Sunday, June 23, 2024

 Mankind Humor,


We haven’t heard about the universal humor, which is addressed in this writing, because our common Disembodied Language (DL) simply couldn’t produce it. People all across the world are into nonsensical transcendental meditation or other world-wide religious fantasies, but not into transcendental humor, as it doesn’t seem to be important enough to anyone to laugh. It is also often repeated, that music is the universal language, but, to my knowledge, nobody has ever spoken about our dire need for cross-cultural humor.


Although it occurs in every society, around the world, DL has never been properly addressed. Surely, DL is the most difficult of all problems facing mankind. While everyone seems to agree that we should all, day in day out, engage in unintelligent DL, mankind has yet to wake up to the fact, that not listening to ourselves while we speak, is problematic, as it prevents laughter. Of course, we can and should listen to ourselves, while we speak, so we are able to engage in Embodied Language (EL) and acquire mankind humor, that will save us from immanent doom.


All human societies have language, and, in every civilization, people communicate a full range of experiences, including laughter. However, there is real and phony communication around the world, but we have never acknowledged the great difference between our DL and our EL, because everywhere – in societies that are governed by autocratic governments, but also in western democratic free societies – DL dominates. As a result, mankind is still busy with many wars and problems, as mankind humor is still unknown.  


Certainly, mankind humor, which needs ongoing EL, is the solution to all our repetitive problems, which are caused and maintained by our DL. If we can stop our DL and have EL, we are happy and free and both happiness and freedom are the ultimate goals for all of mankind. Moreover, the notion, that each person is an end in him or herself, only applies to EL, because in our usual, superficial DL, we only pay lip-service to such a lofty moral value. How can we recognize and honor the individuality and autonomy of others, if our own DL prevents us from being aware about our own uniqueness and freedom? With DL, no one can ever be an end to themselves, as their language prevents them from making their own choices and leading their own life.


In their habitual way of talking, human beings, around the world, attempt to use their fellow men as a means to their end. In effect, in DL, we try to dominate, force, intimidate, humiliate, exploit, distract or confuse others and in doing so, our unconscious use of our language elicits negative emotions, which are not conducive to laughter. Only EL elicits positive emotions, but since we are unknowingly trapped by our habit, we pretend as if our DL can elicit positivity. This ethnocentric, cultural-specific humor obviously is the big stand in the way for mankind humor.


We have – with our DL – prevented ourselves and each other from having mankind humor, because we were told to do as the Romans do, although we have, most likely, never really been in Rome. While our language is believed to have evolved at the same time, as our species, Homo Sapience, arose in Africa between 160.000 and 200.000 years ago, nothing has changed about our fear-based, primitive use of language, in which other-listening takes president over our ability to talk with and peacefully, joyfully, laughingly listen to ourselves.


Scientists – who, just like everyone else, mainly, unconsciously, engage in DL, every boring day – agree that laughter plays a crucial role in every culture around the world. Not surprisingly, they are still in the dark about why laughter exists. Laughter is undeniably a social phenomenon, since people laugh 30 times more together, in a group, than alone, but, since nobody has ever explored – as I have done – what humor is like with ongoing EL, the function of laughter as a form of communication remains mysterious. To someone like me, who has ongoing EL, there is nothing mysterious about laughter. Laughter – in EL – signifies we are experiencing, enjoying, our Language Enlightenment (LE), because we are, at long last, using our language effectively.  


Spontaneous laughter, which is unintentionally triggered by conversations or events, emerges in the first few months of life, even in children who are deaf or blind. Laughter not only transcends human cultural boundaries, but also species boundaries, too; it is present in similar form in great apes. Naturally, the principal function of laughter is survival, that is, creation and deepening of social bonds. We also laugh, when we are at ease and happy. If we all have EL, we experience mankind humor.


We can only understand mankind humor with our ongoing EL, which makes us acknowledge that our common sense is essential for our survival. With DL, we lack this common sense. Surely, our survival is at stake, if we don’t stop our DL. DL is no longer working as it used to, in times, in which our institutions of authority were trusted and supported by people. We are now experiencing the final days of our DL, but we don’t know this yet. Only mankind humor can help us to accept this reality, which challenges us to develop our EL.  


The outcome of the debate, which is going to take place this week between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, will be determined by who is able to properly address the great importance of mankind humor. I have, so far, not been able to laugh even once about Joe Biden, but, luckily, Donald Trump makes me laugh all the time. The future of America, but also of mankind is at stake and I am ready for a good doses of mankind humor. If all of mankind laughs, we are really moving forward.

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