Saturday, February 10, 2024




Being here – or being who you are – is much more, that you previously believed it to be. You have never had the language to be who you are, so once you have that Embodied Language (EL), you will realize, how incredibly wonderful it is, to just be you.


With Disembodied Language (DL), you believed, you were already yourself, but that was false. Only when you have ongoing EL, can you be yourself. Since this is such a lasting experience, you have never really had it. If you would have had it, there is no turning back from it. You have only had the assumption of what it is like to have it, but you were never able to consciously and deliberately approach your own EL.


You couldn’t skillfully, reliably and continuously have EL, as you never knew the difference between your DL and your EL. The reason you can’t let go of your DL, is because you believe, it is important, it has value and you fear, you can’t live without it. The fact is, however, that your DL is a dreadful problem and a tremendous burden. Your DL is the source of suffering, which has undermined your life all along.


You have never been able to surrender with your verbal behavior, to the nonverbal reality of your own experience. If you would have done that, your verbal behavior would have become flexible and fluid enough, to match your nonverbal experience, but this could never happen, because you never took the time, to listen to yourself while you speak.


Only when you talk out loud with yourself, so you can begin to hear and enjoy your own voice, can you really adjust what you say to how you say it. Yet, this delightful fine-tuning happens, not because you do something, but because you no longer do what you did before. Thus, the more you don’t do, what you used to do – with your DL – the more you will have EL and be able to do, what you always wanted to do, but never paid attention to, because all your energy got drained by your involvement in DL.


When you engage in EL, you disappear, but when you have DL, it seems as if you matter. Everyone wants to matter, because the ultimate reality of DL is: they don’t matter and they can’t accept that. Of course, they can, but they don’t, because they find ways to avoid that reality. One way to do that, is by making it seem, as if they matter more than others. They still don’t matter, but at least, they have the illusion that they matter. In EL, on the other hand, we are happy, we don’t matter, and we don’t pretend, as if we do. It is a great relief, as we were having such a hard time, acting as if we were important.


The realization of our own unimportance with our EL sets the stage for our liberation. We are grateful, we feel blessed with this new knowledge, which we have been defending against for so long. We are so lucky; we can let it go and our unimportance is our salvation. We can close our eyes and be at peace.


With our EL, we accept the fact, that there really is no language inside of us. Therefore, we are without any language, by simply not speaking with ourselves or with anyone else; by not listening to ourselves or to anyone else; by not writing to ourselves or to someone else; and, by not reading our own writing or the writing of someone else.


To be who we are, we have to have ongoing EL, to be able to be without language. In other words, we must be with our language first, before we can be without our language. This is the greatest paradox we have ever experienced: during EL, we produce language, which takes us beyond our language.


Another way of formulating the aforementioned, is that we can only be without our language, when we have accurately, verbally and joyfully addressed our nonverbal or direct experience. All our words are lost in our EL, and this is our Language Enlightenment (LE).


Our LE is our freedom and with our EL, we find out, we have nothing to say, as we have said everything, we wanted to say and we have written everything, we wanted to write. It is an exquisite experience, to be who we are without any language. The beauty of our LE is that we can speak or not speak, we can write or not write, we can hear or not hear, we can read or not read. Nothing is missed, if we don’t speak, if we don’t listen, if we don’t write, if we don’t read.


Our LE, which is expressed by our EL, makes us say everything we are capable of saying; makes us hear, what we have always heard, but which we couldn’t respond to with our DL; makes us write, in our own words, about why the difference of our own DL and our own EL matters to us and why speaking with ourselves, is such an enriching process; and, makes us read about, what we didn’t and couldn’t say, what we didn't and couldn't hear, what we didn't and couldn't understand and what we didn't and couldn't write without our EL. Our LE is the dissolvement of our EL.    

Friday, February 9, 2024




Biden’s memory lapses symbolize what is happening in the world. By blaming this ugly, stupid, angry, old man, we – the people on the left and on the right – want to forget ourselves. With our Disembodied Language (DL), we forget our manners. There is a lot of reporting going on about Biden’s defensiveness, but everyone is self-justifying, because they engage in DL. 

Although it is, especially in the light of current horrific events, very stupid of this old man to forget the name of Hamas, I hold the media accountable for not reporting on something, I feel very strongly about. As someone, who can hear the difference between Embodied Language (EL) and DL, I am particularly disgusted by how Biden sounds. 


Let’s not forget, with every word, which comes out of his ugly-looking mouth, the president of the United States, sounds like everyone else, who produces DL. Somehow, we forget, that looking ugly and sounding nasty, always go hand in hand. Then, there is Biden’s menacing hairstyle, which we forget to consider as the root cause of his disastrous performance, not as the leader of the most powerful nation of the world, but as an arrogant, pathetic, nasty, declining human being, who is refusing to admit, he is full of shit.


With our prevailing, unconscious, dumb, coercive, scripted way of talking, amnesia, dementia, conflict and chaos, are the inevitable results. Biden is not the inventor of the way of talking, which has been going on since human beings became verbal. We all know,  we can forgive, but we cannot forget, as our trauma it always out for revenge. Biden is a typical example of an injured, unhappy, offended, vindictive person.


Mass murderers or serial killers forget their own pain, by taking out a whole bunch of people and, likewise, Biden, messes up everything he does, because what he really wants is love, attention or adoration. And don’t forget, his anxiously-coaxing, always-cheering, endlessly smiling, pretentiously-phony, love-starved, power-hungry, but humble, slave wife - who babies him every step of the way, who, presumably, is the great woman behind this great man’s success - also, of course, very badly needs some recognition and appreciation. 


The failed and twisted workings of our DL is going on in every family but is on full display in the Biden family or in the British Royal family. The two brothers, who can’t get along, is a very common theme. Generally speaking, children are much quicker to forgive than adults, but as we get older, our way of dealing with our language makes us forget, that our forgiveness is absolutely necessary to be able to live a happy life. We forget who we are, when we cannot forgive.


Forgiveness is not a skill, but a natural aspect of authentic human interaction. Since we don’t know anything about the great difference between our DL and our EL, we keep making it seem, as if we can learn to forgive, but this is total nonsense. Dictator Biden is the proof, forgiveness doesn’t exist. He demonizes half the country, to justify he is right. Throughout history, innocent people have begged their brutal oppressors for forgiveness, but they never got it and this cruelty goes on until this very day. Meanwhile, we forget, that it is our habitual, common way of talking, which sets the stage for what is happening. A stubborn, decrepit, boring and humorless men’s disregard for anyone's freedom of speech, is the epitome of insensitivity and tyranny, but also of a dissatisfied and disgraceful old age.   


You have heard the supposedly wise saying, forgive, but don’t forget, but nobody has ever said, we could actually stop our intimidating, forceful, unnatural DL and have ongoing, effortless, enjoyable EL instead. When we have ongoing EL, there is really nothing to forgive, and, since we are in charge of our own language, we are not as likely to forget. Surely, remembering is a verbal selection process of what is important to us, but we tend to forget what is unimportant to us.


With DL, however, we cannot even verbalize what is important to us, let alone remember it. To say it, as often as possible, is to remember it. Biden’s bigger purpose is to show the world a clear example: when a lie is repeated often enough – and parroted by the complicit, corrupt, propaganda media – everyone on the left will drink the Jim-Jones-cool-aid, the free slurpy, because he even begins to believe it himself.


You will forget what I have said, because you still superstitiously believe, that there are words inside of your head. I am sure, when you realize, that there is absolutely no language inside of you, you will be able to remember, what you have forgotten a long time ago. It is not forgetfulness, which makes Biden lie through his – false – teeth, but it is his desperate belief, that he is someone special, a real blessing for mankind, while in fact, he knows very well, he has always been a fraud.


While we all keep lying with our idiotic DL, we know we can and would do better, if we bravely stopped our ridiculous DL and finally engaged in EL. Although our language has confused, distracted or frustrated us, we cannot forget who we are. The fact, that we cannot forget who we really are – even though our language doesn’t allow us to say it – drives us mad. This madness is visible and audible everywhere, as we are continuously gas-lighted by our common DL, which tells us that war is peace and that up is down. The chief thing is not to forget, that your EL is the real deal, as it is about what is being said, and not about what you imagine to be inside of your head.               

Thursday, February 8, 2024




Iedere zogenaamde leiderschap, die mensen tot dusver met hun problematische, onnnatuurlijke, achterlijke Ontlichaamde Taal (OT) hebben erkend, is niet duurzaam. Vanuit Belichaamde Taal (BT) valt het hele idee van leiderschap eigenlijk weg, omdat iedereen zijn eigen meester is, met hun eigen taal.


Iets is duurzaam, indien het lange tijd blijft bestaan. We zijn allemaal bekend met de duurzaamheid van onze OT, die ons met de paplepel is ingegeven. Toch zijn wij niet gelukkig – en kunnen wij niet gelukkig zijn – met onze onbewuste, ongevoelige, moeizame omgang met taal. Als wij ooit eens een momentje van geluk, ontspanning, vriendschap, vredigheid en veiligheid mochten ervaren, dan wordt dat weer snel teniet gedaan, door onze mechanische OT.


Onze emotionele stabiliteit of onze zogenaamde psychische, geestelijke of mentale gezondheid, is slechts een verzinsel van ons bijgelovige taalgebruik. We zijn voortdurend in conflict met onszelf en met elkaar en er is – met OT, heel letterlijk – geen enkele sprake van duurzaam welzijn. Integendeel, als wij enig besef zouden hebben, van de mogelijkheid, dat wij ons, daadwerkelijk, goed zouden kunnen voelen over onszelf, dan doen wij altijd weer, alsof wij beter zouden zijn dan anderen, die dit niet ervaren. Onze vermeende voorspoed komt hierdoor rap ten einde.


Er kan alleen voortgaande, aanhoudende, blijvende, bestendige, consistente, solide, stevige BT onstaan, indien wij al onze aandacht gaan geven, aan hoe wij nou eigenlijk omgaan met onze taal, in plaats van weer op sleep-touw te worden genomen, door alles wat ons hiervan afleidt. Onze BT wordt alleen dan pas duurzaam voor ons, nadat wij hiervoor geschikt zijn geworden, wat inhoudt, dat wij, vanwege onze eigen bevindingen en experimentaties, in staat zijn geraakt, om onze OT van onze BT te onderscheiden.


De duurzaamheid van BT, is ook van groot belang met betrekking tot onze ontwikkeling. Ofschoon wij ook met onze OT een min of meer stabiel gedrag’s repertoire ontwikkelen, zijn alle handelingen, die voortkwamen vanuit onze OT in ons nadeel. Het feit, dat wij, met onze OT, niet in staat zijn, om dit toe te geven, maakt dat wij zogezegd, ongemerkt, een slaaf blijven van onze geconditioneerde gewoontes.  


Ook al is de duurzame en daarom zeer wenselijke ontwikkeling van BT – gezien het onomstotelijke feit dat wij allemaal zijn geconditioneerd door OT – nog voor ieder van ons, als vrij individu, zo’n gigantische uitdaging, indien wij het verschil tussen onze OT en BT, serious nemen, dan zal onze OT stoppen en zal onze standvastige, energie-gevende, motiverende BT gaan voorzien in al onze behoeftes. Als onze eigen behoeftes zijn vervult, dan pas zijn wij instaat, om anderen van dienst te zijn, met het vervullen van hun eigen behoeftes. Vanwege onze gewoonte-getrouwe OT, is dit momenteel absoluut niet het geval en daardoor is alle psychologie, psychiatrie en filosofie, maar tevens ook religie, spiritualiteit of zogenaamd werken aan onszelf volslagen zinloos.


De wereld staat in vuur en vlam. De hele Westerse, individuele manier van leven staat op het spel. Het is mogelijk, dat er een nucliare, alles-verwoestende Derde Wereld Oorlog zal uitbreken, omdat er geen enkel besef bestaat van de taal, die bij het individu hoort. Alleen onze BT garandeert de vrijheid van het individu, maar zoals eerder vermeld, OT maakt ons, ondanks onze zogenaamde invidueele vrijheden, tot kudde-dieren, die met hun taal nog steeds hun eigen individuele vrijheid zijn blijven ontkennen.


Er zijn vele prachtige wetenschappelijke vorderingen  gemaakt, maar geen van die welvaart-creerende ontwikkelingen hadden tot gevolg, dat wij onze OT, onze overal-voorkomenende, alledaagse wijze van spreken, als onwetenschappelijk – en intellectueel dus als onwenselijk – zijn gaan beschouwen. Al onze  aandacht is blijven gaan naar de overwaardering voor geschreven taal, terwijl, om BT te hebben, al onze aandacht naar gesproken taal zou moeten gaan. Alle voorderingen, die dus technologisch zijn gemaakt, zijn niet duurzaam, omdat onze reactieve omgang met taal, nog steeds stamt uit het Stenen Tijdsperk. In OT bedreigen en bedriegen wij elkaar, omdat wij nog steeds niet in staat zijn, om effectief over onze eigen individuele ervaringen te spreken.      




The other day, after we ate dinner, while we were watching a movie and drinking some delicious red wine, I had fallen asleep on the couch. I must have been asleep for a while, when my wife Bonnie went to bed, as it was her time. She likes to read before she goes to sleep, but before she fell asleep, she checked on me, as I was still lying there, in the dark. She slightly touched me, as she wanted to let me know, I should come to bed, but it startled me, I had suddenly been awakened and I wasn’t sleepy yet.


Although I had only slept, may be, for an hour, I was right awake and was feeling full of energy. Surely, I felt a little embarrassed, I passed out on the couch, in the middle of a movie and being awakened by Bonnie – who then went to sleep – had something  unusual, as it was still fairly early in the evening. My sense of space-time was altered and it seemed, as if I felt more awake, than I had ever been before.


I am reminded of another time, long ago, when I had fallen asleep during some meditation camp. We were all in some big hall and during the final part of the meditation, we were lying flat on our backs. It was a huge group. When I woke up, it was dark, and everyone was gone. Obviously, falling asleep wasn’t the purpose of the meditation, but it seemed as if this was the most exquisite experience for me. Nobody had awakened me, and I felt, I had awakened myself.


In the past, I have often been awakened by dreams. Many times, my dreams were about something fearful or dreadful, but occasionally, I would also dream about something fantastic and beautiful. I like to speak or write about, what it takes to be awakened. I know, that my Embodied Language (EL) is needed, but to have EL, I first had to stop my  Disembodied Language (DL). I certainly know about the difference between my DL and my EL, but my Language Enlightenment (LE) was only revealed to me, once I was able to stop my tendency, to let others know about my EL. Due to my history of  conditioning, I kept, psychologically, falling asleep.


Right now, it is two o’clock in the night. I am happy to be right awake. I went to bed very early, at seven, so I have already slept seven hours. I probably won’t sleep any more, after I am done with this writing. I guess, I woke up, because I had slept enough and I believe, that anyone will only be awakened, if they have really had enough of being asleep. I just love to sleep. There have been times, I was feeling scared, intrigued, excited, worried or bored by my dreams.  


These days, my EL is steady and stable, but it wasn’t always this way. Many times, I went back and forth between my DL and my EL. While I believed, I really had enough of my own DL, I kept being drawn to it again and again. Actually, when I, for the first time, had discovered the immense difference between my own DL and my EL, I felt, I had been awakened. The only thing I wanted to do, is to scream it from the roof tops. I tried to tell everyone about it and, in one way or another, I went on doing that for years.


My awakening, however, wasn’t like anything I had read or hear about. I knew, I was awakened and yet, I came to find out, I didn’t yet have the language to express it. Apparently, my DL had only stopped long enough, to make me realize the difference between my DL and my EL. In spite of my awakening, I was as stuck in my DL as everyone else. Actually, I seemed to be even more stuck than others, as my DL always caused me so many problems. I felt infuriated, that others didn’t have such problems, with their DL, but that I always got in trouble for it. Looking back on those harsh days now, I realize it had to be this way.


The only language, which fits with being awakened is ongoing EL. Only a few moments of EL, is simply not good enough. As stated, EL can only continue, if DL – and all behavior that is associated with it – has been stopped. I am still in the process of doing that and, quite likely, I will never be able to complete what I have started. Luckily, I no longer worry about this, as I used to. When I was still busy, trying to let others know about EL, I felt so bad about this, but now that I don’t care about that anymore, I live my life as best as I can and feel so happy about myself.         

Wednesday, February 7, 2024




If you have ever watched the science fiction series Star Trek, you are probably familiar with the famous quote: Space, the final frontier. However, in reality, human beings, are not going on some five-year-long mission, to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations. Human beings are at war with themselves and with each other and they are literally going nowhere. Certainly, we are not boldly going, where no man has gone before, on some heroic, fantastic voyage, to other galaxies, in some imaginary, fancy starship Enterprise. To the contrary, mankind is digging its own grave, with its outdated, stupid Disembodied Language (DL).


Our final frontier isn’t something fictional, but it is something very down to earth. Yes, it is our way of communicating, which sets the stage for how we deal with our own and each other’s behavior. If we are going to go, where no man has gone before, we are going to engage in ongoing Embodied Language (EL) or, as I used to call it, in the language that creates space.


With our usual, mechanical, unconscious, coercive, unintelligent DL, we don’t give ourselves and each other any space, to express ourselves. DL is based on a competition between speakers. Those, who are the best at dominating, manipulating, distracting and pretending, they win the struggle for attention. All the talking is, basically, done by only a very small amount of people, our so-called authorities. Not surprisingly, as long as we keep listening to them, we are never going find out about the space, we will experience, if we talk with and listen to ourselves.


Whenever anyone says, I need some space, please, give me some space, what they are actually saying is: stop your DL and, for Peet’s sake, let’s have some EL. We could only say that, however, if we knew the difference between our DL, the language of the group or our straight-jacket language and EL, the language of our individual freedom. Our ongoing EL changes our space-time experience and our perception is new.


Whenever you are in some room, there is always a place – in that space – where it will be very easy for you, to express your EL. If we are in a group and you are trying to find that place, in space, we all agree when you have found your place, your space, where you can express your EL. This is a truly remarkable exercise, which can, of course, also be done alone. When you come closer to that space, you will start to have EL and if you move away from that space, you will produce DL. Furthermore, within your body there is space, but also tension. If you give attention to the tension in your body, with the sound of your voice, by directing your sound into that tense spot, the tension dissolves and will you feel space within your body. Certainly, you can also talk about your so-called problems, which appear to take up space in your imaginary mind. When you say to yourself what is going on and listen to the sound of it, you can tell if it is DL or EL. If you correctly describe DL, it will stop and then, there will be space to have EL.


As long as we engage in DL, we have no idea about our own or someone else’s personal space. Our blatant lack of boundaries in DL, causes us to have conflicts with others as well as with ourselves. Problems with others cannot be solved by, supposedly, making us aware about their space, because as long as we stay busy with others, we are unaware of our own space. Only once we have become aware – with our EL, because we become more sensitive – of our own space, are we capable of respecting the space of others. In DL, we are out of touch with ourselves and each other, as we are busy occupying someone else’s space, by demanding their attention.


In geometry, we consider three-dimensional space. This is a mathematical, physical or Euclidian space, in which three values or coordinates – x, y, z, which can also be defined as length, width and height – are used to locate a point. In classical physics, this serves as a model of the physical universe, in which all known matter exists. However, when relativity theory is also considered – and I should emphasize, that this is only truly the case, when we engage in EL, but only superficially, when we engage in DL – then these coordinates are considered as a local subspace of space-time. In a representation of the three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, the x-axis leaves a point, and is pointing towards the observer, the y-axis moves towards to the right and the z-axis goes upwards.


One can easily visualize a transparent cube in space. This tri-dimensional space is the most compelling and useful model of space, to – visually – model the world, as it is experienced by us. However, relativity theory does not directly relate to our sound, as it primarily explains the behavior of objects in the universe – that is, in space – at high speeds and in relation to gravity. Nevertheless, relativity theory has some implications for the behavior of sound waves in certain situations. I would say – with my very limited knowledge of physics – that all current understanding of physics is based on DL, in which we don’t listen to ourselves, while we speak. When we engage EL, I predict, we will be able to conceive of aspects of physics – that is of space-time – which, until now, we literally weren’t able to talk about. For instance, the speaker, who listens to him or herself while he or she speaks, produces a different sound from the speaker, who doesn’t listen to his or her own voice, while he or she speaks. Surely, the listener, who listens to the former or to the latter speaker, will also have an entirely different experience.




Even though I have done everything, I have somehow achieved I can now enjoy doing nothing so much. I occasionally sing a song, play something on my ukulele or come up with a different text to an existing tune. I also like to walk along the stream or do yoga, tai chi or some other exercises to relax and strengthen my muscles and keep my body healthy, but I usually don't do anything at all. Even though I'm writing this, I'm not doing anything for it, as it just happens. I might as well have sat here, on my comfortable chair, completely still, which I often do.


I just read a ridiculous article in the New York Times. It was written by an idiot, whose name I don't want to mention, because he's a moron, who has nothing of substance to say. In the piece about the situation in the Middle East, he compared the various parties in the conflict to insects. Wow, what a great find that is. Now we all understand what is going on. Not so. What strikes me about this stupid story is the arrogant explanation or interpretation of what is, presumably, really happening, according to this foolish jerk. If we were to believe him, it works precisely, as he writes. In other words, it is not just the way it is – barbaric religious fanatics have slaughtered a bunch of innocent people – but,  there is another, a deeper, hidden meaning, that we can only come to know, by meekly joining with his tedious language. That's how it works in the Israel-Jew-hating, left-wing media, specifically, in the NJT.


Talking doesn't disturb my silence. I looked on You Tube at a video, I recently posted and read some statements by Krishnamurti. This anti-guru guru, talked about emptying our consciousness. He stated that thinking, mind and memory are all in the past, which we carry with us. I don't believe in thinking. According to me, there is no mind, because there is no language in us. It only seems that way, because we talk about it in that way. That is why we pretend, there are words and sentences inside our heads, but, of course, that cannot be the case. There was never any language inside of any of us. This was merely a disastrous illusion created and maintained by our Disembodied Language (DL), our usual mode of speech, which sets the stage for how we deal with our language, and, in turn, all our other behavior.


It is remarkable, that even someone as enlightened as Jiddu Krishnamurti – who had long conversations with the famous physicist David Bohm – was never able to recognize the obvious, incontrovertible, still completely ignored, unaddressed fact that, there is absolutely no language inside the human body.


Embodied Language (EL) is like waking up from a bad dream. All those so-called enlightened ones, masters or spiritual leaders - including Gurdjieff, Osho, the Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, Sadguru, Ramana Maharshi, Eckhart Tolle, Nisargadatta Maharaj, you name them – believe, we have a mind and, therefore, they assume there is language in us and we could, covertly, have an inner conversation with ourselves. Everyone falls for that nonsense and repeats that monumental impossibility, because we have continued to forcefully talk about things in that manner, since time immemorial, with our DL.


The fact which keeps astonishing me, because of my EL, is that words have never existed inside, but only outside of me. However, this crucially important fact, doesn't get any attention anywhere else than here on this blog, because I can write about it. Also, on my You Tube videos, I can and dare to speak about mankind’s biggest blunder, with crystal clarity. We are dealing here with the innocent, spontaneous, natural child, who sees what he sees – in my case, hears, what he hears – who blurts out: the emperor has no clothes on. All things considered, this should mean, that I should be recognized and revered by others as a genius, since no one – absolutely no one – ever talks about this. Only someone like me, who is not concerned with anything, a nobody, who is doing nothing other than having EL, listening while he is speaking, and writing about how that works.


Anyone who reads this, can and must understand - once and for all - there are only bones, veins, nerves and organs inside of our body and in our heads, there are, of course, only brains and neurotransmitters. I am 100% right, there have never been any thoughts, theories, ideas, concepts, associations or memories inside of us. Yes, there was never any language inside of us. You need to say, to hear it and to believe it. I repeat this, because it needs to be repeated, before it dawns on you, how far-reaching this conclusion – which we have yet to talk about – is. People say, I'm making a big fuss about nothing. And that's true, ha, ha.


My silence is very different from that so-called silence, which people only imagine, because they believe – religiously and unconsciously– they can experience peace, if they let go of their non-existent thoughts or their fantasized minds. All of this total nonsense continues by the concept of meditation or mindfulness. The fact remains, that everyone continued with DL and never understood, that only our EL is based on the reality, that our language - like these words - is always audible, visible and readable, because it is said and written. Again, there is no inner language and, therefore, there is no psyche, ego or inner self.


Since we continue to distort our effortless voice during our effortful DL, the auditory illusion is created and maintained, that we would be kind, intelligent, empathetic, open, strong, confident, fearless and positive, but this is just an act. We have never had EL to our heart's content with each other, because we have never been able to say, what we really wanted and could say. This is how our illusion of fake-inner language is maintained. To this day, we have mandatorily, involuntarily, unconsciously continued with our violent practice of DL.


I can have ongoing EL and, consequently, I have no thoughts and I have no business with any so-called mind, because it simply does not exist. All I do is talk, listen, write and read, but even if I do that, it is only at the moment, that I say something, that I hear something, that I write something or that I read something. So, I never think anything at all. Let that rotten corps of the old philosopher Rene Descartes – who once so firmly and authoritatively stated, I-think-therefore-am – roll in his grave. However, like him, I have also been conditioned, by the same dumb illusion, that there is language inside of me, although I have known for a long time, this is not true and cannot even be true.


The persistent belief, that we can have any language within us, amounts to the same utter nonsense, that people all over the world have been forced to accept as their so-called religion or their sacred experience of spirituality. The notion, that there can be such a thing as a god or a higher power, is, of course, no more true, than that we can have an inner behavior initiating, behavior regulating self or an inaudible conversation, private speech or covert self-talk.


From what I have described in great detail, so far, it appears that our belief in inner language is a big lie, which inevitably results in all kinds of other lies, such as wizards, ghosts, spirits, angels, elves, aliens, but also, of course, astrologers, clairvoyants, priests, preachers, therapists, snake-oil-salespeople, drug-dealers, politicians and other deceitful people.  


Since I know all of this, I say, it is very important, we should no longer concern ourselves with all these untruths, which, due to our unconscious, coerced, use of language, were propagated, as if they were true. There are many negative consequences of our superstition, which, however, in reality is nothing more, than our common everyday way of speaking.


For me, this writing this is a form of doing nothing. I remember, that in the practice of Zazen, which is an anti-language, Japanese version of meditation, the point is to do, by doing nothing, so - without any understanding of the difference between DL and EL – to be able to sit in meditation, but without doing anything else, with your so-called monkey-mind. It is, perhaps, now clear to the reader, this is a form of trying to lift yourself up by your shoelaces. It does not work. In Zazen, the only thing you can do – in terms of language – is capitulate. Surely, this Zen nonsense or any other form of meditation or prayer has nothing to do with the real transformation, which will only take place, after we have stopped our DL and continue to speak and write with our EL.


This writing, as well as the
 speaking with myself, which 
you can hear on my You 
Tube videos, is something 
I feel very happy about. 
Bringing my attention to
 my language is something 
delightful, which continues 
to fascinate me. I have called it 
my Language Enlightenment (LE),
 because with my EL – which can
 be read and heard by others - 
I find myself in an awakened
 state of being. I am in no way
 tied to anything I have said 
or written and I can stop 
speaking or writing, at any
 time, if I wish.


You can already experience, by reading this text or by watching and listening to my videos, that I am actually talking about something so completely different, than what people usually talk about. If you were to talk to me, this would become even more apparent, but I hear nothing from you, and no one responds to my blog. This illustrates exactly the situation you are in, with regard to your EL. You are punitively conditioned, imprisoned by, preoccupied with and mechanically, obsessed with your own DL and with the DL of others.


Only someone like me – who, very objectively, after many experiments, has acquired true knowledge with his own EL – will want to talk with me, because for others I am simply not relevant. I have struggled with this issue for a long time, but today it appears, I have resigned myself, to no longer make any effort to reach others. I am feeling very proud about this, because it was such a problem, which, finally, I no longer have. Everything is fine the way it is and, as far as I'm concerned, nothing needs to change.


I'm about to go to sleep soon. I already feel sleep coming over me, but I still want to fill this page with some more meaningless words, which arise from my silence. I have nothing to say, that is why, as soon as I close my eyes, I immediately fall asleep. My sleep is so good in recent times, because all my days are calm and steady. It is a wonderful time of doing nothing. The days follow without any sense of time. Yes, I have gotten a bit older, and I will die one day, but for now, I enjoy what I have achieved, while I continue to poke fun at the sad madness, everyone with DL has continued to believe in.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024




Ook al heb ik van alles gedaan, ik heb hiermee, op de een of andere manier, bereikt, dat ik nu zo kan genieten van het niets doen. Ik zing zo af en toe een liedje, speel wat op mijn ukulele of verzin nog weer eens een andere tekst bij een reeds bestaand wijsje, ik wandel ook graag langs de beek of ik doe wat yoga, tai chi of andere oefeningen, om mijn spieren op kracht en mijn lijf gezond te houden, maar ik doe eigenlijk meestal helemaal niets. Ook al schrijf ik dit, ik doe er niets voor. Ik had net zo goed hier doodstil  kunnen zitten, wat ik ook dus heel vaak doe.  


Ik las zojuist een belachelijk artikel in the New York Times. Het was geschreven door een druiloor, wiens naam ik niet wil zeggen, omdat ik hem een grote sukkel vind, die niets wezelijks te vertellen heeft. In het stukje, over de toestand in het Midden Oosten, wat deze idioot had geschreven, vergeleek hij de diverse partijen in het conflict met insecten. Goh, wat een vondst is dat zeg en nou begrijpen we het. Niet dus. Wat me opvalt, aan zo’n dom verhaal, is die zogenaamde uitleg of interpretative van wat er volgens deze eikel gebeurd. Als we hem zouden moeten geloven, dan zit het dus eigenlijk in elkaar, zoals hij schrijft. Met andere woorden, het is niet gewoon zoals het is, maar er is een andere, een diepere, een verborgen betekenis, die wij alleen aan de weet kunnen komen, door maar weer gedwee met zijn taal mee te doen. Zo werkt dat in de media.


Praten verstoort mijn stilte niet. Ik keek even op You Tube, naar een video, die ik onlangs had gemaakt en zag toen wat uitspraken van Krishnamurti naar voren komen. Hij sprak over het ledigen van je bewustzijn en zei, dat denken en herinnering allemaal verleden tijd is, dat wij met ons meeslepen. Ik geloof niet in het denken en volgens mij bestaat er geen eens een mind, want er is geen taal binnenin ons. Het lijkt zo, omdat wij er zo over praten. Daarom doen we alsof er woorden en zinnen in ons hoofd zouden zitten, maar dat is natuurlijk helemaal niet zo. Er was nooit een taal in ons. Dit was slechts een illusie, die werd gecreerd en in stand gehouden, door Ontlichaamde Taal (OT), onze gebruikelijke wijze van spreken.


Het is eigenlijk heel opmerkelijk, dat zelfs zo iemand als Krishnamurti – die lange gespreken had met de beroemde fysicus Bohm – nooit het voor de hand liggende, onomstotelijke, nog steeds ongeaddresseerde feit heeft kunnen onderkennen, dat er natuurlijk absoluut geen taal binnenin ons lichaam bestaat.


Het is als een wakker worden uit een nare droom. Al die zogenaamde verlichten, meesters of spirituele leiders – ook Gurdjieff, Osho, de Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, Sadguru, Ramana Maharshi, Eckhart Tolle, Nisargadatta Maharaj, noem ze allemaal maar op – geloven allemaal, dat wij een mind en dus taal in ons hebben en dat wij, zonder dat iemand daar erg in heeft, een innerlijk gesprek met onszelf zouden kunnen hebben. Toch valt iedereen voor die onzin, die onmogelijkheid, omdat wij zo over dingen zijn blijven praten, sinds mensen heugenis, met onze OT.


Het feit, dat het mij, vanwege mijn Belichaamde Taal (BT), opvalt, dat er nooit taal in ons heeft bestaan, krijgt nergens anders aandacht, dan hier op deze blog, omdat ik erover kan schrijven en op mijn You Tube videos, omdat ik er, met klink-klare helderheid, over kan en durf te spreken. We hebben hier dus te maken met het onschuldige, spontane, natuurlijke  kind, dat ziet – in mijn geval, hoort –  en zegt, dat de keizer geen kleren aan heeft. Welbeschouwd, zou dit toch tot gevolg moeten hebben, dat ik door anderen zou moeten worden erkend als een geniaal iemand, omdat niemand – helemaal niemand – het hier ooit over heeft. Alleen zo iemand als ik, die zich nergens anders mee bezighoudt, dan met luisterend spreken – BT – kan dus horen, hoe het in elkaar zit.


Iedereen, die dit leest, kan heel goed begrijpen en beseffen, dat er alleen maar botten en organen in ons lichaam zitten en in ons hoofd alleen maar hersensen en neurotransmitters. Ik heb hierin 100% gelijk, dat er nooit gedachten, theorieen, ideen, concepten,  associaties of herinneringen, in ons lichaam zijn geweest. Er was nooit een taal in ons. Ik herhaal dit, omdat het herhaald dient te worden, voordat het tot je doordringt, wat een verstrekkende gevolgen deze conclusie heeft. Men vindt mij een last-pak, die zich druk maakt om niets. En, dat is ook nog zo, ha, ha.


Mijn stilte is totaal anders, dan die zogenaamde stilte, die mensen zich slechts inbeelden, omdat ze menen – en net als een geloof, geloven – dat ze hun niet bestaande gedachtes of gefantaseerde mind hebben losgelaten. Dit alles is volslagen flauwe kul, die werd voortgezet met het concept van meditatie. Het blijft een feit, dat iedereen met OT verder ging en nooit heeft begrepen, dat alleen BT gebaseerd is op de realiteit, dat taal – zoals deze woorden – altijd zichtbaar en leesbaar is en gezegd wordt en dan dus hoorbaar is. Nogmaals, er is geen innerlijke taal en er is dus ook helemaal geen psyche, ego of innerlijk.


Doordat wij tijdens onze OT onze natuurlijke stem zijn blijven verdraaien, werd de auditieve illusie gecreerd, dat wij vriendelijk, intelligent, empatisch, open, sterk, zeker, zonder angst en positief zouden zijn, maar dit alles is slechts niets anders dan geacteer. Wij hebben nog nooit naar hartelust BT met elkaar gehad, omdat we nog nooit hebben kunnen zeggen, wat we nou eigenlijk echt wilde en konden zeggen en daardoor bleef onze illusie van innerlijke taal in stand gehouden. Tot op de dag van vandaag, zijn wij onbewust bezig gebleven met OT.


Ik heb geen gedachten en hoef dus ook nooit iets te doen met mijn zogenaamde mind, omdat die niet bestaat. Het enige wat ik doe is praten, luisteren, schrijven en lezen, maar zelfs als ik mij daar mee bezig houd, dan is het alleen maar op het moment zelf, dat ik iets zeg, dat ik iets hoor, dat ik iets schrijf of dat ik iets lees. Ik denk dus helemaal nooit iets. Laat die dwaze filosoof Rene Descartes, die ooit zo stellig beweerde, ik-denk-en-daarom-ben-ik, maar lekker rollen in zijn graf. Ik ben evenwel net als hem geconditioneerd met dezelfde illusie, dat er taal in mij zou zitten, maar ik weet al lang en breed, dat dit  gewoon niet waar is en zelfs niet eens waar kan zijn.


Zoals reeds eerder omschreven, het hardnekkige geloof, dat wij taal in ons zouden hebben, komt op  dezelfde volslagen onzin neer, die mensen overal ter wereld hebben geaccepteerd als hun zogenaamde religie of beleving van spiritualiteit. Het idee, dat er een god of een hogere macht zou zijn, is natuurlijk net zo min waar, als dat wij een innerlijk zelf of onhoorbaar gesprek in onszelf, met onszelf, zouden kunnen hebben, dat ons gedrag veroorzaakt of reguleert.


Uit wat ik tot dusver nauwkeurig heb beschreven, blijkt, dat ons geloof in innerlijke taal, een grote leugen is, die onherroepelijk tot allerlei andere leugens leidt, zoals, tovenaars, spoken, geesten, engelen, elfen, buitenaardse wezens, maar ook natuurlijk, astrologen, helder zienden, predikers, priesters, psychologen, verkopers, politici en allerlei andere mensen, die ons een oor proberen aan te naaien.   


Omdat ik dit allemaal weet, vind ik het van groot belang, dat wij ons niet meer zouden moeten bezighouden met al deze onwaarheden, die vanwege onze onbewuste omgang met taal, worden gepropageerd alsof het waar zou zijn. Er zijn vele negatieve gevolgen van onze bijgelovigheid, die dus in werkelijkheid niets anders is dan onze alledaagse wijze van spreken.


Dit schrijven is voor mij een vorm van niets doen. Ik herinner mij, dat in de praktijk van Za-Zen, wat dus een anti-taal, Japanse, versie van meditatie is, het er op aan komt, om te doen, door niets te doen, om dus – zonder enig begrip van het verschil tussen OT en BT – in meditatie te kunnen zitten, zonder verder iets anders te doen, met je zogenaamde mind. Het is de lezer wellicht nu een beetje duidelijk, dat dit een vorm is van jezelf proberen op te tillen bij je schoenveters. Het gaat niet. Het enige wat je kunt doen – qua taal – is capituleren. Deze zen-onzin of welke andere vorm van meditatie of gebed dan ook, heeft  niets te maken met de werkelijke transformatie, die alleen kan plaatsvinden, wanneer wij onze OT stop zetten en verder spreken of schrijven met BT.  


Dit schrijven, alsook het spreken met mijzelf, dat je kunt horen op mijn You Tube videos, is iets waar ik mij zeer gelukkig mee voel. Het bezig zijn met taal is iets wat mij blijft fascineren. Ik heb het mijn Taal Verlichting (TV) genoemd, omdat ik vanwege mijn bezigzijn met taal – wat dus altijd door anderen kan worden gelezen of gehoord – mij in een onwaakte staat van zijn bevind. Ik zit op geen enkele manier vast aan wat ik heb gezegd of geschreven en kan er dus, indien ik dat wil, elk moment mee ophouden.  


Je kunt ervaren, door middel van deze tekst of door  naar mijn videos te kijken en te luisteren, dat ik het  daadwerkelijk over iets heel anders heb, dan waar men het doorgaans over heeft. Indien je met mij in gesprek zou gaan, zou dit nog meer blijken, maar ik hoor helemaal niets en er reageert niemand op mijn blog. Dit illustreert precies de situatie waarin wij verkeren, ten aanzien van onze BT. We zijn allemaal vanwege onze conditionering verknocht aan OT.


Alleen iemand zoals ik, die, heel objectief gezien, na diverse experimentaties, ook zijn eigen BT heeft toegeigend, zal met mij in contact willen zijn, want voor anderen ben ik eenvoudigweg niet relevant. Ik heb hier lange tijd mee geworsteld, maar vandaag blijkt, dat ik mij er volledig bij heb neergelegd, dat ik geen enkele moeite meer doe, om anderen met BT te bereiken. Ik ben hierop zeer trots, omdat dit een groot probleem voor mij is geweest, dat ik nu niet meer heb. Ik vind het juist prima, zoals het is en er hoeft, wat mij betreft, niets meer te veranderen.  


Ik ga zo slapen en voel de slaap al over me komen, maar wil deze bladzijde nog even volschrijven met niets-zeggende woorden, die vanuit stilte opkomen. Ik heb niets te zeggen en dat is waarom ik zodadelijk als ik mijn ogen sluit, direct in slaap val. Mijn slaap is zo goed tegenwoordig, omdat mijn dagen zo rustig en gestaag zijn. Het is voor mij een heerlijke tijd van niets doen. De dagen volgen elkaar op zonder enig besef van tijd. Ja, ik ben ouder geworden en ik zal ooit een keertje dood gaan, maar nu geniet ik nog even van wat ik heb bereikt, terwijl ik de draak blijf steken, met de waanzin, waarin iedereen met OT is blijven geloven.