Monday, June 12, 2023




There couldn’t be Embodied Language (EL) without humor. Expression of our Language Enlightenment (LE) isn’t some serious, boring, effortful matter, but  something natural, delightful and funny. Those who don’t believe this, are upset about this and it is best for them to stop reading. If you continue to read, you must be different from the millions of people, who, unknowingly, turned their back on themselves.


If you really want to know more about your EL and LE, you might as well start reading this text out loud, as that gives you the opportunity, to hear your own voice and realize the spaciousness of your EL, which expresses your LE. It isn’t complicated. Everything seems confusing due to Disembodied Language (DL), which has never been properly addressed and therefore, stopped. It’s funny, regardless of all wars, conflicts and arguments, we’ve never spoken clearly about our usual way of dealing with our language.


Basically, all we have done, to dominate, exploit, manipulate or out-compete each other, hasn’t made us happy, as it prevented us from being ourselves. Surely, there are people, who, presumably, have the moral high ground, but, like everyone else, they are out of touch with themselves and can’t laugh about their hypocrisy. Their DL keeps this charade going.


People believe our so-called salvation or betterment has to do with our religion, politics or education, but no one gets to the fact, that we don’t hear ourselves while we speak. There is a reason, why we hate to be confronted with the consequences of our own actions. Obviously, when the results of our behavior are bad, we don’t want to know about it and wish to blame others. And, yes, no matter how, presumably, powerful we may be, we still play the victim-card.


Are you one of those pathetic people, who wants to blame me or someone else for what you don’t do or are you one in – probably – a couple of million, who listens to him or herself, while he or she speaks? I laugh at this blame-game, which is always the same, as I am not part of it. You should laugh about it as well, but you fear to hurt other’s feelings and so, you don’t. This is why you experience no laughter in your life. You are always afraid that your fun upsets others. Only if you care more about yourself, than others – as a so-called egoist – will you laugh more.


You are participating in and cooperating with DL and this means, that you are used to lying and being lied to. However, these words are the truth and they are laughable, but that is a good, not a bad thing. When did it ever happen, that we had to feel ashamed of our laughter, as it became equivalent to disapproval and humiliation? Such sick pleasure, at the defeat of others, has nothing to do with humor. Quite to the contrary, your fake laughter, which goes along with superficial conversation, proves you misunderstand  laughter as a form of stabbing someone in the back.


We laugh, when there is, in reality nothing to laugh about. Don’t blame me for not providing you with your usual security-blanket of false humor. Besides, I laugh about your deceptive, insincere confidence. I don’t do this to shame you, but to lift your spirits. It would be disrespectful, if I would accept you, in the way, you, supposedly, accept yourself, as you don’t accept yourself, since you don’t have the language to do that. You only know humorless DL, but I have EL, which contains humor, to dispel your disbelief.


There is a difference between shaming someone or  verbally obliterating their superstitious concepts of themselves and others. In the former – that is, in our usual way of dealing with our language and our humor – we keep imprisoning each other as well as ourselves, but in the latter, we liberate ourselves and each other with our language and our humor.


While you talk, your laughter will take you to places, where you could never go without laughter. Without laughter, you are heavy, immobile and totally stuck, but with laughter, you are flexible, light and fluid. Most importantly, with laughter, you are really here, because you disappear. These are not statements to impress you, these are the facts about real laughter. Your old self has to go and only then will you know, that laughter wasn’t just some stupid show. Yes, you are only believable, credible and reliable, when you are laughable and what you believed about laughter was absolutely wrong and that is why you laughed so little. Only when you talk and laugh to your heart’s content, will you be truly yourself, a different person, not anything like how you were before.   

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