Sunday, August 6, 2023




During Embodied Language (EL), each experience is verbalized and, thus, whatever asks our attention, is getting our attention. We are not trying to change anything about our experience, as we express what happens in the moment. It is because of this, that our experience and our language, that describes this experience, dissolve. When we have EL, nothing is left behind, only a sense of spaciousness prevails. I call that my Language Enlightenment (LE), as I have arrived at this wonderful place with how I talk. I put language before enlightenment, as it was due to my language, that the ultimate realization happened.   


There is a vast difference between EL and our usual way of talking. Normally, we engage in Disembodied Language (DL), in which we, unconsciously, prefer and select certain experiences. During DL, we treat  language as secondary to our favorite experiences and, as a result, we say what we have already said. Stated differently, DL is repetitive, as our language doesn’t express any new experiences. The switch from DL to EL, always means a different experience.


During DL, our language gets us carried away and completely disconnects us from our experience, but in EL, our language always follows our experience as closely as possible and, thus, reveals our experience in a novel way. In other words, in EL, we are able to express, what can only be expressed, if our language isn’t, supposedly, established or decided in advance. This crazy idea, that we, like actors, have to prepare and rehearse our language, is why DL is everywhere.  


The fact, that we mainly engage in DL, but seldom, if ever, in EL, tells us, we don’t pay attention to how we use our language. Only by listening to ourselves while we speak, do we bring attention to the fact, that our repetition can and will only be stopped, if we notice, we are mechanically repeating ourselves. Since we haven’t had any conscious, deliberate and prolonged experience of EL, we are obsessed with the supposed freedom of choice and, presumably, in having things our way. This is why we always sound demanding during our DL. However, while we want others to pay attention, to what we are saying or writing, we aren’t even listening to ourselves.  


During our EL – which may, initially, only last for a few seconds – we will notice, there is no effort, no struggle, no conflict, because we, verbally, express exactly, what we are capable of expressing and what we want to express. Moreover, we not only long to use our own words, to describe our experiences, in our own way, but we can consciously make our EL happen, by being alone, by talking out loud and by  listening to the sound of our voice. This soloistic approach works, as nobody knows how to have EL.


Once we have had EL alone, we can have EL with others, who, like us, have also explored EL on their own. This path is individual and nobody – not even me – can be the guide for how someone else’s EL is going to develop. During our EL with each other, we joyfully acknowledge and recognize all the ins and outs, which we have already become aware of by ourselves. During our EL together, everything will be falling into place, as each of us has gone through a similar process to acquire it. Talking with each other is only possible, after we have talked with ourselves.


The notion, that there is nothing to accomplish during EL is, as we say, mind-blowing. During DL, we were always pushing and trying to get somewhere, but during EL, we dissolve and we are fine being nowhere. This unusual situation, that there is no conflict, pressure or tension, while we are talking, allows us to be extremely attentive. It is apparent, that the intensity, liveliness and verbal focus of our attention in EL, is made possible by us, because we have started to use our language very differently.


You don’t know what is going to happen during EL, although, after you have had it a couple of times, you know – with ever increasing certainty – it is always beneficial to you, even though it always goes against your beliefs. Your EL is going to make you abandon everything you have acquired with DL and, since you have mostly experienced DL, you will have to leave a lot behind. In the beginning, I couldn’t believe, I would really do what my EL instructed me to do. I could never have imagined, I would leave my family behind, but I wouldn’t have been where I am today, if I hadn’t. In EL, I learned to trust myself, even though I grew up with a lot of guilt and doubt. During my first steps of speaking and listening to myself, I repeatedly said to myself: I so enjoy myself because I agree with myself, when I speak with this wonderful sound. I want to find out, what I would do, if I continue to speak with and follow this calm, happy, effortless, focused vibration. The other day, I shockingly said to myself: I am a very kind person.  

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