Friday, June 14, 2024

 Nuclear Humor,


This isn’t funny. At this very moment, a fleet of Russian warships – including a nuclear-powered submarine – entered Cuban waters, which is 90 miles from Miami. Is this a reenactment of the of JFK’s Cuban missile crisis? This show of force is meant to be a warning to the Biden administration, which, with its Ukraine-stance, is keen on reviving the Cold War. Does take a nuclear threat, to wake up America and reject the Democratic morons?


While overpaid Pentagon employees are taking another race-baiting course in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), they are, simultaneously, insidiously, waging a proxy war with Moscow. However, it isn’t Democratic stupor, it isn’t even politics, but it is our common, unconscious, by the Left and the Right accepted, stupid way of talking, which I call Disembodied Language (DL), which is creating this seismic threatening event.


Back in the days, phony, bravado-actor Ronald Reagan, who definitely had more presidential capacity as sloppy Joe Biden, made the famous, off-the-record, joke, in the final sentence of his radio address to the American people: we begin bombing in five minutes. Although, there was a threat of nuclear war with Russia, Americans were collectively holding their breath, that is, they were, still somewhat, on the same page.


Putin – who is much smarter than most people are willing to admit – instructed propagandists on TV, to let people know, nuclear war is fine, because patriotic Russians will go to heaven, while the rest of mankind will be wiped out. It is said, heaven heard about it and immediately applied to NATO. This joke is especially funny in the light of an entire wiped-out generation of young, overly zealous, Ukraine men, who are applying from heaven. What is the only thing round earthers have to fear? Nuclear war will flatten things pretty quickly. Hahaha, aren’t you having fun yet? How about acknowledging that in DL, you use your language incorrectly? Yes, this is no joke, it will stop you from laughing.


During your ongoing Embodied Language (EL), you will find out, you have never really laughed as long as you were still habitually engaging in DL. Besides, there is nothing to laugh about, when one so-called expert has said, there is an unprecedented seemingly almost concerted effort to bandy around and to play fast and loose with rhetoric of World War III and nuclear strikes. We need to urgently address our dumb DL, so let’s get to it. You probably don’t believe me, what I say about the seriousness of our DL, that’s fine, but on Russian TV, pundits are joking about how long it takes for a ballistic missile to reach London, Berlin or Paris. They are literally laughing at Europe and their eerie estimates are accompanied by a graphic, showing the trajectories that Moscow’s intercontinental ballistic missiles would take to reach the capitals of European nations that supply Kyiv with the most military aid. Zelensky is at every international meeting and America is paying, while the border with Mexico is wide open. Oh, is this not happening? Oh, is this a nuclear joke?


Do you want to hear a Russian joke? Trump has become the president again and Putin calls the White House. Says Vladimir: congratulations my friend, but Donald, I would now like to discuss Ukraine with you. Says Donald: what is Ukraine? Say Vladimir: thanks Donald. Just imagine, such jokes hurt anyone’s woke feelings? Where can they go to complain and protest? For crying out loud, it has to be a free Western Democratic society. Putin made a nuclear joke suggesting that all the great Russian patriots would go to heaven as martyrs, while everyone else would just drop dead. Now the West is worried that he wasn’t joking. Biden and those who support him, are very clear on that, that he isn’t joking. He – and the media – says so in every sentence.


With DL, we have been making bizarre jokes about everything imaginable and let’s face it,  our so-called humor hasn’t saved us from a nuclear annihilation. While Putin jokes, Biden calls him very dangerous. Putin laughs and says: I did that to alarm you, but Biden says – for the fifth million time – I’m not joking. Okay, how about having some EL? How about cutting the crap, which isn’t funny and have some real fun? I will happily talk with Joe and Vladimir and tell them to stop posturing and trying to be funny.          

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