wat daadwerkelijk voor ons zwart op wit is komen te staan, omdat wij het hebben geschreven. 


Er is geen enkele twijfel aan de waarneming, dat onze eigen taal, onze BT, alleen werkzaam is, als wij er bewust mee bezig zijn, door te spreken, te luisteren, te schrijven en te lezen. Bovendien zijn de vele positieve gevolgen van deze gewaarwording van taal zeer verstrekkend, omdat het niet valt te ontkennen, dat taal volledig afwezig is, als wij ons niet bezighouden met spreken, luisteren, schrijven of lezen. De afwezigheid van taal is een extatisch gebeuren, aangezien de aanwezigheid van BT een bewuste aangelegenheid was. Met OT komen wij nooit tot het weldadige besef van de afwezigheid van taal, omdat we in OT onbewust met onze taal omgaan.


De afwezigheid van BT is net zo verkwikkend als de aanwezigheid ervan. BT is onze eigen taal, maar OT is de taal van anderen, waarin wij het contact met onszelf ongemerkt verloren. In OT is onze omgang met taal automatisch, omdat wij niet naar onszelf luisteren terwijl wij spreken. Bijgevolg is al het schrijven en het lezen, over hoe wij gewend zijn te spreken, een voortzetting van de desastreuze wijze waarop onze taal ons van onze taal doet afkeren.


OT heeft een dissociatieve werking en ofschoon dit effect ons in staat stelt om te overleven – zoals ik al eerder beschreef – blijven wij in OT spreken vanuit angst, strijd, conflict, vlucht of afleiding. OT is altijd reactief, maar dit wil echter niet zeggen, dat BT bedachtzaam is. Wij noemen het zo, omdat wij nog niet hebben erkend, dat er niets te denken valt als wij volledige aandacht hebben voor ons spreken, luisteren, schrijven en lezen. BT stelt ons daartoe in staat, aangezien wij niet langer vastlopen in de door OT in stand-gehouden illusie, dat wij iets denken.


Wanneer wij ons tegoed hebben gedaan aan BT, dan zijn we stil zonder taal. Ik weet, dat ik kort geleden zei, dat ik stilte preferer, die vanuit de taal mogelijk is en dat ik die zogenaamde  stilte, die dus altijd de ontkenning van onze eigen taal inhoudt, verafschuw, maar vandaag zeg ik, dat de stilte, die tot stand komt, omdat wij weten, dat taal altijd samenhangt met spreken, luisteren, schrijven en lezen, een hele andere stilte is, dan de stilte, die wordt gecreerd door BT. Je zou dus ook kunnen zeggen, dat die stilte niet wordt gecreerd en alleen wordt waargenomen in de afwezigheid van taal, wat dus inhoudt, dat wij nog spreken, nog luisteren, nog schrijven of lezen.


Stilzijn zonder taal, is niet stilzijn voorbij de taal. Er is geen taal en wij gaan niet voorbij taal, in de stilte van BT. Er valt niets over die stilte te zeggen of te schrijven en er is ook niets over te schrijven of te lezen. In stilte zonder taal zijn wij dus ook niet meer over Taal Verlichting (TV) aan het praten. Het is zalig om deze stilte te ervaren en te beseffen, dat alles in deze ruimte wordt losgelaten. Wij kunnen de ogen sluiten of openhouden, het maakt helemaal niet uit. Ook kunnen wij hierover toch weer verder praten, luisteren, schrijven en lezen. Deze transformerende gewaarwording maakt dat wij ons heel anders gaan gedragen, dan voordat wij tot dit inzicht kwamen. Eigenlijk maakt het helemaal niets meer voor ons uit, wat we doen of niet doen en het idee, dat we het iets fout deden verdwijnt.    

Tuesday, August 1, 2023




Only because I have Embodied Language (EL), can I acknowledge the catastrophic lies, created by our Disembodied Language (DL), which set the stage for how we use our language. Only in EL, do we have a realistic experience of our language, because in DL, we fabricate and fantasize without even knowing it.


Only if you listen to the sound of your voice, while you speak out loud with yourself, will you be able to make the blissful discovery, that language is only happening, is only existing and is only noticeable, when you say, hear, write or read something. There is no language, if you don’t do any one of these four.


What people have called the mind and thinking, is a product of DL, our habitual way of talking, in which we don’t listen to ourselves, as listening to others, as well as being listened to by others, is considered to be more important, than listening to ourselves. The fact that we, unknowingly, don’t hear ourselves in our usual way of talking, is deeply problematic.


We can only begin to really listen to ourselves – or for that matter, to each other – when we completely abandon this nonsense idea that we think. Thought is an invention of our DL. The fact that everyone, all the time, everywhere, engages in DL, doesn’t make it so, that it is true, there is an inner me, who thinks or has an inner dialogue.


In addition, to our, unconscious, dumb, mechanical, inability to listen – to ourselves or each other – we are also incapable of having genuine interaction, as long as we remain so enthralled by our infatuation with our verbal constructs. Furthermore, since we find, what is written, more important than what is said, everything is upside down with our language.


Another way of formulating the aforementioned, is that our language is out of control, because we have this false, frightening, superstitious idea, that it is determined by thought, rather than by something we can see, hear, write or read. This lack of control is at least somewhat apparent, as we, presumably, always have something on our mind. However, all our attempts to quiet our illusive mind have failed.   


Only with our EL, can we express and, thus, realize our Language Enlightenment (LE). Language doesn’t exist inside of us, as it is always – only – said, heard, written or read. Once we calmly and repeatedly say this to ourselves – while we listen to and enjoy the sound of our own voice – we can’t help, but admit, that this falsehood is at the core of all our problems.


Only by logically, consistently, joyfully, confidently and patiently instructing and telling ourselves, by speaking and by writing – that we can really stop our DL, that we can boldly step out of our traumatic, tragic, troublesome history of conditioning, that we feel fortunate, intelligent and happy, to engage in EL, as it allows us to express our LE, and, therefore, be who we are – can we address and change any other self-defeating behavior, which came about and was maintained by our involvement in DL.  


There is only a deep and profound silence, when we don’t speak, when we don’t hear anyone, who says anything, when we also don’t speak with ourselves, when we don’t write something and when we don’t read anything. Our perception has totally changed, because, indeed, our nightmare of having a mind, is no longer created and maintained by our language.


The correct use of our language is revealed to us by our EL. Only by becoming involved in and familiar with our EL, can we recover from the devastating effects of our almost permanent involvement in DL. Of course, we have all experienced moments of EL, but we have never consciously, skillfully capitalized on these accidental brief instances of our verbal clarity and wellbeing. Our language only makes sense, if the speaker is listened to by a listener. However, it is so easy to forget, each speaker is also his or her own listener. Likewise, each writer is also his or her own reader. In other words, we can speak to or write for ourselves, but we will only regularly do this, after we have first experienced and become aware of the gigantic difference between our DL and EL. It is this difference which initiates us into our EL, in which we accept and explore, that talking with ourselves, is of much greater importance than talking with others.