Friday, June 21, 2024

 Disappear Humor,


Peek-a-boo is a form of play with an infant, but disappear humor is the play of an adult, who is mature enough to laugh about him or herself, whenever he or she seemingly disappears into unconscious Disembodied Language (DL) and reappears in Embodied Language (EL). During the peek-a-boo game, the adult player hides his or her face and then, suddenly, pops back into view of the other, the infant player, while saying peek-a-boo. However, disappear humor is done alone, by one person, who – switching back and forth between DL and EL – delights in hearing the sound of his or her own reappearance of who he or she truly is.


Initially, we laugh – in EL – about the fact that we become conscious again, as we realize, we have been unconscious of ourselves during DL, but as we laugh more and more, because we remain conscious and are capable of continuing with our EL, we can recognize our ongoing EL as our Language Enlightenment (LE). Remarkably, at some point, we no longer seem to reappear, since we are no longer disappearing in our DL, that is, we don’t believe anymore, in who we believed to be from our conditioning history. This is such a relief. 


Surely, in dreadful DL, our so-called identity was always based on the assumption of inner language. We discover and acknowledge during our ongoing EL, that there is – and never was – any language inside of us, that our so-called covert private speech or our mind, was only a fantasy, an oral illusion, which was created by our DL. Similarly, to optical illusions, when your eyes and brain are tricked into seeing things, which are not really there, there can also be auditory illusions.


We generally believe, that auditory illusions are experienced by someone, who is – with our DL, is said to be – mentally ill, but when we refer to our imaginary mind, we talk about hearing a voice inside of us, while in reality, of course, no sound is made and nothing is really heard. The common auditory illusion, we call thinking, in which we habitually say, we hear something, which isn’t there and, then, supposedly, listen to what is said by our inner self or being, is equally false as the optical illusion, in which we seem to see things, which aren’t there, but which we are tricked into believing to be there.  


The difference between our DL and EL, is quite simple: in DL we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak, but in EL, we listen to ourselves while we speak. Consequently, in DL we imagine to be hearing all sorts of stuff inside of us and we say it is our thinking, because we don’t get to fully express ourselves with our real voice, which can be heard. Once we have EL, it is very clear – and we are forever grateful to Karine Jean-Pierre, the arrogant, obviously lying press-secretary of our hopefully soon to be gone, stupid Joe Biden – that our DL, in which we don’t listen to our own voice, while we speak, has tricked us into believing in inner language. This is a mistake of catastrophic psychological proportions, but here our disappear humor comes to the rescue. It is the solution to all the gas-lighting that is going on everywhere. 


Once we discover – with our EL, for ourselves and by ourselves, while enjoying our disappear humor – that our thinking or mind, is nothing else, but an auditory illusion - and, indeed, we have constantly believed in hearing something, which never was really there, in the first place, and, that we have based all our actions on a sound, which we didn’t and couldn’t hear, but which we believed to be hearing - we laugh whole-heartedly at the disappearance of this nightmare, which has kept all of mankind stuck, not in this imaginary mind, but in this horrific, automatic DL, the way of talking, which is causing and increasing all of our problems.


Only in DL, but never with EL, do we create and maintain the auditory illusion, which we have called our mind. In EL, we listen to ourselves, and we dispel the illusion, which permanently disappears, and this is our LE. It should be clear by now to the attentive reader – and to Karine Jean-Pierre, who hopefully informs our idiotic president Joe Biden about this phenomenal discovery – that during an auditory illusion, it is not someone’s brain, which is falsely interpreting its surrounding and distorting their perception of the world around them, but it is DL, the way of talking, in which we don’t listen to ourselves while we speak.


The peek-a-boo play has many variations and disappear humor is one of them, for grownups. You can hide behind a tree or hide your face behind your hand and say, where am I or ask, where is the baby? In EL, you say, instead of, I see you, I hear you, to yourself. Surely, there is no me and myself and this convoluted dual aspect of who I seemed to be finally disappears. Not coincidentally, peek-a-boo is considered – with our DL – as the fundamental structure of all good jokes, since we dominate, manipulate or surprise the expectation of others with our sound and words. In EL, we are not busy with others and that is why we speak naturally and effortlessly. To our great delight, who we really are, appears during EL. Our disappear humor, is about our EL, in which all our problems dissolve.                 

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