Sunday, June 9, 2024

 Lack Of Laughter,


The common lack of laughter, which seems to be spreading like some kind of virus, is caused by something, which most people don’t even dare to talk about. I have no problem talking about it and that is why I can write about it.


In my opinion, the almost permanent absence of laughter, in every part of society, is the result of the way of talking, in which we supposedly are funny. Unless we say something funny, we are not allowed to speak about the obvious lack of humor, which signifies that we are suffering.


We have become so used to and conditioned by the, presumably, funny talk, that we are unable to acknowledge the terrible consequences of our superficial behavior. Of course, there is a way back to experiencing laughter again, but unless language itself becomes more enjoyable, it will continue to do the exact opposite.


This text, these words, pave the way, so to say, to restore our ability to laugh. You may wonder: how is that supposed to work? Such as question is only relevant, if you answer it yourself. Don’t let anyone else’s answer spoil your fun. Even asking the question to ourselves is already funny, because who is asking who?


It may seem as if the not funny part, is asking for some explanation from the funny part, but that raises the question: what is it like to have fun by ourselves, with us? It is clear that the presumably funny part doesn’t deliver and has been out of order for a long time.


We can ask ourselves until we are blue, but it doesn’t make us laugh. Asking ourselves is as bad as asking someone else to make us laugh, because asking ourselves didn’t work either. Actually asking ourselves is worse than asking someone else, because someone else may still succeed in getting us to laugh, because we have never succeeded in making ourselves laugh.   


Where does this leave us? If we can’t ask others to make us laugh, if we cannot ask ourselves to make us laugh, how are we supposed to laugh? Now, our laughter or rather the absence of our laughter, has really hit rock-bottom. This is what is really absolutely needed, to recover from our addiction to and infatuation with fake-humor.


It isn’t all that bad, not to laugh and to simply admit, that you have failed and to acknowledge, that you no longer want to keep doing, what you have always been doing, which is: pretend.


When we are unhappy, we want to be happy, but when we are happy, we don’t want to be happy, because we are already happy. In the same way, we want to laugh, when there is, in fact, nothing to laugh about, because when we really laugh, when we are having fun, we are not really looking for something to laugh about.


When you realize, you don’t want to do, what you are doing and what you have been doing, you will begin to try to not do it anymore. It is already so much better, to be without laughter, than to be all worked-up, distracted, scattered or overwhelmed by what you called laughter, but which was, in reality, a form of self-denial.


Let’s be clear, by not laughing, you have become true to yourself. Moreover, the joy of being real is more valuable than your idiotic infatuation with false laughter about nonsense, which hasn’t anything to do with you.


Surely, you are onto something and what you need to do, is follow this thread, to where it is going. You don’t give up on this inclination, as you are convinced this is leading somewhere. Although you are without laughter, you are also without fear. This is fascinating, as you realize that what went on, in the name of humor, has always continued your fear. You still can clearly remember, your old belief, that humor would, presumably, help you overcome your worries and problems, but now you know, it wasn’t so.


Fear has always prevented you from laughing and now you can laugh – if you want to, if you feel like it, if you get the joke, if you admit what a fool you have been – organically, at your own pace, about this process of awareness, in which language sets the stage for your happiness.


There’s no pressure, you take your time, and, yes, the joke is on you, so you explore your own words, you experience your own sound, and you feel as if laughter is like something delicious in your mouth and you get a taste of your own humor.    

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