Thursday, August 3, 2023




Yesterday, I wrote in Dutch, about being wrong, but today, I want to write, in English, about being right. Of course, right or wrong are verbal constructs, we apply to our behavior, in the idle hope this results in behavioral control, but nothing is further from the truth. This falsehood is a product of Disembodied Language (DL), which is our common way of talking. Behavioral control requires a novel way of dealing with our language. Only if the right behavior is being produced, can we say: our language was effective.


When we engage in Embodied Language (EL) – by talking out loud with ourselves and by listening to the sound of our voice – we get everything right, what we got wrong with our DL. It is such delight to be right in this way, as one is only busy with oneself. Although one is inclined to talk about it with others, those who engage in DL never accept someone with EL is right. To the contrary, they always claim to be right, while someone with EL doesn’t give a damn.


Being right with EL is having the right words, but also the right way of speaking, listening and writing like this and reading it, in such a manner, that the language is created, even though it is already there. When we read from our DL perspective, it seems as if we must understand what is written, but when we read from our experience of being right with our EL, we know, only our own interpretation of it, is the right one. Writings, which demand from the reader, that he or she takes on the writer’s perspective, are not the kind of writings someone with EL wants to read. In the same way, that the speaker with EL would like to have EL with another speaker, he or she also wants to read the EL from another writer.  


What is right for me, as an individual, has nothing to do with what is inadvertently expected from me, as a member from some group. One cannot be right by considering oneself as part of a family, belonging to a church, voting left or right, identifying with one’s profession, imagining as a man, one is a woman, sharing the same hatred, truth or being a victim. Group-behavior always excludes individual behavior, in the exactly same way, that our other-listening excludes our self-listening, but our self-listening includes our other-listening, while our individual behavior excludes our group-behavior. It isn’t right for someone with EL, to participate in any kind of group-behavior and as long as this, because of our old conditioning, continues, our EL stops again.


It took me a long time, to discern right from wrong, according to the continuation of my EL. Of course, also speaking the same language is belonging to a group, but this is where EL is so fascinating, as we speak our own language, with our own language. We know that we are right when we do that and we are wrong, if we don’t. In other words, being right depends entirely on us and allows us to condemn the whole world as wrong, because we are the only ones, who engage in EL. Moreover, we know from our experience, the suffering involved in DL and so, we consider it absolutely wrong, everyone keeps  inflicting so much pain and trouble, for themselves as well as for others, with their DL. It is astonishing to us, that DL – a form of acting – is accepted as normal and is praised, as if it is something great.


When we for the first time begin to listen to our own EL, we are taking a bath in our own joy and truth. Everything we say fits and is advantageous to us. We are right, because we are rigorous, precise, honest and exact. It is an enormous contrast with the great mess we are, in due to our involvement in DL.  Once the difference between our DL and EL gets clear, we can’t help but conclude, DL is unsuitable, inappropriate, but also unintelligent, insensitive and  harmful. Furthermore, our DL is corrupt, criminal, unfair, immoral and unethical, while our EL – the right way of using language – is completely ignored.


Right now, you don’t talk with me, but the fact is, you also don’t talk with yourself. You would have EL right away, if you talked with me, because with me you can talk with yourself. I am not some therapist, I am someone, who is right, because he has EL and if you would talk with me, you would have to admit, that you were wrong, so very wrong, with your DL. I feel, everyone has the right to know about the great difference between DL and EL. It is because of your DL, the world is going to hell in a hand-basket, but everything is going to be all right, once you engage in EL. Your language will come out right, when you take time to feel good about your embodied sound.                

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