Monday, May 6, 2024


Connecting The Dots,


Besides, understanding something and piecing together hints and other bits of information, to see the relationship and to get a clearer picture of what is really happening, connecting the dots also simply refers to drawing a line between dots, as part of a children’s activity to create an illustration or design. Whenever we speak of connecting the dots, we are actually trying to refer to Embodied Language (EL), to the language which makes sense to us. However, since we don’t know anything about the difference between our Disembodied Language (DL) and our EL, we unknowingly try to connect the dots with DL – which, of course, doesn’t work – because we don’t know how to have EL, so we, basically, only pretend to have EL, while, in reality, we are engaging in DL.


Surely, to connect the dots requires that we must acknowledge the existence of both our DL as well as our EL. DL refers to our history of conditioning, our past, while EL always refers to our present and our future. Naturally, if our DL isn’t stopped, DL is our past, present and future and, whether we believe it or not, this is what DL has so far always been. Once we get started on EL, however, DL is only our past.


Although our conditioning history with DL, may rear its end again in the present, once we have come to know the great difference between our DL and EL, we know, that DL, expressed by our EL, is our past. Connecting the dots with our EL, we realize, that we have kept trying to express our problematic DL with our DL and this never resulted in EL, consequently, we kept projecting our DL into the future, no matter how convinced we were, we would put it behind us.


Unfortunately, connecting the dots is, due to our DL, considered as a strategic, cunning process, by which some specialistic, skillful, scripted communicators add so-called value to some organization. From this description it is immediately clear, we are dealing with a group-process and not with what serves the wellbeing of any one particular individual. In other words, connecting the dots, is usually explained as the cultivation of the habit or discipline of seeing – oddly, never of the hearing – of interconnections between issues, information, trends, which seem unrelated, because they have nothing to do with us. Connecting the dots, is the perfect way of avoiding our own issues and that is what we do with our DL.


By connecting the dots, we acquire knowledge, but we don’t develop self-knowledge, because we keep pretending, that our knowledge is more important than our missing self-knowledge. With EL, on the other hand, we acquire self-knowledge, which is embedded in scientific knowledge. Connecting the dots with EL, makes us realize that self-knowledge and scientific knowledge have to be related. As long as there is no connection, between our scientific knowledge and our so-called self-knowledge, we are bound to misuse our scientific knowledge, because our so-called self-knowledge is actually ignorance.


Another often-heard aspect about connecting the dots is that, presumably, it is a mind-set. Here, we make it seem, as if there is language going on inside our body, in our head. This is complete nonsense. There are no words to be found anywhere in our brain and there exists no mind or a mind-set, these are fictitious concepts. In DL, we cannot speak in the way we want to speak and are able to speak, therefore, we get carried away by the fantasy about private speech. There is no me, inside of me, who talks with him or herself, who reasons with him or herself. All of this is make-believe of DL. In EL, we listen to ourselves while we speak and that connects the dots, as we realize, the so-called speaker is, of course, the listener. There is neither a listener, who listens, nor a speaker, who speaks. These constructs are figures of speech, which, due to DL, we believe really exist. So, there is no mind, no thought, no self, no psyche, no personality, no ego, no being, no soul. There is only overt language – speaking, listening, reading or writing – and there is no covert language.


DL gave us the so-called communication strategists, who presumably connect the dots, by seeing things holistically. All of this is hogwash. All our famous, ridiculously called, ‘professional’ speakers, engage in DL, like everyone else. Even the highest educated professors, scientists, psychiatrists, psychologists or philosophers don’t know anything about ongoing EL and can at best sell us new wine in old bags. This is a parable from the Bible, which means new ideas or practices - EL - cannot be contained in old structures or traditions. Old wineskins - DL - are brittle and cannot handle the expansion of new wine, so both, the wine and the wineskins would be lost. For someone like me, who has EL, connecting the dots always means listening to myself while I speak.

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